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Harley Quinn finds a new Identity. |
Narration: Gotham shines like diamonds tonight. The streets are buzzing with excitement. All the Well-Offs and Hoity-Toitys pile into the theater. It’s a good night for a show. And boy are they gonna get a show. The Monarch Theater is lit up for a big premiere event. Cameras are flashing and all the rich people of Gotham are arriving at the theater. Inside they’re escorted to their seats. They sit down and get ready for the show to start. The lights lower and a man walks out on to the stage and addresses the crowd. Man: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to this Gotham City world premiere of the new stage play by acclaimed playwright…. All the lights in the theater go out leaving the audience in complete darkness. They murmur to each other and look around frantically. All of a sudden a man’s voice comes over the speakers. Voice: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I’m afraid that whatever silly play you were just about to sit through has been cancelled on a count of most of the members of the cast and crew being tied up and some of the more difficult members being deceased. So instead tonight we are going to bring you something a little more interesting. Fog seems onto the stage and the low lights go up revealing The Joker with a huge smile on his face. The audience gasps in horror frozen to their seats. The Joker starts to address the crowd as a small female figure watches from a side curtain. Narration: There he is, doing what he does best. These people don’t know how lucky they are to get an exclusive performance like this. It’s one they’ll never forget, the ones who get out alive that is. But the truth is I’m the luckiest one here, because I get to be by his side. The Joker continues to terrify the crowd with a gun in his hand. His two thugs come out from backstage holding big barrels and start walking toward the front doors of the theater. Narration: My Hero. My Prince. Joker: And now, ladies and gentlemen let me present the beautiful Harley Quinn! Harley comes out from the side curtain and does a cartwheel on the stage and presents herself to the crowd. Joker takes her in his arms, dips her and gives her a kiss. Narration: And me, his Princess. Joker: Harley my dear, why don’t you tell these folks what we got in store for them tonight. Harley: Well, tonight we have a very special premiere presentation of the new show “Liar Liar Pants on Fire.” This Hot new show will be Burning through Gotham, sure to be a Blazing success. The buzz will be hard to Contain, you’ll carry it with you like a Flame! The Joker pushes Harley out of the way before she gets too excited. Joker: Okay, I think we all get it. Now folks if you notice my adorable thugs are currently covering the floors and walls of the theater with flammable liquid. People look around and start to panic and shift around uncomfortably in their seats. Joker: Harley if you would. Harley: Yes, Puddin’. Harley gets out her cork gun which has a big burning firecracker stuck in the middle of the cork. She shoots the gun at a barrel on the side of the stage, blowing up the barrel and setting fire to the curtain. The crowd screams and tries to get out of their seats but none of them can. Joker: Now you’re probably all thinking, “My god this whole place is going to go up in flames any moment.” Well you’re correct now I would recommend you get out of your seat and quickly escape through the nearest exit. But by now you’ve also probably noticed that your tuckus seems to be stuck to the seat. Well it is! Everyone in the audience looks up at the Joker terrified. Joker: Before the show every seat in this theater was sprayed down with the strongest adhesive solution known to man, generously provided by Wayne technologies. So basically… you’re asses our mine! HAHAHA! Audience members continue to try and get out of their seats as the fire starts to spread fast. Joker: But there is hope. All that’s really holding you down is the fabric glued to the seat. So if you want to live, you know the old diddy. “Drop your drawers, drop your drawers. I’ll drop mine if you drop yours.” HAHAHAHAHA! The audience looks at the Joker in shock and then slowly people in the crowd start taking their pants off or whatever clothing is glued to the seat of the chair. They all struggle to rip and tear their clothes off to get free as the fire starts hitting the gasoline lighting up the rest of the theater. The Joker and Harley stand on stage watching the people panic and strip. People who get free run to the doors of the theater and try and get out but the doors won’t open. Joker: Oh whoops did I lock that door? Silly me. The Joker starts laughing. All of a sudden the doors bursts open. The people start to run out as Batman storms into the burning theater. Joker: Oh Bats, I was wondering when you going to show up. Meet me up top for the real show. The Joker grabs Harley and they both head to