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Hunter goes camping |
Hunter was an average guy. He had recently graduated from college and had gotten a job with a prestigious firm. As he was the new hire, he always got the worst assignments. He took it all in stride, knowing that he would soon move up and pass the same assignments onto the next batch of new hires. Hunter was well compensated for his trouble, even if he had to work late hours. Hunter was relaxing at home when he got a surprise phone call. It was his boyfriend Kevin. Hunter and Kevin had been going out for some time and had tried many different ways of making out. Kevin told hunter that he had reserved a secluded camping area in the local forest, and wanted to invite Hunter to spend the week with him. Kevin promised that the views from the camp site would be breath taking, and that the weather for the next week would be perfect. Feeling burned out after weeks of hard work,and with a little leave coming, Hunter gladly accepted. When Kevin came to pick up Hunter for the trip, they kissed, and Kevin took hunters bag to the car. While Kevin was loading the bag, Hunter noticed that that there was only a cooler for food. When he asked Kevin where his bag was, he replied “you’ll see.” The drive to the camp site, though long was pleasant, and the pair got plenty of chance to chat. they stopped a few times for drinks and bathroom stops, but made it before nightfall. When they arrived at the lot for the campground, there was a large parking lot with only a few cars in it. On the other side of the lot was a secluded wooded path that let to the individual campsites. After checking in and getting their campsite assignment, kevin grabbed Hunters bag and the cooler out of the car and started to walk to the camp site. Once they were safely in the wooded area where no one could see them, Kevin asked Hunter if he wanted to make the stay a little more fun. Hunter didn’t know what to expect but agreed anyway. Kevin told hunter to remove his clothing, Telling him he would not need it while they were out in the woods. The camp sites were far enough apart that they would never see anyone all week, unless they wanted to. Hunter hesitated, but finally stripped down, removing all of his clothing. Kevin scooped up his clothes and carried them back to the car, asking Hunter to wait for him there. When Kevin returned, he was fully dressed in hunters clothes. He picked up Hunters pack and said “For the week, I will wear whats in your pack and you will wear this.” With that, he pulled out a dog collar and quickly fastened it around Hunters neck before he knew what was happening. Kevin hooked a leash to hunters collar and had him carry the cooler with the food to the camp. As they waked Kevin told Hunter that he could walk on two legs to and from the camp, but once there he would have to be on all fours all the time. He would be treated just like a dog for the trip. The idea appealed to Hunter, and Kevin could tell just by looking that Hunter was fully on board (and fully aroused) by the idea. Once they reached the camp, Kevin preceded to set up the tent and cooking area. Hunter dropped the cooler off and started to explore the surrounding area. Kevin reminded him that he would have to be on all fours, and eager to please, Hunter dropped down and crawled around the campsite. The lower view point made everything look different, and Hunter soon found himself sniffing around all of the trees and flowers. A short walk away, Hunter noticed that they were on the edge of a spectacular waterfall. The sound of the running water made Hunter realize he needed to go to the bathroom. He decided that since he was naked, he would just do it there. He lifted one leg and let go. He was startled when he heard Kevin laugh and call him a good dog. He realized that he was really getting into this dog thing and enjoyed the praise. Hunter spent the next few hours walking along the woods next to Kevin, taking in the sites. They even spent some time playing fetch. Hunter was totally absorbed in the sights and smells and hardly noticed the passage of time. Kevin called him back, and told him it was time for dinner. Hunter noticed two bowls on the ground with his name on them. In one was water, which he lapped up as best he could. The water was cool and refreshing. The other bowl contained something Hunter couldn’t quite identify. “Don’t worry. It’s not dog food. Thats not good for humans, Its Beef stew.” Hunter tasted the food, and was relieved to find out that it really was stew. He ate as quickly as he could with his face, as Kevin sat at a small table and ate his stew. When he was done, Hunter had stew all over his face. This prompted a laugh from Kevin, and quick wipe with a towel. After