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This holiday season, shenanigans will ensue. Join the gang for a jolly old time. |
Chatoru's Alchemy Trials (2015) Extra Episode 01: Days of the Seasons It was a cold winter's night as the crowd roared in excitement. Harmony of electronic and metal fused together as God's Divine's show was coming to a close. Chatoru heard the sustain of guitars and keys as a wave of cymbals rolled in. She looked one last time at the crowd with the happiest smile she had given in years before looking back at her bandmates as ChaosReacon signaled for the outro of their encore with his hi-hats. The final notes commenced as the crowd screamed in unison with the band, "TIDAL WAVE! ENTROPY!!" The final chord from the guitars rang throughout the stadium as the audience went nuts with their cheers and applause. Each member placed their instruments down as the ten members regrouped at the front of the stage surrounding Chaos as he shouted, "TOKYO DOME!! We had a great time tonight! And we hope you all did too!" Another surge of energy overcame the crowd as Chaos finished, "Stay safe this holiday season! WE ARE!?" The crowd began to chant the band's name as the ten-piece act all took a bow before turning around for the photographer. Snow filled the air as God's Divine opened the door to their home as Joushi shouted with excitement, "WHOOOH!! What a way to end the fucking year!" "Geez," Yomi replied following the new drummer into the house, "there's no holding back your language, is there, Joushi?" Before Yomi could even react, she felt a hand grip her ass as an after image of the dark-haired drummer disappeared into black flames, only to hear the words giggling behind her, "Hell no!" Girlish shrieks broke out as the rest of the band and friends came into the warm house. "Joushi!" Chatoru called out as both the Ghost and herself entered in, "Settle down!" "Aw," the drummer pouted adorably as she turned to face the two before having arms wrapping around her chest and squealing. "Don't worry, Chat-chan," Yomi remarked with a devilish grin. "We can handle ourselves." "I'll show you!" Joushi laughed as she lifted Yomi onto her back and clasped the helpless girl's arms to her chest before running off deeper into the house before playful squeals could be heard. With a heavy sigh, Chatoru looked at all the couples in the room. Satsune cradled in her brother's arms, Cychron with his arm over a girl with pale skin and ash colored hair as he gave off his demonic smile and a bottle of sake at hand, Roger making a run for the stairs only to be chased after by a young fair-skinned girl with emerald hair and matching eyes while they looked with intention to maim after the rhythm guitarist. Meanwhile Eddie, Chris, Sam and their spouses went to the kitchen and brought everyone back a drink, just catching Joushi in time as she pulled Yomi back to the main room by the back of her panties. "Attention, everyone," Sam spoke as Roger was being dragged back to the main room by his ear from the emerald woman, "There may still be a week left until the new year, but I have to say that the concert tonight was the concert we were all hoping to end the year off." A round of clapping hands agreed as Sam continued, "These last few years may have been rough, but I think I'm safe to say that we all wouldn't have wanted it any other way." The emotionally stoned members of group themselves couldn't help but to smile. "But before we continue our celebration and go our separate ways for the evening, a toast," as Sam raised her glass up high, "to the friendships that have prevailed over the darkest days. To the successes we are to achieve in the future. And most important, to the moments like tonight that we are united and stand as one." "Cheers!" the room claimed in unison. "To a happy closing of 2019! And onward to make 2020 even better!" Conversations took over as Chatoru wiped a tear of joy from her eye. "Are you ok?" "Hm?" Chatoru looked up to the Ghost with a puzzled expression. He then calmly asked, "Was there something in your eye?" "Oh," as Chatoru repositioned her glasses, "No, everything's fine." She quickly downed her sparkling drink as she set the empty glass down. Giving his hand a quick squeeze before letting go, "I just need to head to the ladies' room. Ok?" "Ah," his cheeks turned red at the words. ChaosReacon stammered, "We-well, I'll be here when you come back then." Chatoru left his side with a warm smile as she walked to the second floor. He began to look around the room as he began to notice everyone in their own groups as he stood around awkwardly. "Jesus," he muttered, "26 and still not good with being alone in group functions..." Minutes went by as ChaosReacon began to walk around aimlessly as the others laughed with one another. He spotted Joushi through the crowd as she began to sneak up behind Satsune, "This can't be good," he thought out loud. "Hehehehe," she giggled to herself as she craned her hands menacingly as she eyed the pink-haired drummer's skirt. "And here we..." Joushi whispered as she reached into Satsune's skirt and fished around for a handful of cotton as Satsune gasped, catching on to what was about to happen. Got'cha! Joushi's thoughts screamed as she reeled back her arms into the air with pink panties in tow. "GOOO!!!" A blood curdling scream sent shivers