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Jarred must come to terms with not being entirely who he thought he was. |
Epilogue: The Truth behind the 'Kings Demise' King Julien Lions-claw the Third strolled around the gardens frantic for reprisal from his most trusted advisors-all of who were not in attendance. Lord Cain was on a mission doing god knows what, most likely had to do with the Islander Threat. He left the King the instant they reached High Lord La Blanches' lands with little explanation. Lord Lucien and Baron Gregory La Blanche went with him. The King was escorted to the fortress by the guard that often accompanied the Lords in these parts considering how far from the civilization of The Nameless City they were. Finally High Lord La Blanche who was supposed to be entertaining him wasn't presently anywhere to be found. The older man didn't even greet his guest upon arrival as was costmary. Julien was in Castle La Blanche in the La Blanche gardens not wishing to return to his palace or see to his little family after what he's recently learned from Witch herself. He technically couldn't leave here until Leopold arrived and Lord Cain returned so he was more or less a sitting duck. It wouldn't be good if someone spotted two of King Julien or two of Lord Leopold anywhere outside this castle. There was no guarantee the potions they used would stop working at the same time after all. Alas a sitting King with far too much to sort through in his mind than all together healthy, was no fun at all. He paced through the mazes of decorative bushes paying no mind to where in the vast gardens he was. The King's wife was bed ridden with the flu again for the fifth time this winter and this time it didn't bode well. Baron and Lady Creeps were present to take care of or say farewell to their daughter, it seemed like they did more of the latter lately-for the last two months or so. It was inevitable that the Queen would die. His son also named Julien was being looked after by the maids at his palace and the Creeps alike. Lord Leopold La Blanche was at the palace in the Kings stead disguised as him so that his absence didn't come into question. More specifically he should be making his way here to swap places with the real King Julien. Ever since The Queen conceived an heir to the throne her body was much frailer. The woman that used to best Lord Cain on horse-back and Julien at swords play and hunting, as well as High Lord La Blanche at dueling with wand and staff magicks now fell ill from the slightest chill. She couldn't seem to keep any meal down and her face and body looked physically aged about ten years. She was overly emotional as if the pregnancy hormones never wore off. Occasionally the twenty three year old woman had hysterics for no reason at all. There was days when she couldn't even form words and looked like she'd seen a ghost. Her state was in constant turmoil. The miraculous birth of Prince Julien the fourth was much desired by the Ladies' family and the Kingdom but King Julien spared the toddler no time much more focused on his Wife's state and his Kingdoms affairs. Somedays, very seldom had King Julien seen an inkling of Queen Maddison Creeps Lions-claw the woman he married. The woman that according to King Julien the Second; is beneath him but very much his superior in most things. The former King announced this publicly to the whole city making it clear that he permitted this wedding only after meeting the Lady in question who was from a much poorer and less politically aligned family than he would have liked for the future king's wife. Naturally Queen Maddison's healer was suspect and questioned profusely under wand point and potion but nothing of it. The healer did admit that after Queen Maddison's struggles to bring a child to term for some years she might have mentioned to her an idea to meddle with the Witches art-'after all the Kingdom needed a proper heir from the Lions-claw bloodline or the reign of the family would end; which according to the current Witch Lady Avalon; It was a very bad omen for the Nameless City.' The Queen reasoned with the healer. The woman at that point said she washed her hands of the ordeal swearing she informed Maddison of the grave penalties for meddling with the natural order of things. She still vowed to help things along as a mid-wife and her personal healer as much as her vast knowledge of herb lore and healing magicks would permit. If there was something out there that she hasn't tried that could aid the barren Queen conceive; it wasn't something a proper healer would allow for sheer preservation of her actual patient, the potential mother. So in turn the Witch was brought to question. And the King not known for his devious nature had to employ his fathers' favorite bodyguard to assist him in a ploy. Julien Lions-claw ventured to Witches Fortress with Lord Cain in tow in complete secret. That was about a week before he found himself in the La Blanches' maze like gardens pondering kingly things. Among the things that weighed heavily on him the one that taxed him the most was what he learned from his misadventure. He's gone through the very same woman's Rites to be able to ascend the throne. He only tolerated her tutelage out of necessity in his younger years. Julien truly found her void of a back bone and lacking in human decency and after he ascended the throne he hoped to have her replaced only to find out she was in a higher standing than the King and only the Warlock and Wizard could veto her from her position