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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2099535
This is a book that was co written by four people, including myself.

On Friday, April 5, 2020, a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle with a white mask named Crystal wandered into a haunted forest. Suddenly two vampires and two werewolves came out from behind the trees. Crystal was about to attack when suddenly the vampire named Cordelia said, “Don’t worry! We are friendly. My name is Cordelia; the other vampire is Rose, and the werewolves are Nikki and Sonic.” The rest of them said, “HI!” at the same time.

“Nice to meet you all. My name is Crystal. I’m a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.” Crystal replied.
“Hello,” Sonic said, “we are the Spooks. Would you like to join us?”
“Yes, I would love to. Thank you,” Crystal replied ecstatically.

Then, a terrible storm came. Cordelia, Rose, Nikki, Crystal, and Sonic went to find shelter in the rain. As the Spooks were walking along a windy path, out of nowhere, two zombies came out of the ground.

Cordelia recognized the zombies and said, “Well, if it isn’t you two again, Brian and Niarb. I should have known you would show up.”
“Well, hello, Cordelia,” said Niarb, “What are you and your friends doing?”

“None of your beeswax!” replied Cordelia.
“Oooohhh!” the others said.
“Let’s get out of here, Niarb.” said Brian.
Cordelia, Rose, and Nikki ran right in front of them and said, “You’re not going anywhere.”
“Why not?” asked Brian.
“You’re not going anywhere without us having a Spooks vs. Zombie Brothers fight.” replied Nikki.
Crystal asked, “What does the winner get?”
Cordelia replied, “The winner gets to stay above ground and the loser gets to go back underground for 100 years.”
“Deal.” Brian and Niarb said at the same time, then the fight started.

Cordelia, Rose, and Nikki fought Brian and Niarb. When the fight was over Cordelia, Rose, and Nikki won, then Brian said, “Well, you beat us again. I guess vampires, and a werewolf really are better than zombies...for now.”

“Yeah,” said Nikki, “Now go back in the ground.” When the Zombie Brothers went back to the ground, the Spooks went to find shelter for the night.


Later that evening, Cordelia, Nikki, Rose, Crystal, and Sonic found a cave to stay in until the storm passed. The wind was howling outside as Crystal tried to start a fire.

“Ugh! It’s not working," Crystal said as she tried to light the fire.
"Keep trying," Cordelia urged.
"The wood is probably damp," Nikki said.
“Yeah, you are probably right, Nikki,” replied Sonic.
“Of course I am, Sonic. I am always right," Nikki said proudly.

At that moment, Cordelia and Crystal looked at each other and rolled their eyes. Nikki, being observant as always, noticed and yelled, “HEY! I saw that!”

"What? We didn't do anything," Cordelia said innocently.
"Oh sure. You didn't just roll your eyes at each other," Nikki replied.
"Come on, guys," Sonic said, annoyed, as always, when Cordelia, Nikki, and Crystal fight.
Rose was just sitting in a corner, drawing in the dirt.
"Guys, aren't we forgetting someone?" Cordelia asked.
"ROSE!" everyone yelled at once.
Rose snapped out of her daze.
"Did someone call me?" she asked.
“Oh, thank goodness you’re okay Rose,” Sonic said, thankful she didn’t disappear forever.
"Of course I'm ok. Why wouldn't I be?" Rose asked.
“Well, you never know when the shadow monster is going to eat you up,” Cordelia replied in her sarcastic voice.

Everyone laughed at Cordelia's joke, which made them forget about the cave and the storm. After a few minutes of joke-telling, the group finally fell asleep, even though Crystal couldn't start a fire.

Shredder Attacks

The next morning, Crystal was the first to wake up. Suddenly, there was a loud noise that woke everyone else up.
"What was THAT!?" everyone except Crystal exclaimed.
Crystal rushed outside.

"You...." Crystal said as the others ran outside.
"Who is that ugly guy?" Rose asked.
"My old friend, Shred-head," Crystal replied, her eyes still focused on Shredder.
"Who?" Nikki asked.

