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The Heir must arise and lead the people of desert. But he didn't forseen his brother... |
The Magnoides are usually shown as a vertical ellipsoidal stones with three smaller, as well vertical, orbiting around them satelites. Supposedly they tend to have from one up to fifteen satellites (some sources say even about twenty six), distributed progressively among up to three orbits, sometimes including reversal orbits. I believe it is very possible, that the maximum allowed amount of satellites is determined by the consecutive prime numbers starting with three. Adarad, year 764 DE Arhiin'adAstiin stood on the head of a dune. He felt the wind, the dry desert wind in his, typically for Wereni, long bright hairs. The wind was tearing upon the eternity of parched with the sun gold and red sands. Unsurpassed, undefeated. And Arhiin rushed just with this wind. Not counting him there were five more people on this dune. Four of his best hunters and Nahri'Dhanei, the Fateseer. It was a plenty of reasons why having her nearby was good thing. No need for walking by foot through the desert was one of the minor ones. Driving the Dashing Dune required indeed remarkable skills. 'Dhanei' he asked shouting over the wind 'how much time will it take us to arrive?' 'Just a few minutes and we are.' She shouted back still closing her eyes 'And I've told you, call me just Nahri.' 'It would be a disgrace, Dhanei.' He smiled and focused again watching the route before them, to spot possible obstacles and other Dashing Dunes. The Fateseer drown in trance could not be distracted with such a burden. Hence the need for a navigator. They acted as in turns, but actually Arhiin felt he could take this role for a whole time. His respiratory system was protected well from the sand by his Kethii mask covering the face and the nose, but ending in two arcs under the eyes. And before all, he loved the feeling of challenging the wind itself. The sun shined high, almost in zenith. Arhiin hoped, they will manage to arrive on time before the noon. The journey at that time could be definitively placed among those mildly unpleasant. The desert was, as always, quite waved. The unique system of slight rises and valleys had been reshaping after every sandstorm, which meant approximately twice a month. There was no other Dashing Dunes in his sight. No other travelers. That was supposedly because he has been already late. Not perfectly good. Even perfectly not good. When all the tribes of the Crimson Desert were gathering to let the Heir of Fatama speak to them it would behoove that he actually speak. And he couldn't, because of his leteness. Latefullness? Being late? Arhiin only hoped, that his younger brother will manage to sustain the meeting and other Wereni chiefs won't depart until he arrives. Behind his back the choral laugh rang out. He turned back towards his people and with sinister smile said: 'Well, well. I would with pleasure laugh with you, guys.' 'That's nothing well with that' replied Rinvval. He was a half-blood Wereni, which was marked by his black hair. 'You're not really laughing of me behind my back again, are you?' 'Of course' replied Kaziir with confidant smile 'Rinvval has just pointed out, that would we be a little bit more late your brother would take over the podium, and consecutively, your support, your sword, the Heritage, your primogeniture, and, horror of horrors, your lady Fateseer.' They burst out laughing again and Arhiin joined them. Even Nahri'Dhanei had smiled. In that kind of company even a voyage in the highest noon could be joyful. 'How very funny' She told eventually 'And I feel like someone is up to fall of the dune, Rinvval. Why the Essences have you picked up a half-blooded to your company?' 'You have seen on your own, what is he like in fighting, Dhanei. He is the best example how the hard work and determination can be more meaningful than the purity of blood. Furthermore, when as the Wereni we will follow in the name of one aim, focusing each one on his tasks... Suddenly he heard a scream from behind, in the next heartbeat everything had shuddered, spinned, turned upside down and he realized he lays his back on a sand. He ensured that the Kethii is still on its place protecting the face and he didn't swallow some sand. Yup, face is the place. He tried to get up, but his back proclaimed a decided objection. Looks like I will lye here somehow longer... 'Watch you're driving, you roadhog!' Out of a corner of his eye he saw that from a nearby pile of sand unburies some Wereni from a village, he didn't recall. Behind him was standing a bold man with a short beard. Fateseer, he has recognized his rank by the tattoos all around his forehead and cheeks, similar to those which Nahri had on her forehead, but those of this man were significantly denser and more imposing. And that's all in the matter of focusing on one's task. He again tried to stand on he's feet and politely apologize, but he still felt beaten-up. 'Shut the shatter up, you desert freak!' sounded the Rinvval's voice, who had just made his way from another pile of sand and run in between them brushing himself off that sand. 