watching the sunset by the fire, Kevin announced that it was time for bed. As the entered the tent, Kevin stripped down to his (formerly Hunters) underwear. Hunter looked up at Kevin and admired how good he looked. They snuggled for a while before Kevin slipped into his sleeping bag for the night. Hunter found a blanket laid out on the tent floor for him to sleep on. The evening was nice and warm and hunter had no problem falling asleep. Hunter was awakened the next morning by the sound of Kevin making breakfast out side the tent. As he got up and stretched, he realized he was still naked and sleeping like a dog. He crawled out of the tent and sat doggy style next to Kevin. “Good morning sleepy head” Kevin said, and patted Hunter on the head. Breakfast was Bacon and eggs, which Hunter was glad to see he got too. After practicing the day before, Hunter found it easier to walk around on all fours and was happy to go for a walk with Kevin. They spent the day out exploring the waterfall, and even some swimming. As Hunter had not packed a swim suit, Kevin just wore underwear. Hunter loved the way the wet fabric clung to his boyfriends body and could not help but admire him. The rest of the week seemed to fly by for Hunter as he and Kevin would wake up early and hike through the forest and play in the waterfall, or spend time just snuggling around the campsite. By the end of the week, Hunter was completely comfortable in his dog persona, behaving as much like one as possible. He was devastated when Kevin told him they would have to pack up and head home the next day. Hunter woke on the last day feeling the most rested he had in years. He was not ready to go home. Kevin had already started packing up the camp. After Hunter ate his breakfast, Kevin packed up the last few items and the pair started walking back to the car. When they got back to the parking lot, Kevin took their bags to the car, and after changing back into his own clothes, returned and gave Hunter something to wear. As Hunter was getting dressed, Kevin asked him a question. “Hunter, This was the best week I’ve had in a long time. I think it was for you too. I Want you to come live with me as my dog full time. Are you interested?” Hunter thought long and hard before he answered…………. Hunter scarcely had to think. He replied almost immediately- “yes, I would love to be your dog”. He didn’t know how Kevin had found out about his dream, but he was eager to take him up on the offer. Kevin nodded and said “Great! let me take you home and get a few things set up.” Hunter could barely contain himself on the ride home. He kept looking over at Kevin and imagining what his new life would be like. Work was a drag, and Hunter felt nervous a he went to tell his boss he was quitting. When he got home he was apprehensive about his future but filled with excitement too. When Kevin called several days later, Hunter was about to explode. Kevin told Hunter to get himself ready as he would be there in a few minuets. When Hunter answered the door, Kevin was Standing there with a leash and collar. “Strip”, Kevin ordered hunter. Hunter was naked almost before Kevin had finished his order. “Sit”, Kevin ordered. Hunter quickly fell to all fours and felt a wave of pleasure as Kevin fastened the collar and leash around his neck. “Ah, thats much better” Kevin said. “We have an appointment, so lets get you ready.” Kevin lead Hunter into the back yard, telling him to do his business a they had a long ride ahead. As Hunter tried to relieve himself he wondered what Kevin had planned. After Hunter was done, Kevin lead him to the car and placed in into a carrier he had installed in the back. After almost an hour in the car, Hunter was starting to feel a little cramped in the carrier. He looked out the window and realized that he didn’t know where they were. He watched as they pulled into a secluded drive that led up to a large building. From his vantage point, Hunter could only make out part of the sign- Veterinary Hospital. Once the car was parked, Kevin came around and let Hunter out of the cage. “Come along Hunter, we have an appointment with the Doctor.” he said. Hunter followed quickly on all fours, hoping no one would be able to see him. As they entered the hospital, the nurse looked down at Hunter, and said “What a fine dog you have there, the doctor will be with you shortly.” Kevin lead Hunter to a waiting area and sat down on a couch. Hunter proceeded to explore the area as far as the leash would allow. he soon found himself engrossed in the assortment of dog toys that were in a basket in the corner. Hunter was was unsure how much time had passed when he was finally called back into the office. The office was the best appointed one Hunter had ever seen. It had all of