Crystal didn't answer. Instead, she took out her katanas as Shredder's army, a mix of normal Foot and Foot Tech Ninja along with the Elite Guards, attacked.

"Prepare for your demise, Turtle!" Shredder exclaimed.
"In your dreams, Shred-head!" Crystal yelled back.

The group just stood there with confused looks on their faces. In a matter of minutes, Crystal was pinned down by the Elite. The group was about to go help her when suddenly, an army of zombies and werewolves attacked them.
"Looks like we have our own fight to deal with," Nikki said.

Nikki turned into a green wolf with red stripes on her back, her underside was dark brown and the back of her neck was red and one ear was dark brown. The tip of her tail was red and on top of that was black and her snout was red and the dark brown fur and a feather covered one eye. Nikki attacked one of the zombies while being tackled by another werewolf.

Rose and Cordelia were both wondering what to do when suddenly the zombies were circling around them.
"Cordelia, I'm scared," Rose whispered.
"It's ok, Rose. I am too," Cordelia whispered back, “but you know what we have to do."
"Kill them with fire!” Rose exclaimed.
At that moment, a fireball appeared in both Cordelia and Rose’s hands.

Meanwhile, Crystal was struggling with the Elite. Just as an Elite was about to kill her, someone jumped out of the shadows and knocked the Elite off of Crystal. She quickly got up and began fighting the Foot again. Soon, Crystal's rescuer was fighting right beside her.

"Leo!?" Crystal said, shocked, as soon as she saw his mask. "But I thought you were training with the Ninja Tribunal in Japan."
"I'll explain later, Crystal. For now, let's focus on defeating Shred-head and his goons," Leo replied.
Crystal just smiled.

Nikki struggled to get the werewolf off her. After many minutes of biting and scratching he finally retreated. She looked around and realized all the werewolves retreated. She fought off a couple more zombies and they also retreated. Nikki thought, “Guess I’m too strong for them.” She began to pick off the Ninjas one by one. They were strong.

Cordelia and Rose fought the zombies and picked them off one by one. As they started to die from the fireballs, many of the zombies got the clue and retreated. They soon caught up with Nikki and went to help Crystal and the mysterious Turtle who was fighting alongside her. Sonic, coming from the woods, where he chased the remaining werewolves away, came to fight alongside all of them.

Crystal saw the others coming to help and said, “Guys, stay there. This is our fight.”
“Why can’t we help, Crystal?” Cordelia asked disappointedly.
“Because you don’t know the Foot like we do,” Leo replied, still focused on fighting Shredder.
“Let them come. That way, I can destroy you and your friends as well,” Shredder replied.
“No way, Shred-head! You will have to get past me before you can get to them,” Crystal replied.
“As you wish,” Shredder said as he knocked Leo off his feet and headed for Crystal.

Crystal then ran at him with all her strength. All she could think about was not to have Shredder get to her friends. Crystal wanted to protect them, no matter what cost.

With Crystal’s katanas swinging, she fought the Shredder. I won’t let him get to my friends or Leo. Crystal thought. She knew the Shredder was tough; she had fought him before, alongside Leo and his brothers, Donnie, Raph, and Mikey. Then, Shredder had Crystal’s katanas between his “claws”; they were locked in a death grip. Out of nowhere, Shredder somehow got a sudden burst of strength and slashed Crystal across the chest.

“Crystal!” everyone screamed.

After Shredder slashed Crystal, he went up to Cordelia, Nikki, Rose and Sonic. Shredder looked at all of them and thought to himself, “I will capture one of Crystal’s friends as bait to make her surrender.”

But what Shredder didn’t realize was that Leo was creeping up behind him. The others became quiet. Then, Leo slashed Shredder in the back with his katana. Shredder yelled in agony. While all this was happening, Cordelia, Nikki, Rose, and Sonic ran to Crystal’s side while Leo was dealing with Shredder. Rose and Cordelia froze when they saw all the blood. Sonic tried to keep them away while Nikki turned back into a human and tried to pick Crystal up to take her back to the cave and out of danger.

