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A few meetings go differently than planned. |
Hannah stood behind Easy pressing her breasts into her back. Her arms reached between her wings to hold Easy by the wrists making sure they didn't move from where she wanted them. Leaning in close to whisper in her ear. “Steady girl. This takes practice and I intend for you to get it the way it's meant to be done.” “Yes, Hannah.” Easy replied in her own whisper. Keeping one hand on Easy’s wrists, Hannah moved her other to the waist and applied gentle but firm pressure to make sure the hips were where they were supposed to be as well. A quiet whisper told Easy she was ready. A loud bang sounded on deck and the target at the bow of the ship suddenly had a small hole in it. Not the most accurate pistol shot in the world but it was a sight better than the first one she had taken. Hannah stepped away allowing Easy to fire again without assistance. Still hitting the target but avoiding the circle painted on its centre. Six shots in her revolver fired, only one grazed the edge of the rather large red circle painted in the middle of the target board. “That's better than the last six,” Easy smiled. “At least you only hit the deck once. We still have that gunk we used to patch holes in the wood, so if Liddy hadn’t watch you put a hole in her boat she might not have noticed.” Mari informed as she sat on the bench with Liddy who gave her an amused look. Emma took aim herself under the instruction of Inky who kept her steady much like Hannah had done for Easy. Unfortunately for her, though, each shot was thrown off by her flinching at the anticipation of the shot. Yet she refused to let it scare her away from continuing with the training. Mari leant over to Liddy. “So how did the girls in the engine room fair? They locked themselves in, right? They know we have protection now?” “They seem ok. Or rather any issues they have are from before taking this job. Their door was already locked. They appreciate the fact that their protection is female, but honestly, they don't seem interested in socialising.” “The ship is filling up quickly. They won't be able to evade us for long. Plus Inky there was talking to Hannah about needing to be able to recognise who was supposed to be on the ship.” “Yes, she said as much to me. Everyone should. Now that we are in the air, maybe they will feel safe enough to come out and say hello.” Standing up Liddy winced at the stray shot from Emma sent bits of wood puffing up from where her bullet hit the deck. A mildly disapproving glance at Inky got a curt nod of understanding. Leaving her to it Liddy went downstairs and knocked on the door to the engine room. “Ladies. I know you value your privacy but it would be best if the crew could meet you at least once.” “Understood captain. Things in here need tending too at the moment but we shall make introductions soon.” “Of course. At your leisure.” Liddy knew when she hired them that they needed a gentle touch. It's not hard to imagine the hardships women face in professions that involve extended durations isolated with men. Inside the engine room, Aleera and her apprentice Marnika let out a sigh of relief. The captain had every right to simply barge in but refrained from doing so. The awkwardness of the captain seeing her engineer on her knees sucking the cock attached to her female apprentice would be extreme. Letting it slide back in her mouth Aleera gripped the rest of the shaft to gently massage it. Erect once again she stood and straddled Marnika who guided it inside her. Their breasts crushed against each other as Aleera worked her hips to feel the flesh of her lover sliding in and out of her. They kissed, letting their tongues play together. Aleera tried not to think of all the men who had taken their liberties with her simply because she was the only woman on their ship. Never saying no of course, since that would have led to them forcing the issue. Finding a ship exclusively hiring women was a mercy long due. Meeting Marnika had been happenstance. She had been looking for work when Aleera finally was able to walk away from her last job. New and nervous she asked for an apprenticeship. She explained to her that any ship likely to work on would expect things from her. Marnika got quiet and quietly explained she couldn't do those things. She didn't have the parts. That she badly wanted to be with someone but instantly rejected when she explained things to them. Aleera simply stated that she never wanted to be with a man again and a woman with a penis was exactly right for her. Now she felt it inside her like she did every day since they met. Marnika leant