if they worked together-naturally the fools didn't even speak to one another at palace functions, so getting them to co-operate with each other to do this one task for him was wearing him down. And damned near impossible. The Three Sages that had powers and knowledge beyond anyone's' understanding in the Realms, but in so many ways they were a very flawed dysfunctional trio. In the olden days the trio lived and worked together each just a little piece of the whole. These three mostly ignored each other's existence. Avalon Castle was huge. It was more of a fortress than a castle or palace. It had Thick outer walls and a Gate as an entrance that could only be open from inside with the right incantation. Behind those walls was a small city. The castle, the King's final destination lay in the cities center. Lydia Avalon herself was an ancient woman of nobility. This wasn't anything any of the Witches before her boasted. Most died young or younger than Lady Lydia because most took part in battles. Lydia instead chose to create an impregnable city to house all those that wished to learn and not to worry about having to fight in duels. Getting in uninvited through the gate was out of the question. It used to be a temple of some kind and Witch chose to use its vast vicinity eons ago. It was on her father's land and he gave her the deed to the ruins and surrounding land before making her brother Baron and heir to all his other lands. Witch gleefully accepted the deed in exchange for a promise not to duel any of her family for their titles or assets for life. Each year since the woman became Witch the Nameless City paid her a tiff and each year she invested more into her ruins until they became a Fortress held in high esteem. She herself fortified the walls regularly and there was always a look out not matter what time of day or night. Luckily most who ventured this far out of the safety of the capital were never turned away by the hordes of Witches that resided with Witch herself behind those thick blackened walls. Getting inside her walls wasn't the hard part, not for Lord Cain and the King anyway. No one even questioned why Lord Leopold and Lord Cain rode off together on black steeds in the middle of the night, it was such a common sight especially since the raids from the forests increased tenfold this last year, The islander threat was clearly becoming stronger, all the villains the first king purged away from the sacred lands still survived in caves and hidden valleys and struck back quite often these days after having a few hundred years to re-group. As they rode through the Fortress's gate the few women out and about eye balled Lord Cain. King Julien noticed a few of the novices glaring profusely at Lord Cain as if trying to read him. Those novices didn't look like women swooning-they looked like their skin was suddenly crawling and there eye balls might fall out of there sockets. Most of the older witches avoided his comrade's gaze completely and didn't even look at the King's body guard as if scared to see something, it was odd. King Julien never ventured into witches domain before. She always came to him for it was her responsivity to keep him aligned with the Kingdom at large so this was a very new experience for the young King. The person on Guard Duty knew Lord Cain and Lord Leopold so no one met them until they finally reached the castle entrance about thirty minutes later. Lady Lydia Avalon greeted them herself at the bottom of the stairs that led to the entrance of her vast home. "I've expected you for weeks," She mused hinting that there doings were never truly secret from one such as her. She turned and directly looking at Lord Cain bowed deeply. Julien almost fell off his horse at the old crone's gesture. He hasn't seen Witch curtesy or bow to anyone during the many years that he's known her. "Sire, it's been many years and you have not aged a day," She announced, almost smirking to the duo. The smile didn't reach her eyes however her old eyes were rather weary and full of sadness. Lord Cain didn't even answer her jab. From Lydia whom he himself held as a baby he didn't expect any more. Nowadays she pointed out to him that her bones are creaky and skin is sagging and wrinkled every chance she got. If it was to mock his state of being or hers he didn't know which. She turned to Julien and frowned. "This is truly a great enchantment Witch who guards the gates of Knowledge doesn't always know all." She started clapping then. "I see the actual enchantment however. Whoever brewed this potion gets my applause usually I see past such things. This one leaves me at a loss, however. Who would Lord Cain bring here to me in secret?" She then turned back to King Julien who approached her and bowed in mockery of the shocking bow the crone bestowed upon his body guard. "Witch it is I, King Julien the third requesting an immediate audience with you on a most pressing matter that weighs heavily upon my heart." The woman jumped and paled recognizing her former pupil's voice right away. "Sire," She paused as if considering her course of action carefully for a moment. "Julien I didn't expect you here so soon." She continued. The woman eyed Lord Cain and the King in disguise. The old woman signaled the boy that stood behind her to take the men's horses and turned to lead the way up the enormous stair case. "First you'll have refreshments and rest, a feast has been prepared, I was expecting someone of great importance to come calling today. You'll stay here for days three. In