“No, let me at her!” Cordelia exclaimed while being held back by Sonic.
“No!” Sonic yelled, “I won’t let you.”
“Awe, come on,” Rose said, “just one bite?”
Crystal was knocked out on the side of the path.
Nikki and Sonic then yelled, “No!”

Suddenly, there was a loud and painful scream. Leo had stabbed Shredder in the arm.

“I guess he won’t be bothering us for a while,” Nikki said as she saw Shredder staggering away.
Leo put his katanas away and ran straight over.
“Let me see her,” Leo said calmly.

Nikki backed away. Leo bent down by Crystal. He saw the huge slash across her chest.
“We have to get her out of here,” Leo said as he picked Crystal up. “And away from those two,” Leo said as he pointed at Cordelia and Rose.
“I agree,” Sonic said, “and I will stay here and make sure Cordelia and Rose don’t go anywhere near Crystal.”
Leo nodded his head and went back to the cave with Nikki, while Sonic tried to keep the vampires from following him.
When the cave was in sight, Crystal started to moan.

“Leo, what happened?” she moaned.
“Shredder got you pretty good, but don’t worry. He’s gone now. I stabbed him in the arm and he retreated,” Leo replied.
Crystal remained silent.

Shadow’s Appearance

When Leo entered the cave, he put Crystal down gently and sat beside her, while Nikki watched from a distance. She soon fell asleep on a ledge inside the cave. Leo talked to Crystal until weariness kicked in and he fell asleep, leaning on the wall of the cave.


“I’m starving,” Rose complained while Sonic was watching her and Cordelia.
“Yeah, me too,” Cordelia said, “May I have something to eat, please?”
Sonic sighed and looked up at them. “Fine, we can go looking for food. Come on.”
Cordelia and Rose grinned, baring their fangs. Sonic rolled his eyes at them.


The next morning, Leo woke up to find Cordelia, Rose and Sonic up and awake in the cave. Leo looked over at Crystal and saw bandages on her wounds.
“When did you guys get here and how long was I asleep?” Leo asked groggily.
“Around 2:00 a.m. because Rose and I had to drag Sonic back to the cave after he fell asleep under a tree,” Cordelia explained.
As Cordelia said this, Crystal started to move. Everyone fell silent and waited for Crystal to say something.
“Ugh, I’m sore all over,” Crystal said.

“Crystal! We’re so glad you are ok!” Nikki exclaimed.
“So am I. So, Leo, I thought you were training with the Ninja Tribunal,” Crystal said.
“Leo?” Rose asked suspiciously.

Leo told them all about his brothers and about the Ninja Tribunal. After he had finished the story, there was a loud crashing sound in a tree outside the cave.

“What was that?” Nikki asked.
“Let’s go investigate,” Cordelia said as she stood up.
“I’ll stay here with Crystal,” Leo said as everyone else got up to leave.
Sonic, Cordelia, Rose and Nikki all went outside the cave to see where the noise came from. When they got outside they saw a person standing and holding his arm. Cordelia noticed him at once.
“Shadow!” Cordelia exclaimed as she ran into his arms.

Shadow winced as Cordelia fell on top of him from running at him. Shadow then put his arms around Cordelia and kissed her while still on the ground.

“Shadow?” Nikki whispered wondering who this guy is.
“Shadow is Cordelia’s boyfriend,” Rose explained to Nikki and Sonic who seemed as though they were lost.
Cordelia and Shadow got up. Cordelia then asked, “Are you hurt?”
“No, it’s just a little scrape.” Shadow replied showing his arm to Cordelia while it healed.
“Woah!” Nikki and Sonic exclaimed when they saw Shadow’s arm heal by itself.
“What? You guys didn’t know that us vampires heal quickly?” Rose asked, not believing what she heard.
“No, we did, it’s just that we have never seen it happen before.” Sonic replied.


Meanwhile, back at the cave, Leo and Crystal were waiting for the others to return.
“What do you think is going on?” Crystal asked Leo.
“I don’t know, Crystal,” Leo replied.
Right after Leo said that, the others walked in with someone new.
“Who’s that?” Crystal asked.