'You should have given us the right of way, we have higher rank than you!' 'Get out of way, half-blood' the Fateseer replied calmly 'who was driving?' 'Me' he heard the voice of Nahri, but she still remained beyond his sight. 'And in this times, we are seeing women in the driving seats. This world is indeed ending' the Fateseer commented. Arhiin still didn't see Nahri's face, but judging from the Fateseer's reaction who adopted defensive, almost battle stance she was furious now. Arhiin knew too well how it usually was looking like. Wereni of this one he didn't know gathered around their chief. Arhiin also heard some steps behind him. His guard did not leave this unanswered. Essences, it's about a bloodshed! 'Silence please!' he shouted standing up. Shortly afterwards he had to clench his teeth, but eventually he kept saying 'I will take the whole responsibility for that accident.' 'Arhiin'adAstiin?' said with confusion standing opposite to him Wereni 'I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to insult the Heir.' Khalos'adRevii, yes. Now standing face to face with him he was able to identify his identity. He was one of his direct vassals. 'And I really hate to hide behind my authority. Well met, Khalos. Accidents will happen, right?' 'But usually we are the ones, who make them happen...' Pointed that humorous one of his companions. 'Oh, die in a sandstorm, Rinvval' Arhiin interrupted him irritated. Afterwards he turned to Khalos again 'Are you also approaching the Reunion of the Society?' 'Exactly. And looks like we are late' Khalos' face twisted for a moment 'We had some sort of problems in our village. Well, you are surrounding yourself with strange people, Heir. Half-blooded, lady Fateseer...' 'So let's join our forces to get to the reunion. We had two Fateseers after all. They should easily create a new Dashing Dune. And what's about my people' Arhiin made his voice silent 'the desert has only a plenty of that valuable people, I assure you.' The Fateseers nodded each other still with hostility and reluctantly began to gather the sand. It's going in good direction Arhiin thought. At last we cooperate almost as a one nation. He knew, this claim was a bit exaggerated, but he also hoped it will be no longer soon. In a few years Wereni could really become one nation. He sighed and came with his hunters to recollect the trophies they were transporting on their Dune. After all, it would be a pity if all those parts of skorpionoids they were hunting before would get lost in the sands. This hunt was one of the reasons they were late. Already after fifteen minutes they were back on their tour. The time Wereni answered to the changes in the world surrounding them has come. The reports of his brother's were clear. They have isolated themselves on the desert for so long and the state they were part of got significantly changed. Essences, the oppressions against his kind were visible even on their desert. He looked backwards onto the Fateseers driving the Dune, significantly bigger than those which could be steered by just one Fateseer. Arhiin ponder over the situation again. But uniting them is only one point. The most significant one, is to all of them follow in the right direction. On their left side appeared a large deflation basin, a longitudinal blowout connoting a large crack in the sand. The wind has blown away the sand for so long, that this place could seat now thousands of people. The high walls gave also a nice hideout from the sand creating a perfect meeting place. The Dashing Dune stopped nearby and its passengers drifted down its side dropping down a mosaic of miniature avalanches of alternatively gold and pale red grains of sand. They came towards the meeting place. As Arhiin was seeing, the people has already gathered and still didn't start do diverge. Here we go he thought and accompanied by a loud applause and shouts came down the wooden scaffold to the basin. But why the Essences they started to clap their hands already before I have even arrived? *** '...And thanks to trade contracts with Ancria we will acquire metallic weapons for everyone!' Over the crowd applause rang out again. Alayanahad'adAstiin waited till they fell silent and continued. Arhiin barely believed what his ears kept telling him. Not because his younger brother took over his place, nor because he was just declaring a revolution. Simply because he seemingly met with the common agreement. Still astonished he took off his Kethii. However all Wereni wore it coming outdoors it would be inappropriate to wear it in the official room. And the meeting was quite official, therefore... it was considered a room? Something like that. Thus all Wereni here had their faces uncovered, but Arhiin had more serious issues at the moment than that coverage. Lose of social status and the elder brother's authority? He looked behind, but Nahri gracefully was still standing with him. Good, looks like everything is still in the right place. 'It has sooner or later to happen' Arhiin didn't even notice when Rinvval approached him. 