Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2099607-One-Persistent-Lopunny
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Romance/Love · #2099607
A weight gain fanfiction about a Lopunny, simple as that.

Summer time in the Unova region is a time of partying and rash decision making, mostly everyone, including foreign travelers, know this as a fact. Not one person in Unova didn’t have some sort of plan for their summer, including younger trainers, fresh from their homes, cuddling their starters. Summers always start the same way, they have, and they always will. Some trainers like to take things to the extreme, whether it be wild stunts, catching sprees, or the classic booze-guzzling-party, while others are more calm about their summer, and just take their time, do a few battles, maybe get some work done, or even hike up Victory League. But one summer was a summer that a young man would never forget. The summer where his bond with his Lopunny grew more personal. Where his Lopunny became more than an acquaintance, or a battling Pokémon, but became his personal ball of affection, of which, he squeezed and pampered.

Before the life changing summer, Pokémon Trainer Malcom, skilled in the arts of battling, knew just how to fight and train when he first caught his Buneary. Well, most would say caught, he would say ‘persuaded into bringing along’. The Buneary, herself, was like a tiny little trainer. Malcom arrived in Castelia City Park in search of an Eevee, it was then he encountered the Buneary, when she locked eyes with Malcom, the cute little thing continued to pursue him. Eventually, he found his Eevee, caught it, and left, but the pure Buneary followed him through the grime and muck that was Castelia City’s sewers. The persistent little Pokémon kept going even after, the poor thing went through sandstorms, rainfall, and even snow, just to have her shot on the Trainer’s team. And, after Malcom felt sorry for the poor thing, who had to endure more than what she could handle, he caught her in a Nest Ball. Cheesily, he suggested that the Buneary would stay right under his wing, and he bestowed the name “Erna”.

Malcom and Erna’s friendship slowly molded over the course of their adventure, as the group often took breaks at towns and cities, so they could take in the new environment, take in the festivities, and challenge some to a battle in the streets. However, this wasn’t the only thing that the Buneary took in, as Erna often peeked in on peoples’ conversations, sneaking in on children learning, absorbing in information provided by humans who weren’t suspecting her, as the Buneary would hum the letter pronunciation, like a young toddler. Each time, Malcom would swoop her up, after losing her to a crowd, and each time, she would pronounce her cry in a different way. She was easily spotted by the pink bow on her head, with a Lilligant sigil placed on the top. Then one day, Erna lost herself in the humongous, familiar city of Castelia. She had snuck into a cute school house, as she watched for what seemed like hours outside the open window, quick to hide in the bushes once someone peered their little eyes over. Upon their reunion, Malcom swiped Erna into his arms, literally, he cradled the cute Buneary.

“Erna, you have to stop running off!” Malcom warned, his voice shaking with relief, “I don’t wanna lose you! You’re too much of a friend to me…”

The cute Buneary then looked up to Malcom, with a big smile plastered on her face, as she proudly stuttered to her trainer; “Mal…com! Maaaalcom!”

Malcom’s relief quickly turned into surprise and shock, as he couldn’t believe what he had just heard. A talking Pokémon!? That was just unheard of in the Unova region! He quickly pulled Erna into another hug, excited and glad that his Pokémon could talk. And a long while after that, Erna’s training was balanced out with teaching, Malcom now felt Erna’s persistence, as he felt he had to teach Erna as much English as humanly possible.

As training became more and more common and diverse, Erna quickly leveled up, and evolved into Lopunny, where Malcom noticed something odd, something most Lopunnies just didn’t have. Erna’s rear end was rather…round. Round was an understatement; a better description would be a ‘jealousy creator’. The jean-destroying mass was held up by thick, chunky thighs, that wobbled with each step. Malcom felt his heart throb, he was unable to fully comprehend the emotions he bottled up inside of him. Erna was…attractive, more attractive than many of the female trainers he had come across. More than Professor Juniper, more than Skyla and Elsa…at least, that’s how he felt. Malcom, however, would continue to bottle up his desires for Erna, as their adventure continued on...until that one summer.