“It’s Cordelia’s boyfriend, Shadow.” Nikki said, annoyed because ever since Cordelia saw Shadow, she hasn’t left his side.
“Oh.” Crystal replied.
“Hi,” Shadow said as he waved his hand.
“Hi, Shadow. I’m Crystal and this is Leo,” Crystal said as she pointed to Leo.
Leo waved.

It seems like we are getting more and more people. Crystal thought.
“How long have you guys known each other?” Shadow asked.
Everyone looked at each other and realized that they had only known each other for two days.
“About two days.” Sonic said. He then explained what happened in those two short days.
When he was finished, Shadow couldn’t believe it.

“Wow. I would never have guessed that,” Shadow replied, “especially since Cordelia is so hard to get along with.”
“Hey!” Cordelia said while she punched Shadow in the arm playfully.
“Well I think that we should go out looking for food.” Leo said standing up.
“Yeah, I’m pretty hungry myself.” Crystal said while Leo helped her up.
“Okay, let's go.” Sonic said as they all left the cave.

On the hunt

Nikki and Sonic turned into wolves and went to go find unsuspecting prey. Shadow, Cordelia and Rose ran off to go find food for themselves. Leo and Crystal just walked along the path, talking.

Crystal asked Leo, “So what do you want to do?”
Leo replied, “Well, I’ll do whatever you want to do.”
“How about we spar?” Crystal asked.
“Okay then.” Leo said pulling out his katanas.


Meanwhile, the Vampires were walking along a gravel path. Shadow ran up ahead to find some food. Rose took the opportunity to talk to Cordelia.

“Hey Cordelia,” Rose said as they were walking.
“Yeah?” Cordelia asked as she saw Rose’s glum face. “What’s wrong?”
“Well ever since Shadow showed up, you haven’t really been paying any attention to the rest of us.” Rose said as she held her hand up to keep Cordelia from talking. “No I don’t want to hear it. I knew you would do this but I don’t believe the rest of them know. Do you think you could go say something to them when we get back?”

Cordelia thought about what Rose said. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“Good! Race you to Shadow.” Rose said as she ran off in front of Cordelia.
Cordelia giggled as she tried to beat Rose to Shadow.


As this was going on, Sonic and Nikki were out hunting.
“I smell a bunny close by,” Nikki whispered to Sonic.
“I do too. Let’s get it,” Sonic replied.
The two of them crept closer while staying low.
“I see it,” Sonic whispered.
Nikki kept crawling closer, and when she was close enough, she pounced. Sonic quickly got up and went over to her.
“Did you get it?” Sonic asked.

“Yep,” Nikki said as she picked up the now dead, white, fluffy rabbit.
“It won’t be enough for all of us, though. And knowing Cordelia and Rose, they probably won’t share their food, if they even catch any,” Sonic said.

“Yeah. We should continue hunting,” Nikki replied.
“Good idea.” Sonic replied eager to continue hunting.


After a few minutes of sparring, Leo and Crystal were exhausted.
“That was fun. Let’s head back to the cave,” Crystal said.
“Ok,” Leo replied.

When they were almost to the cave, Leo and Crystal saw that the vampires beat them there.
“When did you guys get back?” Crystal asked Rose.
“Just a minute ago.” Rose replied.
“Well I see you got something.” Leo said as he looked behind them and saw a dead deer.
“It’s ours.” Cordelia snapped at Leo with bloodshot eyes and her fangs hanging out as far as they could go.
“Cordelia, calm down,” Rose said.

“Sorry, I just got a little carried away.” Cordelia said apologetically.
“A little?” Shadow asked.
“Ok, maybe a lot,” Cordelia said softly.


Meanwhile, Nikki and Sonic continued their hunt.
“I smell a herd of elk,” Sonic said.
“I do too. An elk would definitely be enough to feed everyone,” Nikki replied.
“Okay then, let's go get one.” Sonic said.
“Do you think we would be able to bring it back?” Nikki asked.
“Probably not .” Sonic replied.
“Darn it.” Nikki said softly.
“Why don’t we go get Cordelia, Rose, and Shadow?” Sonic suggested.
“Okay, you go and get them while I stay here and make sure the elk doesn’t move.”
“Okay,” Sonic said over his shoulder as he ran to go get the vampires.


