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After the Shift shrunk men & grew women, Emily has a date, surprised by what she finds. |
Emily was waiting in the restaurant for her date to arrive. He was running a little late, but she didn't mind. They had chatted online through a dating app. He seemed funny, smart, and kind even if it did take him a while to respond to each text. Emily couldn’t wait to meet him. There were very few men left in the world, and even fewer tall ones. His profile said he was 5 feet tall! She didn't know there were men that tall anymore! Being extremely tall herself even before the Great Shift, she would’ve needed a huge man to fulfill her. She had grown from her already looming height of 6’3” to 8’ tall, with her jealousy-inducing large breasts and ass blossomed further to become the essence of female sexuality. Her transformation made her old body look as though she had never experienced puberty. Her long toned legs only increased in length and thickness, multiplying her astronomical sex appeal. She almost looked like a softer version of a hyper-sexualized she-hulk, minus the green of course. She couldn't believe how excited she was for this, she would still be much taller and undoubtedly stronger than he was, but the idea of having a man that big tantalized her. The small remnants of “men” (if they could even be called that) had been reduced to small, often deformed creatures, dying off at an increased pace with only a miniscule portion shrinking portionally enough for their organ systems to remain intact and keep them alive. The studies showed really the only males to survive were portions of the overall young men and male children in the world, extremely few men above 30 had adapted. Apparently only young bodies had been adaptive and healthy enough to survive the transition. This of course left many, many older widows distraught over the loss of their loved ones. Fortunately the transformation and extra horniness proved to be an effective distraction. Despite all this is it didn't seem like her date had been affected much! She was using this date as an opportunity to showcase her sexuality which, despite her new figure, had been put on the back burner since her career picked up following the great shift. She had spent so much time moving up through the company and changing infrastructure and innovating new systems to keep it running after the disappearance of men that she barely even went home. Her self-evaluation is cut short by a huge pair of knockers encased in a tight red dress appearing before her face. The woman attached smiled at down at her. Emily had never been into women before, but this lady was HOT! To be fair all women these days had become essentially goddesses, but she was something else. She was a milf in every definition of the word. She opened her beautiful, lipsticked mouth and her words poured out in a sultry yet powerfully feminine voice. The smoothness made her a little wet if she was being honest. “Hi sweetie, are you Emily?” She asked. Emily a little confused and taken aback responds: “Oh hi, um, yes” letting the heavily endowed goddess continue before jumping to any conclusions. “Oh my gosh I can’t believe how gorgeous you are! And so tall to! And those are definitely some strong birthing thighs, although the way things are going these days you might not need them, but with those gals of yours could probably feed a dozen with plenty to spare, yoozah! Oh, and your hair! It's amazing!” She said sliding her fingers through it while continuing to speak, “You’ll have to tell me how you did that, it looks like it's defying gravity!” As she talked Emily couldn't help but glance at her breasts which were jiggling with every word and hand movement she made, and there were many. Just then, to her surprise she saw the head of a little man peak out of her cleavage, obviously struggling to climb out. He attempted to call out, a very quiet “MMOO-” was all he could shout before another hand motion caused her bouncing cleavage to pitch and gobble him up as the milf excitably complemented and giggled over Emily. She had to admit, despite her confusion, the positive attention was nice. Emily still hadn't gotten the chance to respond to any of the statements being made as the milf talked very, very fast. “And your eyes: so, so pretty! My son is gonna love you!” Even more confused, a thought dawned on her: could that little boy lost in this woman’s cavernous cleavage be her date?! How could this be? Had she mistaken five feet for five inches on the website? The little head resurfaced, arms clutching to what little of her massive orbs he could, still only getting his head barely out of her cleavage. “MOM!” the head yelled which was incredibly quiet from Emily’s perspective only a foot away. The milf looked down at him. He was pushing as hard as he could against her boob walls attempting in vain to stay