the most modern equipment and Hunter figured they could preform almost any procedure there. The Tech told him to hop up on the table. Hunter sat on the cold metal table. He was embarrassed to be sitting there naked, but excited at the same time. Kevin started petting him and he felt calmer. The tech took Hunters vital signs and weight, and told Kevin that the doctor would be in shortly.As she left, an older man entered and introduced himself as Dr. Kurtz. He glanced over Hunters chart, and said, “I see this is your first appointment with your new dog. Kevin, Do you want the basic package - exam and vaccinations?” Kevin replied he did, and that he also wanted Hunter microchipped incase he ever got loose. Dr. Kurtz pulled several syringes filled with various colored liquid from the fridge. Kevin looked on with a smile as the doctor poked and prodded Hunter, and injected him with the various vaccines. Occasionally the doctor would tell Kevin that this or that area looked good, finally concluding with the injection of the microchip and giving Hunter a clean bill of health. Dr. Kurtz asked if he was planning to have hunter fixed. Kevin thought for a few minuets. Hunter had not really considered this possibility. He was not sure he wanted it. Hunter started to object when a stern look from Kevin let him know that his opinion would not be considered. Hunter had no say in what would happen to him. Kevin said, “Not right now. Maybe if I have problems with him”. The doctor nodded and noted it on Hunters chart. As they finished up, Hunter realized he was being treated as if he were nothing more than an animal. Kevin was making all of his decisions. He felt part of his humanity fade away as his rabies tag and microchip id were attached to his collar. When Kevin was paying the bill, the receptionist had him fill out the paperwork and presented him with his dog license. When this new tag was attached to his collar, Hunter knew that from then on he would be nothing more than an animal in the eyes of the law. On the ride home, Kevin told hunter that he would be living at Kevins house from now on and would be expected to behave as if he were an animal. That meant no talking, except for emergencies, no clothes, all his food and water would be from a bowl, and of course complete obedience to him. Once he was done explaining the rules, he placed a hypnotic tape into the stereo to help Hutner think and act like a dog. After Hunter had fallen asleep listening to the tape on a loop, Kevin looked over a brochure he had gotten at the vet. It described many of the services that the vet offered for its “special” clients. It offered many modifications that could be made to make the subject as close to dog like as possible. Kevin figured he would give Hunter a chance to adjust to his new life before he made any life altering decisions. Before turning in himself, Kevin sent a few emails that would start the process of selling Hunters former possessions, and having any record of his human existence erased. It was expensive, but Kevin hoped the funds from the sale of Hunters house and property would help cover it. Kevin had planned to sell most everything except for hunters clothes which he would keep for him self. As Hunter slept the hypnotic suggestion caused him to dream of himself as a full dog. Hunter could feel any desire to be human or do human things slipping away to be replaced with total obedience to Kevin. Hunter knew that no matter what Kevin did to him over the next few weeks, he had made the right choice and was happy. Kevin woke early hoping to be there when Hunter got up. He was pleased when he saw that Hunter was still curled up on the dog bed sleeping soundly. Hunter woke the next morning with his thoughts muddled. Kevin watched with pleasure as he stretched as a dog would. Kevin called out to him and Hunter started to get up, but found he was unable to remain standing. Falling to all fours, Hunter quickly trotted over to Kevin. Hunter tried to say “good morning” but all that came out was barking. Kevin could see the confused look on Hunters face, but reassured him that everything was okay. He led Hunter outside to do his business, and was happy that Hunter lifted his leg to pee just like any other dog. Kevin was glad that his home and yard were far enough from the neighbors and lined by woods that he would not have to worry about prying eyes. Bringing Hunter back inside Kevin placed two bowls of food on the floor for Hunter, one filled with food, the other water. Hunter quickly lapped up the water, but was a little more hesitant on the food. “Don’t worry boy, you’ll get used to it.” Kevin reassured him while stroking his back. As the day preceded, Kevin noticed that more and more of Hunters human personality seemed