'Dislike and xenophobe were rising in the Society for more than two hundred years. And now, putting in lower social caste, prohibition of independent mining and treatment of red iron only ignited the situation. They thought we can be pacified forever.' 'And still the rulers In Adarad know, we are vital for them. No one else can extract red iron as we do, even under their supervision as we must do now. Have they forget who traced their trade routes through both deserts and didn't even think about taking a toll? We still have assets they need, we could negotiate and instead' he pointed the cheering crowd with his hand 'we have... this.' Nahri came closer touching his arm. 'It was just a one of the possible ways. Wereni have chosen another. We cannot tell, was it better or worse. We know, however, that the Society is ready to follow it. He knew it was true. He just couldn't help himself. The prohibition on holding metal weapon and tools. Not granting the civilian status. The almost slave work in mines to pay monthly tribute of the red iron. What was the emperor even thinking? Was he even considering them as a human beings? Wasn't he after all the lord of all his people? Arhiin put his sight down onto hanging by his belt one handed sword made entirely of the red iron. The symbol of his Heritage. The heritage of his father. Not many Wereni could be proud of wielding such a weapon. It was indeed uncommonly rare. Could his thoughts about the peace be actually selfish acts of ignoring his people's needs? 'People of the Coastal Cities declared their support for us, if we would free the from the grasp of aristocracy, military, snobs, and other riff-raff!' Loud applause. 'We will show them how to survive on the desert and together we will become a force which will shudder the whole Adarad!' Here the ovations were a bit more quiet. 'The red iron, which have been for months smuggled by us from the mines will make for arming the first troops. And then, we will arm everyone who will go follow us!' The raised up spears and hammers almost covered the sky. They were almost all made of desertstone and bones, sometime with parts made of scorpionoids' chitin. Arhiin was sure he saw also several swords. I bet it was a smart rhetoric move. Not 'with us', but 'follow us', which marks our supremacy. He has his wits about oratory. Maybe this time Alayanahad actually knows what is he doing. Sooner or later that time should come. Onto the podium appeared Urugiin, a close friend of Alayanahad and also his adjutant. He put out a tripod holding a large sheet of parchment showing various grids, rows of numbers and graphs. Alayanahad approached the tripod and taking from Urugiin's hands a cane stick and began to one after another evaluate all of them. Arhiin just gave up hearing this economic jargon. He wasn't the only one, as in the crowd it was easily heard whispers and quiet chats. This little tricky cockroach prepared the whole businessplan and economic situation analysis, it's beyond my belief. When had he learned the whole business and management stuff. But he had was almost failed from the primary school in Fatama for setting the fire on a playground. When Alayanahad ended his explanations he threw the stick to Urugiin, who apparently didn't expect that and catching it overbalanced and feel out from the podium. The tripod also fell and followed him. The crowd cheered. They cheered once again when on the scene approached an aged Fateseer, in whom Ahriin recognized Korhelis, one of the Twelve Fatama Councilors. In his hands he hold divided through the diameter wooden bowl. Behind him followed hurriedly young acolyte holding a towel. Arhiin knew precisely what does it mean. When Alayanahad knelt the over the crowd a deathly hush fell. 'And so I anoint you, Alayanahad'adAstiin, for the Heir of Fatama with water and olive oil. Let the sun and wind foster you, and the sand will obey your command as we do now' declaimed Khorelis and anointed Alayanahd's forehead with consecutively these two fluids. 'Let the fate itself obeys your will, as it obeyed your ancestors'. Tear through the Erb as the sandstorm itself and tear apart everything that opposes you. From ashes to ashes, from dust to dust. Then he put away the bowl and with a grimace over his face he dried his hands with the towel handed to him. The acolyte raised the bowl from the ground and rushed after his mentor. Alayanahad still knelt with his eyes closed and the crowd remained silent. Arise, jackass, arise! 'Yes, that's it!' Shouted Korhelis behind the scene 'You can arise now!' And Alayanahad'adAstiin raised as Alayanahad'adAstiin, the Heir of Fatama. Risen up hammers and spears of stone and bone covered the sky again and the cheer filled the whole basin. And Alayanahad stood above them all. Arhiin saw his face. He knew, it was his moment. The moment, which as a younger brother he should never have chance to experience. 