her backwards and slowly licked each of her nipples while gripping them tightly to keep her from falling off her lap. Aleera stroked the soft black hair of her lover as much to show affection as it was to keep herself stable. Suddenly picked up, she was quickly set down in the hammock they slept in. Marnika held her legs wide and thrust into her with more force than she could muster being on the bottom. Seeing Aleera’s breasts bounce each time she penetrated her. As she did so she thought about how lucky she was to have found someone who wanted what she could offer. Her dark skin had caused about as much misery in her life as the parts she was born with. Yet here she was with a pale skinned woman who was as delighted as she was to watch her dark black flesh pushing inside the soft pink lips of her own. The sight of herself disappearing inside the white woman over and over soon brought her to her fifth climax of the day. Aleera leant in for a deep kiss always wanting her mouth on her lover while seed flowed inside her. Finished they parted lips and caught their breath. “So are you ready to meet the crew?” Marnika asked. “Yes. It's about time and we can't hide here forever.” “Are you not afraid of them?” “I was, mostly at what could happen. But the captain has kept her word on only hiring women.” “What about me?” “As far as anyone else is concerned you are a woman. They won't know any different unless you have sex with them.” “I wouldn't do that. We are together.” “I know. But you know what they do? They are harlots. Sex is something casual for fun or paid work. They might try to seduce you. They sure don't shy away from fucking each other about as often as we do.” “Yes but my skin. And the rest of me.” “They don't strike me as the judgemental types. Plus your biggest problems are the things that turn me on the most.” Aleera said getting back on her knees to clean off her lover with her mouth. “I know. Maybe we base too much of our relationship on sex. Is there anything else between us?” Aleera was about to stop and respond when her mouth started to fill up with an erection. Working harder at it soon had it back to fullness. She turned around and got on all fours putting her bum in the air. Marnika smiled and slid back inside her. “I wouldn't be jealous if you took some of them as lovers. More people to show you how amazing you are and not that something is supposedly wrong with you. They have Emberborn on board without collars so I know they enjoy the uniqueness of some people.” Marnika grabbed Aleera by the dirty blond locks of hair and yanked them tightly while thrusting inside her. Knowing how much it hurt Allera’s breasts to dangle below her and bounce, she eased up so that the impressive tits didn't move as much. Her own were half the size but still full enough. She let go of her hair and held her by the hips to help them slam against her. Unable to hold off any longer she burst with another load inside Aleera leaning forward to lay her belly and breasts on her lovers back and reach under to grab her breasts. “Maybe I will. They might enjoy the feeling of a cock inside them without the men they are normally attached to, as much as you do.” “Either way, we should get dressed and present ourselves.” “One more round. I may have one man part but it doesn't mean I can't still keep cumming like a woman.” “Oh I know it, you just keep going. Put me on my back. I want to look you in your eyes when you mount me.” Rolling her over Marnika slid her cock over the massive white breasts covering them in their shared fluids until she was hard enough to press the tits together and fuck them like her pussy. The hefty shaft enough that Aleera was able to lick the head each time it thrust up between them. Meeting the crew would have to wait until a bit later. **** Back on deck, Liddy was greeted to the loud blast of a rifle being fired and the almost insane giggle coming from Easy as she held it. Inky was talking with Emma to the side going over her reaction to the pistol. With a few hand gestures, Liddy directed everyone into the lounge. Seated or standing, everyone listened. “Alright,” Liddy started. “I have eight bedrooms below decks and more women on this ship than I ever thought I'd have. Some of you are going to need to consider doubling up and some of you are going to be told to double up.” “My girls have lived in barracks half the size of those rooms so I can squeeze us all into them as tightly as we need,” Inky added. “Thank you. Anyone want to decide roommates for me?” “In a shocking revelation, Easy loves my tits and wants to use them as pillows. She bunks with me all the time already.” “Thanks, Mari, I assumed that would