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Rated: E · Chapter · Romance/Love · #2102937
A Mettaton/Reader Fic for you robot smoochers.
You banged on the inside of the locker door. Today was not a good day. It was not a good week
in general, you would prefer it if it would just end already, but first you had to get out of this
locker. You banged on the locker once more.

"Hello? Is anybody out there?" you call out. But you hear nothing but silence. Kicking the door
out of anger you sigh. This is crap, you want out of here. Soon a couple minutes had passed by
and the clicks of heels could be heard down the hall. Yelling out trying to get the attention of said

"Excuse me? Please help, can you open this door?!" you said in a panicked voice.

The footsteps came up to the locker door, and with a clank; then it was finally open. You
stumbled out, steadying yourself; you turn to thank the person who set you free, you were
surprised when you saw it was that really popular sophomore; Mettaton.

"Are you alright dear?" he asked in a concerned tone.

You wring your hands nervously; it wasn't that you were shy. Okay maybe you were, but you
were standing in front of Mettaton. The guy who was the drama club president. Who always made
his presence known wherever he went, that and he was really pretty? Handsome? Either way he
looked very attractive. And you weren't good at talking to attractive people.

"Yes, I- I'm fine. T- Thank you for the help." You stuttered.

Mettaton smiled. "Of course darling, I couldn't have just left you in there now could I?"

You let out an awkward laugh. "No, I suppose not."

"Now tell me dear, how on earth did you get stuck in that locker?" he questioned.

"Oh... um, well I was just putting some things away in my locker and then someone pushed me in
there and shut the door."

Mettaton gave you a look of pity. "How very rude of them. Do you know who it was?"

"No." you lied. You knew who it was; it was Jessica Anderson, but you weren't going to bother
him with your problems.

He hummed, then put a hand on your shoulder. "Why don't you join my friends and I for lunch."

You rub the back of your neck. "Oh, no, I couldn't. I don't want to intrude."

"Nonsense, I insist!" he said, already dragging you towards the lunchroom.

He brought you to the table with his friends. Frisk pipes up calling your name, giving you a
friendly wave. You waved back saying hi. You knew Frisk, they were a freshman like you. The
two of you had History, Science, and Gym together. You didn't talk to them much outside of class
but you still considered them a friend. Also at the table you recognized Alphys. She was a junior
and in the Science Club, as well as president of the Anime Club. You may have peeked a couple
times during club meetings to see what it was like. Next to her was a tall girl with red hair. You
didn't know her name, but the times you had passed the club; you saw her there with Alphys.

Covering up the fact that he had forgotten to ask your name, remembering; much to his
embarrassment only once Frisk had called it out.

Mettaton greeted everyone with a dramatic pose. "Hello darlings~ I've brought" your name was
spoken cheerfully. "to eat with us!"

He sat down then patted the space next to him motioning for you to sit down. You complied, and
took a seat. You quietly ate your lunch, sometimes speaking up when asked a question; or
something was said that pertained to your interests. At the end of lunch, the bell rang and
everybody started to pack up.

The girl groaned. "Man, I do not want to go to class yet. English is hard!"

Alphys took her girlfriends hand. "Don't worry Undyne, you know I'll always help you with your
work." She smiled.

"Yeah, I know." She said tenderly and smooched Alphys's cheek. Alphys giggled, and Undyne
then called out already having started to walk away. "Alright, we'll see you nerds later!"

You trudge on your backpack then thanked Mettaton for inviting you to lunch.
"Of course, hun! Actually you should join us again tomorrow." He said then checked his phone
looking at the time. "Well, I have to skedaddle now, ta ta dear~." He said with a wink.

Was it suddenly hot in here, you wondered. Odd.

There's a tug on your shirt, pulling you out of your thoughts.

"Hey you ready to go?" Frisk asked.

"Oh, yeah, sorry." Right now you were headed to gym, the most dreadful class that could ever be.
Boy did you hate gym, well... hates a strong word. But you still didn't like it, you really didn't
like running. "Let's get this over with." You sighed.

Frisk let out a small laugh. "Hey wanna be my Gym partner today?" As the two of you walked to

You gave them a nod.
The two of you come out of the locker-room dressed in your P.E. uniforms and make your way to
the side of the gym with the rest of your classmates. Subsequently, after joining them you hear a
whistle being blown.

"Alright lineup! Change of plans today. We'll be playing dodge ball. We need two captains,
so..." Mr. Harris, the P.E. teacher scanned the line of students. "Zack Marshall, you'll be in
charge of the blue team... and Jessica Anderson, you'll take the red. Choose your teams and wait
on the opposite side of the courts."

Oh. Did you also mention that you disliked gym because of Jessica? Because she makes you
really, really dislike this period.

You and Frisk had ended up on Zack's team, which was good and bad. Good, because you didn't
have to be in the same space as Jessica. Bad, because you knew darn well she was going to aim
for you no matter what. Frisk gave you a reassuring pat on the back.

"Just follow my lead, I'm a pro at dodging." Frisk chuckled.

They joked but they had mad dodging skills for real, you'd think they were a videogame character
or something.
Over half of your team was out and they still had over a third of theirs. Things were not looking
good for you guys. Frisk dodged ball after ball, much to the annoyance of the other team. You had
managed so far too somehow, but with a few close calls. You dodged to the left as a ball whizzed
past your head. You glared at who had thrown it, and it was of course Jessica. 'Is she trying to hit
my head? That's against the rules!' You thought angrily. You grabbed a ball that was rolling past
and managed to tag a person from the other team out, completely ignoring Jessica, not playing into
her games. All the while Frisk was doing great. Dodging and throwing like they were born to do
it. Then they heard a smack and a cry of pain. Frisk turned around and saw you, with a now
bloodied nose.

They shouted your name, running up to you. "Are you okay?!"

Cupping your nose, you mumbled. "No, it hurts..."

Frisk quickly ushered you to where the other gym teachers where chatting.

"Mr. Harris!"

Mr. Harris turned around looking to the two of you. He said your name. "Are you alright, what
happened?" he questioned concerned.

"Someone threw a ball at" Frisk spoke your name with urgency.

"Did you see who did it?" Mr. Harris asked you.

You shook your head no. "It just came out of nowhere."

"...Alright, Frisk you go help them clean up."

Frisk grabbed your unoccupied hand and quickly rushed you to the locker-room.

"That looks terrible" they said as they gathered a bunch of toilet paper from an open stall. "Here,
put some pressure on your nose to stop the bleeding."

You did as they said then sat down on one of the benches. You groaned. "This is going to stain
my shirt..." you complained about the blood that had dripped onto your clothing.

To be fair though, you had every right to complain.

"What happened out there?" Frisk asked. "Are you sure you didn't see who did it?"

"No, I didn't." You hadn't told anyone yet about the problem, and you weren't about to start. Last
thing you needed was that jerk being even worse if she found out you told. "Really Frisk, it's
okay. Don't worry about it."

Your friend didn't look convinced but didn't push it much further.
"Just tell me if anything ever happens, okay?"

You hesitated then said okay. You hated lying to Frisk, but you couldn't risk them telling a
teacher and having Jessica find out. The last time you threatened to tell, she grabbed you by the
shirt collar and shoved you against the wall; and made it very clear what would happen if you

The two of you spent the rest of the period in the locker-room, even after the blood had stopped.
You changed out of your uniform and back into your regular clothes. The bell rang, and you and
Frisk waved bye to each other. Heading to a period you actually liked brightened you up a bit.
Now all you had to do was wait for this day to end.

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