'Well, a bit louder and we would all get buried alive' noticed Rinvval. But Arhiin didn't stop to listen him and walked behind the scene. Rinvval shrugged and followed him. Nahri also joined them after a while. She could always read his emotions well. She knew, he is up to talk with someone very, very seriously. His brother stood leaned against the wooden construction of the podium and was talking with a few of his lieutenants. Ahriin did not recall many of them, however Urugiin seemed familiar. They were all drinking cactus sangria from wooden cups and laughing, however they became silent as he approached. 'Leave us alone' he commanded shortly. Why, in the Essences' name, are all laughing when I see them? They have hesitated for a few heartbeats, but eventually they retreated without a word. Arhiin still outweighed his brother with the authority. It was not without a reason why he was originally to be anointed the Heir. Rinvval also was leaving, but Arhiin caught his arm saying 'You stay here!' Alayanahad stood for a while astonished. Too short while. He knew his brother well enough to know, he wasn't that personality kind who would make a coup like that. 'Greetings' he said 'Was the hunting successful?' 'Hey brother. Sorry for the delay, accidentally I have crashed a Dune.' 'How can one have a Dune crushed?' he astonished and looked upon his brother's companions. 'Nahri was driving, am I right?' 'Hold me back, or otherwise today I will kill some Heir!' she shouted and walked towards Alayanahad. Arhiin, as he was recommended to, caught her arm still holding Rinvval with his other hand. Arhiin sent murderous glance to his brother and said: 'You know well, I'm not here to talk about it!' 'Ow. Sorry, you were late and the chiefs were getting out of their patience. I had to hold them in places somehow, to attract their attention. It was not even sure will you arrive! And when they supported my plan... It has come out anyway. Should I oppose? Don't let them to anoint me? It would be a disgrace!' Saying that he lowered his head, as if he could not gather enough courage to look into his brother's eyes. His long bright hair covered his face, like a curtain separating him from his brother's sight. 'Don't cry your tears, water is precious' Arhiin put his hands on his brother's shoulders. He was half a head taller than Alayanahad. 'You did it well. We had to unite them, right? Well, you did it. The war can forge bonds much quicker than the peace, much quicker than I planned. You have always lived in my shadow. So if you aspire to my, as your elder brother I should be a support not an obstacle to you. 'What?' Alayanahad said disoriented. 'Good luck as a new Heir of Fatama. Be better than I could be. Well, at least try.' He patted his brother's back. 'You have a support, a vision and I had completely no idea that you can give a speech so well. And now, what is your next move?' 'Didn't you listen.' 'I was late. A little bit.' 'Right. I plan to take over the red iron mines. It should paralyze Adaradian economy and give us an advantage.' 'The red iron... The main resource and a symbol of an unification of Adarad fifty years past.' Saying it he pulled off his one-handed sword and holding it vertically watched it lost in his thoughts. 'It appears only on the Crimson Desert and weapon made of it seems to attach somehow its owner's essence. 'Properly it is told following: Sanguineferrum shows strong ignimantic attributes.' 'What the foreign jargon is that?' 'I traveled. Hence I know.' 'You both failed to include' pointed Rinvval 'That the red iron attracts also a giant nasty scorpionoids, which seem to attach somehow to its deposits.' 'Right!' Shouted Alayanahad excited. 'You still didn't tell me how was your hunting.' 'It took a bit longer than I intended' Ahrin pulled a face 'but yes, success. Three pairs of pincers, can you imagine? Sensation! I was hunting many times on one ad two -paired scorpionoids, but I've seen such a beast for the first time.' Alayanahad nodded his head with recognition. Of course, scorpionoids could be dangerous, especially when they came to close to inhabited places, but hunting them was still kind of entertainment and show of strength. 'It will be hard to surpass you.' 'Well, the honors are not only given to me. Rinvval also did really well' the face of half-blooded Wereni got a little blushed. 'But to the point, those mines are not concentrated. The deposits of the red iron are spread among the whole Crimson Desert. Are you suggesting harassment?' 'Underhand tactics, exactly. We can take advantage of our knowledge about the terrain and the speed of our units. We know better deposit's locations than anyone.' 'Seems legit, but the mining is still held under Adaradian supervision. They are keeping garrisons.' 'And here come I. While I was traveling around the country I got my wits about a few interesting laws. For instance, currently the whole control over mining and workflow of the red iron is entirely under Emperor's supervision. And less he puts it into the market the higher value it has. So he earns about the same value. But the fact is that only several mines are working at the same time.' Arhiin's face darkened. He knew it too well. Despite closing not state-owned mines his people were still to output high amount of the mineral as a forced tribute. It even came to sending Wereni renegades there to the lifelong working. And, what's worse, not only criminals. When have we become slaves in our own land? 