be the case. Hannah?” “I can claim Ving.” “I'd like that.” “Very well. Emma, I want you to keep a room to yourself. Everyone here knows you need your own space. That's three rooms. Inky I can hazard a guess that you would be better off in your own room?” “I'd appreciate that. I can cram 4 in one room and 3 in the other.” “Good. That leaves two empty rooms that I can fill next time Hannah or Mari goes off the ship.” “I've hit my quota already. Mari, you are so very far behind.” “Oh please, Liddy. Don't fire me. I promise I can still bring unexpectedly large numbers of sexy women back. Just give me a chance!” Liddy winced pinching the bridge of her nose as she smiled at Mari being ridiculous. “I’ve seen actual magic spells being cast that were less impressive than you two and your powers of finding sexy women. Now, the next item is security. Inky, do any of your girls actually want to see clients or no?” “None of them are strictly against the idea but probably a bit more picky about it than you would like.” “Seriously? All of you are willing to spread your legs for money? Getting on your knees? Nobody has a problem with this aside from what I assume is your preference for clients you find attractive?” “Well…” Foxy spoke up “I really want to have sex with other Emberborn but none of them can really afford to be clients. Are we allowed to just go out on our own?” “What you do during downtime off the ship is your call. Since you aren't hired as a harlot, I lose nothing, and who's gonna stop a soldier from having a fun time. I'm guessing you never got laid because you didn't want word of what you are getting back to anyone else in the military.” “That and going out in a gas mask tends to cause as much of an issue as being a fox so life has been rather limiting for me.” “Well, you are free to go out anywhere, in whatever manner you wish. Same for the rest of you. Just be smart and safe. If any of you are lacking emberstones to keep yourself clean and 'not pregnant' I will gladly buy them for you. Those of you who might be interested in seeing clients we need to work out a system to have you appear different from those on duty as guards vs those looking for clients.” “New and sexy uniforms would be a good idea,” Emma chipped in. “Make them all sexy but just make a rule that anyone holding a rifle is off the menu while anyone else is fair game. If your ship has a symbol I can sew it into the uniforms.” “Thank you for volunteering. You get to be in charge. Sexy but functional. I’ve asked our girls in the engine room to make an appearance so you can all meet them once they finish whatever it is they are doing.” “Fucking.” Foxy blurted out before suddenly realising she probably shouldn't have said anything. “Sooo… those ears. Good at listening in on things?” Hannah asked with a smile. “Wow… yea. Sorry, I didn't mean to… I’m just used to being totally open when I’m not in my mask.” “On my ship, we just assume people are fucking when they are alone together. It saves time.” “So, when you were in Emma’s room ‘comforting’ her…” Mari suggested earning a beet red blush from Emma. “Yes, Mari. I was taking sexual advantage of the poor terrified girl who isn't interested in women and trusts me to keep her safe because I’m just too horny to help myself.” “Called it! So Foxy, what are they doing now?” “I’m not sure I should say. They seem to value their privacy.” “Mari. Pressure her for secrets when your boss isn't standing before you telling you to never pressure her for secrets.” “Bah! Then I will never know if one has a cock to titty fuck me with.” Foxy sharply gasped. Not only because Mari was right but the fact that both of the girls from the engine room walked in at that exact moment. The awkward silence hung in the air. “That would be me.” Marnika raised her hand as she stated it flatly adding a good two minutes to the awkward silence. “I've got some moans of pleasure down in my room. I really think you should listen to them.” Mari explained as if trying to share her taste in music. “Mari!” Liddy exclaimed. “Sorry fine. We can do it here for everyone to watch.” Mari joked. Marnika didn't get it and had her pants unfastened before Liddy could scold Mari again. She pulled out her thick black cock for everyone to see. Aleera was stunned along with everyone else except Mari who slid off her chair and crawled over to take the long shaft in her mouth. Liddy was too surprised to reprimand her and more than a little turned on that she just stood and watched like everyone else. Well not everyone since Ving was being roughly pushed to the floor by Hannah who wanted her face between her legs. Mari struggled to get it down her throat but