that time we'll have time for plenty of audience's gentlemen." The Crone stated flatly. Lord Cain was about to protest. Three days was too long for them. The longest his enchantments ever held was five. This potion he used wouldn't last for longer than a week, he was sure of it. They had to pass two gates to arrive here. A journey this length on horseback alone would have taken at least three weeks. He had another gate waiting a half a day's ride from here to take them to Castle La Blanche, they could only spare a day here at most so that no one noticed the switch that the King himself had asked for. "I'll prepare a portal for you to keep your appointment with Lord Lucien and Gregory. Rest assured Cain this visit to Avalon Fortress is not in vain." Witch stated quite flatly. Both men knew arguing with her was pointless. "If you came earlier much of your pain could have been avoided, times are tough for us patrons of the Nameless City, but it seems according to my visions they are about to get much worse." With that after leading the man to the feasting hall she vanished. There truly was a feast laid out fit for a king or three. Julien was not impressed. The Witch Lydia was not expecting them or to be more specific him. She bowed to Cain and called him Sire. Julien's own father showed this man more respect than most anyone in the Kingdom. No one filled him in why. He was not blind, the man did not age, but who he truly was wasn't easy information to come by. Julien the third had many suspicions as a teenager when this man came to live with him in the palace after his father's untimely death. He knew Cain was book keeper for the realms and did a blood rite that prevented aging so he held his post for eons. He trained him to fight and stay alive, but there was no real love between them. Lord Cain looked after his affairs out of duty to his father. He also trained the royal and civilian guard...Today King Julien would get answers...and not just to his wife's failing state. He was sure of it. There were no chairs in the hall just three tables filled with foods. The tables were arranged in a C formation and didn't touch each other. All three although filled and arranged were very different. The one straight ahead of them was an oak table polished to a shine. Crystal candle holders held white candles. The two on the sides were covered in a cloth and had no candle light. The one with the scarlet covering held the meatiest dishes. The one with the black covering held mostly fruit and desserts and the middle held side dishes. In the center of the tables was a carpet with two low benches decorated in cushions facing each other. "This is a rather odd layout," Julien pointed out to Cain. Cain grabbed his arm before he went to help himself. "Sire there is something I feel obligated to tell you about this room." He stated flatly. Julien pulled his arm away and faced his ageless body guard. "What is it then? I'm hungry, can't it wait?" Lord Cain sighed. He never truly grew to like Julien the third. He rushed into things he was easily spoiled and grew to anger far too quickly. He was half the man his father was no amount of Cain's time as his Guardian could change it or the man's father before that. The man had no vision he just sat in a chair his father's father won. Cain appointed himself responsible for the man after the last King's demise; so he issued his warning anyway out of obligation even though a part of him wished he could simply not aid the man at all and let him eat himself to death. "Eat to your hearts content Sire, by all means. But this is not a feasting hall; it is a Chamber of Rites. Witch isn't feeding us she's putting us to her test." Julien pouted "So we're not to eat the food?" Cain had to admit, the aroma of fried grilled and baked meats was intoxicating and the duo haven't truly eaten a sit down meal for a few days so he couldn't blame the King for being ready to serve himself. "Does the King ever serve himself especially when a guest in someone else's home?" Cain asked the man before him as he went and sat on one the cushioned benches. "This looks more like a daybed than a place meant to sit and eat. There is no plates, cutlery or proper sitting places. There are no utensils to serve the dishes. Eat if you wish but you may lose more than you can afford by doing so." Julien followed him but didn't sit on the daybed across from Cain. "Witch said this feast was prepared for us. Not to take part in it would be an insult to her hospitality. Instead of losing anything I may gain a full belly and a good night's sleep as Baroness Avalon has suggested when we spoke to her. Furthermore as one of my subjects I order you to do the same considering if I laid out a feast in someone's honor and they refused to take part I'd be insulted." Julien summoned himself two plates with the use of his staff which was the only thing he took with him from his pack and some utensils. He then helped himself from two of the roasted beasts. On both plates was some elk and bore meat, a rabbit leg, wild potatoes and carrots and for dessert he brought over a custard dish and a plate of berries. He shoved the second plate at Lord Cain who set the dish down on the patterned rug and refused to take part. King Julien ate his fill merrily ignoring Cain who watched him stoically on the bench across from him. "There is nothing wrong with the food Cain you should try it. You must be hungry too" The man said after finishing his rather large meal. The room spun for a minute than everything went black. Julien