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18 year old Chatoru is in for a wedgie adventure of her life. |
Chatoru's Alchemy Trails (2015) Episode 01/Chapter 01: Humble Beginnings (Happy Birthday) "The wind that blows..." Mused Chatoru as she gazed out the window at the courtyard below, where red and yellow leaves wafted in the breeze, "Ask it, which leaf on the tree will be next to go?" Far beyond the academy gates, Hakodate Bay lay shimmering. A little over five feet tall and slender, eighteen-year-old Chatoru Hitomi wouldn't have stood out amongst her senior class, were she not fair-skinned, blonde-haired and blue-eyed. Golden yellow hair flowed down her back, straight and sleek. A silver barrette kept the bangs off her face. She had on an academy uniform, though she wore her white blouse with its ribbon bow-tie un-tucked. The black pleated skirt reached to her knee-high grey stockings. She rested her cheek in her palm, jostling the oval-shaped glasses that balanced on her nose. "Geez, Chatoru. What're you mumbling about?" With a start, Chatoru realized her classmate Yomi Nashita had swiveled around to face her. "Um..." Chatoru tapped her fingers together as she explained, "It's a poem-- by Kyoshi Takahama..." Seeing her friend's blank expression, Chatoru added, "He was on the exam..." "Unbelievable," Yomi sighed theatrically. Her dark chin-length hair framed a round, cherubic face. "You mean in addition to being a tech-nerd you're also a literary-nerd as well? With so much useless stuff crammed into that head of yours," Chatoru grimaced as Yomi began mussing with her hair, "It's no wonder you're forgetting what's important!" Yomi smiled sinisterly, "Like how today's the big day." "...B-big day...?" Chatoru asked puzzled. "You really did forget!" Yomi said bewildered. "Duh! The tickets for the God's Divine concert go on sale today! Not only that, but the firsts are able to order the special VIP passes. Can you believe it?" Yomi asked as he eyes began to sparkle, "Not only are the Divine playing in Hokuto," Yomi clasped her hands together, "But I might actually get to go backstage and meet Chaos himself! EEEE!!" Yomi squealed with delight. "Ah!" Chatoru scrambled for her smart-phone to check the band's website. "I've just got to get one of those passes. It'd be such a nice birthday present to myself." Yomi snapped out of her daydream. "Chat-chan!" she gasped. "You mean today's your birthday, and you forgot to remind me?" "It's my job to remind you of these things, Yomi? We've been friends for how long and you're blaming me for forgetting things?" Chatoru retorted. "Ah," Yomi pouted adorably, "How could you? Oh well..." she added, a sly little smile tugged at her lips, "Now that we're both adults, we can finally marry! Kiss me, my love!" Chatoru scarcely could let out a squeal before Yomi attacked her lips with her own. "Mm!!" She tried to pull back, but Yomi leaned in, all but climbing onto the desk. Chatoru felt warmth bloom in her cheeks. Flapping her hands, she nearly toppled backwards before Yomi broke off. "You're too easy, Chat-chan," Yomi giggled as she grinned at the beet-red Chatoru, who quickly ducked behind her phone to hide her embarrassment. "This is why I don't go around announcing it's my birthday every year," she grumped, hunching low in her seat. "Oh-- don't be like that," Yomi hugged Chatoru's head between her A-cup breasts. "Yes, yes, you're forgiven," Chatoru said without breaking her concentration on her phone as Yomi sat happily back in her seat. On her phone, she browsed the God's Divine website, scrolling through photos of the band before lingering on a shot of Chaos. He looked about the same age as her... Caucasian, with her blue eyes and blonde hair, his cut neck-length. How she wanted to meet him! His songs, sometimes she imagined they were written just for her... like him and her were sharing the same thoughts, the same feelings-- "Oof" The phone shot out from Chatoru's grip and clattered on the floor as someone, another girl, slammed into the desk. "Ah!" Chatoru dove for her phone. Luckily, it was intact as she sighed with relief. Meanwhile, the student who'd crashed into Chatoru's desk, a bit stocky but cute, in brunette pigtails, shrank back as an athletic, ginger-haired girl bore down onto her. "Did you really think I wouldn't find out!?" demanded the red-head, lashing out and drawing a squeak from the other girl with a yank on her pigtail. Yomi leaned over to Chatoru