kept pressing hard after every break to breath and soon fit every inch of it. More than a few of the watching women soon found their hands down their pants enjoying the show. Liddy sat down trying to keep looking professional but sat with her legs wide open. It wasn't until she felt hands on her that she looked away from Mari to see one of the uniformed girls bum and boots sticking out from under her dress. One of them had crawled up under her dress to please her and Liddy had no idea who it was. Only that it was neither Inky or Foxy. She rested a hand on the head between her legs as it slowly explored her with her tongue. Liddy was thankful that her panties could be easily pushed out of the way and widened her legs to rest on the armrests of the chair. Right about the time Mari pulled off her top to let the saliva slick black cock glide between her breasts as she pressed them together Inky muttered ‘fuck it’ to herself and picked up Easy to bend her over the couch. They met eyes briefly so Inky was sure Easy wanted it and as soon as Inky knew, she stripped Easy’s bum bare and shuddered at the sweet taste of the young fairy. She slid two fingers inside and licked up the juices as they started to flow. Easy beckoned Foxy over, who very nervously moved in front of Easy to find herself quickly losing her trousers. Revealing the soft short white fur all around her inviting wetness. Foxy squealed as Easy grabbed her by her ass and pulled her close enough to slide her long tongue deeply inside. She quickly stripped off the rest of her uniform to reveal her fur covered breasts. Mostly covered in bright orange fur that darkened to deep red in some places it contrasted greatly with the white fur that covered her breasts and pussy. Feeling Easy explore inside her as she teased her own breasts Foxy moaned more loudly than any other time one of the women in her squad had done the same. Inky watched the fur covered woman she had been craving for years, wishing she hadn't been her superior. So much time spent pleasing herself imagining being involved in her frequent trysts with the other girls. Yet unable to sacrifice her professionalism by acting on it. It was easier now to resist with her mouth on a woman and Hannah across the room more than willing any time she wanted. Inky thought perhaps she would be able to have the green haired woman currently between her friend's legs. Emma watched in stunned silence as what she expected to be a casual meeting turned into an unbelievable display of sexual exhibition. Others not participating were stunned as well but letting themselves slip into the mood quite as fast. Emma watched Liddy roll her head back while gripping the one between her legs through her dress. Mari pulled the dark skinned woman to the floor on top of her and Emma watched the dark shaft sliding inside Mari, between her legs. Easy pleasing the fox girl while being pleased by the woman in charge of security. Nearby Hannah kept Ving busy yanking on her hair to please the exact spot she wanted it. She couldn't help that the beautiful women before her didn't arouse her like a man would. Emma yearned for men but the closest option to that was currently deep inside Mari. She closed her eyes and imagined it. Having a large strong man lifting her up and setting her down on him slowly as he pushed his cock inside her. Her body straining against the pressure of trying to accommodate such a massive organ inside it. Emma slid two fingers inside herself knowing they were a poor substitute for the real thing but did her best to imagine a man having his way with her tiny body. Hannah smiled as she caught sight of Liddy staring at Emma as she pleased herself. The little elf pulling her breasts free of her clothing. So much smaller than most of the women on board but so very ample on her tiny frame. Hannah could see Inky pulling her pants down with one hand to please herself while gorging herself on Easy. She lifted Ving's face up to look at her before kissing her roughly. Shoving her away she nodded towards her old friend and Ving promptly scurried over to continue her work on Inky. Surprised but pleased, Inky spared a smile for her friend before returning to Easy with Ving between her legs. Hannah got up and rolled Marnika onto her back and whispered to Mari about sitting on her face. That left the magnificent cock in the air being stroked by its owner, but while Hannah wanted it for herself she had a better idea. Walking back to Emma she put her hands over her eyes to keep them closed then lead her off the chair and over to the body part she craved. Hannah guided Emma over and slowly let her down on it. Bracing her hands on Mari, Emma