came to consciousness laying on the daybed, the entire feast, his body guard and his bench gone. The rug was missing too, he noted. He wasn't wearing the riding breaches or his armor but a pair of white boxers nothing else. He looked around in confusion. The man's head was pounding. "King Julien the third, you've finally entered my realm," A familiar voice spoke to him from far away. "What is this, what's happening?!" Julien exclaimed. "You've come seeking answers," Witch Spoke. "Somethings are not spoken of lightly. Other things are not spoken of at all." "Allow me to present to you your truest and dearest." She said as a woman in a hooded black robe appeared at the foot of his bed. "You will see some things from the past, some from the present and some from the future with her help. A future King of AZ' a' Zell has been born." "A good omen." The hooded woman at Julien's bedside spoke removing her hood and revealing the face of Queen Maddison Creeps Lions-claw. "One that cost your Lady quite greatly in the physical realms. But here in the Kingdom of the dead she is completely whole and has passed her trials as a Queen of your Kingdom." Witch continued to speak from a distance. "As the current King you swore an oath to protect the realms you rule as did your Queen. She did what had to be done to continue your blood-line...the rest Julien may not be up to you..." Suddenly an image of a thin wiry boy with blond hair, one blue eye and one Jaguars' eye entered King Julien's line of vision. "This is your son. He will bring about an end to the Island Threat and save not just The Nameless City but all the Kingdoms in our Realm." Witch stated. "Bu-But he is one with The Beast. How can this be? A future King that is one with The Beast, that's madness, that goes against everything our fore father fought for! " Madison sat on the side of her still living husbands' bed and cupped his face. "My love, the day our son is bequeathed with the old blood is the day that puts everything into motion. He may not be King at all, if he doesn't survive to see that day. My visions are not set in stone but from that day he is most likely to become as a High Lord and not as a King if he lives...his life will be full of trials; to have him I broke a sacred law and cannot stay alive myself. But I can guide him and aid him in different ways from where I am, Not as a proper mother" The woman said sadly. "My body still struggles to pass on. My spirit has already visited the realms of the dead several times; with your permission I will guide you through the realms of knowledge so you can finally get the answers to the questions that have plagued you your whole life." Madison sighed. "You Julien have always been the love of my life. I suppose I may also have to explain why I did what I did. You would have stayed with me your whole life whether I was barren or not...for this I love you even more but the rest of our world wouldn't have forgiven you. I know you hate our son, just as Cain doesn't like you, for unintentionally causing your fathers' death..." "Before you commence be warned, once you know the truth there is no unknowing it. If you so choose not to take your lovers hand today you will not know her in the after- life. Regardless of your choices here in the in-between realms, you will not waken for days three. That's when I'll return for you." Witch interrupted Madison's' struggle to explain herself and her new state to her husband. Julien cocked his head at Maddison. "This is for real isn't it? I'm visiting with my wife in the in-between realms even though she hasn't passed on mortally yet." The Lady nodded. "You now know my deepest secret one I was vowed never to disclose to anyone." Julien stated flatly. "Lover," She said coyly. "I've taken my training with Witch much more seriously than you have, it would appear." She pulled him in for a hug. "If you take my hand it will be your undoing, but it will save our Kingdom. You'll be with me soon regardless but whether you stay with me to help shape the future when you pass on is up to you right now. If you don't take my hand you'll pass on like a Wizard and like Witch says we'll not meet in the after-life." Julien hung his head in shame. He didn't care about his Kingdom or his son as much as he cared for his Madison. He still didn't understand why Cain's opinion of him was so important to everyone. His father had so many warnings for him when it came to the man who trained him to defend himself but no real explanations. "Maddison I need to know, if what I suspect of Cain is true. How he ties into all of this seems to be important even though I spent most of my life trying to ignore it. Baroness Avalon's treatment of him today is bringing some things up for me from the past." "Once we enter the realms of Knowledge we can only anchor and not control what is divulged to us. Take my hand and focus on your ancestors and predecessors and know everything you see no matter how shocking is absolutely true." The woman stood and returned to her position at the foot of King Julien's bed. The King reached his left hand up toward her. Maddison smiled. "Wrong hand lover. If your truly serious about this it's your right hand I need." The man obliged ready to finally know what everyone else seemed to already know in his life. His wife chanted and danced around his day bed as he held his right hand up and his left hand over his heart. First it was just her than suddenly two of her than finally three, when she took his hand and melted into him. One to divulge the