Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2103995-Mental-Walkie-Talkies
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Teen · #2103995
This is technically in the same universe as my first item, Lockout, but it can stand alone
This morning, Sissy mentioned to the others what its would be like if they could all communicate with each other with just their thoughts. "Like, you put a little bluetooth in your ear and they work like mental walkie-talkies."
"Oh god, but walkie talkies are so annoying. With the static and the beeping... i can feel the migraine already."
"Okay, not like actual walkie-talkies." Sissy's ideas always get nit-picked like this, "You know what i meant. Like everybody can just hear each others thoughts. Wouldn't that be great? We could talk to each other all day!"
"Besides, anything that involves giving Jackie the ability to babble in your ear all day is guaranteed to be annoying anyways."
"oh you wanna try me? Keep talking shit, I swear to God Ill get drunk and talk your ear off. And not just the lobe like Van Gogh."
"Oh Lord, Drunk Jackie."
"Id probably just put the bluetooth in people ears while they weren't looking, and whisper shit like, 'Bush did 9/11' all day. Make them thing they're schizo. Wonder if i could talk them into shooting up the school." Hunter said. He looked real proud of that plan. Claudia, Tammy, Jackie, and Sissy all simultaneously (as if via mental walkie-talkies) wondered if this guy really thought he was funny.
But Rachel laughed, much to Claudia's disgust.
"I feel like no one would fall for that. No one is schizophrenic in only one ear." Sissy said.
"Then ill use two!"
"Whatever, Hunter." Claudia hates when people try to reason with the dickhead. It just gives him reason to keep talking.
"Im just trying to say its a good idea!" Sissy whined a little. Its hard not to sound really whiney when your voice is naturally high.
The conversation continued, but no one agreed with her.

But Tammy found herself thinking about it during her psych class. (They were watching a movie about child abuse or something, so she zoned.)
It really would be nice to have all her friends in her head all the time. Then she wouldn't have to go back to that desert she always imagines when her mind is idle.
Or anywhere worse.
God, she was tired. At least she'd probably be able to spend the night at one of the girls' houses tonight. One of the many perks of Friday.
The desert is so bright, whenever she tries to sleep it keeps her up. Its much worse when she stays at her dad's place. She tries to find shade under large cacti but theres always something nasty that gets her. Whether its the cactus needles that stick her, or something ugly hiding in a hole nearby. Like a fucking snake. The fucking snakes are the worst.
You can't sleep when there's a fucking snake staring you in the mind's eye.
It'd be nice to fall asleep with Jackie in her head.
"Snake? What snake? You know what's funny about snakes? Imagine a snake playing twister. what if you took two snakes and wore them as socks? Like you just jam your foot in their mouth and wear 'em. I wonder what that'd feel like on your feet.."
It'd be nice to fall asleep at all...

Jackie scribbled in her notebook (with a pen, always with a pen. Jackie is left handed and pencils smudge everywhere and need sharpening. Pencils are more high maintenance than Rachel) with a look on her face that made her geography teacher feel mildly concerned.
Wouldn't it be nice if (wecouldwakeup) if she always had someone to talk to? Man! That is a good idea Sissy. If i didn't really ever have to shut up?? If people could just listen to me! That's one of the many perks of Friday, I dont have to leave everyone and sit in my room alone with the tv on so i don't suffocate in the silence like its that area at the bottom of the ocean where theres just nothing and nothing and nothing and dark and quiet and ugly fish. I can stay up and talk! They better not fall asleep at like 1 AM. Her left leg, which was crossed over her right leg at the knee, kicked the leg of her desk involuntarily. The rest of her body spasmed or something. It does that sometimes. I swear i got stuff to say! Good stuff! I just need people to listen to me long enough for me to get it out! I want to have those big ideas like Sissy does! I want to go "aha!" and then save the human race! Too bad the human race isn't in danger. Theres nothing for me to save right now. I want to have this epic climactic moment like the protagonists do in the movies! I want to have some kind of earth-shattering revelation to the tune of french horns and cellos! I wonder what movies would be like if none of them had music? Sex scenes would look just as awkward as it looks whenever Hunter and Rachel get all weird with each other. Like damn, guys, please don't finger each other or whatever the fuck you're doing. Little Tammy is in the room. She's just a wittle freshman. Our wittle baby. I wanna see what our wittle baby is like drunk. That'd be an adventure. The others are so boring sometimes. I bet the baby would be a bundle of joy. Or a huge problem. Like she'd run into traffic or some dude would get all predatory on her. Ick. Nah, I could save her! Fear not, wittle baby. Jackie will give that creep the smackie! That sounds dirty. Or drug-related. Isn't smack another word for heroin? That works! Let's give him heroin! maybe he'll O.D....

Rachel is glad her friends can't hear her thoughts these days. That would get really weird. She estimates about 8/10 of her consciousness is occupied with sex-centric things. Not that its a bad thing, but it is mostly Hunter's fault. They text throughout the whole day. Their conversations never really end. Even when they fall asleep, if the last thing she texted was "That sounds really painful" as soon as Hunter woke up he'd reply "that's why quitting is not an option. No negotiations." As of late, their conversations have been getting more and more erotic. And distracting. She feels so connected! So what reason is there not to connect in a more physical sense? That's one of the many perks of Friday, they have all night to go for it. No pussy-ing out. He's certainly got the idea stuck in her mind. Sexting Hunter has been all at once exciting, confusing, and sort of embarrassing. Like trying to buy diarrhea medicine in a country where you don't speak the language.
God, and what a language!
She was a sophomore and he was a senior, she she expected some kind of gap in maturity. (If she had a pair of mental walkie-talkies with claudia, she'd probably be having her ear assaulted with "Maturity?! MATURITY, SHE SAYS, FOR CHRISSAKES! You think dismemberment is mature?! Leonardo DiCaprio is mature! Hunter is infected!") Rachel had seen the R-rated movies. She knew the ins and outs of penis-in-vagina and all that jazz with the semen and the condoms and the blue balls and such, but this guys talking to her about G's and O's and she wasn't prepared to incorporate the alphabet into her sex life! Hunter, for her, has done to sex what algebra did to math. Hopefully, if/when she gets with Hunter, Jackie and Sissy will forget all about the Bud Light incident...

Claudia fumed over Rachel's gooey devotion to that slime ball, Hunter. If they had those mental walkie-talkies, Rachel would have gotten an EARFUL this morning. Red flag! Red flag! Joking about mass murder is not funny, and it does nothing to convince Claudia she shouldn't tackle that assbag the minute he even looks at any of her girls!
She did this everyday, acting like he's Morgan Freeman everytime he says literally anything. Why? Cause he's so "mature"? Bitch, I'm the same age as that Genghis Cunt. She had no idea how he started out already operating the stage lights in theatre tech, but it certainly wasn't with his hard work and talent. Claudia knows what happens to hard workers: they end up working hard on stuff no one else wants to do.
"Bitch work."
Somehow, you can spend 3 damn years under the thumb command of some sadistic narcissist and makes sacrifices of your time, energy, humanity..
She looked down and saw incongruence. One hand was perfect, it was the evolutionary hallmark of power, of significance, of domination.
On the other hand, she was missing that hallmark. Claudia referred to that hand as a 'paw'. The symbol of the lower animals. The prey. The secondary characters.
Whatever the fuck God is, Claudia was certain He doesn't have 'paws'.
Sacrifices give power to the highers. Never to you.
One of the many perks of Friday is there are no sacrifices necessary.
© Copyright 2016 Jilluminati (sinadinosaur at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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