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Rated: XGC · Chapter · Erotica · #2099172
Cassandra decides to meet another member of the club
Amelia was sat at the same table they had waited at for Thomas to arrive. She wore a tight purple top and even tighter dark jeans. She sipped from a large steaming cappuccino as she watched Cassandra arrive.

“I got your message.” The note had been brief, barely more than a time and a location.

She smiled up at her, “Take a seat.” She waved to the waitress to order another coffee, she didn't ask if Cassandra wanted something different.

She started to worry about what they needed to talk about, “Is everything OK?”

She placed the large mug down, “Some faculty members have started talking about your absences, apparently you have a few overdue assignments.” She smiled knowingly, “Of course if I had the opportunity to work my way through a website full of supernatural beings, classes wouldn't be top of my priorities. How many creatures have you experienced?”
Cassandra blushed, “I've met with Thomas a few times.”

Amelia's expression turned to that of faked shock, “Cassandra! You have a wealth of men to sample and you limit yourself to just one. I'm very disappointed in you, I was expecting to hear exciting stories.”

She had been enjoying her encounters with a werewolf, but she wondered if behind the jest Amelia was right.

“Anyway, me and Mark have found out about a screening of a film that you might find interesting.”

Cassandra hadn't known what to expect when she got the note, but an invite to the movies wasn't it. “I thought I was in trouble.”

Amelia's eyes glistened, “Me and Mark can cover for you at school, but we miss you.”

Ahead of them Mark was chatting to three girls, they jostled for position trying to be the closest to him, Cassandra knew he could have his pick of them, or maybe all three. They could have been students who knew him from college and stopped to talk, or they might have been three girls out for a night of fun and just drawn to him from across the street.

The one girl handed him a small piece of paper and kissed his beard covered cheek, her hand casually pressing against his chest. His hand snaked round the waist of another girl and gave her barely covered ass a squeeze.

The girls left before her and Amelia reached him, “Some new friends?” Amelia asked her husband with eyebrows raised.

He smiled the amazing smile that could get almost any girl into bed, “Maybe.” His answer didn't give any hint to if he was planning on using the number, or numbers, he had been handed. He turned to Cassandra, his arms grabbed her pulling her close and his mouth pressed against her.

Shock stalled her for a moment and then her tongue met his, it had been weeks since she had seen him and she hadn't realised how much she missed him.

Finally he pulled back from her, “My favourite girl, it's been too long.” Then he kissed his wife, not a long deep kiss but a hard smooch. “Now lets get inside, the show is about to begin.” He squeezed between the women and wrapped an arm round each waist.

The lobby of the movie theatre looked like it might have been unchanged since the 50s, a crimson interior trimmed with shining brass with no sign of electrical equipment and even the lights looked like they could have been gas powered. A man in a navy blue uniform stood at the bottom of a wide staircase guarded by a velvet rope, he smiled as they approached and unhooked one end of the rope to let them pass.

The theatre itself was small, a door at the top of the stairs let them enter half way along one wall, raked seating went up steeply to make best use of the small space and then once above the height of the door spanned the full width. It was the seats above the door that Mark directed them to, without a row of seats in front of them they had extra leg room.

She estimated the room could hold almost a hundred people but only a handful of seats were taken as they took theirs, Mark between herself and Amelia.

Crimson curtains that matched the lobby drew apart to reveal the screen as if everyone had been waiting for them to take their seats. There were no adverts, no upcoming attractions, no reminder to turn off their cells, just straight into the feature as the lights around them dimmed.

The film was black and white, a rather predictable story of a count, later revealed as a vampire, seduces a pretty young girl. Although set in the 19th century Cassandra couldn't decide how old the film was. None of the actors or actresses were familiar although all were incredibly believable. The film didn't jump, there were no marks to indicate age, it wasn't the tired sepia of the early black and white films or the harsh contrast of the film noir age.

The young virgin returned to her room in the castle to find the vampire waiting. Cassandra nearly jumped out of her seat as Mark's hand slid onto her leg. It ran down her thigh and then back up the inside, the outside of his little finger ran up the seam between her legs.

The girls dress was discarded leaving her in a lace edged corset, strung up the front with ribbon trying to contain large breasts. Mark unbuttoned her jeans, his fingers delving inside her panties.

With a tilt of her head the girl exposed her long slender neck to the vampire. Slowly he moved towards her neck, sharp canines extended, their tips glistening. Cassandra watched as the teeth pressed into the flesh, the skin denting before the points sank in. As teeth pierced neck, Mark's fingers penetrate her.