past. One to show the present. One to reveal the potential futures and his beautiful wife's essence to guide him into securing the best possible one for his son and his Kingdom. He saw many things in his mind's eye. He spent the most time unravelling Cain's past. But beyond that King Julien the Third got the satisfaction of knowing that even after his death he'd still have a major role to play in his only child's life. And that knowledge made him sick inside. His eyes opened to find Lord Cain standing over him. He stood and bowed to the man with-out a word. "It's been three and a half days, traditionally one takes a day to reflect after the final Rite your Majesty. But the portals open and we don't have the time." Lord Cain stated clear worry lines etched all over his face. He stalked with a feverish calm out of the room that brought about his undoing. That day he said little to Lord Cain. Before the duo left through the portal he held a private audience with Witch that gave him a summoning ring so he could fulfil his duty and ensure a future for both The Nameless City and his child. Right before Lord Cain left him in the hands of The La Blanche guards he did something strange. Something that would stay with Lord Cain for the rest of his life. He bowed to the man. "Sire I have but one request of you." King Julien said. Cain smirked, the King was mocking him much in the way Baroness Avalon has lately at the time the man presumed it was an after effect of her Rite nothing more. Most people acted strangely for a while after their final Rite Cain speculated that the king was not exempt from this phenomena. "For you your Majesty anything within my power," Cain said. "Sire, when the time comes take care of my son for me and teach him as you have taught me. Adopt him using your blood Ritual if you have to, but keep my boy alive and safe." Lord Cain's jaw dropped. "Hopefully one day I'll be forgiven for not doing the final Rite with Witch like my father and his father before him at a more timely pace. If I would have many things would have turned out differently. Sire, hopefully one day you'll forgive my stubbornness." Cain couldn't do anything but nod to the king as he mounted his horse and they met the party that consisted of the two Lords and the guard. That night the King wandered into the La Blanche Gardens still feverish and worn out emotionally and physically. Cain and all of his most trusted advisors gone. He seemed to wander aimlessly in the maze like garden. He was looking for a specific set of bushes-ones he saw in a vision. The moon was almost positioned as Maddison showed him. Instead of finding the bushes he found Leopold with his two year old son and a ritual dagger at his side. Using the summoning ring Witch bequeathed him he summoned a servant from his own palace a woman no one would suspect or even take note of. The woman appeared as the ring disappeared. "Your Majesty," She curtsied quite low. The King put his finger over her lips. "I've summoned you because I need your help to save my son." And he pointed to were Leopold had his dark ritual set up, the child in the center of his circle gargling cutely. For two years King Julien wished the boy didn't exist and his wife was herself. But now he was ready to give up absolutely everything for the two year old. "Sire," the witch said, "Your Lady has passed on over three days ago," the servant stated ready to issue condolences. "The palace has been in chaos since you've disappeared with your son right after she passed on." "As I will now pass on here," the King stated in return not surprised at the news. "Will you save my son and take him to the last place anyone in the realms would think of looking?" "Why me?" She asked, "I'm just a palace servant." "Because you can open portals to other realms at will and my own mother trusted you like a sister," He replied. "Very well, Sire. I'll do as you ask." The old woman stated unhappy with the situation. The King lunged at Lord Leopold Wand ready to duel and cause a distraction so his son's life could be spared. The servant he summoned ran right into the circle and fled the scene right before High Lord La Blanche appeared right behind the king able to knock him out but not save his favorite sons life from a hex the King sent Leopold's way. The King came too in a cell under Castle La Blanche sometime after that. "What is the meaning of this," He hollered as he jumped from the cot he slept on and paced around taking in his surroundings. "There is no need to shout Your Majesty," A male voice from the other cell stated most timidly. "No one can hear you. From within these walls not even my mental messages to my people can get through." The King walked to the edge of his cell to see if he can get a look at the other prisoner. "I am Isaac of The Crescent Moon Coven I've come here to request an audience with your forefather The Vampire: Lord Cain. We the covens wished to unite our people and rid our world of the Island Curse. I am the reason my people attack yours so freely now." The King couldn't see the man through the bars. He wasn't just kept in a cell he was chained and kept bound at all times. "I suspect this High Lord La Blanche plans on sic'ing me on you than he'll leave your body somewhere to be found to incriminate my people further. I am sorry to say I am going through blood lust I've been down here for over ten years." Chapter One: The Boy That Couldn't Move Ten years later... The boy woke from his five day long slumber with a start. He wanted to jump up into a seated position. But he was unable to move. None of his limbs would budge as if he were super glued to the very comfortable but monstrously confining mattress beneath him. His eyes felt way too heavy to open. One eye felt heavier than the other. He started to panic. To hyperventilate- "who are you?" He whispered between breaths. Someone was watching him and he could feel it. His head wouldn't budge no matter how he strained to lift it. That's in fact what woke him- he was sure of it; even his jaw wouldn't move properly to speak. 