Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2112554-The-Bear-Rug
Rated: XGC · Poetry · Erotica · #2112554
will you be mine
The Bear Rug
You sit at your throne atop looking down from the dais, at the bottom steps downward at me. The room lite lightly with many candles. Your candle lit shadows across your face as flusteration shows to your body's movments. You sigh deeply again and ask the same question that has been the subject of this days intensty.
Give to me what I know is mine freely. Trust me and the protection I shall bring to thee. I shall not hurt thee for I need you. I must have this. Open your gate to me Milady. I whipser looking downward. I... I...I am. Suddenly you interupt. Your aggervation now has reached to its end of this long drawn converstaion of tyring to allow me to see and give freely. Enough! I shall take whats mine and show you what is yours!

You stand from your throne, holding out your hand for mine as I stand before you. Desending to me, taking hold of mine. Holding mine with your grip tighly, with a a little jerk, you slitghly pull at me to come. Walking me to the center room where a beautiful aerial Bear rug lays. I look up at a beautiful single long silk scarf hanging from the ceiling to end, piling in the center of the bear rug elegantly. A single tiny table sits aside slightly from the Rug itself just to the shadows.
On it, four things...

A single beautiful rose wrapped in thick leather. A coiled winding long leather whip. A candle with matches. And a Bottle of Corked Wine.

Your hands lovingly pull me closer to the long scarf. You walk around me slowly in one complete circle ending back behind me. Your hand touches my sides of my hips laying softly over my silk gown. You kiss the back of my head and I hear you breath deep inward the scent of my hair as you nuzzle your face in it. Then you Slide your fingers upward slowly to my shoulders then back down my arms, moving to my hands. Then again Trailing your fingers gently back upward again, sliding your fingers under the tiny straps. I shiver as You slowly slide them down off my shoulders and down my arms, pulling each hand lose from the straps allowing the fabric to rest lazy on my hips. Then you encircle me again to face me.

My eyes bolt downward with a blush hiding my face and my arms come upward crossing over my exsposed flesh. You bend down a bit to look at my hidden face and smile at me softly. You gentle lift my face to yours. Then running a finger slowly over one crossed arm to the wirst you unfold it placing it to my side softly. Then again the same with the other. Looking deep into my eyes you boldly run your fingers over my breast. Tracing the curves and the circles. Slowly moving over the erected nipples responding to your touch. My chest rises and falls at your touch. And You smile down at me. You fallow downward over the top of the silky fabric that lays there over the flat path of my stomach to my hands. Taking them you lift them to your lips kissing each one. Then lifting them high over my head you place the scarf around my tiny wrist. Learning close to my neck you kiss there. Gently kissing my collar bone. Then move your lips upward to my ear and whisper... Do not move my beauty!

You lift my chin and kiss my nose, then walk to the table. My eyes fallow you as far as they can. My face almost looks back over my shoulder to try to watch you. Standing tall, You remove your shirt with your back to me. Dropping it to the floor. I can hear you strike a match as you light the candle. Picking up the bottle I can hear you with your teeth pull the cork, spit it out to the floor and then watch you drink from it deeply. Then the creaking of slowly unwinding the whip. Passionately. Slow. Caring. Loving even. Then nothing... the moments intense with silence as your body stands there with your bare back to my some what of a side vision. I quickly look back foward with a hard swallow. Uncertiny screams inside of my body yet no words come forth to hear.

I lick my lips as you walk out of my sight, more behind me. I hear you approach me standing quietly behind me for what seemed a eternity. I clear my throat and start to whisper to you.

You stopped me suddenly with a roughness that shocked me as you grab the silk that was laying low on my body and rip it off me. It hits the floor in shreds. Only a moments thought to its once beauty... as you grab around my waist with one arm and begin to spank my rounded bottom three times wit your other hand! I almost whimper biting my bottom lip to the shock and to the new stinging hand prints to my flesh! You bark at me! Did I say speak!!! Your hand swats twice more! Then you say... This is MY hand print to your ass.. NO ONE ELSE shall be there! I swallow hard my bottom lip quivers as you release your hold from around my waist. And hear you repeat once more. NO ONE ELSES...

Your foot steps trail away, then back before me. I look at you standing before me. You lift my chin higher, looking into my wet eyes running a finger over my lips you ask? Are you mine? I will make you mine. You will become mine.
Then you turn and walk to the table. Again your bare back is all I can see. I can hear you take another long drink and then sit the bottle down. I hear your steps behind me. And again my chest begins to rise and fall.