Meanwhile, back at the cave, the others were telling jokes and messing around while they waited for Nikki and Sonic to return. Soon, Sonic, in his wolf form, appeared in the entrance of the cave.

“Hey, Sonic. Where’s Nikki?” Cordelia asked.
“She is keeping an eye on some elk. We need you guys to help us carry it back after we catch one,” Sonic replied.
“Leo and I can help too,” Crystal said.

“Ok, we’ll need all the help we can get,” Sonic replied.
The group got up and followed Sonic. In a matter of minutes, they were at the place where Nikki was.
“I see you brought everyone. We’ll need all the help we can get,” Nikki whispered, keeping her eyes focused straight ahead.
“Wait here until you hear us howl,” Sonic instructed, then they ran off.


Nikki suggested, “You go to the right and I’ll go to the left and we charge together.”

Sonic nodded and went around to the other side of the elk, making sure not to disturb it. Nikki and Sonic poked their heads through the bushes and nodded to each other. Suddenly they charged catching the elk off guard. Nikki and Sonic took the elk down quickly; it was easy with the help of a friend. They howled letting the others know that they needed help. The rest of the group got there in no time and helped carry the elk. When they got to the cave they devoured the elk, along with the deer.


Later that evening, Sonic and Nikki built a bonfire where everyone told stories of their past so they could know more about each other.
“So who wants to go first?” Crystal asked the group.
“I will!” Nikki blurted out.

Nikki told everyone how she met Sonic.
“Gosh, Nikki. I had forgotten all about how we first met,” Sonic said.
“I remember that I was walking in the forest when I saw a sad wolf about my age,” Nikki’s eyes filled with tears, “He was crying by a tree. I walked up to him slowly and asked him what had happened. That wolf replied,”

Sonic interrupted, “He replied my parents abandoned me and now I’m alone. As that wolf cried, you gave him food from your pack.” Sonic stared at the ground, suddenly remembering his past. Nikki put an arm around Sonic trying to comfort him. Everyone else just stared in awe when Rose broke the silence.

“Who wants to go next?” Rose asked.
“I will.” Cordelia said.
Cordelia began to tell the story of how she and Shadow met.

“Oh I remember this!” Rose exclaimed.
“Ah yes, how long ago was this? 400 years ago?” Shadow asked.
“About 400 years ago, Rose and I went to a vampire party.” Cordelia started to explain.
“And while we were there, a band went up on stage and started to perform.” Rose interrupted.
“Rose, don't interrupt," Nikki said.
"Sorry," Rose said softly.

"It's ok, Rose," Cordelia said as she put her hand on Rose's shoulder. “Anyway, the band that was on stage needed two people to go on stage and they would pick at random.”

“The band picked Cordelia and me,” Shadow said.
“At that time we didn’t know each other. After the band stopped playing, Shadow came over and introduced himself to Rose and me. From that moment, I knew he was someone special.” Cordelia explained.
“My friend Joey also came over to meet the girls.” Shadow said as he intervened.
“I couldn’t keep my eyes off him.” Rose said embarrassed.
“Then Joey said that Shadow and him were having a party that weekend and invited us. From there we got closer and closer.” Cordelia said as she finished her story.

`“Wow.” Crystal said after Cordelia was finished.
“Alright, your guys’ turn.” Rose said as she pointed her finger and Crystal and Leo.
“Well, one day, when I first arrived at New York, I didn’t know where to go, so I just chose a direction and ran along the rooftops, since, you know, humans would freak out if they saw me, or any one of us for that matter,” Crystal began.
“New York?” Rose asked, confused.

“It’s a place where humans live,” Nikki explained.

“Anyway, I was running along when I heard some noises coming from a dark alley ahead of me. I stopped and looked down. That’s when I saw Leo and his brothers fighting some invisible Ninjas, which I later found out that they are called Foot Tech Ninja,” Crystal continued.
“Foot Tech Ninja?’ Cordelia asked.

