Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2111307-Back-HomeCh4-Raw-Draft
by LycanZ
Rated: E · Fiction · Sci-fi · #2111307
In the 25th century, we lost mother Earth and we've been enslaved by a higher civilization
Ch.4 Another Soul

The uniform was a little big large than Chris thought. Chris was not strong enough to hold this uniform, made he looked like a kid stole his father's cloth; however, it prefect matched his station, a capital who just woke up from a long term coma. Chris was nerves as hell, he was nobody, never been in the air before, especially the universe board. Linda sat next to him; she held Chris' left hand trying to get him some comfort. Chris saw Linda wore delicate make-ups making her looked young and elegant than usual; this actually was the first time Chris saw Linda with make-ups, he could not believe how beautiful she was. Adair wore the almost same suit with one less star on his shoulder strap sitting next to Chris, his eyes were cold, and his back was straight, like a lifeless sculpture.

Chris was a little afraid of Adair; he was a real solider who attended the war with Czochralski and saw many lives passed in that battle. Chris felt Adair had an emotionless, cold heart.

"Here is your lines." Adair pointed the glass screen in front of them, Chris looked up, and the lines he practiced this all afternoon were all showing on it. Chris glared at Adair; he did not understand why Adair asked him to remember all these lines if you could just easily see them on the screen.

When they in the air, all the screens even in the virtual world was reporting it, all people who did not sleep watched it; It was the biggest new in years. When the report finished, all the stations' people hailed, loud and happy. However, not all the people were exciting about this news, at least a group of people who in the Gaea was upset about the news.

"Ares Simon now returned, what should we do?" The same room, same people, one man asked, but no one answered. Things were out of their control. First, they lost Linda, then Adair found Ares, now, all people were cheering.

"We need to wake him up now; it is our last chance." A deep voice echoed in the room, people started talking, but no one gave any clear opinion. It was too risky. Thus no one wanted to put this responsibility on his shoulder.

"Ares has incredible appeal; we cannot let them manipulate us." The voice posed a while and raised a little, "or you guys want to fight back to Earth?" Gave up all these powers and wealth which they fought for years, and fought with a strong, mystery enemy just trying to get back to a dying planet? The room silenced, no one told anymore, they seemed all agreed to wake this mystery person up.

When Adair shut down the signal, Chris wiped the sweat on his frontal eminence. He had never felt this nerves before, his sweating on the back wetted out his uniform leaving a green mark. Even he had practiced for a whole afternoon, Chris still made a lot of mistake during live, he felt awful. However, Adair thought it was prefect, the unfit uniform, the sweating, and that broken speaking made people believed that Ares just woke up from the coma, it also would buy them some time to figure out what was the next step.

Chris felt so tired physically and emotionally, too many things happened in a day, he could not handle them all, now he just wanted a good sleep and hoped all these madness were just a dream.

When Linda gave Chris a good night kiss, Chris felt extremely uncomfortable, almost wanted to vomit. He did not know what to think about Linda anymore, his mother or another title that he did not want to mention; it was so insane. Linda was a lady of sense; she knew Chris struggled with this situation right now, and probably did not want to see her. After a kind kiss, Linda left quickly and left Chris alone in the capital's room.

Chris sat in the coach; eye closed, his brain was a storm, he could not believe he was fake, all these things were fake, no one cared about him, the only they wanted was just Ares, including Linda. Chris felt lonely, belonged to nowhere, he wanted to cry, and the tear dropped on the carpet before he realized. All the good memories with Linda flashed back, from he was a child to celebrate when he got an S class spaceship license.

Chris did not know how Linda considered him these years, maybe when he was young the relationship between him and Linda was pure, just 'mother' and 'son,' but when the time passed he grew up looking exactly like Ares, Linda maybe had some mixed feeling about Chris.

Now all the things made sense, why Linda always mixed up his birthday, why he felt Linda was looking at another man when she looked at him. These information made Chris a headache, he tried to avoid but he could not, it was always in somewhere in his head recalling anytime.

Chris did not know when he fell to sleep, when he woke up it was already afternoon, either Linda or Adair came to visit, even they did Chris was not sure he had the mood to see them.