'Where am I?" he questioned nervous due to the lack of answers. A Husky male voice responded, finally. "Jarred, stop panicking your movement is only restricted because of your injuries," Jarred felt the other person in the room, he felt him get closer; it was odd to be able to sense someone else's movements. He didn't recognize the voice-and that scared him even more. "Please let me go," Jarred all but whispered as a rather cold hand made him wince as it landed on his forehead and long fingers combed through his dirty blond hair. The Man in question leaned in closer and in a soothing voice started to talk into his ear. "Jarred, I am Lord Cain," he stated "You are my ward. And not just during the healing process-I'm afraid." The boy attempted to squirm away from the hand on his forehead but the binding spells cast on him forbade movement. The minute the man realized that his hair stroking wasn't doing anything anymore but aggravating his ward he pulled his hand away. A look of hurt flickered through the man's features momentarily. To do something like this to a child was monstrous. Lord Cain strongly believed that some people truly deserve to die at the moment. "Jarred, open your-err eye, and look at me if you please." Jarred h'mmd "My eye?" he questioned. Why would I only have one? His panic attack resurfaced; as his mind flooded with explanations and recent memories. "Look at me, boy" The man that introduced himself as Lord Cain ordered sharply. It was the tone of voice his step-father used right before he hit him for not doing something quickly enough. Jarred obeyed. His eye opened, and since he couldn't move, he looked straight upward, and the man that was standing over him slowly came into focus. The boy's rather tragically violent train of thought broken at least for now, due to the very unusual situation he found himself in. The man in front of him was definitely not anything like his step-father. Lord Cain was very pale and had very sharp features. And had a rather slim body frame. A Greek god's nose protruded from the middle of his face. He had high cheek bones, blue-black hair with baby blue high lights, and eyes as black as coal. The Look the middle- aged man was giving him would have made Jarred flea the room only if he could move. "It's not you I so scrutinize right now, child. It's the Aftermath of the most severe crime I've ever bared witness to," Lord Cain all but whispered. The twelve year old boy let out a cry of dismay. The man put the palm of his hand up against his left cheek and started stroking his face. This actually made the boy quiet down and pay attention, if not to the man himself, than to his actions to determine if he was in any danger. "Your human guardian injured you severely." The man paused to look at the sorry sight before him. "He cracked three of your ribs. And both of your legs were broken in multiple places. One of your arms was broken and the other was dislocated from its socket, there was spinal damage and he-he also shattered your right cheek bone, completely." The man paused and looked down to see Jarred looking up at him attentively. Tears streaming steadily down the left side of the boy's face. "We aren't entirely sure if you have an eye at the moment on the right side of your face. I was told you most definitely lost it on impact however a-um a friend- said she would see if she can grow it back for you." "I am not going to harm you, nor is anyone else for as long as you're my responsibility. One day, the debts you are owed for this will be payed, but according to our customs it is you who will determine your abusers fate. Is that clear?" Jarred blinked up at the man in front of him, and mumbled under his breath. 'Nope. Nothing about this situation is particularly clear.' Jarred wanted to state matter of factly but was unable to do so. He was overwhelmed and just wanted to cry right now. "Jarred answer me," Lord Cain used the same sharp tone of voice that got the boy to pay attention to him to begin with. Right away Jarred said, "Yes." Lord Cain smirked, "Yes what?" He asked the victim in a tone that could make grown men cringe "yes, lord?" Jarred squeaked out. His brain scattered unable to think of anything else to say. He did not believe for a second this man wouldn't hurt him. The things coming out of the older man's mouth were mad. And he was wearing something that resembled a dress. The boy was on the verge of hysteria. What Lord Cain could fix physically he did but the boy was going in and out of shock. He shouldn't have survived his injuries and he'd need time to mentally heal and grasp the situation he was in. Lord Cain knew upon waking the boy wouldn't be himself. He injected Jarred with calming serum that would prevent the boy from having a heart attack before continuing with his task to check the boy's injuries with the hopes that he could finally release his patient. The fact that the boy woke during his attempt to simply check in on him was a good sign. But ideally Lord Cain would have rather had him entirely released from his bindings before he came to. The twelve year old was scared shitless in part due to the necessary bindings. "Yes, Sir, Say it Jarred," the man ordered. Yes, Sir," Jarred said meekly. He was much calmer and seemed to be able to think clearly in no small part due to the man's serum. 