“They are part of the Shredder’s army. Remember when we were fighting the Shredder, some Foot turned invisible? Well, those are the Foot Tech,” Leo explained.

“I jumped down to help because, well I saw Mutant Turtles, like me, that looked like they could use some help. After the battle, the others introduced themselves. I told them how I was new to New York. Then, Leo asked me if I wanted to stay with them. I, of course, said yes,” Crystal finished.

“Wait, let me get this straight. Cordelia, Rose and Shadow probably have never heard of New York, Leo has brothers, and Crystal was running around on roof tops?” Sonic asked confused.

“That’s right,” Leo said.
“Okay, so Shadow,” Sonic began.
“Yes,” Shadow replied.
“Where do you vampires live?” Sonic asked.
“Well, most vampires live in Transylvania. But I have known some who like to venture outside the borders. Only one of them, in the last 300 years, has returned...alive,” Shadow replied.
“Well, I’m going to go to bed. See you guys in the morning.” Nikki said as she went to sleep.
The rest of them soon fell asleep as well.


The next morning, everyone awoke to the sound of bangs and groans.
"What is happening out there?" Cordelia asked.

"Let's go check it out," Leo said.
The group ran outside. The next thing they saw terrified and amazed them at the same time. It was another vampire fighting...another vampire?
"Joey!" Rose exclaimed.
"Stay back!" Joey instructed.
“No, we can help.” Shadow said.
“No!” Joey yelled.
“Too late, Joey, the girls are already gone.” Shadow said.

“Wait, what?” Joey said right before he got punched by the other vampire.
Cordelia and Rose snuck up behind the other vampire and threw fireballs around him so he was surrounded by fire.
"Joey, what's going on?" Rose asked.

"I'll explain later," Joey replied as he jumped over the fire and knocked the other vampire into the ring of fire. There was a horrible shrieking noise for about 15 seconds, and then silence. The ring of fire slowly died down as well. The group then went back to the cave.
"So what was that all about, bro?” Shadow asked.

Joey explained how he was following Shadow’s scent to find him when this vampire jumped out in front of him outside the cave and started to fight him.

"I'm so glad you're ok," Rose said as she ran up to give Joey a big hug and a small kiss.
"How about we do some exploring today?" Sonic suggested.
"Ok. Shadow and I will go to the north," Cordelia said.
"Leo and I will take the west," Crystal said.
"Rose and I can take the east," Joey said.
"I guess that leaves us with south," Nikki said.
Everyone split up into their groups.


Cordelia and Shadow walked along a gravel path. As they were walking, Shadow wanted to ask Cordelia a question.
“Hey Cordelia,” Shadow said.
“Yeah?” Cordelia asked.
“Uh...nevermind.” Shadow said, embarrassed to ask his question.
“Okay.” Cordelia said confused.
“Hey, come here.” Shadow said as he wrapped his arms around Cordelia. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” Cordelia said surprised. “Why?”

“I don’t know.” Shadow said then kissed her forehead.

Cordelia looked up into his eyes. They were full of concern and passion. Her lips were inches apart from Shadow's. Cordelia and Shadow closed their eyes as their lips met. They stood like that for what seemed to be forever.
Finally, Shadow said, “Let’s keep moving.”

Cordelia shook her head in agreement still breathless from the kiss.

They held hands the rest of the walk. When they got to the end of the path, they found a gigantic hole where there was a little pond in the middle. Cordelia and Shadow jumped into the hole and found vegetation growing on all the walls.

“We could use these a medication wraps for the others.” Cordelia said.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea.” Shadow said supportingly.
They gathered up some of the vegetation and then headed back to the camp.


Leo and Crystal walked along a fine-dirt path.
"What do you think we'll find?" Crystal asked Leo.
"Probably nothing," Leo replied.