felt it pushing inside her but finding it difficult to fit. She knew whose it was but kept imagining it belonging to someone else. Hannah left her there and walked over to Liddy, yanking her out of her seat and setting her down behind Emma. Liddy wrapped her arms around the elf and cupped her breasts into her hands. While she helped Emma slowly accept more and more inside her, Hannah took the seat she vacated and watched the show as the woman she hadn't really met got to work on her. Aleera watched as her lover’s flesh became the focus of so many others pleasure. A petty jealousy formed and she resented how easy it was for Marnika to suddenly find others willing to please her. Not to be outdone she straddled the redhead sitting in the chair and bared her breasts for her. The rough grip was not what she expected as Hannah but her mouth to them. Aleera winced as her breasts and nipples were bitten and yanked. Yet, as it progressed she felt warmness between her legs that her hand was dealing with before she noticed. She forgot all about her lover as another soldier moved beside her, standing beside the chair, and bared her breasts to her. With one free hand, she slid it down the trousers of the woman beside her, twisting enough so Hannah could continue with her breasts but also face the other woman, and gratefully felt the soldier pressing her breasts into her face. Nothing else mattered, she was getting what she wanted. Foxy watched the wings flutter on the woman whose tongue slithered around inside her. She couldn't believe how open she was allowed to be with these strangers. Right before her was a free emberborn woman who was being pleasured by her commanding officer who in turn was being pleasured by another woman of the crew. The idea of being able to explore her sexuality without limit was intoxicating. There was even the possibility of being with men. So far she was limited to only being with those she could trust but now, men might pay for the pleasure of her body. Foxy climaxed at the thrill of the idea and felt the tongue inside her working harder as her climax flowed out of her. Liddy lifted the elf by her tits and let her back down over and over trying to get more of the cock inside her. Emma moaned for her, eyes still closed, her hands on Mari’s ink covered back. She imagined it was a man inside her trying so hard to make it get as deep as she wanted. Of course, Emma knew it wasn’t and that it was Liddy who had her hands all over her breasts. She was conflicted. Women didn't arouse her at all, at least never before. Now she had a woman deep between her legs and another holding her breasts from behind. Does it really matter what someone is? Can it just be anyone who you can please you? Would it be more enjoyable to fuck male clients or female friends? Emma felt a sudden rush of fluid inside her as the shaft impaling her tiny body exploded with its seed. It throbbed with each pump of fluid and she returned in kind, screaming as her nipples were yanked by Liddy, sending her over the edge. She opened her eyes and turned to look at Liddy leaning in for a kiss that was softly returned. A sudden crosswind shook the ship and Ving leapt to her feet to go check the helm. The sudden surprise interrupted everyone's ecstasy and they all looked about. Mari was the first to laugh followed quickly by everyone else. The absurdity of what was said and how it lead to such a sexual display coupled with the chemicals swirling in every woman's body made the laughter last several minutes. Some redressed faster than others. Easy and Foxy cuddled naked on the couch. With the mood more relaxed Inky and the other soldiers besides Foxy redressed in uniforms while Liddy helped Emma back into her clothing. Ving returned from the helm with a smile and a nod that things were ok before kneeling next to Hannah's chair. “Go get settled into your rooms. Back to whatever things you are supposed to be doing,” Liddy ordered trying to bring herself back to business. The unexpected orgy of lust certainly qualified as an icebreaker for the crew but some of them had things to be doing. There was still plenty of time for fun during the rest of the trip, but Liddy needed to get on the radio and do what she could to set up clients when they landed. **** After arriving at their destination another meeting was called. “Alright. A few things to mention. Firstly we don't have the time to let this meeting end up with us having sex so everyone stay dressed. Second, we need new uniforms for our security. Inky, take whoever is off duty and go get some. None of your girls will be seeing clients until they are more familiar with the whole process. Also, you can