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by Mist
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Dark · #2101891
Nese helps souls who pass, with her mate Deagon dragon/guardian. Upon their last trip.
Chapter One
I am a soul healer, or better yet. I help those who have passed over finish what they didn't get to in life because they died.
Today I was with an elderly woman who was looking for some papers that her family needed so that they may claim the missing money she left for them. The only problem was, they were in a building that was locked and the other problem was, we had to break in to get them.
So here we were in a building that house I was sure, lawyers and many other people that could put me in jail for breaking in, waiting for her to find the paperwork that we came back to find.
My name is Nese, I am about five-ten. My hair is a mess of style, from straight to curly depending which side you look at, and if it was out of the braid I tend to wear. The color stayed the same always bright cherry red. My eyes are like the sky, bright blue. My body is framed and tone and battle ready. Amazon ready. My face was strong as my body. Though I tend to look sweet somehow.
Tonight's mission, we were to be in and out. Though sadly when working with the dead. They tend not to understand time in the living world and now the alarm was going off. I had to figure out a way to get us out of there, before the cops got to us. Because even though the people whom I help may be dead, I really wasn't.
So, they could see me, and though I can charm most humans. I tend to not like too. It takes too long and I have my own time limit being, you can only go when someone else dies.
So when someone is passing from life to the death, that is the window for a healer like me, to bring someone back to finish what they need to so they can move onto the next part of where they are going in the cycle of the afterlife.
"Do you not know where they are?" I ask the elderly lady.
Sweet lady, kind in her days on earth now moving back to the younger self. If she didn't get back in time, she was going to get stuck and there would be nothing I could do until the next death.
She would have to wait for someone to die in that town, in that area, at the same time. Also make sure, another healer didn't already reserve the spot for their own soul. So, a lot went into moving one soul, from one realm, to another.
It may seem as though people are dying all the time in the real world. When you have as many healers trying to help the dead, as those helping the living. It isn't as many as you think.
So for each soul that is taken from the earth. One dead comes back to help their living and those who have no living, move forward without a return. Which is more sad to watch than one thinks.
"They were here. I know it." My shoulder sank as I tried to help her look and count down the seconds we had.
My eyes going from the papers around, to the door, to the clock. I knew we had less than twenty seconds to get out of there. Either she found them now, or all would be lost on this trip.
There are so many with unfinished business. You have to take a number and sadly once you got your number called and you didn't do what you wanted and had to go back, you went back down the line to wait again.
"GOT THEM!" She holds up her victory to me. My breath, lets out and I am grabbing her and the watcher as we run out.
My watcher is a man, he is a watcher. He does nothing else but watches when we are among the living. He knows all and sees all. He is the cloak if we need him to be. They really have no look to them. If you seen one, he would be nothing but a flash, or a small light. Nothing more, nothing less. The feeling he washes over you, is as if it was nothing, or your imagination playing tricks on you.
"Nese, they're coming!" He tells me, pushing open the door and seen them.
"Go to the hall, take her. Deagon is waiting." I tell him. His eyes say it all. "Just go."
I know he doesn't want to be in control of the dead. At the moment, he has no choice as I have to keep the officers from finding my awaiting dragon.
As the watcher can cloak us, but can't cloak Deagon when he was in full dragon. Deagon would have to do that. A lot goes into moving a soul from one realm to another. Even with magic, you can't just click your heels together and be there. It took a lot more, and a lot more people to all play a part.
"Go!" I say loud enough for him.

I watch the officers round the bend, I pop the nasty blue and white pill to hid my looks. I hated them, they tasted nasty. The worse part, you couldn't eat them, or bite them. So the nasty taste just stayed in your mouth. So you didn't forget you had one in.
I swear I have put in more request to change the taste, and each time I keep getting turned down. The head master telling me that if people liked the way they tasted, they would eat them or bite them.
The pills were only made to help you cloak while trying to get out of a trouble. Nothing more. So, eating one could make you sick for months. Which means, one less soul healer working.
I hear their boots on the ground, and their belts making noise. I start to move. If anything, I am not sticking around. I start walking fast. My ears are trained to hear where they are at all times. I always stay ahead of them. I just have to make sure they stay away from the hall.
The building was huge and looked like it was full of offices. It was ten stories high and gray, that ugly 'why did you build me' gray color with the sliver 'couldn't you afford better looking rails' lining the walk and glass that scream 'oh look, we couldn't come up with a better idea for doors' for each office.
I round the other bend, I stopped and listen, my hands going to the ground. Even if it is made of concrete I will still be able to feel their movement due to the speed they are using. I wait. My mind closes and so do my eyes and I look. I move my soul back to where they are and watch what they do.
My vision unlike myself, take me back the way I came. I can see there are two of them and they are looking everywhere. They go to the door and try it, seeing if it was locked. I can only be thankful I had the time to do that. They look around again as they make a call, I am guessing, to the owner and head back to their car.
I pull my mind back and stand up, brushing myself off, I head for the hall and the people that are waiting for me. Another job done and it is time to head home. I spit the pill out.
"Nasty thing."