Squirming on the chair she watched as red blood welled up around the white teeth to run down the girl's neck. The bright trail lead down over her collar bone and onto the soft rise of her breast. As the blood touched the lace it turned the fine white material red, spreading out along the rim of the corset.

Mark's fingers undulated inside her, she wanted to moan, wanted to cry out, but she was too aware of being in public to draw attention to herself. A glance at Amelia revealed Mark's other hand inside her pants.

A sharp nail sliced through silk ribbon as if tissue paper, the corset springing open to reveal the large breasts with tipped with dark nipples, one smeared with blood. Teeth retracted, the vampire followed the trail of blood down with his tongue, lapping at the red path.

Teeth gently pinched a dark nipple, the deadly canines surrounding it. The girl released a scream as Cassandra almost allowed one to escape her tight lips.

Suddenly the vampire was on the bed, the girl, now naked, straddling him. His legs bent upwards blocked the camera's view of the moment of penetration but the girl's face betrayed the exact moment, and convinced Cassandra that the sex was not being faked for the camera.

She closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip. Mark's fingers pushed deep into her hot flesh while his palm pushed against her swollen clit. Amelia was moaning, either unconcerned about the other patrons or unable to contain the noise.

Her orgasm was ready, straining to be released but it was trapped, needing the command from Mark before it could rampage through her body.

His breathe caressed her ear, her body shook in anticipation, “Come little girl.” The command was whispered, barely loud enough for her to hear but he body responded as if he had shouted it at her.

She gripped the arms of the chair tighter, her body rocking back and forth as the orgasm tore through her body. She tried to contain a scream dampening it to a squeak that squeezed out through her clenched teeth.

She slumped down into the chair, her breathing heavy as she recovered from the oxygen depleting orgasm. Opening her eyes the screen showed the camera looking down on the girl naked and sprawled on the bed. A red patch spread out from her neck, soaking into the white sheet. As the screen faded to black Cassandra realised two things, firstly the girl resembled her, and secondly the neatly trimmed patch of pubic hair implied the film was more recent than she had thought.

Amelia slipped down onto the floor, taking advantage of the extra leg room to kneel before Mark. By the time Cassandra had shuffled to the edge of the seat and dropped to the floor to join her she had already unleashed Mark.

Cassandra watched as Amelia took the soft bulbous head into her mouth, Mark sighed as her lips closed over him. With the head inside Amelia's mouth, Cassandra's attention went to the long hard shaft, her tongue running up over the veins. As Cassandra moved up the shaft Amelia relinquished the tip and started moving down her side of the shaft.

Cassandra took the tip into her mouth, the soft tip wet with Amelia's saliva. She ran her tongue around the edge enjoying the feel of it in her mouth. She then pulled back, letting Amelia take it in again.

Mark's hands moved to their heads, gently directing them as he enjoyed the slow erotic see-saw while he groaned into the dark cinema.

He pushed both their heads down to the base of his thick column, slowly letting them raise back up, both working up their side. They reached the tip, their tongues running along the soft ridge making Mark clench his fists in their hair. They rose up slowly making him wait. Cassandra's tongue delved into the small pool of his seed seeping out ahead of his orgasm.

As Cassandra pulled back her tongue tipped with the white sticky fluid Amelia pounced sucking the tongue into her own mouth. Their tongues tried to wrap around each other, the taste of Mark shared between them.

Pulling back their tongues stayed connected, swirling together just above Mark's tip. Their hands closed around his wet shaft, their fingers interlacing. Together they stroked up and down his length, his hands encouraging their mouths to return to him becoming more insistent, as they stroked faster.

He bulged within their hands and then erupted beneath them. Their entwined tongues were covered from beneath with the first spurt, their tongues pulled back as a second jet fired up between them. It splashed down onto their waiting tongues and his throbbing head beneath. A final spurt frothed out, with less force than the first two it ran down his sticky shaft over the fingers of the two women.

Their mouths pressed together as they took each other's cum covered tongue inside. They sucked the salty taste from each other before turning their attention to the covered head beneath them. Together they licked him clean, starting with the head then moving down the shaft, sucking the thick white fluid from between their fingers and from his hot skin as the column began to wither.

Cassandra ran the back of her hand over her mouth as she sat back in her seat, as she licked the last of the salty residue from her hand Mark placed his hand on her thigh and whispered quietly, “Good girl.”