balanced. She giggled hard to herself causing him to slip into her chasm once again. She reached into her massive chasm and after some rummaging pulled out the tiny boy. “Awww, you're so adorable” she pouted “Mommy forgot you were in there sweetie. Sorry.” Her son was turning red, he was wearing oversized suit jacket and dress shirt with a little bowtie, all obviously meant for a doll, looking down Emily realized he had no pants on! “Mom!” he squealed, “my pants!” His little face flushed pure red on top of his mother’s huge hand, while he tried to hide his genitals. “Oooh” she giggled. “I must’ve packed my little ole’ boobies too tight! They tore the pants right off of you! I'm so sorry honey, I didn't mean to embarrass you in front of your date! I'll find them for you!” The little guy shook his head in frustration as his mother used her freehand to swim around in her cleavage. Her boobs were getting awfully close to popping out of her top when she spilled her befuddled son onto the table and re-attacked her monstrous cleavage with two hands. Using one hand to hold her dress up against her tightly packed breasts as she hopped attempting to improve the vantage point of her sandwiched hand. She swayed and pitched and hopped, jiggling and sending breast flesh and the rest of her magnificent curves flying this way and that as she attempted to find her half naked son his missing pants. And Emily was quite enjoying the show, as was her “date” if his visible hard-on he was attempting to hide was any indicator, and even though it was his mother Emily couldn't blame him, those titties could turn any woman gay, she couldn't imagine how they were for a guy, especially one so small. After about a minute of booby-themed gymnastics his mother proudly announced she had found his pants at the tip of her bra cup, only causing her son more anguish. The tiny guy reached up for his mother to give him his pants, his oversized shirt shifting up slightly so Emily could see just the tip of his erect little dick. She was pleasantly surprised by how big it was in comparison to his tiny body. But, much to her date’s discontent his mother upon finding the pants went back to talking with her hands, forgetting the whole purpose of the cleavage diving: to clothe her half naked son. “Oh my! That near nip slip could've embarrassing, nothing worse than having your private parts out there for the whole world to see.” She speculated ironically. “I haven't had to fish around like that since I kept my keys in there when I used to go clubbing, of course they were a little smaller back then. Although I sure you know what I mean Emmy. I don't even bother carrying around a purse anymore.” Her son was still glowing red on the table, knowing it was futile to try to get his mother's death attention. “Ok have fun, honey! Don't cream yourself just looking at her!” She teased with a wink. And just when he didn't think he could get anymore red, she leaned in real close to give her embarrassed son a very wet puckered kiss, covering the majority of his little body in red lipstick. “Oh, almost forgot!” She said handing him the pants. She turned to Emily, her boobs rushing forward just narrowly missing her diminutive son, his petite body had jumped to the side almost in anticipation. Obviously he'd had some experience with her throwing her boobs around. Emily holding back laughter the best she could, wondered how many times those boulders of hers had rolled over him. “You better be careful he doesn't FORCE you into bed, he’s a real charmer.” The MILF joked, giggling and causing her breasts to jiggle before turning away and walking towards the door. Her big, sultry ass in the tight red dress swaying as she did so. Emily couldn't take it anymore. She burst into fits of mad laughter. Not a mean or belittling laugh, but one just out of the comicality and ridiculousness of what she’d just witnessed. “So much for needing an ice breaker!” Emily said beaming down at the miniature man, her eyes adopting a lustful and confident stare. “I think you may have melted right through it!” She quipped in regard to his deeply blushing red face. She didn't know how she felt about the whole thing a few minutes ago when she first realized his true height, but after seeing how much power even a pair of tits had over the little guy, she was elated. The sexual power shift turned Emily on far more than she had thought possible. Before all this she'd never been into domination or anything like it, but unbeknownst to her, until now, something had changed. “We are going to have A LOT of fun together shorty.” She thought to herself. (Please send me an email to let me know what you think. Did you like it? Do you have any suggestions? Should I continue this story or start a series of short vignettes? Do you like the world? What type of characters would you like the focus to be on? Please any feedback you can give me helps tremendously!) |