'There we made progress', Lord Cain thought, 'and he's not in a flat out panic to boot, they said I'd be to abrupt Ha! To abrupt my ars,' the man was smirking inwardly at the Chancellor's instructions which he might have blatantly ignored regarding Jarred which happened to be his ward not the Chancellor's or anyone else's for the time being. If he did follow procedure the boy would have died. "It's time to check you over; I'm hoping I can release you from these bindings. I've already released your head if you haven't noticed, Jarred." Jarred regained the ability to move his head shortly after the man pulled his hand away from his forehead. "I wasn't just stroking your head and face to be a weirdo." Cain tried to reassure the boy. Jarred didn't give it much thought; it was a little creepy though. He has been looking around the room almost frantically for the last fifteen or twenty seconds. The man's commentary brought the boy's attention right back to him again. Clearly Jarred was going in and out of hysteria and shock regardless of the serums help but at a level his body could survive. "What is that?" he asked the man as he pulled out a pen sized object from the sleeve of his robe. "This is my staff Jarred," Cain replied." You forgot the Sir at the end of that sentence young man, unless you'd prefer to call me Master?" Jarred shivered at the comment Lord Cain made. There was definitely a lot of humor in his tone but the boy was missing it. Jarred mumbled some words under his breath looking warily at the stranger before him. "I shrank my staff to resemble an object I've seen in a show called 'Doctor Who' on BBC after I realized how ridicules it was for a grown man without any infirmities to carry a staff around non-magical London England. He was even stopped by a constable his first week in London. The officer accused him of carrying a large stick for self-defense purposes. Well, it was kind of true, his staff could and often was used for self-defense but it served so many other purposes. Besides the first rule of thumb in the world of magicks was that no self-respecting magician left home, or went anywhere for that matter without his most prized conduit close at hand. Jarred gulped. The things the man was saying to him were scaring him and he was scared enough already. The boy was now beyond mortified by the mad-man looking after him; "Jarred in all seriousness I am a warlock." All humor gone from his voice no longer attempting to distract himself or the boy from the severity of the situation. The man cut his pointer finger with the tip of his miniature staff and brought it to Jared's mouth and forcibly smeared his blood onto Jared's gums and lips. The boy tried to fight it but it was too late. He felt the thick blood droplets ooze down his throat slowly. A look of horror etched on the half of his face that was visible. "Jarred I am more than a warlock, much more, I'm going to tell you so many things about me and about you. I'll teach you so many things that that look of horror will be forgotten." Lord Cain wasn't that affronted by how horrified Jarred looked at having to partake of someone else's blood. Even if this was someone from magical London or The Nameless City he wouldn't have fed them from his blood. To disclose his nature to someone, anyone in fact was an unthinkable act. That Lord Cain knew would be detrimental to his very being. Although they had no King as they should have the High Lords and the people still upheld the Ban on creatures of The Blood Covens. Jarred unfortunately would have died without it. This was in fact the first time that Lord Cain's altered state of being actually worked towards saving someone. He wasn't like this for long. This was the first time he actually felt adequate to a task in over five years. Cain leaned in and whispered his darkest secret into Jared's ear. It had nothing to do with him being a Warlock and a lot to do with the blood he force-fed into Jarred. "Are you-you turning me into a-" "NO, Absolutely not," The grown man interrupted the boy he was starting to mentally refer to as his ward. "If that was the only option I would have let you die. I only chose to disclose this to you because there were also spells cast on you by a wizard and potions brewed and syphoned into you by a witch to help you heal." He cleared his throat. "On the third day of their efforts I smelt the beginnings of decay within you." He forced the Witch to go complete her training with the one person she wasn't allowed any contact with due to a contract she signed that gave her protection but limited her in so many other ways. That's why he was dressed in a Robe not in civilian clothing that probably wouldn't have made Jarred panic. Jade Black was called away to a meeting and wasn't here to stop him from acting. Not that the man actually could stop him but he would have been an inconvenience. "Without my efforts and my sharing over the last two days you would have passed on as your adopted father intended. I would have kept what I did to myself. However I wound up feeding you so much out of necessity to sustain you to allow the healers spells to heal you." There was such a knowledge gap. Lord Cain questioned whether or not sharing this with the