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A horror ghost story set in a university city called Covenport. A young student.. |
Ghosts of the Royalty Victory Rory Smith Chapter One - The University. Celsie Van was a 19 year old student in the University of Covenport. Celsie was in the middle of his university career. A course in Computing and Linguistics. A joint degree was his ambition. But neither the computing or linguistics department saw him as one of their own. Tonight he was working late on his dissertation, entitled, ‘Programming languages for modelling oral languages.’ Celsie was a shy introverted but intensely passionate and emotional young man. He had never had a girlfriend, but wanted one, but did not feel bitter at women not finding him attractive. He thought to himself, I would not like it, if women I did not find attractive or all gay men got angry with me for not wanting to go out with them. After all he was not gay. Anyway, he decided to leave his university project for the night and picked up his ruck sack, with his notes in them. Then headed out of the 6th floor computer room with his USB stick, and a bottle of Scottish sparkling water. Celsie decided to head for the sixth floor men’s toilet. He walked into the empty lavatory and glanced into the mirror. There were two giant mirrors facing each other on parallel walls. And he looked as the mirrors reflected in on themselves with his reflection repeated into infinity, getting smaller, and smaller as one version of himself was reflected into the other, and so on, smaller and smaller. He glanced further into the sixth repeated reflection of himself, and then the seventh, and then the tenth, and then the eleventh. But there was something odd. As he lifted his arm up. The sixth version of himself seemed to be not moving it’s arm up. And the head of his sixth reflection, appeared to be that of a skinless skull. At first this sight amused him, obviously a trick of the light. But as he stood transfixed for a minute the heeby jeebies got a hold of him. And he started to become more and more freaked out. He decided to leave the toilet, before his fears grew. Chapter Two - Walls. The corridor was white painted with notice boards, and pictures of academic lecturers. The corridor was 200 metres long with doors every few metres leading to classrooms, laboratories, offices for lecturers, and an office for administrators. Celsie thought that the fear would leave him, but suddenly in the near deserted giant sixth floor building, the lights started to flash. Celsie walked half way up the hallway to approach the stairway, then he heard the toilet door slam behind him, the shock jolted him to look back, and behind him stood the skeleton faced man now clothed in denims, and a blue shirt, and the skeleton loudly whispered, ‘Hello, can I help you, creep?’ Celsie was terrified, the sneering confidence and sinister foreboding of the man chilled him to the bone. Then the walls of the building seemed to disappear and Celsie found himself floating high above the ground, in mid air, as below him a prisoners riot, with guards fighting was played out for 10 seconds. Celsie felt a rush of blood and oxygen as he breathed in terrified, as one who found roller coasters too scary to try. The intense fear overtook him. And he took in powerful deep breaths of fear. He felt himself shake. Then as if by magic the building returned to it’s previous condition, and the skeleton man stood there again, and proclaimed, ‘My name is The Covenport Decapitator. Your bastions of goodness knocked down my prison to build this place of learning, and now I will show you what your force of good have done to my people. I will show you what your words of goodness did to my people the demons of this world, in the name of your Gods.’ Celsie shouted, ‘I don’t know what your talking about?’ Celsie proceeded to run for it, down through the corridor, away from the skeleton man. And toward the stairs, slamming the glass door behind him. He ran down the stairs as the skeleton man walked confidently, following him. Celsie ran down the flight of steps, and then heard the building creek like a sailing ship moving through heavy storms. Chapter Three - The Rivers of Blood. But to Celsie’s shock his way was blocked on the fourth floor. As greeted him a revolting sight, the sight of a river of blood rising up through the building, he saw the blood had risen up to the fourth floor. He looked out of the windows of the giant building to see university students returning from late night revelling He could not go any lower than the fourth floor, and banged and banged on the glass, but the other students could not hear him. He tried his mobile phone, but there was no signal. So Celsie decided to use the computer room on the fourth floor. At top speed Celsie ran through 1 ft of blood and reached the computer room, which was empty of people. Trying his login, he tried to turn on his internet account, but the login would not work. And then all of a sudden in walked a beautiful woman wearing a crown. Celsie was attracted to her, and inquired, ‘What is going on? Are you OK?’ The woman introduced herself, ‘My name is Queen Rhona.’ Celsie remembered who Queen Rhona was. The famous Blood Queen. Famed with her marriage to King Brian the Psychopath, for her torture and abuses of the common people of the country. Queen Rhona laughed then stated, ‘I’ll get my servant to decapitate you, like we did to all your fellow students on the first floor.’ She then performed her act of removing her head then sneered, ‘This is how your kingdom punished me, well now you will have that punishment on you.’ Celsie laughed back, and stood up for himself. Then suggested, ‘I’m not scared of you.’ But Queen Rhona stated, ‘Catch.’ Then Queen Rhona threw her head across the room at Celsie just missing his head. Celsie continued, ‘I will not harm you, but I will simply walk past you.’ But to Celsie’s shock in walked someone more threatening. The skeleton man walked in carrying a 6 ft sword covered in deep thick flesh. Celsie took steps back, and said, ‘But I am scared of you though.’ Celsie ran for it, to the other exit door, fleeing as fast as his legs could carry him. Chapter Four - Care of the Taker. Celsie saw waves of blood rising towards him, and as he ran his trousers were soaked in the blood. His shoes were supposed to be waterproof, but as the blood was above his shins, the blood soaked into the shoes anyway. Behind him he heard the skeleton man wade on through the blood toward him slowly and cunningly. Celsie was running to the stairs, and knew he had to run up again to escape the rising tide of blood. But from one office the caretaker opened a door. Celsie turned and beckoned him to run for it. But the caretaker turned to him, and his eyes were dark red, and glowing like a fire in the night, and he laughed mercilessly. The caretaker shouted, ‘Poof boy. I am going to kill you, like I killed those men in the dark ages.’ Then Celsie ran for it again, shouting. ‘I’m not gay, but this is not time for homophobia.’ Celsie ran up the stairs, and heard the howling of wolves swimming in the blood on the fourth floor. Celsie made it to the sixth floor, then out of an office working late came a beautiful female lecturer. She recognised Celsie, and attempted to smile, but then saw behind him was a trail of blood in his footprints and his blood soaked trousers. Celsie shouted, ‘It’s not me. Someone is trying to kill me.’ The female lecturer whose name was Michelle, ran into her office picked up a fire extinguisher, then sprayed the water at Celsie shouting, ‘Stay away from me you psychopath.’ But then she turned to see the terrifying skeleton man, who was leaving a trail a blood behind him.’ Another, male, lecturer came out of his office with all the terrible commotion. His name was Clive Revenant. He shouted, ‘What is this noise? Shut the hell up, I‘m tying to work here.’ But the skeleton man stood right behind him, then stabbed his 6 ft long sword through the back of Clive. Lifting the screaming lecturer high above his head, on the edge of his mighty sword. Clive shouted in terror. Then the skeleton man swung his sword against the wall causing Clive to fly off against the wall and fall unconscious. Celsie and the female lecturer ran for it up the fire exit leading to the roof above the sixth floor, named the Ahma Roof. Chapter Five - The Lakes of Blood. The beautiful lecturer, and Celsie were met by a terrifying sight on the roof. The city had been flooded up to the fifth floor level of the giant building, and people could be seen floating dead on the blood soaked blood flood. Bones and carcases of animals floated, and bobbed in the blood. A rain of blood soaked rain, bloody hail and bloody snow fell upon the city, and the building. With lightening striking in the air. The sky above them was black, but the horizons were red with glowing blood. All the stars had turned to red, and strange demonic dragons swam through the air. A moon hovered in the sky, but all that could be seen on it were devil cities shining bright lights through the sky like Hell had conquered Earth and the Moon itself. Then the skeleton man appeared on the roof, he growled, lifting his sword into the air, and felt the lightening strike him through his sword. He shouted, ‘The more you electrify me, the more powerful I become, God. Do your worst! The hail of Hell has taken over the city. And we will spill the blood of the good, like you, God, spilled the heathens blood. Now you will pay for your crimes under your own justice of logic.’ The sound of screams could be heard as others sheltered on other university buildings. Cars, trees, ships and trucks floated down through the lake of blood. A giant beast called the leviathan swam in the blood, and lashed it’s tail against the geography department smashing off a 40ft wall into the rivers of blood. It shrieked in fury as the weight of the wall hit it, but then swam away. A tidal wave was created, by the collapsing wall, that rushed toward the computer building. And the skeleton man did not notice. He still stood high waving his sword above him, preparing to kill Celsie and the beautiful lecturer, Michelle. Michelle screamed in terror, ‘Somebody save us from this evil.’ The skeleton man stood drinking the blood which soaked through his bones to the floor. Laughing like a hysterical demon. Then the blood tsunami hit the building, and took him down into the lake, as Celsie and the beautiful lecturer held onto the top of the roof in terror. They drank in iron rich blood and then vomited it out. And there they crouched through the hell night, as the rivers of blood receded into the oceans miles away, down in to the port‘s river. Chapter Seven - Shadows Reawaken. Many had died that night, including the all powerful skeleton man, whose bones were found scattered over the ruined city. Crowds and rescue crews came to save the population of the city. It had been a visit from hell in Covenport. The wraiths had visited and killed many tens of thousands. As Celsie and the lecturer were helped down stairs, as they were weak, and were applauded by a massive crowd of well wishers who had travelled from hundreds of miles away. Celsie looked through the crowd, but he did not notice one particular lady, who stared at him then walked off again. It was Queen Rhona, who lived to fight another day. Confucius said, ‘Respect ghosts and gods, but keep away from them.’ |