Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2099844-Surviving-the-Plague-7
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2099844
A new set of characters come into our story... Where could they be in this line of fate?
Spider threads caught on the young boy's face, a sign that no one had ventured there before him in quite some time. As soon as Kyler recognized the familiar feeling of the web on his cheeks, a chill went up his spine and he swatted around his face. He wiped his face free from them, hoping a spider had not followed. At least a pair of dark sunglasses were blocking his eyes like a pair of goggles, and his hood was up over his head. Satisfied with the amount of thread he had pulled off, he turned his sights to what was ahead of him: up a small slope, in the clearing of the trees, there was a house.

Who in the world would live this far out in the forest with such a fancy dwelling? It didn't look like the normal run-down cabin he was used to. Hesitantly, his eyes peered around the yard. He hoped they didn't have any guard dogs or anything like that... Clearing his throat, he made his way up the stone pathway that led to the front porch of the house.

No dogs had leaped onto him yet, but still a nervousness ran through him like electricity as he pulled his hand up and prodded at the door bell. He heard the ringing echo on the inside of the building, and he waited with baited breath. His eyes glanced nervously, expecting a large rabid guard dog to be leaping at him...

The smoke filled room was soon emptied by a simple switch of the fan, Aleya jumped to her feet from her mattress at the suddenly loud noise of the bell ringing. Her parents were out gathering supplies and they would have let themselves inside with their key. Sputtering her feet down the steps to see who could possibly be at the door. No zombie is that smart to ask permission to enter before he tried devouring your living body. Pulling a hoodie over her body and she covered her face with a scarf as she scooted towards the front door.

It had windows but they were skewed so that no one from the outside could see in properly. Aleya grabbed her sheathed weapon and her fingertips tapped a recognizable rhythm that any human being could respond to. The girl was smart enough not open the door without knowing who was exactly out there. Her mind started playing tricks on her as she felt herself lift off the ground like a cloud. Her light laughing would give her away to the person outside.

Considerably confused, Kyler listened to the person inside knocking on the door. Wait, wasn't the person on the outside supposed to knock on the door? He tried to see through the window, but it was impossible and all he saw was either a drawn curtain or his own reflection. He heard a girl laughing, so he knew that it wasn't an undead of any sort...

"Um, hello?" His voice cracked and he pulled his hood down, feeling his stomach twist. Kyler was not good with people, especially people who were on the other sides of doors doing ... who knew what instead of answering the door. "I'm... I'm just looking for, um, actually I'm looking for directions..."

He pressed his ear to the door as he tried to hear the girl on the other side. His shades made a noise as they hit the surface of the door, surprising him, but he went right back to leaning. "I'm a bit lost." He added, not sure what else to say.

Swinging the door wide open, a woman appeared and leaned in the way of the open house. "What's your name, partner?" Aleya spoke in an accent and gestured to the man with a pointed finger. "I don't reckon you're from 'round these parts." Her smile was wide across her face as she waved him inside from the cold weather.

The large house was very warm and it might not have looked like a cabin but it was decorated like one. Aleya's house was the spitting image of a hunter's house with antlers, fireplace, and a massive kitchen area. She dropped her sheath and it slid down the wall until it crashed on the floor. The noise had echoed in the empty house and Aleya froze and waited like she was going to be yelled at from making a ruckus.

Her shoulders deeply shrugged as she looked the kid over. "Well, kid. What is your name?" The girl wouldn't stand still for very long and before you knew it she was raiding the refrigerator for something to eat.

Kyler watched her, jumping out of his skin at the loud noise from the sheath. There was a sword in that, and it didn't exactly look invaluable. He licked his lips nervously as he watched the scabbard shaking as it settled to the floor. He pulled his attentions back to her once again as she moved to the kitchen and pulled open the door of the fridge. He was extremely confused.

Politely, he moved backwards and shut the front door behind him, tentatively setting it to lock. It was a bad habit now that there were people around that weren't exactly nice people. "Um, my name-" His eyes gazed around the room, at all of the perfect wood walls and furniture and the mounts of antlers and things...

"It's, uh, it's Kyler." He finished and he strode into the kitchen with her, not feeling like he should be left alone in a stranger's house. His nose wrinkled at the scent of something he could not distinguish. Was that skunk? No, Kyler didn't know what the scent was, but it was marijuana. Aleya was high, because what else could be more a more useful waste of her time in the apocalypse?
© Copyright 2016 Tristopher (tristopher at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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