'We definitively will need to take over the mines' he agreed. 'Yes. But concern is growing not only among Wereni. Many Adaradin smiths and craftsmen lost their jobs. Riots have already began in the Coastal Cities. They are growing sick of their Emperor and will be willing to go against him. And support us by the way.' 'Yea, I see. All that graph stuff you did. Was that All your work?' 'Of course it was. Who do you think I am? I am an excellent erudite.' 'You've set fire to swing.' 'I've said excellent, not flawless.' 'While I was swinging.' 'Nevertheless, we will only need to take over Emperor's mines. They have stationary garrisons, I guess they are changed every month, just like the workers. We will also have to run again the closed mines, at least before the regular army will come. Then we will be forced to retreat, but we will take some of the red iron with us.' 'It might be difficult, they have horses, chariots and all that stuff.' 'And we have sand, wind and the Fateseers.' Alayanahad looked towards Nahri'Dhanei 'But... according to the recent facts maybe I was overestimating the use of Dashing Dunes...' 'Are you sure all the Fateseers will support us?' Arhiin changed the topic quickly. 'I'm not' Nahri hissed quietly. 'Not sure' answered Alayanahad 'Most of them have declared impartiality. It's not a surprise, is it? But some are still on our side, not that bad I would say.' 'Have you been to Paz'Dhan?' Nahri asked suddenly. Right, Paz'Dhan used to be her mentor before he gave up everything and became hermit. But he still was one of the most powerful Fateseers, an Oracle. His support would be crucial. 'Not yet. But his support would be crucial.' As I thought. 'Who else will be on our side when the Adaradian army will come?' 'We will have our own army by that time. Because of the war we won't have much time and people to work. We will take as much red iron ass we can mine or take from reserves and remaining in Emperor's mines and make use of it. And we will also have support of Adaradian craftsmen, who can take care of metallurgy...' 'That all are long term assets. You have said something about Ancrian trade contracts.' And I have very bad feelings about that. 'Yes. They will never attend the war directly, they are far too far away from us. But they can, with the help of the Coastals, to smuggle readymade weapon and supplies for us. Ancrians are people of trade and ocean, that's what they do, right? At least for most of their time. We have many uncial goods to offer in exchange. Hides and chitin shells of desert animals, medical plants unique for our climate like endurant or kalha, skorpionoid's venom...' 'Red iron.' Arhiin said and a silence fell for a moment. 'Also. We won't be able to manufacture it all in that short time. Besides that even a worse but readymade weapon can turn out to be better than the better one. It really makes sense! Especially as the mob is up to help us and the mob will not make a full use of red iron weapon's potential. It would be a waste.' 'So you intend on giving our best resource away in exchange for arms?' 'Don't get me wrong' Alayanahad said almost imploringly 'After the Emperor reduced its workflow the export fell almost to zero. Have you got any idea how valuable it is now on foreign markets?' 'Have you got any idea why the Emperor reduced its export almost to zero? Imagine he may not be such incompetent as you perceive him' 'But... We cannot think now in a long run. We need to fight our freedom here and now. Ancria is anyway too far away to cross our way in the future. After the war I will try to breach all of these contracts. We need them to provide us weapon and supplies. When Adaradians will eventually find out who is pushing them around the will try to defeat us in a war of attrition. We must be prepared..' Arhiin sighed. One thing or the another. 'May you succeed' he said shortly 'As a mark of my brotherly support, customary performed by older brothers, I leave you two of my best lieutenants. Nahri and Rinvval. 'WHAT!?' both of them shouted simultaneously. 'Happy new year! Now he needs your help more than I will. Well, he is not that smart as I am. And what's about you, Rinvval, I just want to get rid of your jokes.' 'Because of what? Because I lower the seriousness of yourself? And I hoped that one, only one Wereni is not a racist.' 'Because because of you I have crushed two Dunes at once, get late for the Reunion and because we have all this circus because of you. Till yesterday I wouldn't even imagine that because of one joke can a situation of that high caliber come out. And by the way if the number of non-racist Wereni has changed only by one it's not such a big change.' 'Not big one? It's a one hundred percentage change!' 'Ow, and one more thing. As soon as you complete that issue with Paz'Dhan, which you are up to do as soon as possible, Nahri comes back to my. Untouched.' 'WHAT!?' Shouted Nahri and Alayanahad simultaneously while Rinvval just chuckled quietly. 