as she sighed, "It looks like those two finally discovered they're dating the same boy." "They're fighting over a boy? But that's so stupid... Hey!" As Chatoru got up and wedged her skinny body between Pigtails and the redhead, forcing them apart. "Just stop it! Leave her alone!" "Stay out of it, Hitomi," the redhead glared at her like a demon. "Mind your own business." "You're the one starting a fight in home-room." Chatoru replied. "Chat-chan..." Yomi said in a frighten tone, "she's the vice-president of the Judo club..." "Look," Chatoru pressed on in a rush, "obviously this guy doesn't care about either of you, since he's two-timing you both, or, well, maybe he really does care about both of you, but beating up Ayanami--" she continued as she waved toward Pig-Tails, who had been edging away, "won't solve anything." "Erg! Shut up, Little Miss Wonder-girl! So you think you're an expert about boys to know so much?" "No, I'm just stating the obvious. You--" "Stuck up bitch!" All in a blur, the red-head lunged with a violent shove that spun Chatoru into a desk. Her glasses slipped low as she crumpled up against it, spilling pens and papers. Chatoru felt the bully's hands on her back, jerking up her blouse and digging down the back of her skirt. "Let me go-- Ah!!" Chatoru's white panties drew snug as the red-head curled her fingers around the waistband. "W-what are you--?" With a fierce yank, Red-head hauled the panties out of Chatoru's skirt. Arching her back, the blonde squealed. "Kyaa!!" "Makoto-san, she's sorry. P-please leave her alone," pleaded Yomi. "Stay out of this flat-chest, unless you want some as well," Makoto taunted. Chatoru felt the cotton briefs bunch up snugly between her cheeks and press into her mound. But worse than the ever tightening squeeze, everyone could see her panties! Frozen, Chatoru only squeezed her eyes shut and winced, pink to the ears, as Makoto continued to stretch her waistband even higher. "Not so high and mighty now, are you, little nerd?" "That's ENOUGH!" The sound of a stack of books fell onto a desk as everyone looked at the class president. "Teacher's on his way. Everyone take your seats. Now!" Her tone brooked no arguments, not even from Makoto, as she simply gave one last tug before letting Chatoru's panties snap against her back and sauntered off. "Ow--" Chatoru winced as she pulled her blouse over her panties as she tried to grab her things. "Chat-chan..." Yomi's eyes were wide with concern, "are you okay?" The blonde was trembling as she found her chair. "Y-yeah, I'm - I'm f-fine..." Chatoru said as she was holding back her tears. Yomi took her by her hand. "Come on, let's go to the bathroom and get you taken care of before--" And right on cue, a balding, bespectacled middle-aged man with an armful of books and binders stepped into the room, the teacher. "All rise," ordered the class president. "Bow." Chatoru winced as she bent forward, feeling the bunched-up panties chafe her crack. "Alright, be seated. Is everyone here?" Teacher opened his books. "Now, let me see... Ah yes, I believe Hitomi-san is due to present on Einstein's Theory of Relativity. I trust she's ready?" "Y-yes!" Chatoru shot upright, "But, um, first may I..." Her eyes drifted towards the door as some of her classmates started chuckling to themselves. "Now control yourselves," teacher calmly said. He sighed, "--Well, come up then, Hitomi-san. Don't keep us waiting. Time may be relative, but we only have so much of it... That was a joke. Ahem... Well, maybe you can reach through their blockheads." There were a few titters from the students as Chatoru walked stiffly to the front. "Now no talking. And now, if you're ready." Teacher said as he sat in his seat with a pen at hand. "Y-yes. Ah, um... p-prior to Einstein," Chatoru wriggled her hips, "It--it was widely assumed time w-was absolute..." The End - Chapter 01: Happy Birthday 5 | Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 01/Chapter 02: Humble Beginnings (She's Got a Ticket to Ride) Chatoru closed the door as she entered into the dark apartment. Flinging aside her coat and book-bag, and thumped down into her desk chair. The tiny studio apartment was a good reflection of its owner. Tide, well-ordered, yet busy. It might have been a library with the amount of books she had, mostly on science and math. Everything arranged neatly in the cramped space. Whatever little space was left went to Chatoru's passion for computers and electronics. She