the roof of the theater. Batman helps get more people out, then chases down the Joker. Batman opens the door to the roof of the building and sees Joker and Harley standing there looking out at the street. Batman: It’s over Joker. Everyone’s out. Joker: Well duh, Bats. Just barely, no thanks to you. I figured you’d show up a little sooner. I almost thought you wouldn’t save them at all and spoil the whole thing. Batman: What are you talking about? Joker: You don’t get the joke do you? Oh, who am I talking to of course you don’t. Look, look down there. On the street outside the theater the survivors are screaming and running around in a panic all of them in their underwear and ripped clothing. Joker: I caught all the rich snobs of Gotham with their pants down, literally! HAHA! The Joker begins laughing hysterically. Harley laughs along with him a little timid because of Batman. The laughter starts when Batman grabs Joker by the throat. Joker: What’s a matter? Still don’t get it? Batman: I’m done with your jokes. The theater continues to burn and the roof becomes uneven and starts breaking apart. Harley creeps up behind Batman with her hammer behind her back. Joker: What’re ya gonna do? How are you gonna stop me? Harley swings her hammer at Batman. Batman turns to dodge it and Joker gets loose and grabs Harley. He holds her in front of him almost like a shield. Batman slowly approaches them as the roof gets worse. Harley: Are you okay puddin’? Joker: I’m fine dear thank you. Batman: Don’t hurt her Joker. Harley: Hurt me? You’re crazy B-Man! Mr J. would never hurt me. You should be more concerned about me hurting you! Joker: HaHa! She’s got spirit doesn’t she Bats? A nearby part of the roof begins to cave in. Joker: And she really is very useful. The Joker pushes Harley away from him towards the weak spot on the roof. She lays a foot on it and it completely caves in. Harley screams as she falls down into the burning building. Batman immediately jumps for her as the Joker escapes over the roof laughing. Harley falls through the theater roof landing hard on the stage. The last thing she sees before passing out is the burning ceiling falling right at her followed by Batman. Harley starts to wake up in a fog. She sees that she’s lying in a hospital bed. She looks around her room and sees Batman at her bedside looking away from her with a grave expression. Her vision is a little blurry and she’s a little too tired and shocked to speak. Batman: We don’t really get much alone time, so I’m taking this opportunity to sit down and have a real talk with you. This thing going on between me and the Joker, whatever it is, it’s been going on for a long time. And unfortunately I don’t see it ending any time soon. But when it does it will be big, and it will be ugly. And when we get to that point, I don’t know what his plans will be for you. I don’t want you to get caught in the middle of it. Harley just looks at Batman listening intently with wide eyes. Batman: You probably noticed you’re in the hospital. I want to make it very clear to you how you got here. You have a severe concussion, some minor burns on your body amongst other things. This is because The Joker pushed you into danger so he could escape. Because he knew I would try and rescue you. You know I’m telling the truth because we both know this isn’t the first time he’s done it. Harley starts to tear up but tries to hide it. Batman: I don’t know what it is about him. I know you think you love him. But if anyone knows the Joker, sadly it’s me. So listen when I tell you that the only thing he can and will ever care about is him. Everything else is just a joke. A tear runs down Harley’s face. Batman: You’re going to be getting an opportunity. And chance to help yourself and make a change. Batman turns to her and holds her by the hand. Batman: I’m pleading with you, Harleen. Make the most of it, for your sake. Harley cries a little more and closes her eyes to wipe the tears away. When she opens them again Batman is gone, she’s all alone in the room. The next morning, Harley is woken up by a nurse. Nurse: Ms. Quinzel it’s time to go, dear. Harley: All right I was waiting when you were gonna come. Go ahead…. Harley sits up and sticks out her wrists ready to get cuffed. The nurse looks confused. Harley: What will it be this time, cuffs or jacket? Nurse: You’re not being arrested. Harley: I ain’t? Nurse: No we just feel you’ve recovered, so we can check you out. Send you home. Harley: So I’m not going back to the loony bin? Nurse: No. Not as of right now anyway. Harley: Well how do you like that for a twist? Harley gets up and starts getting ready to go. Nurse: Yeah, looks like on the report here you were just listed as one of the victims. Harley’s expression drops. Harley: Victim? Later Harley is walking down the street in normal clothes carrying all of her stuff in a bag next to her. She’s a little distracted by what the nurse said. Harley: A victim. Harleen Quinzel, just another victim of