The two climbed up Victory Road, Erna’s constant huffing revealed she had quickly lost her breath, Potions only healed scratches, and energized Pokémon for battle, however, no amount of Full Restore could fix the sluggish Lopunny. As time went by, Erna had gotten more chubby than normal. Now, she was the proud holder of a small muffin top, where the bottom part of her seemed to have been blessed with growth the most. But with a gain, came less of an incentive to fully exercise the pounds away. Malcom paused, as he allowed Erna to catch up with him. He pulled her Pokéball, and offered it to her.

“You sure you don’t want to rest in here?” Malcom offered, as Erna would climb up the path some more, sweat gently dripped from her body, and dampened her fur, Malcom had to take a glance at her sleek, sweaty rear, as she passed by.

“N-No,” Erna reassured, as she struggled forward, “This is VICTORY Road, not Loser’s Path. I can keep going.”

“Oh come on, Erna,” Malcom attempted to hoax, as he drew closer, “you don’t have to push yourself any more than you need to.”

A screech emerged from Erna’s vocal cords, and then, a soothed moan. Malcom, at first, seemed confused, until he realized just where his hands were. His cheeks flushed with red flush, his body trembled with nervousness and excitement; his hands had a handful of Erna’s big, juicy rear. Malcom quickly retracted his hands, as his breath trembled.

“E-E-Erna, f-forgive me!” Malcom apologized, “I-I-I-I didn’t mean t-to d-do that I…I w-was going f-for a hug, I sw…swear!”

“Don’t be such a dork!” Erna exclaimed, through her tired huffs, “I-I know full and well what you were reaching for. Just admit it, i-it’s not like I minded in anyway.”

Malcom gulped, as the sly Lopunny shifted her rear, with one hand on her hunky hip. Erna teased her trainer, as she ran a finger up her cheek. Malcom could only pant, as he shuffled his legs a moment. He was unable to take it, either he went down on her in the public, or he sent her back in, and turned right around. Fortunately for everyone around him, he performed the ladder. The shocked Erna saw Malcom pull out her ball again, and return her into captivity, and Malcom went right back to the previous town, where he planned to rent a room at a hotel, and take a day or two to calm down.

Malcom sent out his team once he entered his hotel room. Out popped six Pokémon, a calm minded, very tactical Serperior, an energetic Deino, a leader-to-be Espeon, a care-free, cuddly Scolopede, a goofy, light hearted Simisear, and of course…Erna. Malcom rested on the couch nearby, the attempt at Victory Road left him tired, since he had to retread the place, in order to go back. Maybe Erna proved that his team wasn’t ready, or…maybe he himself wasn’t ready. Malcom was quickly thrown out of his thoughts, once he felt something soft squish him. Erna, with a sly look on her face, placed her wide rump right into his lap. Whether she did it to tease, or out of love, Malcom couldn’t pinpoint.

“E-Erna!” Malcom exclaimed, and he wanted to say more, until one of Erna’s digits pressed up against his lips, with a soft hush from Erna herself.

“You know what I’m tired of?” Erna began, “Pokéfood. I’m sick to DEATH of it. Why do I have to eat these crappy little brown blocks, when you eat all this good looking food, like medium rare steaks, and seasoned Magikarp, ridiculously thick hamburgers, ice cream and milkshakes…” Erna’s voice shook, as if she was on the midst of an orgasm for naming off such delectable treats, while Malcom’s face only spread the red wildfire of blush.