escort Hannah to meet a client. Hannah, an old man wants a pretty girl to impress with rambling stories about his work. He lives alone so there shouldn't be any women for you to bring home with you. If you trip over a pretty girl on the way to or from, you let someone else help her.” “What do you mean ‘if’?” Hannah smirked. “I will be seeing a client off the ship myself so… Ving? You are in charge. Get everyone as laid as possible.” “Her? What about me?” Mari asked not really being offended. “Apparently, slum trash sluts are in demand. You will be too busy.” “Ouch, well played.” “Just keep the ship intact and do your jobs. We are docked here for a while to make up for our sudden departure. Let's try to make our stay here in...” Liddy winced at the name. “Ocean Port… as profitable as possible.” Liddy took Hannah and Inky off the ship with four of the guards and hoped that things went smoothly while she was gone. Her own client was in the upscale market, quite the distance from where the others were going. They separated soon. “So what's the deal with you and Ving?” Inky asked Hannah once they were on their own. The soldiers flanked them in an escort position but Hannah didn't mind what they overheard. “She has some issues that can't be resolved quickly. So I’m being really controlling of her until she figures things out. Imagine being one of those people who gets out of the military and doesn't know how to function without someone giving them orders.” “So you’re the one giving her orders until she learns she doesn't need them?” “Pretty much. So how did Easy taste?” Hannah asked with a curious grin. “You don't know? Simply amazing. Never thought less of emberborn but could never get frisky with Foxy. That meeting, though. That happen often?” “No, but it was a small crew before you showed up. Funny thing was that we were all in the bath together and nothing really happened." "Formal meeting and suddenly everyone is having sex. Your girls really are horny sluts eh?” “You remember how bored you were most of the time. Men can go out and get laid easy. We try it and suddenly something is wrong with us.” “The names men call me never stopped them from sticking it in me. But I was less concerned about that than you are.” “Well for us, socially, it's a much bigger deal. Plus they all have families aside from Foxy so keeping it within the group just sort of evolved. Also, we didn't like leaving Foxy alone while we got laid. Now that they can travel, getting laid by people who would never talk to their working class families, they love the idea. Just they can be a bit picky.” “Fair enough. But to get them ready, they need to know what they are getting into and look the part. I recommend a combat corset. Tough and durable while still allowing for proper support and flexibility. Combine that with a combat skirt and you are good to go.” “Those are things that are real?” “Yes! Expensive but it will be worth it. I wanted it while I served but way out of my pay grade. If they don't have any here, they can just make it out of the same materials they use to make the kit for bodyguards. Trust me.” “Fine. Liddy gave me more money than I have ever been paid in my life to buy uniforms, so we shall see what I end up with.” **** Parting ways Hannah went to the address she was given and quickly came across a busy sounding warehouse. Now traditionally approaching a warehouse in this kind of neighbourhood is a dangerous thing for anyone to do, let alone a woman and harlot. Of course, if anyone did cause trouble with Hannah they would be in for a nasty surprise. An older man was waiting by the main door as Hannah turned the corner. Frail looking and wearing a dusty old suit that had seen a great deal of use. Hannah looked at him and could tell from the look on his face how lonely he seemed. That he would wait outside for her looking almost convinced that she would never bother to show. His hands rubbing themselves over and over in nervous anticipation yet unaware of her presence. Hannah paused for a moment considering how to approach him. Decided, she moved in with a spring in her step, breasts bouncing under her modest yellow silk dress. His hands stopped moving as he finally saw her and his eyes opened wide. “A wonderful surprise to be greeted by a man as though he was a nervous boy wearing his father's suit to impress his sweetheart. Please don't be shy. My name is Hannah.” she put her hand forward palm down. Recovering after a moment he took her hand and placed a respectful kiss upon it. “I was worried that…” “Oh hush. Anticipation is one of the best parts of having a special date.” “Forgive me. I am Sir Rayvon Dexx,” he said with a formal