The capital apartment was huge, bigger than the apartment Chris shared with Linda, with some amazing devices. It was the first time Chris in this room, but somehow he felt like he knew this place for a long time. Chris stood in front of a door, it was at the left side of the apartment, the only room that Chris had not seen yet. Chris already stood here for a while, for some reasons Chris felt he should not open this door, he did not know where he got this feeling, probably a dvu from Ares. It made Chris felt sick, he was who he was, and he did not want to be someone else.

But when Chris opened that door, he felt he should listen to his heart for this once. The room was well decorated, had a nice bay window with a great view, it seemed just a nice room, but there was a beautiful crib in the middle of the room, it was a baby's room.

An unknown sorrow filled Chris' heart; he looked around, all the walls were hand painted looked unprofessionally but warm and sweet. He could feel how exciting Ares and Linda want a new life to join to the family. Chris back out the room, the auto-door closed slowly and silently. After checked rooms, Chris felt worse; he did not know what he should do now.

In the commander room, it was bossier than usual. Found Ares was just the first step, there were way more things need to prepare, and also since everyone knew Ares back, the government has been silenced for a while. It was not their style, they did not just let Adair took the advantage, Adair felt something would coming for him soon.

Adair's presentiment was right, just a day after, the government made their move. That was a media session too, the major information was chapter Ares back to planet Gaea for his recovery, the government tried to take the lead, Adair understood that, but what real shocked him was in that session, he saw Ares Simon sat next to Mr. Flagg the biggest enemy.

Looked like after Linda stole the clone from them, the government cloned Ares again; Linda warned Adair this could happen. She did not have enough time to destroy all Ares DNA at that time, escaping from Gaea was hard enough for her. Adair understood it, the reason government ask Linda to help cloning Ares was she was the only one that may has Ares' DNA sample, the explosion of that spaceship was major, they could not find any DNA samples.

However, right now it was not the major issue that bothered Adair, the major issue was how to successful cross through an unstable wormhole without Ares' guide. 28 years ago, Ares found an unstable wormhole in the border of galaxy Yz, it was a high galaxy not inside any civilizations' border.

Ares loved adventure, an unstable wormhole may has some mystery treasures, it attracted Ares' attention. One day Ares flied into the wormhole by himself with a T3 Hybrid class frigate, that was the most development frigate, the crystallization of technology, that was the craziest thing, but once Ares made decision no one could change it.

And Ares did find the treasure, the biggest treasure, a way home. That unstable wormhole had multiple exits that connect with dozens of galaxy or star system, and one of star system it connected was Canis Major, one of closet star system to the solar system at distance of 8.4 light year. 8.4 light years away was less than half hour traveling with lv 9.6 Alcubierre drive, and if we used this wormhole wisely, we could thump Zerger and got away. With this wormhole, we could make miracle.

However, due to it was an unstable wormhole, some of exits may lead the whole fleet to abyss, we needed to make a map of this wormhole so we did not lost inside.

The best way to plot this map was flying into the wormhole, we could not just send drones and let them do it for us, but the government abandon this mission. They had no interest about this wormhole, and they did not want to anyone know it, thus they could have a perfect excuse that our solar system was too far away, without wormhole station we could not reach to there.

The plotting was secret, Ares spent years alone flying in and out to finish this wormhole's map, and he kept it in a he called, safe place. "When two suns merge, goodness Nemesis will open her wings, and bring us the bloody justice." Ares loved making his logogriphs, Adair remembered he asked Ares where he kept the map in Ares' bachelor party, but Adair was drunk and totally forgot. Now he needed to pay for his action to solve the logogriph that Ares left.

Adair had no clue of this logogriph, and he has been working on it for many years. Before this logogriph, Adair used to love Ares' logogriph, they were stupid but in a funny way. Now Adair hated it.

Chris did not expect any visitors, he was surprised to see Adair came to visit him, he thought they did not have a good connection.
Adair felt he was not welcome in here, but he had a question that need to ask

"How was your day? Did you feel familiar here?" Adair started a greeting, but Chris gave him a cold shoulder.

"Look, I know you are upset, but think about all these people, we finally find a way back home, we could not let them down. You lived in station Sirius, you saw how people straggling every day, don't you want to help them?" Adair tried to influence Chris, but Chris did buy it.

"Sorry, not my business, I am Chris not Ares, it is not my job to help all these people. And why you take the lead?"

"You don't understand, Ares is a legend, he never lost any fight against Czochralski, even in the hardest situation. He is Ares, the god of war, intelligent, cool and calm, he is the spirit of the whole fleet brought us courage and power." Chris saw Adair's eyes were shinning when he describing Ares, it kind made Chris nausea.