“I-I-I didn’t think you were interested in…eating Pokémon…” Malcom admitted, as he gently removed Erna’s finger from his lips, “Or other Pokémon made products, for that matter…”

Erna would laugh, as if Malcom had uttered the funniest line ever to be spoken. As Erna’s laughter ceased, she would shift her gelatinous gift on Malcom’s lap, before she responded. “You’re a hilarious dork, Malc! Pokémon eat meat, too, you know? We’re just like normal creatures who need energy. Man, I might’ve looked like an innocent Buneary, but I’m telling ya, when I got my hands on a Rattata…”

“O-Okay, okay!” Malcom shouted, “I get your point! I get your point! ...Sheesh, let’s not go into detail, okay? We can…we’ll go…out, someplace, tonight, y-you and me, okay? You can eat whatever you want, however much you want.”

Malcom’s other Pokémon stared at him, confused at the situation at hand. They knew Erna was a bit of a wild child, but…this wasn’t wild, this was just flat out lewd. Malcom had to hold his breath, and pray that Erna didn’t notice his staff, which slowly throbbed into place. Thankfully for him, she didn’t notice, and hopped off of Malcom with a smile. She pulled out Malcom’s wallet with a grin, who knew how much Pokédollars was in there? Already, Malcom felt that this was a bad decision. “Whatever I want and how much I want, eh?” Erna repeated, as she gently shifted her wobbling hips. Malcom only responded with a dry gulp, as Erna literally pulled him out of his seat.

The two quickly hit the town, Malcom and Erna went to a calm little buffet, not too far away from the city. Erna looked excited, she practically rubbed her greedy mits together, as she looked on the humongous spread of food. Malcom paid for their seats, and stepped toward his eager Lopunny.

“Don’t glut out too much,” Malcom warned, “Remember, you’re walking back to the hotel room.”

Erna brushed him aside, as she started to pile food onto her plate. The ravenous Lopunny grabbed all things unfamiliar to her. Sweets, junk, sodas of all kinds, she wanted to send her taste buds on a new journey, much like the journey she went through. Her mouth salivated, her tongue eagerly swished around her lips, as she on-looked the massive pile she had made, Malcom was the unfortunate soul who had to carry all of her drinks. Poor Malcom wobbled and danced, as to not drop any drink. The last thing he wanted to do was to drop a single drink and make Erna mad, maybe…he was truly falling for this Lopunny.

The chubby Lopunny herself plopped down in a booth, as she started to shove meal into her face. Erna let a moan escape her, as she was hit with the oceanic waves of flavor and pleasure. Each bite sent a force of pleasure all along her spine, her eyes rolled upward, her teeth gently sank into her lip when she finished whatever morsel she had. Erna’s light brown face was quickly covered in an illuminated blush, as Malcom sat down with her drinks. Within seconds, Erna flung herself over the table to guzzle the carbonated liquid. The gluttonous Lopunny’s moan, now orgasmic, attracted a few customers over to their table. Malcom could see several expressions, bafflement, amusement, distain, shock, disgust, each face that turned over to the glutting Lopunny made Malcom’s cheeks even more red, until his face was a Chimchar’s flame. Malcom wanted to bury his face into his hat, like a child, throwing his covers over his face to hide himself from the potential, big bad Pokémon. But these monsters were only ordinary people, some didn’t mean harm, while others’ experiences were being tainted by the loud, obnoxious moans of this Lopunny. When he could see them in the midst of a conversation, he snapped. In an attempt to control Erna one last time, he put his hand on hers.

“E-Erna,” Malcom attempted, ready to scold Erna for her inappropriate behavior, “Y…You’re being too loud, people are trying to eat and you’re…disturbing them.”

Erna looked up to Malcom, and then to the crowd of onlookers. The stuffed Lopunny gently wiped her mouth with a napkin, Malcom sighed in relief, as he thought that Erna would act the least bit civil. However, his hopes were tarnished once Erna hopped up onto an empty table, still as elegant and as graceful as ever, even if she was slightly stuffed. Up her hand came, and from the fluff of her hand came her middle digit, directed to the people who looked on at her in confused bewilderment and horrified distaste.

“Good! Screw ‘em!” Erna blurted out, “Can’t they see a girl needs to know what human food tastes like?”

