Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2110375-Letter-to-Myself-2017
by Rusty
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Personal · #2110375
A brief letter to myself to remind me of what this year could be.
Letter to myself 2017

Dear Me,

The first month of 2017 is almost over but I have already achieved so much this year and seem so much more focused.

Ther are several things that i want to achieve this year, all of which are attaintble if i only focus and don't allow myself to be easily distracted, this was my major downfall from the last twelve months. The distractions were welcomed however and in the main completely necessary. This year will be different. I already have a firm emotional foundation to build upon and my network for support has grown considerably.

The major tasks that I wish to complete this year are as follows :

1. The project ideas that have been floating around within my head, for the last decade in some instances, need to be written down. I have managed to 'release' four of these ideas so far over the past month and that is in stark contrast to the zero of the previous twelve.
2. I want to write each and every day. This is a typical resolution that I'm going to go out on a limb and say millions of others have made, I myself have made it for the last several years. The difference this year ? Determination perhaps ? I'm not sure but I have to believe that this time will be different, after all I'm finally writing this letter and keeping a journal.
500 words was always the daily goal but I've since come to learn that this word count was actually holding me back instead of encouraging me. On days where I felt I hadn't the time to sit and write for 500 words I simply didn't write at all. By removing the self imposed limit of 500 I felt a lot more comfortable that I could achieve this. On some days all I may be able to write is an entry in my journal but at least I have written and this is better than nothing at all.
3. I have been dieting since November last year and thus far have lost 30lbs. One of my biggest goals for this year is to not only continue the diet until I'm at a weight I'm happy to maintain but to increase my fitness levels. Tracking calorie intake daily coupled with my FitBit has been a successful combination so far.
4. Writing.com - I have used the website off and on since I was 16/17 but my usage of the site has always fallen into the same pattern ; upload a piece, gain positive reviews ( be happy ), gain negative reviews ( stop using the site ). I offered little to the community. This time, thus far, I have reviewed several pieces without uploading a piece of my own. I have enjoyed this approach a lot more and by the time I upload a piece I will feel I deserve the reviews.

I have been using Todo-ist for a few weeks and have primarily used it as a tool for procrastination, what I have liked about the app though is the projects. I need to focus on my to-do lists and begin to use deadlines instead of leaving everything open ended. This will really help me.

Finances. Finances. Finances. Where too start. Last year was a bit of a right off, lets face it. I have not gambled much this year and fully intend on following through with this. Several times this year I have actively and consciously said ' no ' to pointless purchases, this is a big change!

The last thing that I want to say is, good luck. Good luck in the year ahead and don't be too hard on yourself. Do what you can but make sure you are doing what you can. You don't just have yourself to think about anymore. Logan and Sophie need you to succeed and they need you to achieve what you're capable of. Above all else, they deserve you at your best. Remember that.
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