"Are we all ready?" I asked everyone and they nod.
Deagon turns around to me and looks. My beast of a dragon. I know he isn't pleased. I pull out my baton as the elderly woman and my watcher will ride on top of him. I will use his claws to hang from with my baton, as I like to do.
He starts to transform and the people climb on and me with my baton. My baton is nothing more than something most acrobats hang from. A long pole that moves back small enough I can carry when not using it. It fits into my leather sling back, I keep on me.
Though lucky for me, he has to be full on dragon before I can get on. So that means I get to run after him as he is forming, pulling his shield as he does so. The only time he can pull his, is in the form and above.
So we look like a huge bird carrying something before we disappear. Humans below try to figure out where we went and what we were. We are already moving back between realms.
He gets to the end of the hall, his claws come out, I throw my baton, he grabs it and I jump on. It is when I hear someone behind me. I turned as Deagon does, and we look.
"Please, take me." The young woman says.
"Come on." I call to her.
It was another lost soul wanting to go home. I wait for her to grab a hold of me and nod for Deagon to go. We take off. Why she is there without a healer is beyond me. But it isn't the first time that I had found one.
The trip home will be long enough to find out.
The only problem was when she touched me. A weird feeling hit me. I start to think she isn't just a lost soul and there is more to her. But, it is moved from my mind before I can put much thought into it.

Chapter Two
The ride back to death is long. Once you start to enter the different realms you go through. Each one taken you back to before. It is not a place for the living, and those who can't handle pain. But, once you break through those realms. It becomes a home for me and my dragon, and the souls we help.
It breaks out into a vaste of a waterway. Almost like a canal in the living world. On each side are graves and gravestones, some on islands, some on the banks. The sky stays a dusty color, brown, almost yellow, almost like right before the sun goes down or comes up. Or a dust storm hits.
The water is dark, there is really is no color to it, as if a storm is moving in, but never does. The water stays choppy. Never relaxed because it is moving with the tide of the souls coming in. Many come in at once, the breeze keeps it moving with them along it so not to get backed up.
It is hard to explain my home, though I love it. It isn't a place for those who like happiness. I have my own. But, I have grown to understand what is, and what isn't.
I know had I been born among the living, this place, though nice, I wouldn't want to stay. I'd couldn't wait to move through to the other side, to restart again. If that is what I wanted to do. Some souls do come to like it, and stay here.
My dragon travels over the water and I know it has more to do with if someone falls off and it was easier to find them in the water, than by land. As the souls move too much to figure out, who is who, on land.
Though the grave's sit off to the side, some under the water. It isn't a place of hell, we are the in-between. The souls move along the land until it is their time and because there is so many there, if a soul fell off. It would take forever to find them. You picture a hallway, some walking this way, some that way. That is how it is on land leaning up to the drop off point.
So to lose someone over the banks and land would take more time away than my dragon would like. Though he loves being my dragon, he really isn't the sweetest with patients. He isn't one for having souls ride him like a horse. Which is another reason I like to be below. Keeps his mood happy.
I loved looking over the mounds and the dirt as we fly over the water. Though they were plain, they are pretty, or maybe it was just for me, as it is where I come from. Where I was made from. So to me, it was home.
That feeling the livings get when they get home and want to relax. That was me once we entered this place. It was just beautiful to me. I enjoy as we fly, as I look over the land and take it all in.

