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What happens when you reunite with an old friend? |
As a kid I had always been close to our families dogs and felt a special kinship with them. I can’t remember a time growing up when we didn’t have at least one dog. I spent more time in the back yard playing with the dogs than I ever did with my friends. My mom would watch me from the kitchen window and shake her head worried that I would have problems growing up and never fit in. Once I entered school, I made friends quickly, and found that one of the boys in my class, named Sam, lived just a few streets over from me. We quickly became the best of friends and spent a lot of time together when we weren’t in school. I still spent a lot of time with my dogs, but I guess it didn’t seem quite as obsessive to my parents as they never brought it up, and seemed happy with my performance in school. One halloween, my mom asked me what I wanted to be, and I told her that I had seen a great dog costume in the mall, and though it would be perfect. She agreed and we made a special trip to get it. It was a full body German Shepard with a mask that covered my entire head. It looked great on me. I thought if I walked on all fours i looked just like a real dog. I made plans with Sam to go out trick or treating without our parents, and he purchased a collar and leash set so that he could pose as my owner as we went around and collected candy. It was weird feeling the pull of the leash at first, but as we made our way through the neighborhood I quickly got used to it and enjoyed it. After what seemed like hours, we had amassed quite a load of candy, but Sam wasn’t ready to go home just yet. He led me to the local park, which was empty and dead quite this time of night. He convinced me to run around on all fours and treated me just like I was a real dog. I wondered if he had somehow found out my secret desires to be just like them. I’m not sure how long we played, but it was the most fun I had ever had. When I finally got home, my parents scolded me for being so late and sent me straight to bed. I stripped off my costume and fell asleep quickly without bothering to change into my pajamas. I had dreams about running in the field, chasing sticks, and doing tricks all night. It was the best sleep I’d had in years. Sam and I did joint costumes almost every year after that (he got sick one year) but we were never able to be dog and owner. Sam movies away between elementary and middle school, and I really missed him, and withdrew into my self. I refused to talk to most of the other kids I went to school with, and spent most of my time out walking and playing with our dogs. They were my best friends. My parents started to worry about me again, but as long as I kept my grades up they were happy. I made a few friends through middle and high school, but never one as good as Sam. Once I graduated high school, I went to our local state college, and moved into a room on campus. One day as I was returning back to my room after class, I was day dreaming about being a dog and running free, and accidentally bumped into someone on the quad. When he turned around to see who had bumped into him, I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was Sam! I hadn’t seen him for over 6 years. He still looked even better than I remembered him, and I felt a strong stirring when I looked at his eyes. Sam was living in a small apartment by himself just of campus, and he invited me over for dinner so we could catch up. I of course took him up on the offer. His apartment was a small 2 bedroom place that he had rented with another student who had been a partier and dropped out after a few weeks. He asked if I wanted to move in with him, as his roommate had paid the rent through the rest of the school year. I quickly agreed, and before long we had all of my stuff moved into the second bedroom. We got along just like old times, and both had great grades. Once the semester was over, he invited me to come to his place for semester brake. I hadn’t been to his place since he moved years ago, and was impressed to see it was a large house on a huge plot of land. His nearest neighbors were almost half a mile down the road. His back yard bordered a stream that was crystal clear, and formed a picturesque nature scene. He also had a nice swimming pool, but it was empty and covered due to the cold temperatures. As we toured the house, I realized it was a little too quiet. I asked him where his parents were, and he said they had won a trip to Europe, and we would have the house to ourselves for the next couple of weeks. I knew right then that this wasn’t going to be just a typical friends vacation. My suspicions were proven true later that night. Sam sat me down on the couch and confessed to me that he had always had kind of a crush on me, but was afraid to do anything about it because we were so young. He had tried to deny it all through middle and high school, but had dated a few other boys. When he came out to his parents they were very supportive, and encouraged him to be his true self, and told him that they would love him no matter what. He dated and played around with a few other guys, but told me that none of them ever felt right to him, and he was always thinking of me. When we bumped into each other on campus, he said he thought it was a sign, and when I agreed to move in with him, he was on cloud 9. It had taken all semester for him to work up the courage, but he decided that now was the time to ask me out. I had never really been all that interested in girls myself, but had never actually admitted that I could be gay. We sat and talked for what seemed like hours and eventually found ourselves kissing and making out. When we went to bed, we decided to sleep in the same one, and after some messing around, we finally fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning, I realized I was alone in bed. As i was wondering where Sam had gone, I smelled bacon and eggs cooking in the Kitchen. I through my robe on, and cam out to join him. I was just in time as he was serving up the plates, and I sat down at the table across from him. He looked at me an saw that my robe was partially opened and smelled at me. He told me he had a something else he needed to tell me, and I wondered what other secrets he could have. Sam Told me that he had seen the way that I had interacted with my dogs as a kid, and the way I had enjoyed playing one that halloween. He asked me If i was still interested in them, and if I had ever wanted to feel what it was like to be one. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I had never told anyone about that, and had never dreamed that he would know my secret. I told him that I had always felt I should have been a dog, and that I loved to pretend to be one with my pets when I was a child. Sam told me he thought so and wasn’t surprised. He stood up, and walked out of the room, telling me to wait there for a second. I was curious about what he was going to do. when he returned to the room, he was carrying the collar and leash that I had worn that halloween. He asked If I wanted to try them on again. I said sure, but I didn’t have the costume anymore. He came over to me and helped me out of my robe and said I wouldn’t need it. As I stood there Completely naked he buckled the collar around my neck. I quickly fell to all fours, and let him lead me around the house. We played like that all day, and I really got into the role of being his dog, and following his commands, and barking, and licking him. When it was time for dinner, he brought me a bowl filled with some of his great tasting chili. I ate it all just as quickly as I could get it into my mouth. As the night progressed, I had completely forgotten about being naked, and was totally comfortable in my role as his dog. I wished it could last for ever, but we eventually had to go to bed. We snuggled in bed for a while before we finally fell asleep with his arms around me. When we woke up in the morning, I agreed to stay his dog, and after eating my breakfast from the bowl, he took me outside. It was a little cold since I was still naked, but we had a vigorous walk and play session, so I didn’t mind too much. I was having the best time I had ever know, and decided to spend the rest of the vacation this way. I was Sam’s dog in mind and body for the whole 2 weeks, not even caring that I was spending all my time naked on all fours. I couldn’t believe how well my life was going and how much it had changed in such a short span of time. I was sad when our vacation was ending, but Sam assured me that this wouldn’t be the end, and that we would have many more opportunities to be like this again. Once we were back in class, Sam secretly too a day off, and made some changes to our apartment. When I came home, I was surprised to see all of my stuff was gone from my room, and it was replaced with a large dog bed. Sam had moved all of my things into his room, where we could share the bed, but whenever I wanted I could take off my clothes, and put on the collar, and become his pet. I spent more time than I care to admit running about the apartment naked on all fours. The landlord even came by a couple of times because of all of the barking, but could never find the dog that was supposedly in our apartment. As the second semester was ending, Sam came over to me and told me he had some good news. His parents had loved their trip to Europe so much that they had decided to spend the summer there, Meaning Sam and I could have the house all to ourselves for the whole summer, and we could kick back and be ourselves. I couldn’t wait to explore the grounds and his wooded back yard as his faithful pet, and knew that this would be a summer that I would remember forever. |