Whilst on their knees they had missed the girl in the film becoming a vampire. Villagers had the castle under siege, demanding her head. The vampires fled through a secret tunnel as the screen faded to black. The screen stayed black long enough for Cassandra to wonder if the film had ended, when the image finally returned the vampires were sat on balcony overlooking the park. Cassandra was almost sure it was the hotel, and the cars driving along the road that skirted the park indicated it was very recent.

The screen went black again and music started playing, but no credits ran up the screen. Instead the house lights came on and the curtain closed.

“I don't understand, was that real?” Cassandra asked to both Mark and Amelia.

Mark got to his feat as he answered, “The man believed he was a vampire, he owned the castle used in filming, although I don't think he was actually a count.” He adjusted his pants, “The sex scene was filmed last, he drugged her before they started filming, the bite was real. The footage of her on the bed afterwards was her dying.”

Cassandra shuddered at the idea that she had climaxed while watching a girl dying, although she had her eyes closed. She forced herself to her feet not wanting to think about it, “But he was at the hotel?”

They made their way out, “He contacted the group looking for help, he was convinced she would have turned into vampire. He paid large sums of money and it was covered up, the girl on the balcony wasn't the same as the girl who he had killed. He is in an exclusive psychiatric hospital and the group owns the film, although it seems unlikely they would pursue distributing it.”

Cassandra declined a ride home, it would have turned into more than just a ride and she wasn't in the mood, she also need some fresh air. The hotel had been fun, Thomas had been fun, but the idea that it was owned by an organisation that would cover up a murder for money changed things.

When she entered her flat, half an hour later, she didn't feel any better about it but had come to decision. She opened her laptop and logged onto the site. She clicked on the flashing private message button, hoping it was Thomas arranging another meeting, she needed to talk to him.

The message was short, and to her disappointment wasn't from Thomas.

Dear Sleeping Beauty,

A mutual friend told me you watched an intriguing film. Perhaps you would like to grab a bite and discuss it.

Yours faithfully,

A quick search on google revealed Veles to be a Slavic god of the underworld. She replied and sat back waiting for a response. Thomas viewed immortality as a curse, perhaps one who had borrowed the name of god felt differently and could give a different perspective.

She sat waiting in the café, she wondered if the waitresses knew it was frequented by supernatural beings before heading to a nearby private hotel for casual sex. Then her mind turned to the other patrons, she found herself staring at them trying to guess if they were a mere mortal like herself or if they had hidden secrets.

She was so preoccupied with what creatures could be sat at nearby tables that she didn't see him enter. Instead she nearly jumped out of her chair as he politely coughed to draw her attention to him stood before her.

“Please forgive me if I startled you.” His accent was eastern European and the idea that he could actually by a Slavic god crossed her mind. “Veles is just a screen name, my real name is Viktor.”

He sat down as she tried to work out what to say to someone who had responded to a thought plucked from her head.

“Again forgive me, I will try not to intrude in your thoughts.” He was tall, short neat black hair and a neatly trimmed van dyke. His eyes were pale blue and as she looked into them she felt as though a mist was engulfing her mind, seeping into her memories.

A plate with a roasted pigeon breast was placed before her, she tried to remember if she had ordered but the mist had obscured everything.

“Eat, it will help you adjust to my presence.” She lifted her knife and fork and sliced the food lifting it to her mouth without taking her eyes from his. When the food was gone her fork held the air whilst her knife sliced at nothing.

“Drink.” With his harsh accent she couldn't tell if it was a suggestion or command but her hand was compelled to her wine glass. The red wine was sweet and thick and as she swallowed mouthful after mouthful she wondered why she didn't order it more often.

As she placed the empty glass on the table she could feel the mist retreating. “What happened?”

“I read that humans are bioluminescent, they glow in the dark, it's just incredibly low level.” He sipped at his own wine. “I believe they are also psychic, not enough that they can communicate but it is there.”

“You talk as if you aren't human.” She glanced round and noted how strange it was that no one even glanced at them. “And what has psychic powers got to do with anything?”

His hand stroked his beard, “I stopped being human a very long time ago, before the birth of the Roman empire. Amongst the gifts I received were psychic powers, but they can't be turned off. The latent psychic ability of humans pick up whatever it is I emit, it's like a noise just outside your hearing range, it makes you uncomfortable but you don't know why. People turn away, they look in other directions without realizing they are doing it. But when face to face with me you can't turn away, but the truth, a little food and a little wine and you adjust.”

“I guess I don't need to ask if you are genuine then.” She sipped at her wine that she hadn't notice being refilled.