down everyone's spines in ear distance as Satsune shrieked, "GOD DAMMIT!!" Joushi burst into laughter while Satsune stood there stunned as she could feel the pink material not only ripping through her ass, but also the leg-holes that began to creep their way into her mound. "Shit!" Cychron cursed as used his pinky to clean out his ear. "Are you turning into a banshee over there?" he joked with laughter in his voice. Satsune turned around with a grim expression as her eyes began to glow red as she asked hypothetically, "Are you ready, Joushi?" The dark-haired girl disappeared in a flash of black flames as silver highlights appeared through Satsune's lustrous pink hair. "Oh, God..." The whole room thought to themselves as a dark concentration of energy filled the area. "Ready or not," as she bared her fangs, "here I... COME!!" The space shook as the pink-haired drummer disappeared in a flash, only for everyone to hear cracks in the air as the two super-humans vanished and reappeared for brief seconds before-- "KKKKYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" The feminine wail could be heard from the basement as Satsune reappeared in the room elegantly as her eyes and hair returned to normal before revealing a triumphal smile. "So, I take it you won?" Chaos asked. Satsune only shook her head up and down as her smile transformed into a shit-eating grin. Chaos then asked with a sigh, "What the hell did you do to her?" "Oh, Joushi~!" she called, "Come in here and show the results~!" The once clean-kept, ponytail baring drummer had entered the room as everyone's eyes widen as they saw black hair messily spilled out from a green frilled waistband as it was hooked on top of Joushi's head. Not only that, but the front of the drummer's panties was stretched up and tucked under the A-cup feminine frame meanwhile the material tightened as it still lead towards the waistband of Joushi's skirt. But it wasn't the view of the outstretched underpants that gave Joushi weird glances, but it was for what would have been a pleasant smile if it weren't for the situation at hand. "God, damn," Joushi remarked, "I thought I would have made it with my undies intact." She then grabbed at the hem of her skirt as she made an awkward bow, "You win, Satsune-- Ow!" She slowly stood back up straight as it became obvious from her body's tightening posture the pain she was in. "Well then," as Sam cleared her throat, "Joushi, please make yourself decent. And let the festivities continue." The panty clad drummer saluted as she disappeared in black flames, but not before her face burned bright red in defeat and embarrassment. ChaosReacon looked around as he had noticed that Chatoru hadn't returned. "Is she alright?" he questioned. As he had muttered the words to himself, his phone began to vibrate in his pocket. The Ghost pulled out the cellular device with ease as he noticed it was a text from Chatoru. COME TO THE ROOM. I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU~ ![]() "A surprise?" as the silent drummer headed up the stairs to his room, "Huh, I wonder what it is." He began to open the door to the moonlit room as his jaw dropped at the sight. "Do you like the surprise?" Chatoru asked as she sat on the couch wearing a Christmas strapless dress, arm sleeves and white stockings. Her face lit up a light shade of pink as contour and blushes emphasized her femininity. Silent, the Ghost burned bright red as his body ceased in place at the door. Chatoru gave an uncomfortable chuckle as a new idea came to mind to bring her husband in. "Is..." as she raised her left leg onto the couch and hugged her shin, "...something the matter?" ChaosReacon quickly shut the door behind him as his eyes was taking the view all in. Eyes darting from head to toe, but couldn't resist the sight of Chatoru's dress elevating as shadows underneath began to reveal the crotch to her panties. "I-I, um... I'm-m, uh--" The Ghost stuttered as he tried to come up with the words he wanted to say. "No, no-nothing's the m-matter. Just--" "OH, MY GAWD~!" as Joushi appeared beside ChaosReacon with her hands clasped together as her face was filled with an adorable happy expression. "YOU'RE REALLY CUTE IN THAT~!" She practically squealed to Chatoru's amusement. "At least one of your personalities can form a sentence," Chatoru chuckled. Joushi began to squeal for joy before pouncing onto the couch and embraced the blond into her arms. "I kinda wish you could dress like that all the time!" Joushi shouted with glee. "Is that how you really feel?" Chatoru asked with a warm smile as the Ghost's face burned brighter while he tried looking away. "Y-yes..." "I'm glad," Chatoru closed her eyes in relief. "Now," as she looked at the two of them, "who's going first tonight?" "Eh~!" Joushi piped up in excitement as a trickle of blood came out of her nose. "Which one do you want to do it with first?" ChaosReacon asked. "Hmm," as Chatoru looked at Joushi intently. "I think I'll do it with him first." "Aw!" Joushi whined cutely. "--Because of the early Christmas present I have for you" "Huh?" Joushi looked confused at Chatoru before a seven-foot feminine robot with sky blue hair came up from behind Joushi and reached into her skirt. "AHHH!!!" she screamed as she was shot up into the air by the robotic maid before evaporating into black flames and reappearing behind the robot and hugging it at the waist. "I'll do anything you want, Master Joushi," the maid spoke profoundly. "To you and to me." Joushi giggled as she lifted the maid's dress to find panties that matched the robot's hair before immediately giving the maid a frontal. The maid moaned with ecstasy as Joushi's face lit up, "OH MY GAWD!! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT!" she screamed. "Thank you so much, my love!" as both her and the maid disappeared in a flash of black flames. "I knew you would love it," Chatoru smiled back. "And for you," as she turned to the Ghost and patted the seat next to her. "Come here~" ChaosReacon came and sat down as he looked to his wife as Chatoru got onto her knees on the couch and grabbed the hem of her dress. "Want a proper look beforehand? Before you or she wrecks them?" she asked as she winked at him. He only had to look at her hands before they began to lift the curtains revealing pure white bikini panties with black lace embordering the waistband and legholes while a black bow that sat at the top of the cute panties. "Very sexy," ChaosReacon whispered as his hands moved on their own as they caressed Chatoru's ass cheeks. The touch sent chills through the blonde's spine while she replied only with moans as she felt the soft cotton mold around her lower body. The Ghost's hands then began their work to the next stage as they clenched the back of the cloth and started the lingerie's journey through the womanly figure. Chatoru gasped only to giggle as she wrapped her arms around her lover. "Never without fail do my undies find themselves wedged up my ass," she softly spoke into his ear. He chuckled as he kept a steady pull, "You make it sound like you want it more often." "Well," as Chatoru moved her feet to the floor until she sat comfortably on the Ghost's leg, "I have gotten used to them being jammed up there ever since you guys came into my life." "I'm glad we feel the same on that," ChaosReacon grunted as he jerked her panties just under her shoulder blades, revealing her bare buns to the open air as her dress began to bunch up around her waist and spilt to the sides. With a yip to her voice, Chatoru held onto him as she began to moan and hump his leg. The Ghost couldn't help but feel the rush sensation as his body began to extend with each pull to his wife's undergarments. "Getting a little excited there, aren't you?" Chatoru giggled through her heavy breathing. And with a sly smile he replied, "Maybe a little." "Should we bring her into this?" As if it was right on cue, an eruption of black flames revealed quite a surprise to the couple as they saw the robot maid lifting Joushi by her panties into the room. Her pants were missing, though that didn't stop her from the beaming expression on her face. "Is it me time?" she asked as the lights of the night were dancing within her eyes. "Yes," Chatoru chuckled, "get over here for a gay old time." Joushi squealed with delight before the robotic maid dropped her to her knees. "Ow! That hurt," as Joushi tried to relieve the pain in her ass. "Take five, my lovely maid." The blue-haired maid bow as she disappeared into the black flames. "Alright," as Joushi looked over to her wife, "so how should we--" Joushi's eyes widen as she couldn't believe what she was seeing. "Cha-Chatoru!" she said with excitement, "You're wearing a thong underneath as well!?" "Thong?" ChaosReacon said confused as he let go of his wife's panties before leaning forward to see what his female counterpart was speaking of, "Really?" And there it was, a thong that rode higher into Chatoru's cheeks from the movement of the panties over top. "And it matches too~?" Joushi asked as she came in for a closer look. Chatoru giggled once more as she looked over to her husband, "Well, the cat's now out of the bag." "You're really being influenced by her, aren't you?" The Ghost joked. "Well," as Chatoru got on her hands and knees on the floor, "you're most likely to be inspired by those you love, right?" "Works for us," ChaosReacon calmly spoke as he felt hands working on undoing his jeans. Chatoru began to pull down her man's pants and dark colored boxers as she felt something was off as she turned around to see Joushi in a state of muse. "What~?" Chatoru asked with a coo. "Do I need to do something else to get you over here, my dear~?" as she began to sway her hips from side-to-side. "Sorry, Chatoru!" Joushi almost screamed over her embarrassment. Immediately Chatoru felt the feminine hands grip the soft cotton as it began to slide into her ass. "Good. Now are we read--IIIEEEEE!!!!" Chatoru gasped as she went to face her husband before feeling a sharp pain as her thong began creeping up her sides while she heard the masculine laughter. "Ready when you are," ChaosReacon and Joushi chuckled as they wedgied her in unison. Chatoru wasted no time as grabbed onto his man-sword and began to move her lips in a rhythmic manner with each pull that both of her panties were going in. Her body was lifted and brought back down onto the flooring as she began to moan uncontrollably. Joushi then lifted Chatoru up with all of her might as the Ghost gasped for whatever air he could grasp while he pulled back on the sides of her thong like reins on a horse. Chatoru's muffled screams sounded like a symphony to Joushi as she wished for the same to be