People, offended and upset, started to leave the establishment. While most left, some stayed, and laughed at either those who left, or Erna’s blatant attempt at being edgy. Malcom, in a fit of rage and disappointment, pulled Erna down from her soap box, and bent down to be at eye level with her.

“Erna!” Malcom scolded, “I trained you to be better than that! I want you to run out there and apologize to everyone, right now!”

With a smug grin on her face, Erna rolled her eyes at Malcom, and grabbed an ice cream cone. “Over my fat ass.” Erna back talked, as she shoved the dairy treat into Malcom’s face. Afterwards, she ‘gifted’ him with the sound of a burp, as she went back to glut out some more. Malcom at that moment knew he had lost control of the once child-like Pokémon he knew and loved, and was now stuck with a rude, trashy kind of girl. He knew training was going to be in order once more, but he had to be…clever about it. If Erna wanted to be a fat ass, then that was fine by him. But she was going to be elegant, damn it. Erna was going to be polite. Posh, charming, calm. If not, then…she wasn’t going to be on his team. In this world, Pokémon didn’t have to be trained, they could be ordinary house pets, or care takers. He would hide Erna away from the world, if she wasn’t going to be decent enough.

With a loud burp, Erna relaxed in her chair. She huffed, as her digits ran across her taut, bloated abdomen. Her head turned over to Malcom, as he walked over. He placed an extra few Pokédollars on the table, as a tip for one of the many unfortunate people who had to work that day. Erna huffed, as she leaned her head into Malcom’s chest, she forcefully smashed her rear right into his legs, such a full Lopunny had her mind shrouded in lust. More and more, she discovered her own dirty little secrets, and she loved to flaunt and taunt them.

“C-C’mon, Malc…” Erna tiredly teased, “I-I know you want my ass. D-Dorks always bang their Pokémon, r-right?”

His thoughts started to collide, Malcom was fed up with Erna’s behavior in public, he gritted his teeth, as Erna kept her sinful ways up on the way to the apartment. Eventually, Malcom snapped on the fifth time Erna asked to be banged.

“What has gotten into you!?” He shouted, now causing a commotion himself, “What’s happened to you?! Ever since you evolved, you’ve just turned into this…this tramp! S…So what if I like your ass?! That doesn’t give you the excuse to behave like a whore in public!”

Erna’s lustful expression turned to shock, as she stared up to her trainer. She rubbed her shoulder, and looked up to her trainer sorrowfully. In a near instant, Malcom felt guilt land its mighty hammer on him, he felt it squish him and pulverize him for antagonizing one of his best friends.

“Truth be told…I never really changed.” Erna admitted, as she rubbed her shoulder some more, “I’ve always had the hots for you, dork. Why would I chase you down nearly all of Unova in order to be in your team? That’s not…friendship-friendship. I always wanted to be your girlfriend. I tried every direction. I was subtle, I was shy, I was friendly, but when I evolved, and I saw you staring at my…end, I finally felt a sense of power. I thought maybe…I could win you over finally. I felt so close to it, too!”

Erna thrusted herself into Malcom’s chest, her stuffed gut right on his groin. She wrapped her arms around him as best she could, a look of sorrow washed over her. Malcom gently groomed the top of her head, as the most he could offer her was a smile. Malcom gently returned the hug, a he felt understanding of Erna’s behavior.

“I get it, Erna…” Malcom whispered, “I knew you had some feelings for me, but…I thought it was only friendship and teasing. It’s only a problem when you act like that in public, you know…acting like a stupid slut will make you seem like one, and I know you better than that. I was only looking out for you, but…I’m sorry for yelling at you.”

The two exchanged smiles, as Malcom gently rested his hand on her rear end. Malcom and Erna headed for the hotel room together, as Erna rubbed on her stomach some more. She looked up to Malcom, with a silly grin on her face.