the Joker. Is that all I am? No. No! I’m much more than that. I’m not a victim. Harley stomps her foot down and proclaims out loud. Harley: I am not a victim. Just then a man snatches her bag right off of her shoulder and runs off. Harley: Hey. Hey! I don’t think so. Harley sprints after the guy. He immediately ducks into an alleyway. Harley follows behind him. He notices her chasing him and begins to speed up. She keeps on him and sees a chain hanging out of an open dumpster. She snags the chain as she runs by. The thief comes up against a fence at the end of the alley. He looks back and sees Harley coming at him with the chain she does a summersault catching the chain with her feet propelling it right at the purse snatcher. It hits him in the nose and he drops to his knees. Harley jerks the chain back with her legs than does a spin, spinning the chain like a ribbon and wraps him up in it then stomps right up to him, points her finger directly at his bloody face, and shouts. Harley: I am not a victim! She grabs her bag back from him. Harley: How dare you try and steal from ME. Purse Snatcher: Who are you? Harley is confused for a moment than looks at herself. Harley: Oh, duh. Of course you don’t know who I am. I’m in my civis. She laughs it off then gets really intense pointing back at the snatcher. Harley: But the next guy will know! You can count on it. Purse Snatcher: Okay? The next night a woman is walking down the street alone. She’s moving quickly and keeps looking over her shoulder. She turns into an alley and stops in her tracks when she hears a deep voice from the shadows. Thug: Where are you going Miranda? A large man steps toward her out of the shadows. Thug: You know the rules. Miranda: I’m not gonna go back. Thug: Not willingly I imagine. Two more thugs creep up behind Miranda. Thug 2: Time to go home, pretty lady. Distant voice: Hey creeps! The voice gets everyone’s attention they all start looking around the dark alley and see nothing. The first Thug looks around standing next to a metal staircase going up the side of the building. Voice: What is a karate masters’ favorite greeting? Everyone looks up puzzled. Thug: What the hell is th….. Harley comes swinging down from a bar of the metal staircase kicking the large thug in the face. Harley: Hiii Yaaa! He hits the ground hard and with a flip Harley disappears into the darkness again. The other thugs are shocked and rush to their buddy. Thug 2 warns Miranda to stay where she is. Suddenly Miranda looks over and sees Harley walk out of the shadows smiling with her arms behind her back. The thugs look over at her. Thug 2: I should kill you, you little… Thug 3: Whoa man, wait. You know who that is? Harley’s smile grows. Thug 3: That’s the Jokers girl that means he could already be here. Thug 2: Oh crap. Harley’s smile disappears. Harley: Actually……. Thug 3: Man, I really don’t wanna get into it with the Joker, you’ve heard the stories about that guy he’s crazy. Harley: Mr. J isn’t….. Thug 3: Maybe we should just get out of here. Thug 2: Penguin won’t be happy if we come back without her. Harley: HEY IDIOTS!!! Both thugs look back at Harley. Thug 2: Look lady tell your boss we don’t want any trouble…. Harley: Mr. J isn’t here! We’ve split. The thugs look at her suspiciously. Miranda tilts her head trying to get a read on Harley. Thug 3: So it’s just you. Harley: That’s right. Too bad for you two. Thug 2: Oh ya, I’m shakin in my boots. Harley smiles then suddenly bolts at the thugs, with a battle cry she brings up the big hammer she was hiding behind her back. Thug 2: What the f...? Harley smashes the thug over the face with her hammer. Thug 3 immediately pulls a gun and points it right at her as she stands between him and Thug 2. She drops to the ground as he shoots and the bullet hits Thug 2. She spins on the ground taking out Thug 3’s legs. He hits the ground and drops his gun. Harley stands over him with her hammer in hand. Harley: See I can be quite the handful. She smiles then swings the hammer like a crochet mallet at his head. She goes to Miranda who still sits stunned on the ground. Harley extends a hand to her with a smile. Harley: Here ya go toots. Up and at ‘em! Miranda hesitantly takes her hand and stands up. Miranda: You helped me. Harley: Ya no biggy. It’s kind of my thing now. I split from Mr. J and I’m done with the crime life. I’ve turned over a new leaf you could say. Miranda: Wow, um good for you. Harley: Thank You! So why were these guys after ya? Miranda: They work for the Penguin. So do I. I’m a waitress at the Iceberg lounge, where every drink you could imagine is on the menu and so are the women who serve them. Every night there’s a silent auction of sorts between all the men in the club, bidding on the waitresses they like the best. The bids are given to the Penguin and when he accepts an offer the bidder gets that waitress for the night. Harley: That’s horrible. Miranda: And what’s worse is. We can’t quit we wouldn’t dare get fired. We’re