"Thank you for bringing me." The young woman says, I look down to her holding my legs. I all but forgot she was there. Again, I thought was odd.
"Did you complete what you needed?" I call to her, she smiled. I smiled.
One less person I would have to help. Not that I didn't like helping. I just had many I needed to. The job was slow going. Most people got scared about going back. It wasn't easy coming in or going back.
Deagon and I would take you back to the living, but you had so much time before either we pull you back, or you got stuck there. Magic works differently among the living. It was hard to get the dead to understand that.
My dragon calls letting me know we are getting close. I was only too thankful, it didn't matter how many times we have done this. My arms still never fully liked hanging that long. Normally, I would climb up by now and sit on my baton, but with her on my legs. I couldn't.
I smile looking up at the underbelly of my beast. It didn't matter how many times I rode under him, or seen him in beast forum. I always fell back in love with him. I know it had somewhat to do with our markings. But in all, he was a sight like no other. He was one of the stronger of his clan.
He was a red color, almost fire, with some black almost like my hair. Once you bond with your dragon, it will be no mistake who belongs to who. The colors match when in true form.
He was massive, there was no denying that. His wings moved the waves as we flew over. I know he normally likes to go lower to let my feet or hands hit the water, but, we had an extra traveler today. My feet and hands would stay dry. It was almost like a longing for me. I had to smile when his head comes down and looks at me. He knows.
Your dragon and you have a connection like no other. There is no guessing. If you want to open your mind to each other, you can. His eyes look to me as best they can. I know through his heart, he is letting me know, next time.
I also know, he can't wait to get home. It has been a long week. It seems like we have been going and going. He was ready for a rest, even if it was a small one coming.
"How much further?" I hear her.
I almost forgot she was there again. My body has become tired from the travel as she holds on. Which really isn't that much, given she has become a soul again. But she knows she can't let go until we land.
"Not much, who brought you?" I asked.
"Lep." She looks away. Odd.
"Lep left without you?"
Lep was another like me. I knew Lep very well. She was my best friend growing up. Still is, when she isn't mad about me and Deagon. So the fact she would leave one of her's behind didn't sound like her at all.
"I hid." I shake my head, poor Lep. But even then, it didn't sound like her to let one go unnoticed.
"You know you will have to answer to her when you get back?" I tell her.
I almost laughed at her face. I knew she wasn't looking forward to it. I can only guess she gave Lep the slip and got left behind to do whatever it is, she wanted to.
Sometime the dead need more time, which is fine. But there was no coming back. Either they had to catch a ride with a return one, or be stuck there until they could finally get back. Due to how many people were coming and going, normally they could get back.
But, it would just depend on them. They would have to find where one of the healer was coming and going, and then hope they had room to bring them home.
For me, I ride underneath, so I tend to have more room than most. Most healers ride above on their Dragon's back, but I like the water, I like the look of the land. I also like to daydream.
"Well, she can't kill me, right?" I smile. I think that is an odd thing to say as well.