had a workbench with tools and robots in various stages of completion. Instead of posters, her walls were plastered with complex schematics. This was Chatoru's Fortress of Solitude. She'd been living on her own for about five years, but, really, she'd felt alone ever since the accident that took her parents' lives when she was five. The whole ordeal was a black hole in her memory, but the doctor had said that was normal. With no relatives coming forward, Chatoru was placed in a foster home, but she ran away when she turned thirteen. Even as a child, Chatoru knew she had an inner wellspring of drive and ingenuity missing in most adults. ...And that only made today's failures all the worse. Not only had Chatoru let herself get shamed in front of the whole class, but she had botched her Einstein presentation. "Good evening, boss!" A small cartoon, "chibi" version of herself popped onto her computer screen. "I ordered that ticket you wanted." "Ah?" Chatoru's eyebrows hopped. "...And the pass?" Chatoru asked as she almost pressed her nose up to the monitor. "Um..." Chibi-Chat shuffled its tiny shoes as she floated in the corner of the screen, a giant sweat-drop popped onto its head. "I-I'm sorry boss, but there was lag in my connection, and the VIP passes were sold out in the first 72.332 seconds of--" "End application." Chibi-Chat's voice faded off as Chatoru's head hit the desk. This is all too much. Only one thing to do... "Open application--" she muttered, "Punishment." Chibi-Chat reappeared, now in a dark cloak covering its little body. Its tiny eyes glowed with its terrifying smile. "Who's been a naughty girl?" the teeny avatar chipped. "You take way too much pleasure in this, don't you?" "Just you wait while I decide your punishment..." Ellipses blinked above Chibi-Chat's bobble head until -ping-- they turned into a light-bulb. "To pay for your mistakes," Chibi-Chat said with sinister smile glowing ever so wider. "You deserve..." Chibi-Chat jumped into the air revealing the all-black domme-gear underneath as it exploded with excitement, "A suspender-wedgie!!" Chatoru perked up as she sighed, "Just my luck..." Suddenly, the seat began to whirl and rumble beneath her as four extendable robotic arms shot out to loom menacingly over her. The "Robo-Chair", her own invention - not only could it handle chores, it was the perfect disciplinary tool. She'd never forget that one time it spanked her, leaving her poor butt pink and tender for hours. "Press any key to accept your punishment," Chibi-Chat demanded as it pointed right at her, and the robo-arms wiggled their steel digits eagerly. Chatoru nibbled her lip, finger poised hesitantly over the space-bar. "Oh, all right..." she sighed. But just as she was about to press it, a new bubble popped onto the screen. "You've got mail!" The window automatically opened as Chatoru gasped as whom else but Chaos appeared in front of her. "Hello..." Chaos said as he just smiled and waved. A moment of blind panic, but then Chatoru realized that this was only a recording. "Please to meet you as I have great news," He continued as he took a bow. As he got back into a standing position, he smiled easily. "Your ticket is one of the five select few, chosen at random to receive a free upgrade to the VIP pass." Chatoru was speechless. Chaos chuckled, "May your luck continue to bless your life. Luck affects everything. Let your hook always be cast, in the stream where you least expect it, there will be a fish." A faint humming could be heard as Chaos frowned at what was going on behind the scenes. "Ahem, yes, right... Anyways, I'll be looking forward to meet you in person. Bye-bye," Chaos said as he waved goodbye. "..." Chatoru sat in her seat just in awe. "Ah! Hah! Oh my God! Oh my God!" Chatoru flapped her hands, the glasses hopping on her nose. Without thinking, she dove right in and clicked her mouse to replay the message. The mechanical arms roared to life as Chatoru just realized what was soon to happen. "Oh no, wait! Wait! Abort! End app - YEEK!!" Chatoru screamed as her hands went to protect her neither regions. "No good--" sang Chibi-Chat as its face was plastered to the screen, "Time for your punishment!" it laughed evilly. "AH!!" One pair of mechanical hands clamped down on her wrists, while the other two zipped under her skirt. Chilly steel pincers brushed her hips as they clasped her panties by the waistband. Chatoru could only gasp as the arms reared back, bunching