boy now was wise. "There will be some symptoms that I knew would have to be explained. They are temporary but for one; you'll always feel my presence when I enter a room. And you'll always be able to find me, and I'm afraid I will always be able to find you." Lord Cain paused and looked at his ward. The boy has been through quite a lot, and being bombarded by all this was not good for the his health. This wasn't ideal, not at all. But it would also not be ideal if Jarred asked questions about the strange symptoms of the high chancellor or future Head of The Healers Guild in magickal London. "Jarred, I am your new Guardian, the High Chancellor charged me with this responsibility. No one actually knows much about my current state of being. Due to the circumstances we're meeting under I wanted to clarify some things before anyone else would have a chance to speak with you. I've given you a lot of trust in a short period of time. Please keep what I told you about myself to yourself," Lord Cain pleaded with Jarred clear worry etched upon his face. Jarred blinked. It made sense. Feeling this man's presence in the room the way he did. That was unnatural. He looked up at Lord Cain and his jaw dropped. "Oh, you're in my flat in London England by the way." The man answered the boy's second question in a flat tone. Trying to steer away from the much more serious matter at hand. His location was suddenly the last thing he was worried about. He was still stuck to a bed without any physical bindings; now this was brought into it-I can't even run away. Jarred pleaded mentally. The man's miniature staff was pointed and it was producing an eerie green light. There was no switch on or off that was visible. The man pointed it at Jarred and moved it back and forth very slowly. Occasionally he'd stop the back and forth motion and drew a strange symbol in the air at which point the light would change and Lord Cain would nod approval. He winced as the light touched him only to find he didn't actually feel anything. After a moment he just calm began observing the Warlock-Vampire and him miniature wand more curious than scared. "Sir?" "Yes Jarred?" "Yo-your eyes are red," They also had black crescent moons in them instead of pupils but Jarred didn't feel comfortable mentioning that. "It's because I fed you over the last few days and haven't had the opportunity to feed myself, Jarred." With a swift motion Jared's face was held in place as a miniature staff formed a strange symbol just outside of Jared's line of vision. Lord Cain grumbled something under his breath. "Well, you're lucky boy. It appears all of your casts are ready to be taken off accept for the one on your face. I was kind of dying to see if you have a second eye yet." Jarred eyed his new guardian with horror. He actually thinks someone is growing me a replacement eye, in my eye socket to boot! "The Familiar which alerted us to your plight said you didn't have your original eye anymore like I mentioned before. She also said because she failed to protect you she's growing you a new one. To be more specific about your-eh friend that I've mentioned before," The warlock paused. "You'll be meeting her very soon. We're almost done here, anyhow. That is something we'll have to discuss with her, I suppose" Lord Cain grimaced at his own words. "I apologize to you," He stated abruptly as he took a step back. "I'm not quite myself at the moment." He uttered almost under his breath. This was way too much to disclose at one time. The boy was in a delicate state to begin with after all. "Anyhow I can release you from your bindings and someone will come and see to you shortly after I leave." The miniature staff in Lord Cain's hand suddenly grew to its normal 5 feet. Lord Cain hit it on the ground three times. Jarred could move properly again. Than the staff vanished from sight with an elegant flourish from Lord Cain. Just as the man was on his way out he turned to Jarred and the boy met his gaze briefly. Upon lowering his head Jarred clearly stated "I won't tell a soul, sir." "Good," Said Cain, "Than you understand my predicament." Just before the man left the room Jarred hollered, "Why me?" "In due time you'll understand, dear boy." Than the door shut behind the vampire. Chapter Two: The Man with the Crescent Moon Eyes The man with the black crescent moon eyes smirked at the vision before him. In a large round bed she was on hands and knees right in the middle of the oversized custom- made bed. Facing away from him; facing the wall just as she was instructed. His first sight of her was rather stunning upon entering the room. Antoinette was gorgeous. She had long slim legs and a luscious bottom, her body was well toned. Her height was 5'7 she could and in fact was a model in her personal life; a very successful model vacationing in little old London England straight out of Paris France. Her hair up to her waist and made up in tiny dreads. Millions of tiny dreads hanging on the sides of her head and streaming down her back hid her lovely face from sight. Her skin was perfectly smooth, a silky mocha. Alas this was business, his business not hers. This time it really would be his pleasure. The woman's name was not really Antoinette and she did not know him as Lord Cain. She was a runway super model but that was confidential just like her real name was. Her presence here had nothing to do with what she did for a living. She stifled a moan as his hand stroked along what was now his property as described in the very blunt contract between them. ... |