Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2100098-The-Girl-Who-Laughed-at-Time
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Mythology · #2100098
One of the Old Tales
There once was a Girl who laughed at Time. Time grew angry and cursed the Girl, saying that she would never die. The Girl laughed harder, for eternity seemed beautiful to her, and Time grew angrier still. Time cursed her again, forcing her to mature into a woman. The Girl laughed even harder, tears of mirth streaming down her face at what seemed to be Time's mistake. Time burned with fury and cursed the Girl a third time, wracking her with beauty and stature beyond compare of any other. The Girl howled with laughter, breasts heaving at the absurdity of Time's punishments. Time went out of his mind with wrath, cursing her for the fourth, giving her knowledge and wisdom no scholar could ever hope to attain. The Girl lay flat on her back, gasping for air between hysterical laughter.
Time's anger knew no bounds. He cursed the Girl one final time, giving her a heart of boundless love and passion. It was then that the Girl realized her mistake, and she began to cry, not from joy, but from the deepest sorrow. She begged Time to rescind his curses, to restore her to what she was. Time too regretted his hasty actions, but knew that he could not undo what had been done. No apology he could make would ever counteract the suffering she was about to endure; but he apologized all the same, promising that he would find a way to make things right, and would be back very soon.
So the Girl waited. And as the years went by, the full horror of her fate began to weigh upon her. Her beauty was so great that it was agony to look upon her, and many were driven to despair. Her wisdom was so vast that none could hope to understand what she said, and many fell to insanity. Her love was so overpowering that no one could endure it, and death became their only refuge. And so the Girl was alone, unable to join them in the grave. For years untold she cried to the stars, pleading for Time to return with his solution, and untold years more passed without an answer.
But one day, Time returned to the Girl in triumph. He had scoured beyond and found a Boy who was worthy of her. Though he was not exceedingly handsome, he had an eye for true beauty. Though he was not a great thinker, he loved to learn and to listen. And most of all, his heart was troubled with many sorrows, yearning for someone to care for them. The Girl was instantly smitten with the Boy, and he with her. They talked, they ate, they sang, they drank, they fought, they apologized, they slept, they learned; together.
But Time's wounds are not so easily forgotten. Though the Girl would live eternally young, the Boy was not so fortunate. His body, his mind, his love; all began to submit to Time. But the Girl didn't care, she was still beauty enough for both, wisdom enough for both, and love enough for both. Even as he slipped further from her, she loved him with all of her body, all of her mind, and all of her soul.
But one miserable day, Time's wife Death came to claim the Boy. The Girl begged Death to spare him, but Death would not relent. Pulling her strings Death took another life, and the Girl wept. Never before had Death seen anyone weep so beautifully, so wisely, so passionately; and her heart was moved to pity. She gathered the Girl's tears in her hands and poured them over the Boy's soul, binding them even further than they had already been, binding them to infinity times infinity.
Death told the Girl that the Boy's soul would find its way to a new body each time he died, and that each time it did he would find his way back to the Girl just as he had been when they first met. And that as long as she loved him, an he loved her, this would continue forever.
And so it did... for a time...
© Copyright 2016 Stephen Egner (knickknack12 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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