bow before finally letting go of Hannah's hand. “There is nothing to forgive. So happy to meet you Rayvon.” “I am happy to meet you as well Miss Hannah.” “So formal.” Hannah let a slight giggle go as though it was a novelty. “I was thinking that I would show you around my workshop. If you were interested.” Hannah figured either he was playing along or so depressed that he actually thought a woman he paid for would decide to ditch him and offered her a way out. “Of course.” Hannah latched onto his left arm. “I spent time getting lectured on ember engines and unequal output of energy.” That is to say, she slept with some engineers who liked to talk, a lot, during sex and were so without talent that she found the engineering more noteworthy. “Ever since, I have loved to learn more.” “Oh.” He was genuinely surprised. “Well, my work is quite related.” He opened the door and revealed the massive warehouse full of almost every type of machinery possible. “What do you know of ‘The Main Problem’” “That steam engines don't produce enough power to mathematically explain what they can do. A train engine that can mathematically be able to haul a hundred tonnes of mass can actually haul several hundred. That airships exist at all, despite there being almost no downward force produced. A clean engine with no Ember and one with Ember both run at the same temperature and cycle rate but the Ember engine produces many times as much power.” “Well… yes. Wow. I’m impressed. People have been using magic for so long that nobody really cares or understands why this is an issue. But with Ember becoming scarce, suddenly getting clean engines to perform as well as Ember engines is a much bigger issue.” He lead Hannah into what appeared to be his main work area. “What I am working on here is to find suitable substances that we can cut the Ember with and maintain output. It hasn't been going well.” “Nothing works like Ember," Hannah commented. "So cutting it with something else would be to get a reaction from the Ember. It would produce the same energy in a shorter time but not be more efficient.” “Slightly reduced output but yes. That was the first half of my problem.” “Is the other half that the only thing you found to have positive results is just as rare?” “Quite insightful but no. The substance is chlorine, and easy to get. Just it's toxic as hell when vented into the air.” “That's actually worse. Aside from that, though, how does it work?” “It keeps it from venting with the water when someone blows a steam whistle. Ideal except that it gets itself vented in the process. So the only way to make it work for long periods is to saturate the tank with it. Thus the toxic problem. So I have been working with other substances but nothing works the same.” “Does the chlorine need to mix with the water? Can it be kept separate? Maybe filter it out before it can vent?” “Good questions that took me longer to ask myself but sadly I have yet to find a way." He paused for a moment before continuing, "If I may be candid.” “Of course Rayvon.” “I was building up unrealistic expectations of you. Hoping for a woman who was excited to be here. Knowing I was fooling myself. Smart enough to appreciate the years of work I spent learning all this. Knowing I would just be explaining big words to a woman desperate to stop pretending to care what I had to say. Yet you…” “To be fair, that's exactly what I expected to be doing. Listening to some rambling man acting like what he’s doing was the centre of the world. Yet you… were exactly the opposite. Your work really is important. You explain it with the energy and enthusiasm of a young man. It really is important work.” “I've never had a fantasy come true like this. A beautiful young woman who understands and appreciates my work. Who doesn't feel forced to enjoy my company. Thank you.” “Thank you for what you are trying to achieve. Now that you know the source of your problems. What's your next step?” “Oh, just one of my frustration projects. Things I work on when I’m too aggravated by my other work.” He took Hannah over to a table where a large round glass lens surrounded by metal and wires. “I commissioned a lens to be made for my delicate work but the glassblower's apprentice mixed Ember with the sand and made this.” “What's wrong with it?” Hannah asked. He put his hand behind it and Hannah saw his old hand appear much like it should but not magnified more than a slight degree. “So it doesn't work? But it's shaped right, or looks like it.” “Indeed it is. There is no reason this lens shouldn't work. So I started experimenting with it.” With one hand he flicked a switch on a control box and a slight electrical hum filled