Chapter Three
I was in my office, my mind was going a mile a minute. I was bored. It wasn't that I didn't like my job. Because I did, not many could come and go like I. But, I have been doing it so long. It was losing the fun that came with it. Why? I didn't know. This wasn't like me.
I knew it had to do with people just weren't like they use to be. Where before they wanted to go back to help their families, love ones. Now, it was more to do for themselves. It is why I tend to like to take the elderly. They were less greedy about what they were going back for.
My office wasn't that big, if anything, it reminded me more of a bathroom back in the land of the living. It was enough to hold my desk and a chair, and some space to stand. Wasn't even enough room for more chairs. Not that I needed more chairs.
My door faced south of the build, so you walk in. My desk was on the left side with my chair, and you go straight to stand in front of it. Or look out my huge window that took up the wall. It is why I picked the room. I loved looking out into the death garden. Weirdly enough, it was nice to look at.
The building I was in. It was like any other office building. It wrapped around and there was over 100's of offices in there. Each side held different things.
I still didn't know what everyone did in the building, and I really didn't care. I had my job. The rooms, though small, were built taller, so that things like my dragon, could walk easily among the halls and rooms. I see something moving below and look down to the garden.
The death garden was the ground below. It held flowers and such and my treasure I find that Deagon told me I had to leave there. I smile looking down.
The death garden was, well dead, almost but, it wasn't dead in the sense that nothing was alive. It was dead in the sense, there really was no color to it. Like the land, it was a dusty color. But, for the little sweet things I found, and others.
It was shaped in almost a rectangle with the bricks going around it. More as a shield than anything. I wasn't the only one who like to put things in it and hide them. So the shield was to protect those walking by that didn't know what was there, more or less. Though mine tends to be a pain and keep breaking through.
My blue eyes to the garden, I see my small plant moving. I smile. My people plant I call it. It was cute. It looked out for my pet. I found it one day when I was out walking and put him in the garden with the others. Momik and Mikmo I call them.
Mikmo looked like a cross between a koala and a kitty, if that kitty was part tiger. Momik, my people plant, she was tiny, almost like a fairy but no wings. She was sweet and I had to make sure she really wanted to stay down there. I was too scared to bring her in. But in the garden, the others protected her. As she protected my other beast.
She did her best to keep Mikmo happy. He might look cute and fuzzy but, he was a beast and he likes to rip things up and sometimes people. Which is how he got out there and not in my office.
I don't even recall where I found him, but he was one of those things I found and had to have. Deagon was not happy when I brought him home. Him and Mikmo don't see eye to eye at all. But, I think it has more to do with the fact, Mikmo will come of age to shift soon. Who he will turn out to be, we are not sure yet. All I know is male, all I know Deagon wanted him gone.
"Day dreaming again? Or did Mikmo kill everything down below?" I smile and turn around to my dragon.
He is standing in the door frame, his mass size filling it. He was around six five in human form. His frame was huge, almost like someone that should stop working out, but he never needed to. His shoulders and pecs lined with tattoos, and his scales marking, my marking on his shoulder.
He was tan, but again, no sun was needed. His face was sexy and strong. His eyes were a brilliant light purple, his hair was black with red highlights. His teeth, though white, had fangs to the side just so. When he licked his lips, it sent your mind wondering.
Due to his massive size, he went without a shirt. Then again, down here, most guys did. The woman or the Guardians dressed in a brown leather. Just enough to cover their woman parts, but their sculpted bodies showed their strength.
Our hair is always braided in a fishtail down our back, due to the length. With just enough small strands rounding the face. My skin as well tan, but no sun needed.
"I wasn't day dreaming and Mikmo doesn't kill anything." I said, turning fulling to him crossing my arms. His lips form into a smile.
"Nese." I roll my eyes and go back to the window looking out.
I know that tone, he doesn't believe me or that Mikmo wouldn't kill anything, or anyone. I know he is coming close to the age that he problem will. But so far, he has been good.
Once I did some background on Mikmo. I found out that not only was he Kola and Kitty, well more tiger than anything. I keep saying kitty, but to me, a tiger is. As the size of one isn't as big to me, as most humans. But he also carried the tiger trait. Meaning, he has an appetite for meat. Which I was hoping it was leaves. Because he was part Kola. Even told Deagon, but I forgot to close out my search and he seen the truth.
"He isn't going to hurt anyone." I hear him laugh his deep laugh.
Not long, and he is coming up behind me, his strong arms wrapping around me. His lips coming down to my neck and I can only close my eyes to his touch. I feel him behind me. His warm body to mine.
"I ever tell you how much I love you?" He asked on my neck as his lips move along it.
"You have to love me." I tell him.
He stops what he is doing and moved back from me, turning me around, looking me over. I know what he is thinking, he doesn't even have to say it. But, I know he will anyways.
"Okay, what's wrong? You haven't been yourself ever since we got back." I take in a deep breathe and let it out, bored. He smiles.
"Nothing." His face says it all as he moved towards me again.
His arms once again going around me. His one hand moving under my chin, bringing my face up to meet his.
"That is a lie my love." His lips slowly brush mine, as my eyes close to him.
It wouldn't matter if it was or not because now my mind was on him, thinking about him. How I wanted him, and needed him at the moment. At the moment, nothing else mattered. A strange feeling came over me and I needed him more than I ever have.
I feel him walk us back to the wall in my small office, which isn't, but a few steps and my back is leaning to the wall, our lips locked together. My arms moving around his neck, as his wrap around my waist, bringing me closer to him. His bareness, to my tone stomach and chest. It is enough to the ignite the fire we burn for each other.
My hands move to his hard back, feeling where his wings come from. His lips move down my neck. His one hand guiding down my side. My body on fire for his touch now. I need him something fierce.
It is but a flash, and he is above me on my desk. My eyes closed to his touch, to his power. The love he shows me, leaves me little question for him.
"Tell me I don't love you Nese." My arms wrapped around him. I know I can't. I can feel how much he does. "Tell me." He says deeper, as his lips racing to get to mine, his hunger is undeniable to me.
His hands move down to my waist, grabbing it, as his lips control mine. I could tell how hungry he was. I know he is, it has been a while since the last. But, this time feels different.
My arms now moving along his powerful back. My head goes back to the feelings he is moving through me. I taste blood and know he has cut me yet again with his fang.
"Tell me Nese." He groans into my neck.
I feel his teeth sliding down to my neck, my body rocking on the edge as I wait for him to sink in. My head moves to the side, his teeth go in. My nails go into his back as he drinks our love into him. Our bodies become one for the time. Our marks glow.
His teeth taken from me as his lower half give to me, as mine gives to him, as I call out to the sensation only he can give me.
Tears move through as they always do with the power behind our love making once again. My hands move down to his ass grabbing him, as he drinks, pulling him closer to me. Hearing him groan as he takes what he needs to live with me.
I slowly feel his teeth leave my neck, his tongue and lips working to the seal the wound he just made. My hands moving along his body with care as he does.
Once again, my body starting to beg for him. I can feel his heaviness on top of me. I don't want him to stop, but I know we have a job to do.
"Don't question my love again Nese." He tells me, coming off me, helping me up, pulling me to him. His eyes meet mine. "I would die for you, and if that isn't love. I don't know what is."
I pull him to me again, I just needed to feel him close to me. His arms once again tighten around me as his lips work over mine. I hear him groan into my mouth as he does, pulling from my lips.
My hands moving down his body, he as I, know. Once wouldn't be enough. I needed him. I know the longing I have for him is because we have been apart for too long. Or is it something greater?
Our bodies haven't been able to connect in the other realm. Once we came back home, I needed him more than I ever needed him. The feeling that was rushing through me.
"Stop, we have work to do." He begs as my hand goes to him.
"Once more, please Deagon?" He smiles into my lips as he kisses them, as I beg him.

