Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2107463-Its-all-about-MrHope
by Viji
Rated: E · Article · Spiritual · #2107463
Who is hope, if not the disguise of the almighty??
A goddess from south east of the Paradise signed in to WDC and started to read the newsletter that spoke about "Hope". There were so many entries about Hope that the Goddess felt perplexed. She doubted herself if Hope was more powerful than her. So the Goddess decided to confront Hope directly in person and clarify her doubt.

So she took an antique and divine aircraft and landed on earth. On searching, she entered into a hospital. She saw "Hope " in the lady who was crying and suffering from labour pain. She had seen the woman before who kept calling her asking for a wish. The Goddess also knew that the woman was so fragile and weak that she wouldn't bear even a mild pain. But this man Mr.Hope( at least the goddess thought that hope was masculine. Now lets not get into the debate of Hope's gender) helped the woman to get into the maternity ward. She did scream in pain, but Mr.Hope gave her the grit of bringing a life into this world. The goddess then walked out of the hospital where she saw a little boy watering a small sapling though it was wilting. She saw Mr.Hope in the little boy's eyes.

Those events made goddess to feel inferior than Hope. She felt depressed and kept walking. On the way, she saw an old man playing some weird music hoping that it would fetch him breakfast. She saw a young lady running in a park hoping to stay fit and healthy forever. Mr.Hope made her run farther though she was gasping for breath. She also saw a very aged couple holding hands as they walked , hoping that they would stay together till the last breath.

The goddess felt deceived , as she thought that Mr.Hope had better influence on all the positive things. She also felt she was not the only one who was omnipresent. She realised the presence of Hope on every sweet thing she saw. So Goddess went back home and took her history textbook to see if Mr.Hope was stronger than her in the past. As she turned the pages of the book, she saw that Mr.Hope was the Kingmaker in the world's most important process- Evolution. The anaerobic bacteria, The amphibians, The giraffe, The early man, etc. strongly believed in hope. They were not experts in science. Neither did they know who this goddess was. They all just hoped for a change that would enlighten their lives. All the big theories of evolution( Survival of the fittest, Theory of natural selection, Struggle for existence) relied on the fundamental principle-Hope.She also found this man on all walks of life,in on various theories.

And this goddess finally realised that hope lead to faith and that very faith helped in one's progress. She finally understood that Hope was her, and she was hope.
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