the air. “Nothing changed,” Hannah observed. He then snapped his fingers in front of it and suddenly the waves of sound rippled across the lens. Hannah could see the waves bounce off the walls and back. Snapping again the results repeated and Hannah laughed with amazement. Her laugh was strong enough to ripple behind the lens as well. “Now for the other half.” He flicked another switch. The tone of the hum changed slightly and suddenly the view through the lens turned dark blue almost blocking out everything but the soft glow of his hand. She could see the outline and the colour saturated the closer to the centre. “It's called Infrared. Body heat. It is a colour based on temperature. Humans can't see the two colours on either extreme end of the visual spectrum. The other is ultraviolet. But this lens can pick it up with the right current running through it.” He snapped his fingers again to show the sound waves mixed with the thermal image of his hand. “This is amazing!” again her voice registered on the lens. “I call it a thermal sonic lens. Now, I am a smart man. Brilliant even. But I have no earthly idea how this works. I was trying to shatter the thing with sound waves and electricity when I realised what it did. The body heat bit was by accident. The only real use it has is pure research into sound and temperature. Also… well...” “You are blushing like a boy. Tell me Rayvon.” Hannah smiled. “I thought that maybe I could look at you through it. Nothing unseemly. Just you have a warmer body than mine.” “And?” Hannah asked in a sly tone knowing he was still holding back. “Well, your clothing doesn't make any heat… or trap much of it. So it wouldn't really show up.” “And you thought you could see me naked without me knowing? How clever.” Hannah walked over to a nearby wall that looked sturdy enough and leant against it. Rayvon moved the lens between him and her. Her vibrant body heat glowing radiantly and the parts of her body that had been left to his imagination before were revealed. Losing himself examining the edges and curves he soon noticed a deepening colour between her legs where her hand was. Hannah let out a soft moan that rippled from her lips and with one hand lifting her skirt, she used the other between her legs. Rayvon stood stunned but watching intently as her hand moved up and down over the increasing heat under it. Hannah took her other hand and raised it before bring it down quickly on her breast that she had revealed and the sound of the slap echoed across the lens and the room. Moaning loudly she teased her tender nipple and smiled before letting out a giggle. Wondering how she looked through the lens she could see his face and the sudden flush of colour in it looking the opposite way. She figured it had been a long time since he was so flushed. Rubbing her fingers over her clit, she knew his heart might not be able to handle the prolonged excitement. So she quickly brought herself to climax and let him watch the rush of whatever chemical her orgasms brought, spread the heat of pleasure throughout her body. She calmed down and rested with her breasts out as Rayvon turned off his lens and set it aside. “I… have never had a date go this well.” he explained slowly before bursting out in laughter. Hannah joined him in shared laughter for a moment before speaking, “New experiences for us both. Glad I didn't overstep the bounds of what is proper for a first date.” “To hell with proper. I’d rather have fun.” “A man after my own heart.” “I’m not old…” he smiled. “Not anymore. Thank you. You have given me more than I paid for.” “Because I am your friend. No matter how we met or what expectations we had.” “If you ever need anything built or invented. I'd be happy to oblige. Not sure what I could make that would satisfy you as a woman but…” “Oh! I was sitting on our laundry machine talking with my friends when it started some cycle and it vibrated. It felt really good. Is there something you could make that maybe fit in a hand. Something that vibrates really fast but is smooth and waterproof?” “Actually yes. I made it to counter vibrations inside a water tank from the motor but the whole thing was a failure. I couldn't match the erratic vibrations. Had to modulate manually too often. It's rather larger than your hand but it might work. Does it help that the vibrations can be set to different intensities?” “So very much yes… How many do you have?” “Well, just the one. Do you need more?” “I foresee any woman who learns of it wanting one. So if it works the way I think, then make as many as you can and sell them. Any money issues you may have had would be gone. Trust me.” “Really? Let me get it for you.” |