Chatoru's skirt around her waist and was hiking the previously white panties back into her cheeks and to her ribs. The arms at Chatoru's wrists pulled her forward as the other pair continued stretching the leg-holes into yawning ovals that crept up Chatoru's tummy. Cotton squeezing her sex, making a camel-toe, and continued to wedge deeper between her buns. With each pull, Chatoru yipped like a puppy, butt bouncing in the seat, until with one brutal heave the arms hauled her upright, lifting her off the ground barely. Chatoru couldn't handle it anymore, "YE-OWWW!!" She crossed her legs in attempts to relieve the pain, but posed no threat to her mechanical tormenter. Chatoru's tip-toes kept briefly touching the floor as the arms stretched her panties higher, all the way to her breasts. The first set of arms forced her arms into the gapping leg-holes as her panties kept her up high. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" The steel arms stretched up and over her shoulders as they let go, snapped her panties right next to her bra straps. "Punishment complete. I hope you learned your lesson." Chibi-Chat said as it wagged its finger to its master. The poor blonde fell back into her seat as her hands immediately went to care for her front. Feeling the leather on her bare-bottom as her panties vanished up her butt. Eyes filled with tears as her face was bright red. "Ouch... I guess that'll - ow - teach me to be so careless..." Chatoru faked a chuckle as the pain continued to course through her body. The End - Chapter 02: She's Got a Ticket to Ride 4 | Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 01/Chapter 03: Humble Beginnings (VIP) Chatoru followed the address to pick up her VIP package for the God's Divine concert later that evening. She was so excited that she could barely contain it. There it was; her VIP badge and lanyard, band t-shirt, poster and CD in hand. She couldn't wait to get home and place her newly treasures within its safety. And in just a few more hours, I'll get to-- Chatoru staggered as she knocked into the bicycle rack. Tripping over a bike wheel, pitched forward and fell on all fours. Her stuff laid on the ground still intact. She gave a sigh in relief as she began to hear a girl laughing to herself. "So you're one of the other five?" Chatoru looked up to see the girl in school uniform dangle her pass in hand. "Please, can I have that back?" Chatoru asked. The girl pointed her finger to her chin as her hazel eyes looked in the direction of her green dyed, bushy pigtails. She looked at Chatoru again as her chest swayed from side to side as the blouse and maroon blazer looked like they were ready to explode. "Mmh... Nah. I think I'll hold onto this for a bit longer." She said as she just smirked down at Chatoru. "Hey!" Chatoru said as she got up to retrieve her lanyard, "Give that back!" As soon as Chatoru got up, she quickly fell back down to her knees as the girl tripped her. The girl flaunted around Chatoru as her pleated tartan skirt, that was worn naughtily short, easily revealed her pink panties from Chatoru's position. "I think I like you down there more." She teased as she kissed Chatoru's pass. Chatoru's palms stung as she began to grit her teeth. And after she had ran straight to the expo-center from school to claim her stuff in her grey pea-coat. "Now why don't you try asking nicely?" the girl cooed. Chatoru then remembered a rumor floating around her school about a bully from a rival school. Green hair, dressed like a slut and loved to toy with her victims. That's right, this must be Ryofu. Ryofu knelt down in front of Chatoru as she said, "Well, come on, sweetie. Let's hear you beg." And in a cloying tone, "Say 'pretty, pretty please mistress!'" Chatoru turned pink across her cheeks as she heard those words. "Ryofu..." Chatoru said as her hands began moving into a fists on their own. A crowd of gawkers had encircled the two, egging them on. "...Don't - don't toy with me--" Ryofu was bigger, with an athletic build, but Chatoru wouldn't be cowed. She sprang to her feet. "Give it back!!" "Oof!" The next thing Chatoru knew, her butt was back on the pavement. "Ah!" Realizing her skirt was in a bunch, she scrambled to cover her panties amidst whoops from the crowd. Wait, as she swiveled her head, where was Ryofu? Where was her pass? Panic began welling up, but then a cool, strong hand cupped her chin, and Chatoru realized Ryofu was behind her. The pavement chilled her bottom