Standing behind me, I then Feel Your hand loveingly stroking my long hair many times caressing it. You again then place your face in it and breath inward. I hear you moan to its scent and then taking my hair you gather it in one hand gently twisting it around your hand. Without jerking or roughnes, You softly pull my head back a bit. Then silence give ways to the sudden burn of tiny wax drips down the front of my shoulder and over my chest and breast as my head leans back, closing my eyes to the gentle burning marring. My head leands back against your chest as I inhale deeply. You kiss the side of my head and You say. These mars are mine. No one elses. No one shall see these marrs but your Sire! No one elses shall touch these marrs but your Sire. With a quick gentle head shove back upward. You almost yell! NO ONE ELSE.... I hear you walk away. I open my eyes Turning my head toward the steps I then hear you drink again from the bottle.

The room goes quiet again. For some time now and you are not in vision when I look back over my shoulder. I look foward with a uncertainy of this long silance. Only sounds are my raspy breaths as I inhale and out. Then snap... quick and light to my flesh. Taking my breath away suddenly. The nothing for A moment given to inhale. Then again she sings against me a second time. My breath quickens with each. As my chest rises and falls seeking insurance for the next breath being taken away with the sting. After her song of three even my hair pulled with her tangled as she reals back from my flesh... I moan out a bit and almost pray under my breath. A breath that trembles and then silence. Suddenly is the only thing heard in the room is your foot steps again. My bodys shocks trembles hard. My lips quivers as tears peek the outer corners of my blue eyes. I grip the scarve for strength.

I feel Your hand move my hair over my shoulder and Suddenly I suck inward hard, shock gives way as I feel the wine poured over my back, over the whips mars, Your gentle hand traces the red marks. Gliding fingers through the wetness that stings my flesh. I hear you sit the bottle on the floor. You come closer and kiss my shoulder and neck. Trailing your lips down a bit over a few strap marks that were a bit to deep. You kiss them gentle and trace a finger over them. Then kiss the back of my neck and whisper to my ear. These marks... They are put there by me. They are my mark! I tremble and quiver so hard My hands grip the scarf to make sure my knees will not buckle. But my inside scream for you. My inside thighs, tale tale signs wanting to give ownership.

You walk around me. Standing before me, Looking at me you lift my chin to you and kiss me passionately. Whispering upon my lips, YOU tell me... I will collar you. You will take my collar. And you will wear it.. I will protect you and You will vow and knee before me, for You are MINE.

Your eyes never leave mine as You reach up and un tie the scarf bounding my wrists. My arms drop a bit quick. And I look downward. I rub my wrist at the marks made from the scrave. You walk to the table then back in front of me. I watch you take the rose that's bounded in leather. You unwrap the leather from the rose. And hold out the rose to me. I slowly reach out and take the rose, closing my eyes, bringing it to my nose I inhale its perfect sent. I hear you ask?

Kneel for me. Kneel before me. Kneel to me, I ask thee? I open my soft eyes and look up at you as Your hand goes out to steady me to kneel for you. Holding it out ward ,You look at me for my answer. I stand looking at you for sometime... then...

I slowly reach outward and lay my hand in yours. You steady me as I kneel before you upon the Bear rug that has bared witness to all this night. I look upward to you and You smile at me. Walking around me. You take the leather that once wrapped the rose and unfold it to it revel its true nature.
You kneel behind me and kiss the back of my neck and slowly wrapping the beautiful leather collar around my tiny neck, latching it.

You kiss my shoulders and nip and bite them. Your hands roam the front of my tummy sliding upward to under cup my breast. Your suck upon the base of my neck leaving a deep sucked mar there. Sliding Your hands to my back and shoulders, trail downward running over the red marks to my backs newly marked flesh then back upward. Laying kisses to my flesh hungryly like and releived to have your food now. You softly push me forward over on all fours. I hear you unbutton your pants.

You ask? Are you mine? I tremble as I muted a muffled answer. You order, Louder! You ask again. Are you mine? I whisper almost breathlessly! Yess.. Suddenly you demand, Louder! TELL ME YOUR ARE MINE! Then with a bold strength I answer strongly... Yes Milord! I am yours! You plunge your thrust into me almost before my last syllable passes my lips.. and You say...
Yes! Yes your are mine!

© Copyright 2017 MiChele O (ladyverdandi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.

© Copyright 2017 Michele Orman (micheleorman at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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