What happens in Life |
The Aspects of Life!: Everyone in this world has a life. Life is like a rollercoaster with its ups and downs. A spiritual teacher called Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba or known as Swami has said "Life is a Game! Play it!" Whatever
happens in our lives at the end of the day is down to the decisions
we make dharm (good) adharm (bad). We must not waste it as Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has said "Time Waste, is Life Waste!" Some
Atheists believe there is no such thing as god and doesn't exist!
They may believe in the scientific versions of how life was created
like "The Big Bang Theory!" Charles Darwin's study of
"Evolution!" or Stanley L. Miller's theory of being parts of
DNA (Dexoyriboneulic Acid), RNA (Ribonucleic Acid), proteins and
molecules. Whereas some people are on the fence and are uncertain about whether god exists or not! But unfortunately nobody listens and are still living in the world of Maya (desire and illusion) and are trapped in the demonic quality gutter of life! However
people who are religious and spiritual believe that there's life
after death. Some
people can look into your horoscope and tell you about your past,
present, and future. But just be careful because some of their
information they tell you is false and a pack of lies! As life is
very unpredictable, as nobody knows what, where, when, or how their
life will pan out. Don't plan anything as if you want to make god laugh tell him your plans! Just be grateful that your life is a gift and that your still alive! We maybe born or brought up in different ways, cultures, have different sexual orientations or points of view. But
at the end of the day we're all students, and children of earth and
god including the animals and plants. How will you live yours! |