Chapter Four

"I am not bringing him." Deagon said as I pouted to him to bring Mikmo along this time. "No."
Mikmo meowed to him, letting him know he would be good. Deagon looked away and waited for me to put him back in the garden shaking his head. I kiss his head and put him back.
He meows again and I am hoping Deagon will change his mind, but he doesn't budge. Maybe not so much as a meow as a small roar, but it was still cute to me.
"Daddy is just having a bad day honey." I pat his head and he rubs against me.
"I am not having a bad day, that thing is trouble. Pure trouble." He said coming close to me, Mikmo reaches out for him to show him how upset he is with him. "See, the evil little thing!" He walks away.
"Mikmo, that wasn't nice." He bats his lashes at me, then rubs against my leg again as I pet him.
"Come on, stop playing with the demon kot and lets go." I gave Mikmo one more pat, rushing after Deagon.
"Be good sweetheart." I call to him. "Makes sure he eats Momik." I hear Deagon as I run up.
"I doubt that thing would go hunger Nese. He would eat people if you let him." I make a noise at him.
"He isn't that bad. He is sweet if you give him a chance Deagon." I said, walking side by side with him, he stops walking and points down to his leg where his jeans are ripped. I blush. "He didn't mean it."
His light purple eyes narrow at me and I smile. I know he did. Deagon knows he did. But I try my best to get them to like one another. But I know deep down, they won't.
"So where to now?" I asked, changing the subject before he does have me getting rid of him.
As he looked over our papers. My mind goes back into the daydream I was having before he came into my office the day before.

Deagon and I have been together for as long back as I can recall coming of age to have my own dragon. Our time here works different than on the living plain. So I am not sure how long it really has been, but we just fit together pretty well.
I recalled when they introduced us. He already had my mark and I was worried it might be like others, who had to make it work. I didn't want to go through that. I see what they went through, I rather be single. But, I know the laws and that wasn't possible.
But, I knew it couldn't be any worse then who Lep got. I was only glad she got him, it would mean, I wouldn't. I just felt bad for her and thankfully for me at the same time. I am such a bad friend.
I recall being in the great hall waiting for him to come in. Lep holding my hand as we both waited. I wanted nothing more than to run. But, I also wanted to get to the land among, the land above, and the only way to do that, was a dragon.
We both heard the door and we turned slowly. Deagon and I were both young. His head was down as if he too wasn't looking forward to it, as I wasn't.
I seen his black hair, the red starting to move through it. But, I wasn't sure. My body, however, already standing before I was, his head came up slowly and his purple eyes met my blue. He smiled his handsome smile. My heart fell. His stride more powerful, more sure, as he came to me.
"Nese, is it?" I moved my right arm and he moved his left. To be sure it would line up prefect, we held our breath. Then we knew. His arms went around me, as mine went around him.
"Oh of course. Crap!" I heard Lep say behind us.
Deagon and I have had an underground love for one another, it was hard to explain. But, we knew we couldn't act on it because we were already betrothed to others. The marks are hidden until the time comes for you to meet your mate.
The day before, I cried when we found out that we were moving to our mates. I hated leaving him. I hated knowing someone else would get him, and I would be stuck with someone else. It was the day for many to get their mate.
In the room it is just you and a friend, no one else is allowed. So you each get some time to learn about each other. Most times, it works out well. Other times, like with Lep and her dragon, they have to bring people in to help.
"It seems you both have the strong mark." The headmaster came up behind us and said, putting his hands on us both.
"How come they get what they want and not me?" Lep said and the head laughed.
"There is a reason for everything Lep. Just give him a chance." She huffed and sat back down as Deagon and I pulled away from one another. "Now for you two."

"To the camp ground." He said.
I pull from my thoughts and out my baton as he starts to change into his massive beast and I love watching him. His sly smile before he fully changes. He goes up and I throw my baton up so he catches it in his claws, and I jump on as he takes off for the campground.
The campground is where most of the souls go to check in so to speak. You have to travel over the water once again to get there. He will let me play in the water on the way there.
I see the water come into view. Today, I feel like I want to touch the water with my hands. I roll up to throw my legs over the pole, I bend down for my hands to run along the water top as he flies over it.
The breeze from his wings as they go up and down and the gust from the air below as we flew. The water splashing lightly to me as my fingers run along it. It is beautiful and like before, my mind travels as we glide to the campground.

