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See how much I can wrote before 3:00 PM |
Once upon a time on the Planet known only as Earth. A Young and Beautiful Girl lived in a castle on a hill. This Girl had long beautiful golden hair and delicate blue eyes the color of the sky. She also had... "Oh GOD!" A Voice intruded into the story "I think I'm gonna barf!" Ichabod woke up with a start! He had just dreamed one of his childhood memories from the Planet Alderbaren...A Memory of when his Mother...Pamela Isly-Crane also known as the infamous Poison Ivy was reading a story to him and his friends, who were all the Children of Gotham Rogues. "Ichy..." The Sleepy Voice beside him, was Ichabod's lover, Marzipan Cheshire...A Fine Cook, an Imaginative Storyteller and also...An Anthropomorphic Cat the size of a Human...With pink and purple fur. "Ichy...You were kicking me in your sleep." "Oh Marzi..." Ichabod said wearily as he ran his hand down his sleepy face "I'm sorry my love I didn't mean to..." "I know you didn't...Were you having a scary dream?" Ichabod sighed, it wasn't a scary dream...But he still hated the dream because it reminded him of everything he had come to denounce...He was a Military Medic of the Federation...A Bonafide Hero and Defender and Protector of the Innocent...And it seemed every day he was reminded of his rogue family and how much he had loved them in his childhood...And how much they loved him... No! No! Don't think about that! If he thought about how that...His will might weaken he might want to see his family again...And if he cracked...They would take him away from his Humanimal Friends forever and he would not only never see them again but they would turn him into what they were planning to turn him into before the Humanimals found him! They would turn him into a Rogue! A Career Criminal. "I need to get some water in my eyes!" Ichabod said he quickly got out of bed and filled a cup of water from his chamber's personal water cooler and splashed a few drops of water in his eyes. Ichabod and Marzipan were currently on the Fellowship their Herd's Spaceship as they were traveling through Space towards Jupiter 2...To mark a very special anniversary for the Humanimal People though what that was none of his Herd would tell him yet...Marzipan also didn't know as she was a Humanimal from Mizzer where the Neo-Hippies had treated their Humanimals as fellow citizens for five thousand years...Since the Humanimals had lived like Citizens on Mizzer since the very beginning they were not a part of 'Mainstream' Humanimal Culture. "Ichabod." Marzipan said softly "Do you want me to tell you a story?" Ichabod looked at Marzipan...While she did have a passion for making up the most fantastical of stories...She had been suffering an extreme case of writer's block blues as of late "A story?" He asked "What about?" "A story from my Kittenhood." Marzipan said "On the Planet of Mizzer." Ichabod settled back into bed and Marzipan began a tale of when she was a Kitten of Mizzer...She was always an odd Kitten, never able to fit in...So most of the time she spent her time in the forest playing by herself having fantastical adventures with all kinds of creatures one day...While she was taking a stroll through the local city park...She spotted some Older Kittens, two boys and one girl talking about something. |