He smiled, white teeth gleaming between his thin lips. “I was told you were a new member, I suppose you are still in the doubtful phase.”

She was meant to be asking him about the club but something about him disarmed her. “So new I haven't even received my membership card yet.”

He chuckled, “I could get that fast tracked for you, wouldn't want you missing out on the quarterly newsletter.”

A giggle escaped her, “So a real life vampire equipped with psychic powers, I suppose if I were still a virgin I would be in real trouble.”

He sipped more wine as his eyes slowly moved over her. “I've never been able to taste the difference myself.”

The main course of seabass arrived, no plate arrived for him. “You don't eat?”

“No, I lost the taste for it a long time ago, I still enjoy a nice wine though. Any other questions?”

Her mind flitted over the countless vampire movies she had seen, although keeping clear of the most recent, “If you drink my blood, do I become a vampire?”

He leant back in his chair, “No, I drink roughly once a week, if everyone I drank from became a vampire the world would be overrun. Turning a vampire requires someone to drink my blood, it is not something that I do often.”

She raised her eyebrows, “why?”

“My blood burns inside them, longing to be reunited with me, it insights burning passions within us both. The last time I turned a woman we spent a decade in my château barely leaving the bed, we fed from my vast supply and made love over and over. By the time we emerged we had missed the entire second world war.”

“I've always liked older men.” She gave her best flirty smile over the edge of her wine glass. “Perhaps we could get desert to go?”

He smiled, “The hotel does a great range of sweets.” He rose from the table throwing a handful of notes down, more than enough to cover the meal. He stretched his hand out to her, she took hold of it as she rose and a warmth crept along her skin. His skin was cool but somehow heat engulfed her.

She blinked and they were in a hotel room, heavy drapes were pulled blocking out the evening sun. Instead the room was light by candles placed in ornate candelabras around the room.

“How...” She tried talk but he was against her, his mouth pressed against hers, his arms sliding around her waist. Her mouth opened in response and she melted into him. The heat she had felt in the café returned, her whole body burned, she clawed at her own clothes. She yanked the light summer dress up her body revealing the new white lace underwear.

He broke away from her, “Before we go any further, there is something I should explain. For humans male arousal comes from increased blood flow, my kind requires an increase in blood. I have some with me but I would rather take it from you, if you are willing.”

“Will it hurt?” She knew she couldn't refuse him, her body craved for him to taste her. “And I wont become a vampire?”

His lips pressed against her briefly, “It wont hurt, and you will be perfectly fine afterwards.”

She needed more of him, “So do you just bite my neck?”

In the flickering candle light his eyes twinkled, “I was thinking I might drink from somewhere a little more intimate.” His hands slid down her hips, the tips pushing beneath the lace to push her panties down her long legs.

He gripped her, lifting and spinning he tossed her onto the bed as if she weighed nothing. She watched as he slowly undressed while walking around the bed. His jacket, then shirt, hit the floor quickly followed by his pants and briefs. He was tall and slender, his skin pale and smooth, he didn't have bulging muscles but everything gave the impression of firmness, of barely contained power.

Naked he climbed onto the bed, so his feet were towards the headboard. Slowly he crawled down over her body, as his lips found the soft curves of her breasts still contained with the fine bra, hers found the solid mass of his chest. Her teeth closed gently around his small hard nipple while his grazed the lace covering her own hardening bud.

He kissed along her stomach, his tongue tasting her skin, her lips pressed against the thin covering over his hard abs. Soft golden hairs tickled at his advancing mouth as short black hairs pricked her full lips.

She gasped as his tongue pushed between the folds of her flesh to touch the engorged nub. Despite knowing that he required her blood she still felt the pang of disappointment that the soft caress of her tongue along his flaccid shaft was not enough to bring it to life.

He moved from her moist skin to the softness of her inner thigh. Sharp teeth pierced her flesh making her cry out in surprise. Lips closed around the teeth pressing against her thigh as he began to suck at the blood. She moaned as the gentle sucking seemed to concentrate the heat she had felt to between her legs, a trickle ran down her skin following the curve of her round ass.

As she felt the heat growing in her, his member started to grow. It thickened and hardened, pressing against her cheek as she moaned from the pleasure of his gentle sucking.

With his member fully grown he pulled back from her, his teeth retreating. Lifting his hips his member pulled back from her, running over her outstretched tongue. His face plunged between her legs, his mouth closing over her burning clit as he thrust the bulbous tip of his cock into her waiting mouth.