as Ryofu sat, legs splayed, the blonde's head cradled to her tummy. "That's Ryofu-sama to you, my tiny cat." Ryofu said as Chatoru squirmed, but to no avail as Ryofu pinned her arms beneath her thighs. "Here you go," Ryofu slid the laminate pass between Chatoru's lips, which she reluctantly parted to let it into her mouth. Humiliating, but at least she had it back. "Oh, but there is a price, my little kitten..." Chatoru could only moan as her mind began to creep into the darkest thoughts of what the price could be. Ryofu's boobs squashed against the blonde's head as she reached forward and flipped up Chatoru's skirt, exposing her white cotton undies to the crowd. "Mmph!" Chatoru let out muffled squeals, kicking and thrashing, but she knew she wasn't going to be going anywhere with this. Chatoru froze when she felt Ryofu grabbing the front of her panties. She felt a pang, like an icicle to the heart. Oh no - her eyes snapped wide as her face grew hotter - not another... not from the fr-- "MMPH!!" She thrust her hips off the pavement as Ryofu hauled back - the panty leg-holes yawning out of shape as the male audience mouths formed the same shape. Soft cotton continued to dig into her crotch as her face continued to burn even hotter. "How's that?" Ryofu said as the crowd began to cheer. She clutched the stretched-out leg-holes, bunching the panties into a reverse-thong that split Chatoru's sex, leaving her bare front for all to see. "Does that feel good?" Ryofu cooed as she was beginning to be aroused. Hot tears sprouted from the corners of Chatoru's eyes as she attempted to cover her front. "Come on, let's see that pus--" "Get off of her." The cold feminine voice interrupted. A steely hand clamped down on the back of Ryofu's collar and hauled her up. All the cheering and shouting died to shocked whispers. "Is that -?" "No way..." "It's really her." Chatoru flopped over and scrambled to her knees. Turning over and looking up at her rescuer, she glanced over sneakers and bobby-socks; slender, well-toned legs; knee-length, pleated green skirt, and white fur-trimmed winter coat over her black t-shirt, before coming to her face. "...Satsune... Yu-Yuukiro...?" Yes. Satsune Yuukiro, drummer and vocalist for God's Divine, had really stepped into a street-fight. But she looked ready for worse as her dark purple eyes looked like they could destroy a brick wall with just a single glance. A short-sword case hung from a strap over her shoulder. For several beats, Ryofu just stood there. Agape, stunned to be face-to-face with her idol. And Satsune was beautiful, even as she scowled, with her shiny pink hair worn up in a top-knot bun. "Oh, it's okay. We were just foolin' around," steadying herself, Ryofu worked up her best ingratiating smile, "But forget about her. You know," -coyly-- "I'm your biggest fan..." She licked her lips and pressed closer. Their breasts touched a moment before Satsune drew back. "Would you..." Ryofu brushed her fingertips down the drummer's shoulder, "...care to let me prove it?" "Fat chance!" Satsune's voice broke through, disheartening everyone in the area. "Two things I hate--" Satsune caught Ryofu by the wrist before she slid her hand any lower, "Bullies and creeps!" In a blink of an eye, Ryofu crumpled over the bike rack as she slammed into it, her breasts broke free from her blouse. What--? How--? Ryofu was the best street-fighter at her school, but Satsune had just thrown her like it was nothing. Onlookers gasped as, advancing on Ryofu, Satsune unclasped her sword case with a dark aura surrounding her. Ryofu froze as her skirt was flipped, baring her pink string bikini panties to the crowd. With sword and scabbard in hand, she threaded it through the leg-holes. She gripped both ends of the sword like a barbell. "W-what are you d-- EEK!!" With one swift heave, she hauled the panties to her chest, wedging the pink cotton tightly between Ryofu's tanned buns and forcing the bully to her toes. "So, how do you like it!?" grunted Satsune, pumping her strong arms. "Huh!?" Each crotch-squeezing yank bounced Ryofu's bottom, breasts bobbing along, and stretched the panties higher, and higher. Satsune wrapped her arm around her sword as she raised an open palm to the sky. "AHH!!" Satsune brought it down hard on Ryofu's helpless rear. "Apologize!" she demanded, with several rapid-fire spanks. The pink panties had enough as they gave in to gravity leaving Ryofu to fall to her knees as the torn pink cloth