It was a time of Deagon and me at school. We were outside on the track. Deagon was testing his speed. Lep and I were watching him and the others get ready for their run around.
This is where the women start to get excited watching the boys go from human to beast. It was not only beautiful, but handsome at the same time.
Deagon and I look to one another as he always did. The way he looked to me, the feelings he sent through me. It was as if nothing else mattered. I hated that we were already betrothed to others. I wanted only him. It was going to be hard for my junior and senior year, watching him with another.
"Stop looking." Lep told me, pulling on me.
"I can't help it." I couldn't, he was breath taken to me. I all but sigh every time I see him walk by.
"What are you going to do when he has to take another Nese?" I look away and did sigh.
"I don't know. I love him Lep." I heard her laugh.
"That isn't allowed." I knew.
It wasn't that the place was mean and hated love, it is just that we were made for such things and to betray that, was against the rules. There were reasons we were put with whom we were.
"Look, their starting." My eyes move back to them, only to met with Deagon's before he looks forward to the race.
The boys line up and look to one another. The sound goes and they were off. In under no time, they went from human to dragon and flew. Not yet fully grown.
"I won't make it my junior and senior year without him." Lep put her arms around me.
"Let's hope it isn't Guathan you get, ugh."
Poor Lep, It wasn't that Guathan was bad, or even ugly. If anything, he was freaking hot. But, he was cocky as they come and he wasn't ashamed to show it.
Guathan was the captain of anything and everything he could. Which is why, I never understood why Lep didn't like him. She was the captain for the girls. So once they found out they were for one another. She all but beat him. The headmaster had to come in and sit them both down.
She looked a lot like me, but she moved with blonde hair, with really looked good on Guathan, the other down fall was. Guathan and Deagon were best friends like Lep and I. So, she couldn't even get away from him, even at my house.

Chapter Five
I just pull my body up from the water when I see the ground coming into view. The graves once again on either side of us as I pull up to come to a sitting position upon my pole as I wait for him to lower me down to the ground. His body shaping as we come close.
His arms moving around me, as his wing goes back. I feel his lips touch my neck as we come to stand by one another. The love he can move through me, just by his touch.
"I love you Nese." I smile. I let him know I love him too. "There are a few who need help moving forward. The head wants you to help them."
The ground is a campground so to speak. You come up from the water by a dragon or boat, or materials, if you can and some do. It just depends really on how they were in the living world.
There is woods all the way around and a small beach with a wall you must climb up and over, walk a little ways and go into the tent to find out which way you will be going.
I look around the beach where we are and I saw a set already there, he moved me forward to them. I can see there are women and one man and a small child. I smile to them all as they look Deagon and I over. I have to smile when the child shows no fear at Deagon.
"Welcome." I say, as they all look me over.
All eyes land on me and I smile to them. I know at first, it is a lot to take in when coming into our world. But, we do our best to make everyone feel welcome, best we can.
"Once you go over the wall, up that path to the tent. You will know where you are going from there." I tell them.
They start moving forward and I see that they are having a problem getting over the wall. To me, this is a little odd and out of place, the wall is only to stop the waves of souls when it becomes too much so that no one gets lost and everyone gets to where they need to. So the wall is there, so that people take their time and everyone gets to the right spot.
"I can't." One of the woman says. "It's too high."
I looked back to Deagon, him to me. I blink. The wall doesn't cause problems for people. It is like a wall of curtains. You go up and over it. It lets the person inside the tent know where to send you before you get there. If she was having trouble, that can only mean one thing.
"Are you sure you are dead?" She looks to me and Deagon as we move forward.
"I want to be." She said sadly.
"You wait here with Deagon, let me get the other's over, okay?" She nods, and Deagon takes her away from the group.
She was in between the living and the dead. She couldn't move forward or go back, unless she wanted to. It is only up to that person if they want to go back. We can only help them if they ask. I have to get the others over before more start coming or there will be a back up. I can only guess that is why the head wanted me down here, to help.
I move up over the wall and one by one, pull them over. I lead them up to the tent and smile as they each go inside to find where they will be going.
"You are very pretty." The child says to me. I lean down and smile.
"Thank you, you have any unfinished business?" I asked, hoping to see her again. She shook her head.
"No, I was loved fully, my family and friends knew I loved them." I smiled to her.
"Do you want to go back?" She shrugs.
"Can I go with you?" I laugh and stand.
"Let's find out what your soul says first Okay?" She grins and heads in. I shake my head going back down to the waiting woman.
I see Deagon eye me. I know he heard the whole conversation I had with the little girl. I know he is wondering what is going on with me. It isn't like me to take in souls. I never had a reason to. But lately, I just haven't been feeling myself. I jump off the wall and look at her crossing my arms.
"You know you can't go forward, right?" She sighs and turns.
"I hate it there. I have no one."
I see her soul change, I knew she must have. I felt bad for humans who did that to themselves. That they felt life was that bad they rather be dead, than alive.
"You can go forward now." I tell her in a low voice, lowering my arms. She turned back to me. She knew. "There was help you know. You just had to ask."
I know this because, it is people that we send back to help those who need it most. Their souls are trained well in helping people, not hurting. There are many that go into helping without the help of those, but the under land makes sure to send up train ones as well.
"Help doesn't do anything for the loneliness." She said. Deagon eyes met mine and I knew to stop. There was nothing more I could do anyways.
"Did you have unfinished business?" I asked her. She shook her head.
As if someone else spoke to me, something hit me. I knew she wouldn't go back. The little girl wasn't sure she wanted to go back. How strange for two different people. One who was loved beyond realms, and one who wasn't, to feel the same.
"Come with me." I said, taken her hand and pulling her over the wall. I felt the relief of her soul when I did.
I moved us along the path, inside the tent, where I see the little girl waiting for her turn. I smile, as she did when she saw me. She got up and coming to me.
I knew in life she was a doll. She was blonde, blue eyes, pretty. She was a gift. I couldn't understand why life took her so young. But more times than not. She did what she was sent to do. The tiniest of Angels.
"Hi." She said cheerfully. I had to laugh.
"Hello, I have a friend who needs a little help. You remember you said you wanted to help me?" She nods. "Could you help me, by helping her?"
I see the little girl look from me, to the woman, who maybe was in her 20's if that. Her glasses slowly fading, her hair moving to a fine wave and becoming what she has longed for in the real world.
"What do I do?" She asked.
"Let your soul tell you." She smiled, reaching out her hand for the lady. The lady looked from me to the child.
"She is my helper. Where I can't go, she can. Stay with her until you decide."
"Thank you." She told me as I place their hands enter locked. I turned to the little girl.
"If you want to leave before she is ready, let me know, okay?" She nodded.
"I am your helper now?" I smile big.
"You are, thank you." She reached up to me and I leaned down as she placed a small light kiss on my cheek.
I watch her take the lady, and they both walk off. The book looks to me and nod that they understood. They would move them to a part of the tent until they were ready. I almost hope the little girl never was. How strange of a thought for me. I smiled and looked around.
The place was huge inside. From the outside, it looked like nothing more than a small hangover tent. But once inside, it opened into a whole new world, offices, upon offices, stairs going up. The tent was nothing more than a door inside. Like an overhang to a building. I take a last look, I head out.

