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Secrets are precious things |
A secret is something that you don't want to get out to the public. So what is the point of telling anyone? Trust is one of those things that are hard to earn and easy to lose. All it takes is one text or one conversation with a person to end a relationship or even a friendship. Telling secrets to someone means trust. Trust means that you think that you care about them and you want to see if they care about you. I have seen friendships break up over spilled secrets. Each time that I see the blood of a friendship spilled over a secret (no matter how big), I think to myself how can anyone ever actually be fully trusted. Especially on the high school level where it seems like the status quo is to tell any piece of information you have to anybody. I have been reduced to telling some people fake secrets because I don't know if I can trust them. You put a fake secret out there and all you can do is sit and wait. You can just pray to god that the secret will not make it back to you because if it does, that means that the person that you told that fake secret to wasn't trustworthy and they didn't have your best intentions at heart. That means that they wanted to see you collapse due to the social pressure that is being put on you or they just wanted something to talk about for their next time in a gossip circle. So while you are sitting there and praying you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders as you wait to see if a friendship is genuine. Why is it that people want to know you not for good, but just to get information out of you? Knowledge is money. That is why people are following you around listening for every word you say. Knowledge is money. They want to know what you know. They want to be the most powerful and most knowledgeable person in a room. So knowing that, who can you trust? |