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by MDJ
Rated: E · Fiction · Children's · #2108591
A mischievous genie-like Pokemon is in need of a pranking partner.
Ken was an ordinary boy living in an orphanage in a town bordering between Laverre City and Dendemelle Town. Out of all the orphans in St. Jacob's, which happens to be the name of the orphanage by the way, Ken is one of the more curious. The bespectacled 8 year old would look at something new to him, and would try to touch it. Of course he's also a smart lad, as he avoids getting into trouble with the caretakers at St. Jacob's when something new the boy looks at happens to belong to them. The boy should've been more cautious when he met a Pokemon known to cause trouble. And one that can create rings that allow it to teleport to anywhere.

He was reading a book he has in his collection centering around a legendary Pokemon called Hoopa. The picture in the book shows a Pokemon with light purple with pink markings around its body, with one being v-shaped on its chest. A growth on its head is shaped into a ponytail, while a yellow ring is marked on its forehead. Its eyes are green with yellow sclera that seem to have a glint of mischievous intent in them (Ken giggling at that). On either side of its head is a dark gray horn that curves slightly upward. Three rings adorn the Pokemon, with one wrapped the lower body above the wispy tail and the other two on the horns. The arms are not even attached to the body, but merely float next to it. Golden spikes are shown on the ends of the arms and shoulders. Hands that look like mittens on the other end of the arms.

To be honest the brunette found the Mischief Pokemon to be amazing and cool. He always wanted to meet one up close, and in his mind would want to be friends with one. According to the book he's reading, Hoopa can teleport by using the rings they create, and then go through. Ken just loved the thought of going anywhere in the world that way, as he liked seeing Lumiose City on the field trips he and the other orphans go on. The sights and sounds of the city were truly spectacular to him. While he was reminiscing about the field trips, the little boy was being watched by something peeking into his window. After looking through his mind, the Pokemon floating there couldn't help but giggle a little. Both of them are going to have such a fun time together.

The following night, while Ken and the others were sleeping, the mysterious Pokemon that was watching the bespectacled youth teleported into his room. It was clear the Pokemon is a Psychic-type, and knows the move Teleport. Flying over the snoozing boy rather quietly, the mysterious Pokemon grins a little mischievously after going through some planned pranks in its head. But first, it needs to have a partner in crime. There's just no way it can do all of its tricks all by itself.

Closing its eyes in concentration, the shadowed Pokemon uses Psychic in order to carry Ken out of his bed before Teleporting them both to a different location. Reappearing at a forest clearing just 3 miles from St. Jacob's, the moonlight finally shows who the mysterious Pokemon that abducted the 8 year old brunette is. It happens to be a Hoopa, and a male one judging from the sound of his voice when he whispered "This is so going to be fun." Getting a good laugh when he released his hold on Ken and dropped him on the floor, startling him awake. "Who, what, where, huh?" the boy said in a fast pace while turning his head in nearly every direction.

Ken did this for a few more seconds before spotting Hoopa in front of him with a cheeky grin. "W-w-w-wha?" he said in an almost freaked out tone. "A H-h-hoopa?" "Bet you were VERY surprised," Hoopa said. "Weren't you?" Freaked out even more by the suddenness of the Mischief Pokemon speaking, the bespectacled boy jumped out of his blanket exposing his bare feet to the grass outside. "Uh, y-yeah I was," Ken said in a shy voice. "Somewhat." Getting himself up before brushing off some of the dirt on his pajama pants, the little boy set his eyes on the one Pokemon he was desperate to meet. To actually meet a Hoopa up close, and in a rather unexpected way no doubt, was what he considered to be one of the biggest dreams he ever had. "Awwww. How nice," Hoopa said, making the boy jump a bit like before. Apparently the little ring maker read his mind when he stared at him.

"Okay," the brunette said after taking a few deep breaths to get his bearings. "Why exactly are you here? Where are we?" "Both of us are in Route 15. As for why I'm here, well let's just say that I've been a little lonely lately." Hoopa replied. "I wanted to have somebody to be my pranking partner. Good thing I found one. You." Saying the last sentence while pointing at the boy, the Mischief Pokemon secretly made some rings that clamped onto said human's head, neck, wrists and ankles. It was already too late for young Ken, because his eyes glazed over and glowed golden along with the rings he's wearing. Arms dropped to the sides, limping there while something is happening to the boy's mind (and at the same time his clothes).

Ken's pajamas have disappeared, and in their place were Arabian style clothing. He has purple pants with plum and silver trim that is held together by a sash, with the ends reaching over the anklets. On his chest is a crimson, long-sleeved shirt with a light pink vest on top. The one thing he's lacking are a pair of shoes. Not that he needs them, since Hoopa finds the boy cooler without any footwear. After all, the Psychic Pokemon has a mindset in which that being barefoot is way better than going around in footwear. Once little Kenny wakes up, he would never wear shoes ever again. They're gonna have such a fun time together, Hoopa is sure of it.

Rearranging the boy's thoughts so that he is a fellow prank lover like him, the Mischief Pokemon snaps his fingers after a few minutes passed. Blinking his still glazed golden eyes before searching around the clearing, Ken spots Hoopa and grins rather mischievously. "Hey there buddy," he said in a fun-loving tone. "Got some new ideas for pranks in store?" "Tons of them," the Djinn replied. "Now why don't we try some of them out. Only not here though." Nodding in agreement, the 8 year old boy walked with his new prankster partner into a deeper part of the forest. He'll be gone for a long while, not that he would care of course. All he ever cares about now is to cause mischief wherever he goes.

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