"Lep, just who I wanted to see." I said running into her as I was coming out.
"Thought I might find you in here seeing as your sexy man beast is down there." I smile, almost laugh. She will never let me live it down.
"Still bad?" She all but did the omg look.
"He won't stop, he is driving me crazy." I all but laugh. I knew Guathan was a pain in the ass. Anyone that knew him, knew that. But, as much as Lep didn't want to admit it. I also knew from Deagon, Guathan was over the moon about Lep.
"Have you tried talking to him Lep?" She blew out air, pointed down to the guys talking.
"Look at him. You remember him from school?" I laughed out and the guys looked to us, eyeing us. I did, he was a jerk. But, he was a jerk because Lep wouldn't give him the time of day.
"You know." I start to tell her, even though it isn't my place. She held up her hand.
"No, You wouldn't want him either." She leaned in. "Fine he is growing on me." I laughed out loud again, covering my mouth. The guy looking towards us again raised eyes.
We were acting like teenagers all over again. It was nice, I think to myself. That was the only downfall about the whole arranged mate. You only got the last two years of school together to show each off.
Deagon and I were over the moon when we found out about each other. Lep and Guathan? The school brought the head in more times than not to make sure the markings were right.
Somewhere, I always felt for Guathan even if he was a jerk and cocky. You could tell even though he played it off well. He really did care about Lep and loved her. Oddly enough. It took Deagon telling me, to really pay attention and get past his dick moves.
"Anyways, we can talk about that later. You left a soul behind?" I asked. Her face told me I must be crazy.
"What?" She asked me as if she didn't hear the question. But, I know she did by the look on her face.
"A soul, I brought one back with me. Said she was your's." Lep looked at me. I see the look on her face as if she hadn't a clue what I was talking about and now I was getting worried.
"Look Nese, I understand you are good but, I haven't left any behind. Did you get a name?" I shake my head. Why didn't I ask a name? I didn't think much about it, she was a lost soul. I thought I was helping.
"No, come to think of it. But?" Lep shook her head. Now my stomach was doing that feeling of dread that something wasn't right and somehow it was my fault yet again.
"All the ones I took out, I have brought back Nese. You better go talk to the headmaster about it. Something isn't right." There it was.
Lep just confirmed my feeling of dread about the woman I brought back. But I didn't understand. If she wasn't a lost soul. How did she move as one, and? Who was she really?