trapped. I tried to get out and Penguin sent these guys to get me. I was hoping to get out and try and help all the other girls. Maybe get Batman. Harley: You don’t need Batman. You have me. Miranda: Oh… Harley: Don’t you worry I’m gonna barge into that club, I’m gonna find that little disgusting man and I’m gonna teach him a lesson. I’ll get your friends out, I promise. Miranda: Well if you’re sure. But one thing, if you are gonna go rescue my friends I would wear something else just to avoid confusion. Harley: Hmmmm. Later at Harley’s place, she sits scratching the belly of one of her pet hyenas, looking at her Harley Quinn outfit. Harley: I’m not just Jokers girl anymore. I need to shed my image but not completely. Something to show the people of Gotham that it’s me but not the old me, the new me. I’m here to help not to harm. I’m not Harley Quinn anymore! She grabs the outfit and tears it apart. Shreds float to the ground a piece lands on the floor in front of her, one her red diamonds. She looks at it and smiles. It’s night at the Iceberg lounge and it is full of rich men drinking expensive drinks and smoking cigars. Four wealthy men sit at one table talking. Man 1: Anyone seen him tonight? Man 2: Yeah right, he hardly comes out here. Even on busy nights like tonight. Man 3: I hear he hangs out at an office upstairs, has all the booze and women brought to him. He’s a private partier. A good looking young woman in a skimpy outfit comes over to the table and hands them all drinks. All the men look her up and down as she does it. After she finishes she gives a friendly nod and walks off. Man 4 stops her for a moment. Man 4: I didn’t get your name princess. Waitress: It’s Darleen. Man 4: Thank you, Darleen. She gives a weak smile then walks away. Man 4: Man, I like that one. He grabs a small pamphlet off the table and opens it. He goes thru a list and finds Darleen’s name in the space next to the name marked “Bid” he begins to write a number. From the back of the restaurant a woman walks in wearing a large brown coat. She makes her way through the tables until she’s stopped. Man 3: Excuse me, honey. You work here? Woman in coat: Sure. Man 2: Well let’s see what’s under that coat sweetheart. Harley looks at them and smiles. Harley: Well if you insist. She flings off her coat unveiling her new outfit as The Crimson Diamond. She has a chain wrapped around her waist that is also wrapped up her body and hooks to her shoulder. The men stand there stunned and confused. Harley: Well? She unclips the chain on her shoulder. Harley: Any bids? She spins sending the loose chain flying. It swings around smacking each man at the table along the way. The rest of the men immediately jump up and go after her. She begins to take out each guy using her gymnastic skills and her chain. Eventually they over power her and two really big guys finally get a hold of her when the Penguins face appears on a large screen on a wall of the restaurant. Penguin: Well, well what have we got here? Is that the air headed wonder Harley Quinn? I do believe it is. I see you’ve dumped the clown and got yourself a new outfit. Harley: And I see you’re still wearing that stupid eyeglass thingy. Penguin: It’s a monocle you dump strumpet! Harley: It’s stupid looking, you fishy imp! Penguin: Imp!? You little…. Bring her to me! The two thugs start carrying Harley away. They carry her to Penguins office. They walk in and Penguin is sitting at his desk in between two pillars. He’s got a surveillance monitor and a small camera on his desk. The two men set Harley down in front of the desk the end of her chain drops to the ground right next to her right foot. Penguin: Harley Quinn, what the hell are you doing here? And why the hell ARE YOU BUSTING UP MY PLACE!? Harley: I don’t go by Harley Quinn anymore. Penguin: Oh yes. The new outfit of course it’s comes with a different name. I can’t wait to hear it. Harley: I am the Crimson Diamond, crime fighter. Then penguin looks at Harley for a minute then begins to laughs. He gets down off his chair and walks around to Harley while laughing. Penguin: So you’re a crime fighter. And you’ve come after me. Well tell me what have I done? What crime have you come to fight? Harley: All the girls who work here. You’re going to let them go. Penguin: Oh the girls of course. Of course that’s why you’re here. Bit of a feminist aren’t ya you and the crazy plant lady. Well I’m sorry “Crimson Diamond, crime fighter” I think I’ll keep them around and just kill you. How about that? It’s too bad you may have had a good future in crime fighting if you hadn’t screwed up as always and got yourself caught. Harley: Did I get myself caught? She slides her right foot on top of the chain lying on the floor. Harley: Or did I just gain access to your office? Penguin: What? Harley kicks up the chain sending it flying straight at Penguin hitting his monocle and smashing it into his eye. She then uses the chain to take down the other guards in the room. The Penguin is on