'Boy, have you really thought that after taking away from me the power, authority of the older brother you can take my lady Fateseer as well? Ha! You shall grow up a bit first.' 'I definitively oppose to tolerate such an instrumental treatment of...' 'Maybe you will also say that you hoped that one, only one Wereni is not a sexist?' Arhiin interrupted her. 'That would be a delay! Sorry, but I'm in a good mood now. Alayanahad'adAstiin, the Heir of Fatama, once again I wish you more power to your elbow and so on.' He turned back and walked past the scene to get away. 'Wait!' Shouted Alayanahad. 'Can we do that? Do you think we stand a chance?' 'Do we stand a chance?' Arhiin stopped to point with his hand all the Wereni walking away after the finished meeting. 'Look, who do you see. I see good people willing to follow their leader both in war and peace. People who are skilled hunters, craftsmen and merchants. Adaradians see only a bunch of terrifying fullcallers. They are afraid of us, that's why they persecute us so much. And to some point they are right, what other fraction has that many fullcallers?' 'Eccani' Rinvval pointed quickly. 'Who the Essences?' 'The race of Ani living north of Estlandis' explained Alayanahd quickly. 'They are naturally gifted in Water Fate variant called Cryomantion.' 'And they will be in no extend involved in this war? So die about thirty meters below the ground with your suggestions, Rinvval!' Arhiin joined the dispersing crowd and with last remaining Wereni went towards the wooden constructions supporting basin's walls. The sun was slowly hiding behind the horizon and the night was quickly getting cold. Arhiin did not want to elbow through the crowd. Instead he came closer to the wall but away from the ladders. Fullcall. The place he was staying in just a heartbeat before got filled by a wind and the Arhiin himself was standing up the crest of the basin's slope. On the ground around him settled a irregular rings of rime creating strange ideograms. Those little crystals of rare atmospheric water were created by the adiabatically expanding air around him, there was nothing of so called Cryomancy. But Arhiin was quite good with the Air Fate, as almost every Wereni. Living on the desert they have adapted its most lethal weapon. The wind itself. Arhiin pulled from his pocket a zircon crystal and investigated it for a while. It was still radiating with vague gold-like glow. He smiled seeing that he is becoming even better. No one else knew about it, but fullcall was one of the increasing in number things in which Alayanahad has overtaken him. Zircon and scheelite. Minerals of tetragonal lattice storing the Air Fate. Possible to obtain via attracting diamond or garnet with corundum or hematite. In Fatecalling the theory was of the same importance as the practice. Not so far in time before Alayanahad would not accept this rule, but... well, looks like the little brother got changed during his travels. Maybe one day I will also try. See the places where water drops from sky as a small crystals, and the Glass Mountains far west, where the sun sets. One day. But not now. Even He was no longer the Heir he still has responsibilities towards his people. The first was to take a things done with Paz'Dhan. After a short looking for he found his lieutenants playing spint with Khalos' people. He sit nearby and watched for a while the spinning on a plate top. It finally fell with the fourth side in loud disgust of Kaziir who appealed to laughing people and their mothers. And that's why I have always preferred the Lirion draughts to random-based games. Arhiin smiled to his own thoughts. Here Alayanahad would tend to agree with him. Maybe this war will not be entirely a chance event? 'I've lost my lady Fateseer and a prophet who have foreseen it somewhere.' He said to Khalos. 'With a bit of luck the second one is lost permanently. Could you give me and three of my people a lift? 'I'm not sure. To many people can be troublesome' Khalos looked towards his Fateseer who just shrugged his arms. 'It can be done. More than once have I given a lift to my fellow Fateseers after nightlong drinking sprees. And the sandstorm itself can take that allowable load of Dune on the national sands. Sounds legit. An hour later he was standing again on the top of a Dune, this time moving back to Astiin. After arriving there he will need to keep for Rinvval his part of the big game they were transporting. Despite his thoughts, he did really well. Arhiin, as a commander, was the one who made a mistake. But at least the beast had six pincers, even excessive number of trophies for us five. Maybe I shall keep also one for Nahri? She didn't like that kind of entertainment, but maybe she will find it pleasant? He turned back to the bold Fateseer and shouted 'Could you ride a bit more westward, I will need to pay someone a visit.' The Fateseer only nodded his head keeping his eyes closed and they were riding still, under the night sky full of stars and Twin Moon's shine. Just like one nation leaded by twin leaders. Looks like you have united them, Alayanahad. He thought looking in sky. I hope you will now make a right choice. In the next moment they crashed into another Dashing Dune. |