to come through. “Not bad for the first night.” Kevin thought. “by the end of the week Hunter will be completely transformed mentally into my faithful pet.” Kevin decided it was time to take Hunter out for a walk and make sure that this was really what he wanted before any irreversible changes were made. As they walked, Hunter crawled along beside Kevin with his tongue hanging out, totally comfortable naked outdoors. “Hunter I don’t know if you can fully understand me- but need to know this is what you want. There is still time to back out. If you agree to continue, know this is forever and there is not going back. Do you want to do this?” Kevin asked. Hunter smiled, barked once and jumped up to lick Kevin on the face. “I’ll take that as a yes” Kevin said and smiled back. Once they were back from there walk, Kevin left Hunter outside to play while he called the vet to make plans for Hunters transformation. Kevin had saved quite a bit of money and invested well so he decided he would spare no expense and would make Hunter over as completely as possible. Kevin was directed to the company website to choose all the options he wanted. His first choice was for breed. Kevin had always thought Hunter was the closest match for a labrador retriever. He selected that. It brought down further options and variables. When he was done, The program showed a simulation of what the results of the selected options would be. Kevin was amazed as he watched the human figure slowly turn into an almost perfect lab. He was happy with the results so he clicked the “book appt” button. The earliest date was early next week, and required a stay of several weeks for all of the selected options. Kevin hit the send button and quickly received confirmation of the booking. Kevin peered out the window watching Hunter and day dreaming about how perfect there life would be after the transformation. Kevin went outside and decided to play fetch with Hunter. Hunter ran off to chase the ball and brought it back in his mouth, dropping in front of Kevin so he could throw it again. Kevin was pleased that the hypnosis was working so well. Later that evening, Kevin prepared his own dinner, and then placed hunters bowl on the floor and called him to dinner. Hunter ran in and sniffed at the food, and looked longingly up at Kevin’s meal. Kevin felt a little guilty and tossed some of the craps down to Hunter. “Enjoy Boy. you’ve earned it.” Hunter gulped down the meat, then went back to his own food. When it was time for bed, Kevin lead hunter back to his dog bed and set up the hypnosis tape. Hunter quickly drifted off into a trance. The tape played over and over during the night making Hunter think more and more like the dog he was becoming. Kevin slept well knowing that his dreams would soon be fulfilled. When he got up in the morning, he found Hunter sitting by the door waiting to be let out. He let hunter out to do his business as he prepared their breakfast. When he let Hunter back in, He ran to his bowl and started eating without hesitation. Kevin petted Hunter, and told him that since the weather was nice he could play outside today. He let Hunter out, and said he needed to go into work for a few hours. Kevin had really taken time off, and wanted to see how Hunter would behave when he was alone to be sure that he was really progressing nicely and not just acting for Kevins benefit. Kevin trained a webcam on the back yard and retreated to his den where he could watch everything. Hunter spent his time exploring the back yard and chasing squirrels. He acted like any other dog would. Kevin watching from afar was happy and decided to spend the rest of the day playing with Hutner. They played fetch and went for a long walk in the woods behind the house. The rest of the week passed slowly as Kevin anticipated Hunters transformation. The week of hypnosis had done its work and Hunter was now behaving just like a good dog should. He showed no trace of his former humanity unless Kevin used the safe word he had installed for emergencies. While Kevin enjoyed playing with Hunter, he couldn’t wait for his body to match his mind. When the day finally came, Kevin put on Hunters leash and let him to the car. It was still early own the morning, and there were few cars on the road. The trip was uneventful, and the nurse was ready to take Hunter in as soon as they arrived. Kevin spent almost an hour filling out all the paperwork. When he signed the last one and handed them to the nurse, she told him that Hunter was in good hands and he could come back and check on him in a few days when the first stage was done. Kevin returned home home and checked his emails to be ready for work in the next day. He couldn’t wait to see what progress the vet had made with Hunter. |