She thrust her head back, letting his shaft fill her mouth and press against the back of her throat. His body pressed down on her, no heartbeat within him but his body wasn't cold and lifeless it was warm and vibrated with power against her soft skin.

With her mouth filled by has solid shaft and his tongue swirling around her throbbing bud she was pinned to the bed unable to control her own actions. Her hands grasped reflexively at the sheet scrunching up the thick duvet and then releasing it over and over. She fought to swallow and breath as he pushed further down her throat.

He gently pinched her between his teeth and a jolt of electricity surged through her, her legs snapped shut around him like a trap, a scream tried to erupt from her throat, but blocked by the full length of his member came out as nothing but a gurgle.

She forced her legs apart and he seized upon the chance to clasp his mouth tightly over her, his tongue flicking furiously back and forth over her clit. Another gurgled scream was forced from her.

She wrapped her arms tight around him, her hands squeezing his firm ass as he began to slowly pump in and out of her throat, he only retreated by an inch before pushing back in and with each thrust it felt like it was pushing deeper. With each withdrawal she sucked in air before his bulging head blocked her airway again.

He began to groan between bursts of his tongue flickering over her or slow deep sucks that felt like he was pulling her whole body into his mouth. His hands gripped her thighs, his long fingers curling beneath her so the tips pushed between her legs. As his mouth pushed her body closer and closer towards climax his hands slid round further his fingers creeping up the inside of her thighs.

His hips thrust deeper, his balls pressing against her face, neatly trimmed hairs around the base of his long shaft pressed against her upper lip. Each thrust lasted longer, the retreat becoming barely enough for her to suck in enough air not to suffocate.

His fingers reached her dripping entrance, two plunged inside. The slow approach had left her unprepared, as they pushed deep inside her hot eager flesh an orgasm exploded from her. Her throat was too full for even a gurgle to escape. Unable to release the power of the orgasm coursing through her with a scream it intensified within her. Her body shook, her fingernails scraped at his skin and her throat sucked harder and harder in an attempt to find air.

With a loud groan he pushed even deeper into her pressing her head into the soft bed as his own climax was released. The jets of his essence fired deep inside her, the thick cream extinguishing her own orgasm letting her body calm. He withdrew his saliva coated member from her mouth, letting her fill her lungs, the oxygen racing through her body bringing it back to life.

He rolled off her body onto his back beside her. “The club isn't evil, nor is it good. It is simply a group of immortals, some care little for human lives, other's still remember what it was like to be frail. Some may refer to it as an organization but it isn't, there is no hierarchy, there are just those with lots of money and those with little.”

She turned onto her side, “I thought you said you would stop reading my mind.”

He climbed from the bed, “I got what I wanted from our encounter, I felt it only right to give you the answer to the questions you wanted to ask.”

She pushed her self down the bed till she could sit at the end, “And what made you think that I didn't want what we just did?” She smiled at him with her eyes sparkling, “And what makes you think that I would be satisfied with just one orgasm?”

The clothes he was in the middle of picking up he let fall. Before they hit the ground he was before her, his back curved to let him reach down and kiss her. His lips pressed against hers, his tongue pushing inside to find hers. She rose from the bed her hand moving round to the back of his head to hold her against him.

Fingers trailed up her back as they rose to the clasp of her bra. She barely felt his fingers pinching the clasp before it sprang open. It fell down her one arm before she replaced the hand on the back of his head with the other to the lace garment fall to the floor.

With gentle pressure on her shoulders he turned her round. Naked she climbed onto the bed on her hands and knees, her legs hanging off the end with him between them. His hand ran up the back of her leg, over the soft curve of her ass and then pushed along her spine making her purr like a pussy-cat as she arched her spine.

He moved closer, his thick softening shaft pressing against her. His hand slid beneath her hair, between her shoulder blades. Fingers curled around her hair gathering it together. A sharp jerk pulled her upright, she let out a small scream of surprise.

Holding her hair to the side he sank his pointed teeth into the side of her neck. She screamed again as the teeth sank deep into her. She felt his member instantly spring back, it pushed between her thighs the head protruding from between her legs.

She pushed backwards, his shaft pushing between her lips so that her engorged clit ran along it's length. With the blood being sucked from her body, she ached to have him inside her. His hands moved round her body, sliding up her taught stomach, a fingertip briefly dipping inside her naval. Reaching her breasts his fingers spread out over the soft surface so the hard sensitive nipples pressed into his palms.

He pulled back from her, his breathing heavy for the first time since they had met. With a subtle bend of his knees he dipped down as he rose he slid up inside her wet opening, her demanding flesh directing him inside.