Right after Leo said that, the two stepped through a cluster of vines and stood in awe at the sudden sight.
"It's so beautiful, Leo," Crystal said, still staring at the meadow that was covered with purple flowers.
The two walked forward, farther and farther into the meadow. Soon, they came across a small, clear pond.
"I'm thirsty. This water looks drinkable," Crystal said as they bent down by the edge of the pond to get a drink.

After they finished drinking, Crystal got up.
"Race you to the other side!" Crystal exclaimed as she took off.
"No fair! You got a head start!" Leo shouted at Crystal.

Crystal just kept running. Soon, Leo caught up to her and tackled her to the ground. The two wrestled and played for what seemed like an eternity.

When it started to get dark, Crystal said, “We should head back to camp. I bet the others are there already. But first, let’s collect some flowers for everyone.”

“Okay,” Leo said as he helped Crystal up.
They gathered a bunch of flowers then headed back to camp.


Nikki and Sonic were walking along a pebble path when they came across a huge hole.
“What do you think it is?” asked Nikki.

“I’m not sure what do you think it is?” replied Sonic
“An invitation to adventure!” exclaimed Nikki as she dropped down the hole.
Sonic rolled his eyes and followed Nikki into the hole. Nikki was waiting at the bottom of the hole and leaned against the wall of the hole.
“What took you so long?” asked Nikki jokingly.

Sonic looked around the cave and saw a dark tunnel and asked, “What do you think is down there?” Nikki tilted her head to the right to see the tunnel better.

“A extension of our adventure of course,” said Nikki.
The reason Nikki and Sonic could see down the tunnel was because they were in their wolf form; wolves have better vision than humans.
“What if we encounter some terrible monster?” asked Sonic.
“What if we die in the tunnel?” Nikki asked jokingly.

As they walked further down the tunnel they asked more question to each other like, “What if we get wings in the tunnel?” or “What if we meet a monster with wings in the tunnel?” After a while the tunnel started getting lighter.
Nikki asked, “Why is it getting lighter? We made an almost fifteen foot drop and traveled at an almost the same level for what I would saw about one mile.”

Sonic shrugged and kept walking.

“It’s so beautiful!” They both exclaimed at the same time.
They stood in front of a garden of green and blue and red flowers. Each one sparkling from the sun shining from a hole at the top of the garden. They stood there in awe and then gathered a couple of the flowers. After a while of walking back they got back to the place where they started in the bottom of a giant hole. Nikki was about to jump out of the hole when Sonic grabbed her wrist before she had time to jump. Nikki turned to meet his eyes.

“You took me down a hole and through a tunnel because you wanted adventure. I came down to be alone with you,” Sonic said sweetly.
Sonic handed her a sparkling, bright green flower and Nikki blushed, took it and put the flower in her hair. Sonic took her hand and looked into her eyes and Nikki looked back. Sonic kissed Nikki lightly and Nikki blushed. They then jumped out of the hole and they started to walk back to the cave to report their findings to the others.


Rose and Joey walked along a sandy path. After a few minutes of walking, they found a cave.
“Let’s go inside,” Joey said.

“There’s probably nothing inside. Let’s just go back,” Rose replied.
Joey grabbed her arm.

“It’s ok, Rose. I’ll be with you,” Joey said as he wrapped Rose in a hug.
“Yeah, I know,” Rose said. She stood on her tiptoes and gave Joey a small kiss.
They then went into the cave. What they saw was indescribable. The walls were covered with different colors of beautiful jewels.
“So, are you glad we didn’t go back to camp?” Joey asked with a playful smile on his face.
Rose just nodded her head.

After a few seconds of silence, Rose finally said, “Let’s gather some for everyone. Leo and Crystal should have a blue one, Nikki and Sonic should have a green one, Cordelia and Shadow should have a purple one, and we should have a…”
“Pink one,” Joey finished.

“How’d you know?” Rose asked.
“Pink is your favorite color. That’s why you’re wearing a pink bow in your hair right now,” Joey replied.

“Gosh, you know me so well.” Rose said as she picked a pink gem from the wall.
They picked gems for everyone.
“We should go back to the camp now.” Joey said after a few minutes.
“Okay.” Rose replied as they started to head out of the jewel cave and back to camp.

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