Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2111523-Under-the-Cherry-Blossoms
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Drama · #2111523
A girl has a problem and seeks help from her Uncle

Cherry blossoms, once thick on the trees, now litter the waterfront path like confetti after New Year's Day.

The staccato drum beat of footfalls echo in the park revealing a natural beauty with a radiant, friendly air. On all counts, she was the spitting image of her mother.

Upon spotting me on the bench, she waved excitedly, "Hi Uncle Marty!" The 'Uncle' may be honorary, but we're as close as blood.

"Hi Jess!" I said, standing to hug her.

"Did mom tell you what's going on?" there was a sheen to her eyes. She'd been crying.

"Yeah, Jess, she did." I replied softly, trying to keep the smile in my voice. I had learned everything the night before; Jessy is pregnant with Derrick's child, and the abusive prick is nowhere to be found.

"What should I do?" her face was a mask.

I sat her down and told her about this student I hired a couple of decades back. She had an abusive boyfriend that evaporated at the word 'fatherhood'. Unlike Jessica, her parents were staunch Catholics who would never consider medical 'alternatives'.

"I listened to her story as she tore herself apart daily. I took her to the clinic whenever she needed. I truly believed that an abortion was her best shot." I idly twirled a fallen flower with my fingers. "I even took a day off so I could drive her in for the procedure, but she decided not to go through with it."

"How did it all turn out?" she asked with brimming eyes.

I gave her a sly smile. "It turns out I was wrong. She had a wonderful baby girl," I gave her a direct look, "and that pretty child calls me 'Uncle' and we sit under the cherry trees whenever she needs to talk."

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