“I can tell what you’re imagining right now…” Erna teased, as she gently patted her gut, “Well you can forget it, Pokémon lay eggs, dork.”

“I’m just trying to see if you like that gut is all.” Malcom admitted, as he teasingly rubbed Erna’s tummy.

“My gut?” Erna wondered, as her eyes met Malcom’s, “You mean this big, stuffed, blob? I mean, it’s alright, I guess. I’m looking forward to most of this food going down there, though.”

“I wouldn’t mind a little in the front, too.” Malcom bluntly admitted, which made Erna stop in place and grin.

“Oh, you like fat asses, eh?” Erna grinned, as she put her hands to her stuffed up hips, “Well if it’s a fatty you want, it’s a fatty you’ll get. From now on, call me Fatty Erna! I’ll get so big, Snorlax’ll mistake me for their own!”

Malcom could only laugh at Erna’s silly statement. She couldn’t possibly be that serious, that she would retire battling in order to make him happy. Seeing such a determined Erna reminded him of their past endeavors, it reminded him of the cute Buneary, who stood as tall as it could, with her paws on her hips, as it said in broken English, “I’ll be bestest Lopunny! Better than the big Four of the Unovas!”

The two returned home, the team had awaited the arrival of Malcom and Erna, each Pokémon surprised at Erna’s new size. Erna released another burp as she entered, her gut churned away at her meal, as Erna hopped into one of the beds. Malcom walked over to Alex, his Espeon, and gave him a pat on the head. “Thanks for keeping everyone in check while I was gone,” He thanked, his eyes wandered up to his Serperior, who held the calm eyes he always had, ever since he was a little Snivy. Malcom smiled, before he stated, “Oh, and thank you, too, Cadd.” And with that, he returned his Pokémon, all except for Erna, and slid into the other bed. In a couple of minutes, he was greeted by a hug from Erna, and her gurgling, stuffed gut. Malcom looked back, as dusk slowly peered into the room.

“C’mon, Malc.” Erna began, “We still have time…let’s do it, you and me. Let’s have a shot.”

“Let’s not get you knocked up just yet,” Malcom said, “we still have a title to grab. Maybe we can wait until we’re Champions of Unova? Settle down? Use the prize money to get everything we want?”

Erna smirked, as she ran her finger down Malcom’s stomach, Malcom was an average trim, no muscle, but no fat, either. “I’m not saying let’s have a baby…” Erna corrected, “Let’s just have some fun. Let’s have a shot at sex.”

Malcom blushed, as Erna slowly unzipped his jeans. Malcom shifted his legs, to remove his bothersome clothes, as Erna lifted the shirt that contained his upper torso off of him. Malcom could feel his family jewels tremble, as his shaft slowly hardened. Erna gently parted her legs, as she got onto her stuffed gut. Teasingly, she whipped her rear end for Malcom, as she invited him to enter her. Malcom grinned, as he removed the prison that contained his decent, nine inch in erection. He teased her, Malcom let Erna feel his cock throb on her fat cheeks.

“What, no foreplay?” Malcom asked, as he smacked the chunky rear in front of him, “I thought our first time would be a little more than sex.”

Erna would snicker, as she wiggled her rump toward Malcom, “In the wild, we don’t do foreplay. We go in deep.”

Malcom took Erna’s word, as he slid his love into Erna. The stuffed Lopunny grunted, her stomach gurgled in anticipation. As Malcom thrusted his cock into Erna’s ass, the two could feel a hot brew inside their guts, Butterfrees fluttered all around inside of them. Malcom’s shaft thrusted in the inner anal walls, all he could think of was how large Erna’s hips would get after her digestion. Erna clenched to a pillow, a burp was forced out of her mouth, as her passion built up inside of her. Malcom and Erna were like atom bombs, ready to explode the first chance they get. Erna felt a heavenly bliss inside her, as the bed rocked and thrashed about. Time had slipped the lovers’ minds, and the only thing that brought them back to reality, was when Malcom finally blasted his load into Erna’s region, the two of them moan and pant, as the muscles in their body relieved at the same time. And after a very little amount of time, the two of them felt their eyelids droop, as they fell asleep, with very little alteration in their position.