the floor screaming about his eye when Harley grabs him and restrains him against a pillar with her chain. Harley: Oh no, Pengy I broke your stupid eyeglass thingy. Now how will everyone know how pretentious you are? Penguin: You Bi… She forces him to stand and moves his camera to face him. Harley: Now, tell them all they can go, now! She squeezes the chain around his neck. He turns on the screens and everyone can see the Penguin and Harley behind him. Penguin: Any woman in my employ you are all fired. Leave and don’t come back. Harley approaches the camera. Harley: You’re all free girls thanks to the Crimson Diamond. Bye-e-e! All the cameras shut off. Penguin: You know I’ll track them all down after you’re dead. Harley: That’s some Tall talk from a man who’s Short on time. Get it? Suddenly the office doors bust open and a dozen men with guns appear. Harley: Uh Oh. Something small, like a pellet, hits the ground in front of Penguin. They both look at it puzzled for a second then it explodes and the room fills with smoke. In the smoky room there are sounds of fighting and gun shots. The smoke starts to dissipate and Batman is revealed standing looking down at Harley and Penguin with a very serious expression. All the armed men lie behind him unconscious. Batman: Time to go. Harley: Yessir. Outside Batman pushes Penguin towards the car in handcuffs. Harley skips past them. Harley: Shotgun! She runs into the car and gets in the passenger seat. The Penguin looks at Batman. Batman: She called it. Penguin: You don’t have a back seat! Batman: I have a trunk. Batman is driving the Batmobile with Harley sitting silently in the passenger seat. They can hear muffled complaints from Penguin in the trunk. Finally she speaks up. Harley: Some team work back there, huh? Yeah, Batman and the Crimson Diamond a regular crime fighting duo! Batman: The Crimson Diamond? Harley: Yeah! That’s my new crime fighting name. You don’t have to call me Harley anymore. Call me the Crimson Diamond. Batman: I’m not going to call you that. Harley: But… Batman: And we weren’t working together I was saving your life. You are not a crime fighter. Harley: Well gee, you don’t give anybody recognition for anything do ya? Batman: No, you’re right. You do deserve recognition for something. Harley smiles big. Batman: You made a real mess back there. Her smile drops. Harley: Well we can’t all be a big hero like you. Batman: I’m not a hero. Harley: Aw, that’s what all the dark brooding heroes say. Batman: That may be how people see me but it’s not why I do it. Harley: So why do you do it? Batman: The citizens of this city are scared. They see corruption and crime everywhere. And these people they call evil like you’re friends Isley, and the Joker threaten their lives and families every day. They need someone to bring them hope, to show them they’re protected. They need to know they’re not alone. Harley: Do You think Mr. J. I mean the Joker is evil? Batman: I don’t know if I believe in real evil, but with the Joker that might just be the most logical explanation. Harley sits silently for a moment with a sad expression. Harley: Do you think he really loves me? Batman stays silent and continues looking straight ahead. Harley sinks into her seat. Eventually they stop and he lets her out of the car. Batman: This is the last time I’m going to tell you, stay out of trouble. Harley: Yes sir. Batman looks at her intensely then speeds away. Harley: He’s right. I’m not a crime fighter. Penguin is just a two bit thug. I have to make a real difference in this city. Then B-man will see that the Crimson Diamond is the real deal. I’ll do what he never could. I’ll get rid of this city’s biggest threat once and for all! The Joker is alone in his large warehouse type hideout going over some plans, when there’s an explosion in the distance. He looks and sees one of the walls has a hole blown through it. He rushes over to see what happened and sees Harley as The Crimson Diamond walk in. Joker: Who!? Harley? Harley you’re alive. Well, um… thank god for that. Why are you blowing up the hideout? Harley: Joker your reign of terror has come to an end. Prepare for sweet justice delivered by the Crimson Diamond. Joker: HaHa! Are we roleplaying? I kinda like this one. Harley: Oh, do you like this one? Harley holds up a detonator to a bomb. Harley: Remember the bomb you were gonna plant in City Hall next week? Remember how you taught me how to set it so I could do it while you terrorized the hostages? Well it’s all set up. And it’s right under your feet. Joker: Harley, what is this? Harley: I told you, puddin’. Harley throws out her chain snagging Joker around the feet. She tugs and he falls to the ground and is dragged over to Harley. She leans over him and looks him in the eye. Harley: I’ve come to put you down, for good. Joker: You’re serious, aren’t you? Yeah, okay Harley. The Joker puts his hand on Harley’s chain. Joker: Put me down, For Good! He pulls her down with the chain bashing her face