done to herself. All three began to be weary as they began to relax their bodies. The Ghost was the first let go of his grip on Chatoru's underwear before collapsing deeper into the couch as the sound of the cotton clothing snapped back close to its original placement. The blonde-haired woman began by clearing her throat as she retracted her lips for air before looking up at her man as she smiled back feeling satisfied with her skills. That satisfaction didn't last long as she felt hands grabbing her panties once more as her body tried to escape the foreign feeling. Joushi began to giggle behind her as Joushi knelt down on the hardwood flooring. "What?" the black-haired drummer asked, "Were you wanting your undies to still be wedged up your ass? I was just wanting to fix them for you." Chatoru smiled once more as she looked back at Joushi as she giggled, "We both know you are just going wedge them back up later tonight." Joushi only replied with a childish grin as she knew she had been found out. Chatoru turned around to Joushi as she asked, "Are you wanting to have a go now?" Joushi let Chatoru's underwear snap back as she wrapped her arms around her lover's shoulders before planting a kiss to her lips. Before Chatoru kissed back she curled her fingers on the drummer's green panties as she brought the soft material to the drummer's shoulder blades, forcing her to arch her back as she continued her muffled laughter. Joushi moved her left arm back as she fought for control over her undies, but Chatoru carried on as she kept the material tighter as the green fabric stretched ever closer to Joushi's head. "Hey! What the hell!?" Joushi giggled. "You started out crazy," Chatoru giggled as she let the panties snap back as Joushi arched her back more with a yip. "Let's get the bed ready firs--" But as she looked back to the couch the back support was lowered already, "You guys sure beat me to the idea." "Of course," Joushi happily chirped as she wrapped her arms around Chatoru again. "Being the same person, the ability to create more than one body and having the mental connection makes these situations a hell of a lot easier." "Alright," Chatoru surrendered with a smile as she sighed. The couple got up and moved onto the futon bed as Chatoru said, "But I also have something important to say to you two before we carry on." "And what's that?" Joushi asked while tilting her head to the side with curiosity. Black fire began to construct a body as it morphed into ChaosReacon, "Sounds pretty big that you want both personalities present." The flames dissipated as the Ghost slid his hands into his jean pockets. "Yes, it is." Chatoru looked up to him before she took a deep breath, "You may want to sit down for this." "Alright," as he took a seat right next to his wife as he looked at the two women. "So, what's the big news, Chatoru?" The room was silent as Chatoru struggled to figure out how she wanted to tell them. As she looked to the Ghost as his face lit up in the full moon light while she began to blush. "I'm pregnant..." The soft sounds left the Blonde-haired girl's mouth as time felt like it had stopped. "You're..." the Ghost mumbled as his facial expression widened, "You're not joking? Right?" Chatoru only swayed head from side-to-side as tears formed around her eyes. ChaosReacon first bent over as he cupped his face before he chuckled to himself. Chatoru felt a hand touched hers as she turned to face Joushi. "It-it's ours..." as Joushi looked as if she was about to cry on the spot, "...Right?" "It's ours," as Chatoru closed her eyes and graciously smiled back. Joushi then placed her hands on her face as tears turned to streaks. "W-we did it!" Joushi wept as she began to choke up with emotions. Chatoru returned her gaze back to the man of her life. "Well?" she asked, "Tell me what you're thinking." "The day I've longed for, after all this time..." Chatoru was then embraced strongly into his arms as he said, "The time has finally come... Something I feared my body could no longer do..." Chatoru hugged back before being clomped from behind as she felt Joushi's hand on her belly. "Welcome to the family, offspring," Joushi whispered. Chatoru almost broke out laughing as she replied, "I'll have to do some more research about it, but I don't think he or she will hear you yet. I'm still only in the early phases of pregnancy." After what had felt like a peacefully eternity, ChaosReacon crackled into black flames as he said, "Well, I did promise Joushi she could take possession tonight. So have fun, you two." Chatoru's grip loosened under the ghostly frame as she heard his voice whispered, "I love you." Chatoru placed her hands down to turn around while she spoke softly, "I love you too. Always." To her surprise Chatoru found Joushi to almost be face into her boobs as she continued to feel Chatoru's belly. Chatoru smirked as she brought Joushi's head between her breasts as she asked, "Shall we continue?" Joushi chuckled as she reached behind Chatoru and began to lift her skirt. "I'll be gentle to the mother of my child tonight, if that's ok with you." Her hands found their prize as the gripped the frilled waistband once more before lightly sliding the legholes deeper into the blonde's soft cheeks. Chatoru blushed as she smiled on, "Oh, how lovingly of you~" THE END - Extra Episode 01 (Days of the Seasons) |