Slowly overtime, Malcom was surprised by Erna’s perseverance when it came to her body, in days, she trained her stomach to handle even the most upsetting of foods. Some days were dedicated to the spiciest of foods, while others, dedicated to sickeningly sweet desserts. Regardless of what she ate, Erna started to pack on the pounds. Her hips expanded outwards, her breasts ballooned forward, her stomach reached to new areas. Her rear end, too, was a marvel to glance at. Meal by meal, it would grow inch by inch, as Erna loved to tease Malcom with her plump roast. The two went from trainer and Pokémon to a full blown couple, in nearly weeks. One of the more awkward moments with their new found relationship, however, was conquering the Pokémon League.

The blubbery Lopunny waddled with Malcom, who had trained a full party of six, no longer including Erna as a battler. Sweat dripped all over Erna’s fur, her double chin wobbled with each pant that she released from her body. Malcom stopped a moment, and held Erna up a moment more. The kind trainer reached for his pocket, and pulled out a thick chocolate bar.

“You want a nibble?” Malcom kindly asked his darling Erna, “It’s Almonds, Nuts, and Milk, your favorite. It’ll get some energy in you.”

Without hesitation, Erna grabbed the bar, and tore the packaging off with her cone-shaped digits. She shoved the bar down, it barely dented her hunger. If one were to look at her stats, many would realize the shift in her stats. The simply speedy Lopunny, who once was proud of her all natural 143 Speed stat upon reaching level 54, was now stuck at a measly Speed stat of 27, while her Defense, Special Defense, and HP reaped the rewards. With her Speed so abysmal, and her movements and reflexes were now very poor, Erna no longer fought. Malcom started to worry about Erna’s health, even though, at her immense size, she didn’t seem too phased, other than being winded upon climbing up stairs. Malcom did, however, worry about the future, as he was scared that Pokémon could be affected the same way as humans were when it came to obesity. Did he hate her figure? No, he absolutely loved it. But he was a bit concerned about what would happen to her later on down the route.

“You gonna be alright?” Malcom asked, as he gently pats Erna’s shoulder. Erna looked over with a grin, as she lifted her immense body up to the sky.

“You worry about me too much!” Erna stated, as she sported a cocky grin, “I’m just fine, still the same Erna you know, love, and plow, right?”

“Let’s not mention the plow part in public, okay?” The sheepish Malcom begged, “Today’s gonna be the biggest…heh, second biggest…day of our lives.”

“Yeah, I get that. How’s that replacement Lopunny going for ya?”

“Don’t think of Kyle as a replacement Lopunny, I’m just not used to seeing a different Pokémon on my team yet. And he’s going fine, thanks for asking…you were too busy munching on those gummy candies while he was doing flips in the air, busting down Pokémon that should have snipped his little spine in half. He might seem cowardly to you, but in battle he’s a wild legend.”

“It’s a good thing you picked a guy, though. Haven’t really heard of a gay Lopunny in ages…”

“Well, there’s one thing I’m not; and that’s a pimp. No offense, but I don’t think I could handle two Lopunny girlfriends.”

“What if Kyle had an ass as good as mine, though?”

“Well, I wouldn’t want to be bunny chow.”

Erna only giggled in response, as she watched Malcom walk up the stairs. “You want me to watch?” Erna asked, as she eyed the stairs to the Pokémon League. It really put the hefty girl off, having to think that she had to traverse those stairs, in order to see her boyfriend fight to be crowned champion of Unova.

“You don’t have to…” Malcom expressed, as he gently pulled a candy bar out of his pocket, “but that means I get to eat this once I beat Unova’s Pokémon League Champion.”

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