"So why you are here? I mean you already made your point last time no matter what I have to be Ares, so what you want now?" Chris did not want to be in a same room with Adair for a long time, Adair made him uncomfortable, especially now he knew Adair was Ares' craziest imitator.

"There was a logogriph that Ares left, it was the map of wormhole we need. However, I do not understand it, so I think maybe you will have some clues about it." Adair put his left hand on the glass table, and a three lines logogriph showed in front of Chris' eyes.

"Guess he did not real trust you either." Chris said to Adair with a hit of smile on his face, but Chris did not see Adair got mad or upset. He just looked at Chris directly like Chris did something embarrass.

Chris looked up this logogriph, twice, he did not say anything, but Adair got the answer on Chris' confused face. The clone did not have the host's memory, they are unique individuals with different characters. Adair knew it, but he hoped the clone would have some connection with the host, like the identical twins sometime could feel each other's feeling.

"When...suns...wings...the bloody justice..." Chris read it over and over again, he was lost in this logogriph, confused as Adair, but the more time he read it, the stronger feeling he had. He felt something, particularly when he read the two suns; there was a blurry picture in his mind, but he did not remember it.

"When two suns..." Chris closed his eyes, this sentence made the strongest influence of them all, Adair saw Chris' unusual, the hope spired up again. Chris felt a light, a bright light, but how it was possible, he closed his eyes. Then he felt a blue and a white light, and an intense emotion. Chris did not how to describe it, but that feeling swallowed him.

"Any clues?" Adair rushed Chris when Chris opened his eyes.
"lights, I saw the lights, there were two, blue and white, and then just one, and I felt something, something warm and special, but that were all." The emotion was strong, Chris still could feel it, and it was mixed with tear and jolly.

"Impressive! That was a great clue, the blue and white lights must be the two suns! A binary system with a white and a blue dwarf stars!" Finally, the first clue! Adair could not describe how exiting he was, if he was 20 years younger, he would jump around the room already.

A binary system was the first guess that Adair made, but there were millions binary system in the universe, but now with the clue of white and blue dwarf stars it definitely would give them a good lead.

Chris was glad to help at first, but when he heard Adair said "You are real Ares Simon." It destroyed all his good moods. This dvu provided that he real had a strong connection with Ares, why did not? After all he just a clone of Ares. Chris felt down, he used his hands to support his head, he started to feel his head became heavier and heavier.

"You ok?" Adair asked, he saw Chris did not feel well, "Do you need any medical support?" He did not want anything happen to Chris, that dvu made he believe even more about Chris.

"I am fine, now you got want to want, you should leave." Chris did not give Adair a good attitude, his headache was killing him, and he did not in a good mood.

"Ok, I will leave, just get some relax, you just had the connection with Ares, you need a full relaxing." Adair stood up, with the first clue came out, there would be a lot of things waiting for him to finish.

Chris did not heard the last sentence Adair said to him, he felt his eyelids became as heavy as his head, before he even noticed, he fell into total darkness.
When Chris woke up, he was in the hospital, and Linda was sitting next to him. Chris had not seen Linda in days, he did not know how to face her, but when he was her again, Chris naturally call her 'mom'.

"Yes dear, mom is here." Linda smiled to Chris, her finger touched Chris' face; a little bit cool but warmed Chris' heart.

"I do not want to be anyone else, I am Chris, I am your son...I..." Sick and ill would weak anyone, Chris felt scared, he knew he was passed out without any omen, which was not normal at all. And he felt Ares' emotion, the real Ares, like he was inside of him. That made Chris went crazy. Linda's comfort was exactly what Chris needed right now, he did not want to become another person, neither want people think him as another person.

"It is ok now, do worry, just relax." Linda gave Chris a big hug, the temperature of Linda's body calmed Chris down, "It was nature to have some sort of connection with him Chris, just like the twins could feel each other sometimes."

"So, I won't become Ares?" Chris asked.

Linda shook her head and gave Chris the answer he needed. Chris felt more comfortable than before, he just woke up, still felt a little sleepy, so after a hug, Chris went to sleep.

"Night my dear." Linda smiled, kissing Chris on his forehead, "Ares." A weird light inside of Linda's eye, but no one saw it.

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