fell closely behind. "Ah!" Ryofu cried as her bottom glowed beet-red. "I--I'm sorry!" "Now apologize to her!" "What!? I ha--" Ryofu felt dread overcome her as she turned to face Satsune as her eyes began to glow like a demon's. "I'm sorry! P-please, forgive me!" "Good!" And with that, the drummer spun on her heel and strode away, leaving Ryofu's tender pink ass on display. Chatoru was still kneeling there, frozen with awe as Satsune knelt in front of her. "Come on," Satsune smiled as she extended her hand out, "Let's get out of here." * * * At a window-side table in the nearby caf they had tea and shared castello, a Japanese sponge cake. Although Satsune did most of the eating, Chatoru only took dainty little nibbles. "Thank you very much for helping me out, Yuukiro-sama." Chatoru kept repeating. "Please, enough with the 'Yuukiro-sama'," the drummer chuckled, "Just call me Satsune. We're the same age after all." "Oh, um," Chatoru fidgeted, "Then you can call me--" "Chatoru Hitomi, correct?" Satsune said with a kind smile. "How did you--?" "Know your name? It's because the band was the one who picked the five lucky winners. You didn't think we just let a machine or some un-named industry worker do the work for us?" "Well, then you can just call me Chatoru, or... um, my friends - well, my friend - she calls me 'Chat-chan'..." Embarrassed, she awkwardly broke off another bite of sponge cake. Propping an elbow on the table, Satsune rested her chin on a fist. "Chat-chan," she smiled warmly, "You know, it's funny. And also uncanny..." "Mm?" Chatoru's eyebrows rose, tip of the fork still in her mouth. "It was him who had pulled your ticket out, and just how much you look like him. If he wasn't an only child, I'd say you were twins." "Who...?" "Why, you and Chaos of course." "Oh... you really - you really think so?" Chatoru shyly said as her face started burning a light pink as she looked into her tea. "What's he like, if you don't mind me asking?" "Chaos...?" Satsune chewed, swallowed. "Really, there's nothing much to say other than he's always himself on-stage and off-stage. Probably the most genuine person I've met. I think you'll like him... you know," as Satsune winked at her, "when you meet him tonight." "You really think so? I certainly hope so." Chatoru said. "Chat-chan, I know so. Now let's get going before we're late for the concert." * * * Dusk finally came, the concert-- The expo-center was the largest venue in town, and it was a sold-out show. Chatoru had never been so excited. Her mouth was dry, her tummy full of butterflies, and God's Divine hadn't even taken the stage yet. She sat, both hands clasped around her VIP pass, while the opening act had finished. Finally, it was time for the headliner. When they came out, the whole crowd sprang to their feet as if jolted by an electric shock... and Chatoru found herself looking at someone's back. "Ah! Hey!" She leaned left, right, no good, and neither was trying to stand on the seat. The people behind her were jostling it so much she quickly lost her balance. Her light body fell backwards as two guys caught her on her descent. "Hey babe, need a boost?" "What? Yes!" As Chatoru hit the floor she immediately bounced onto her tip-toes. She barely glanced at the two college boys beside her. "Yes!" - Practically vibrating - "Please!" Grinning, they squeezed in behind her. "Come on, please hurry!" One laughed, "Whatever you say!" Chatoru stiffened, feeling them paw under her skirt. "Hey! What're you--?" Her panties drew snug as they grabbed hold. "Wait! Don't--!" "Up you go!" They said in unison. Chatoru's screams were lost in the roar of the crowd. The men had hoisted her little butt chest-high. She kicked and squirmed, dangling in their grip. "No! Let me..." The words died as she looked over the heads of the crowd and saw them. Everyone on stage with such energy. Meet eye contact with Satsune as she towered on her custom percussion set being lifted up high as she waved in Chatoru's direction. The lights began to disappear one by one, until only he, Chaos, in his long black jacket with blue flames designs was left in the spotlight. "Down?" the men started to relax their arms. "No, wait!" Chatoru shook her head. "You want to see my panties? Well, I want to see the concert. Lift me up!" The men laughed to themselves as they did as Chatoru had asked. "What's up, Hokuto!? Are you ready for this!?" Chaos questioned the crowd. The crowd responded with glee and delight. "We