Chapter Six
I grab the sheets, my back arches up to him as his lips come down to me. As he makes love to me. His body warm on mine, pleasing me. He groans as we work together to please each other. His arm around my lower back, holding me.
Our sounds carry as they normally do when we make love to each other. Again, as before, I lower my back, as his lips move to my neck to drink from me. As before, it sends us both on a pleasure ride that only we can do for one another as he does.
Little time he is pulling out of my neck, licking and sucking the place on my neck, he just drank from sending me again into ecstasy enjoying him as only I could. My lips wet from the blood he just kissed my lips with. I lick it away.
My legs wrapped around him, my hands moving down his back. I feel him again coming alive. I hear him groan into my chest. His ass muscles move and I bring my hips up to him, he moves back and before long we are moving again. His lips crush mine as again as he makes love to me. I can't seem to get enough of him lately.
I can't count what number we were on at the moment. But, it would be as if I never had anything. I would need him again.
I can feel all his muscle working to make me happy. I can hear him groan and enjoy as I meet his beat for beat. His hands go to my hips and grip them. My sound fills the room from the pleasure of it.
"Yes Deagon, Yes."
I bite my lip to the enjoyment I am getting from him. His hand grips my ass and squeezes hard. I call out to him, my nails go into his back, his groan grows louder. His teeth again go in. Like the last, we send one another on an ecstasy that we can only.
"Nese, stop. You need to rest. I have drank more than I should have!" I all but cry when he tells me that. He has never told me no before. I get off the bed and hurry and get dressed. "Where are you going?"
"Out, I need space." I say heading out.

I don't know what has come over me. I enjoy my man like most women enjoy their man. But, for some reason lately, I can't get enough of him. Ever since we came back from the living. I beg for him, I need him. I want him inside me all the time. I didn't care where or who saw.
The feeling wasn't like me at all. My man was good, but at the rate I was going, if I kept going. He would be drinking me dry, as my body doesn't refill that fast. I know this, he knows this. But I still do not care.
Lep was right, I need to get to the head Master before something happens I can't come back from. I just wish I knew what and how it all started, as much as I enjoy him. If I wasn't careful, I would lose my chance of going back to the land of the living.
I couldn't take a soul to the living with the need I have to bed my dragon. It wasn't aloud in the living world. Though I know Deagon would stop me. It may cause a rip in our love, that could do more harm than good. I needed to get to the headmaster and I needed to do it fast.

"Nese?" I stop moving and turn.
The woman walking to me smiles. I know I should know her, but I don't. I had just made it into the garden when she stopped me. I can only think she must be from one of the other offices as even though I have a feeling that I know her, I can swear, I have never seen her before.
"Yes?" I call, letting her know I would wait.
But before she could get close to me, Mikmo came out of nowhere and jumped in front of me, stopping the woman from getting close.
"Mikmo! That isn't nice." I smile to the woman letting her know I was sorry. But she doesn't smile back. If anything, she all but hissed at Mimko.
"Maybe another time." She said before turning and leaving.
Strange, I think as I look down at Mikmo and he rubs my leg. I reach down and pet him trying to understand what just happen. It was almost as if she was scared of Mikmo. It didn't make sense. In his forum, at the moment, he was cute.
"What was that about?" I asked Mikmo, as if he would answer me.
He answered me, but he meowed roared. I smiled down at him as he did. I pet him again. His fur was so soft as he intertwined between my legs. He was white and blue with some orange color. Cute. His eyes held the tiger eyes.
"Nese?" I looked up to see my dragon coming. He all but stops. "Oh, why is he out?" He points down to Mikmo. Mikmo meows at him. "No, you stay over there. I am running out of jeans. Demon kot." He walks around him.
"You see that woman?" He looks at me as I asked him. He looks around wondering if I am crazy.
"I only saw you, then that thing." He said, pointing to Mimko.
"She was walking the way you came from Deagon." I said.
"Well, she must have just poof Nese, because, I didn't see any woman. Just you and that..that.. Why is he out anyways?"
"I need to get to headmaster." Ignoring his question.
I turn and make my way, I hear the two behind me and bite my lip from laughing. As Mikmo took another swipe at Deagon and now he was telling him off, trying to keep up with me.
"You better go back to your death garden, you vile thing!" He told Mikmo.
I heard Mikmo meow roar at him again before going inside. My mind was going crazy. How could Deagon not see her? Why did it seem like she was scared of Mikmo? Why did it seem like I knew her?
I head down the long hall to the head master room. I only hope he would know what was going on and why. I just wasn't sure how I was going to explain the lovemaking to him. As old as he was, and as long as Deagon and I have been together. It was still strange to talk to him about it.
But, If I didn't find out what was going on and soon. It might be a lot worse than talking to the master about too much sex in one's love life.
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