against the floor. He gets up and kicks her in the side. Joker: You know honestly, I kinda saw this coming. After the way I’ve treated you I thought “what if one day she loses it and tries to kill me.” But then I thought “No impossible not my Harley she’s too weak.” The Joker picks up a knife from his desk and approaches a crawling Harley. Joker: “And too stupid.” But here you are. You’ve surprised me. The Joker grabs her face and leans down to look her in the eyes. Joker: You’re much stupider than I thought. He puts the knife to her neck. Harley: Please. He stops for a moment as Harley begins to cry. Harley: I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, I don’t want to hurt you. The Joker puts the knife down. Harley: I would never hurt you Mr. J. I love you. I just lost you and then Batman, he manipulated me. He tried to turn me against you. I’m so sorry. The Joker takes Harley in his arms and holds her. Joker: It’s okay Pumpkin Pie I knew you didn’t mean it I just had to scare you straight. Everything is okay. We’ll just chalk it up to a bad day. Harley: Thank you, Mr. J you’re so good to me. Ya know what’s funny about all this? Joker: What’s that dear? Harley: This time the joke is on you. Harley holds up the detonator and pushes down on the button. The Joker gasps and the building explodes around them. After the explosion Harley walks up in the burning rubble. She sees an infuriated Joker staggering towards her with his knife. She tries to crawl away but she’s stuck. She looks and her chain is caught in some burning rubble. She starts to tug on it to get free. Joker: The only mistake I ever made in my life was keeping you around all these years! He comes up on her with the knife about to stab her when she tugs at the burning chain it comes lose and she swings it right at the Joker. The hot chain hits him and takes him down. Harley staggers up and grabs his knife and gets on top of the Joker who is kind of out of it. Harley: You are the worst thing that ever happened to me. You’ve brought me nothing but heartache and pain. Meeting you in that Asylum was the worst moment of my life. You ruined me. I used to be a person and you made me this! You Are Evil. I have to stop you. Harley raises the knife up ready to stab the Joker in the heart. Batman: Quinn! Harley: Oh no. Not you. No thank you. I don’t need your help. Batman: Don’t do this Quinn. Harley: How can you say that? You know what he is. You knew it before I did. You talk about what a menace he is but you never solve the problem for good well fine. I’ll do it for you. Batman: And then what? You go back to Arkham a murderer. What happen to your opportunity, turning over a new leaf? Harley: I guess it didn’t take. Batman: You don’t want this Harley. Harley: Maybe I do. Batman: I don’t believe that. Then you wouldn’t have tried so hard to change. This isn’t what hero’s do Harleen. Please, don’t do this for your sake. The Joker starts coming around a little and realizes what’s going on. Joker: Harley, baby cakes. We can work all this out. Harley lowers her knife. Harley: I won’t kill you Mr. J. The Joker relaxes a little until Harley stabs him in the shoulder so deep it sticks into the floor under him. Harley: But this will always remind you that I could’ve. The Joker howls in pain trying to get the knife out. Harley gets up and walks over to Batman. Harley: So what will it be? Cuffs or jacket? Batman: Neither if you come quietly. Harley: Fine, but I call shotgun. Parts of the burning building start to come down around them. Batman: We better leave. Batman goes over to free the Joker and help him up. Joker: The bitch stabbed me Bats, can you believe that? Batman: Just think of it as a love tap. Joker: HaHA see Bats you can be funny! It’s at my expense that’s the key, I think. All of a sudden the beams on the roof start to come down. One falls directly over Batman. Batman sees it heading for him until he gets pulled out of the way by Harley’s chain. The beam lands next to the Joker and the embers on it explode on impact. Batman jumps away from the fire. Batman and Harley look around and don’t see the Joker anywhere. Later Batman escorts Harley through the halls of Arkham to her cell. Harley: Home again, home again, jiggity jig. She plops down on her bed and hangs her head. Batman: Hey. Harley looks up and sees Batman extend his hand toward her. She hesitantly takes it and shakes it. Batman: We made a good team out there tonight… Batman starts to leave the cell and looks back for a moment. Batman:... Crimson Diamond. Harley looks up with a big smile on her face. The cell door shuts and Batman starts walking down the hall away from Harley’s cell and then exits. Narration: There he is doing what he does best. A man enters the hallway walking towards her cell with a long coat with the collar up and a fedora down covering his face. He’s holding a bouquet of flowers with a note attached. He gets to her cell door and knocks getting her attention. Narration: My Hero. The End |