are... GOD'S DIVINE!!" Synthesizers filled the stadium as Chaos began. "I don't need your sympathy, ride the wave of entropy. Take my hand, climb with me." Screams infused with the harmony, "Tidal wave of entropy--!!" The End - Chapter 03: VIP 8 | Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 01/Chapter 04: Humble Beginnings (Divine Intervention) It was, Chatoru decided, the single most awesome moment of her life, totally worth the sore crotch and saggy undies. Besides, once their arms got tired, one of the guys let her ride his shoulders. Entitled "The Divine Ones," the tour celebrated the band's contemporary influences, and had included covers of hits by Hollywood Undead, Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas, and Avenged Sevenfold, among others. The drummer ChaosReacon, with tattoos like flames down the side of his face, had teamed with Chaos to perform the lead vocals on a cover of "Life is Beautiful" by Sixx:A.M. Cychron, always seemed a bit scary to Chatoru, with his ashen skin, silver hair, and mismatched red and yellow eyes had taken the lead on "Sounds of a Playground Fading" by In Flames. And Satsune had lent her voice with everyone else's in backing up Chaos on "Three Hammers" by DragonForce. Chatoru had been bouncing on the college boy's shoulders when they rounded out the night with "D.E.A.T.H." and "Our Heroes Live On," both originals written by ChaosReacon. But amazingly as it had been watching Chaos live, to actually meet him at the after-party... she felt wobbly-kneed at the thought. At a nearby pub, Chatoru drifted around knots of people as she looked for him. Seated amidst a dense cluster of fans, Chaos was casually jamming with Roger Nagiwa, brown haired guitarist with huge enthusiasm in everything around him, and Chris Rikiki, bassist that looked tough as nails with his camo pants, black muscle shirt and dark blue bandanna over his blonde hair. The crowd shifted for a moment, and Chaos - laughing good-naturedly at some joke - was a sight that made Chatoru's body seize up with nervousness. "Hey, Chat-chan!" "Ah!" Chatoru jumped as she face-to-face with Satsune once more. "This is pretty fun, huh? Did you get to meet Chaos yet?" But Chatoru could only see the two behind Satsune as her face became bright red. Her face began to match keyboardist, Sam Miguchi's red hair as Sam politely smiled back. And next to Sam was a dark blue-haired keyboardist and acoustic guitarist, Eddie Kukimi as he tipped his dark cowboy hat to Chatoru. "Oi, were you even listening, Chatoru?" Taken out of jaded stasis, Chatoru focus on Satsune, "Just talk to him. He's not a scary person to talk to. NOW!" Satsune commanded as they were mere lips distance apart. "Yes, I'll see him now!" Chatoru voice squeaked in blind panic. "Good." Satsune gave a big smile, "It's not everyday you get to meet such a person." "It was a pleasure meeting you, Chatoru-san." Sam said as the trio began to walk off. Chatoru's eye opened wide in confusion, "How did--?" Chatoru remembered that the band was the ones who picked the tickets. "Alright," Chatoru whispered to herself in encouragement as she turned once more to face her idol. Just then, her panties drew snug as she let out a quick squeal. She frantically looked around and only found was the mass of the crowd trying to get the rockstars' attention. And when Chatoru looked back at Chaos, their eyes meet through the breach. Time slowed. He didn't even realize he had left his chair, wasn't aware of the guitar dropping from his hands. Time stopped, rewound to his parents' deaths. The black hole. Only for once he caught a flicker of light - the image of a little girl, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed little girl crying, "Mommy! Daddy...!" "Alright, everyone back off!" Chris shoved his way into his line of vision. "Give him some air!" Time resumed. "Chaos," as the hand waved in front of his face. "Hey, are you okay?" Roger looked concerned, "Need a quiet room or something? Make way, guys!" Chaos just shook his head and chuckled weakly as Roger hustled him off. "No, I'm fine, Roger. I'm fine, really. Just a little tired from the show--" Chatoru stood like a statue amidst concerned murmurings from the party-goers. Her mind was locked, it needed time to reboot. She still hadn't moved minutes later when someone hurried over with a whispered message. "Chaos wants to meet you in the alley out back." * * * "Oof!" Chatoru slammed into the alley wall, shoved by Ryofu. It was a narrow alleyway. Two people couldn't squeeze down it without dirtying their shoulders, and it was partially blocked by overstuffed garbage cans. The only light came from a flickering fluorescent light over the door through which Chatoru had rushed out to see Chaos. Ryofu had been waiting. "Sorry," she hissed, squashing Chatoru's breasts against the bricks, "Chaos won't be joining us." She caught Chatoru by her wrists with a pink fabric and tied them into a knot, binding her arms together. "But you can play with me instead." She gently blew into the blonde's ear, her breath a warm caress. "Won't that be fun?" Chatoru jerked away, her cheeks turning pink. "Stop it!" struggling against her bonds, "Let me go!" "Aren't you a feisty one?" Ryofu reached under Chatoru's skirt and began rubbing her bottom. "Never done it with a girl before?" Her free hand slid up Chatoru's blouse to cup a breast. "Aw, a sweet, little kitten like you? I bet you've never been kissed," Ryofu cooed. Chatoru bit her lip to hold back a yip, rosy blush creeping to her ears. "D-don't...!" she forced through gritted teeth. "Oh, you'll start to enjoy it..." Chatoru sucked in a gasp, arching her back as Ryofu clutched a handful of her undies and briskly wedged them snug between her cheeks. Hooking her fingers under the leg-holes, Ryofu bunched the panties into a thong. "Don't you like that?" She let go of the cotton material to slip her hand down and began to stroke Chatoru's mound, pressing the soft wedged undies between her lips. "It's okay to like it, you know. You'll have to find something you like about it after being raped halfway through..." Ryofu smirked to hear her captive let out a cute little whimper. "Even in darkness, someone's always watching." Chatoru opened her eyes as Ryofu abruptly pulled away. "W-where the hell did you come from?" the bully's voice quivered. "It's a dead-end that way." Chaos stepped into the flickering circle of light. As he approached, the blue of his eyes changed to blood red. More amazing was the crackling electric blue light that flashed from his right hand, even as to his left hand burst into swirling azure flames. Chatoru spun and pressed her back against the wall as he passed by, unhurriedly advancing on Ryofu. Ryofu staggered back as darkness began to swallow her, only leaving the azure illumination to highlight the details of Chaos amongst the crimson eyes. Chatoru could feel her binds loosen as she saw the anger building up in him. Ryofu's heel struck a trashcan and with a yelp she fell backwards into a cushion of garbage bags. She tried to scurry backwards through the trash as Chaos drew closer. "No!" she screamed. "Stay back! Keep away! Help me!" The shrieks rose in pitch. "Somebody help me! PLEASE!!" Reaching down with one arm, he clutched the lapels of her blazer and effortlessly hoisted her up off the ground. The energy crackling from his hand lit up her terrified face as she clawed at his arm and kicked the air wildly. "You deserve to be punished like the traitors frozen in Lake Cocytus..." Chaos said firm as blue and white sparks fell around them. But Ryofu didn't hear him. Her struggling ceased as she went slack in his grip. "...But I suppose this will do," Chaos sighed. "Chaos!" Satsune called, who came racing into the alley, sword at the ready. The element magic that surrounded him extinguished as Chaos lowered Ryofu to the ground, "Don't worry, Satsune. It's not that serious. Besides," crouching down, "she only fainted." He touched her brow as a white light emitted from his hand. "And there. Now she won't remember any of this. Would you be able to take care of her, Satsune?" Chaos said as the bright smile returned to his face. Satsune sighed as her hand left her sword's hilt, "That was pretty reckless, even for you. Now let's see what can be done with her." She knelt down to scoop up the unconscious girl and disappeared into the darkness. Chaos turned towards Chatoru, his eyes again blue, knelt in front of her as he said, "Well... the cat's out of the bag," he joked awkwardly. "It's definitely been a while." "Hello, brother." Chatoru said with mixed feelings, not knowing to cry for her reunion or to scream from the events of tonight. But hell, she was glad that things are starting to make sense in her life as tears began filling her eyes. "I'm finally home..." they said in unison. The End - Episode 01/Chapter 04: Humble Beginnings (Divine Intervention) 5 | Page |