His hands tightened on her breasts, the flesh bulging between his outstretched fingers. She cried out in pleasure as he thrust his full length up into her. His lips went back to her neck, the sharp teeth safely retracted as he gently nibbled at her skin.

His hands and teeth elicited moans from her, while the long hard thrusts forced cries from her. Trembling legs barely supported her as he held her up against his hard body. Powerful thrusts shook her body as her hands grabbed his making her squeeze her breasts harder.

His mouth raised from her neck letting him thrust harder into her, the moans and cries turned into screams as her body was racked with waves of pleasure that assaulted her every sense. Her hair flew wildly around her as her head snapped back and forth.

The constant onslaught robbed her of her breath as her body flew back and forth under his control. Her whole body screamed for release as sweat was forced from every pour.

“Come little girl.” The whisper was barely audible, but it was loud enough for her body to respond. She tore free from his grasp as her body flung itself forward onto her hands. Her body jerked as an orgasm raced around her body. Her ass flew backwards smashing against his body impaling herself fully on his long shaft.

She was dimly aware of him pumping his seed inside her as the world seemed to swim around her as if she had finished running a marathon. She swallowed hard trying to fight the dizzying blackness that was creeping in. Slowly her body fought back her deep breathes bring her back under control. “Did he tell you to say that?” She didn't turn to look at him, she didn't want to know how much detail Mark had gone into about her.

“Your mind was screaming it, it was deafening me.”

She turned over to look at him, his body shined with sweat. She pushed herself up from the bed, a bolt of pain shot up her arm forcing her to wince.

His strong hands grabbed her arms helping her to stand, “I drank too deeply, I apologize for loosing control. It may be sore for a few days but there wont be any lasting problem.”

She glanced down at his glistening member, still fully erect. “Well, I guess it would be a shame to waste it.”

She dropped down into a crouch before him, ignoring another pang of pain from her shoulder. His wet bulbous head bobbed before her. Reaching out with her tongue she licked at the tip, the salty taste of their mixed juices spread over her tongue. She moved forward licking along the fleshy underside, enjoying tasting herself upon him before drawing back dragging her tongue up the salty shaft.

She curled her long fingers around him whilst her other hand moved to between her parted legs. Her hand started to move up and down him whilst twisting from side to side. The fingers of her other hand explored her own wet flesh. They stroked her slippery clit and probed her dripping opening.

Her tongue swirled around the thick tip licking their combined juices from it. She noticed again the deep vibrations travelling along his member, before his had been buried so deep in her throat that her tongue was pinned down, with only his head in her mouth her tongue could wrap around him enjoying the thrum.

Both of her hands moved faster, one stroking his sticky shaft while the other drove fingers inside her. She licked and sucked till the taste of her was gone and all the remained was his own musky taste.

Her own juices frothed around her wriggling fingers as she stimulated the sensitive skin within her clenching flesh. Crouched on the floor her muscles already ravaged by two orgasms ached, her calves burned and her thighs screamed. Her desire pushed her onwards ignoring the pain in her legs. Her hands moved faster, her tongue swirled faster as she sucked harder.

His hand slid to the back of her head as he groaned with every suck. Fingers entwined with her wild hair as he held her to him. He didn't pull her onto his member but the pressure was firm holding her in place. His other hand went to the post of the bed holding himself upright in case his legs began to fail him.

His groans grew louder and longer merging into a continuous sound as the vibration beneath his skin grew more powerful turning into a pulse that she felt travelling through her body. With a gasp his orgasm was released, a warm jet fired at the back of her mouth.

She gripped him tight as she sucked harder drawing out jet after jet swallowing the tasteless fluid as fast as she could. Trying not to choke as he pumped more and more into her mouth her third orgasm pounced. Her exhausted muscles yelled as the orgasm forced through them. She collapsed backwards her back hitting the bed. Her mouth released his erupting head that continued to spurt warm streams to land on her face and breasts.

Finally the last of his seed dripped from the tip of his bobbing tip to splash on her thigh. Rivulets ran down her neck over her heaving breasts. Her tongue licked at the fluid that ran over her top lip, thick and sticky but completely devoid of any taste other than salt.

“I'll find you something to clean up with.” She sat panting, exhausted by their escapades but he showed no signs of tiring as he strode into the bathroom. As he returned with a towel she marvelled at his naked form. His muscles didn't bulge but she had felt their power. Even with his member once more flaccid his masculinity emanated from him, washing over her in waves.

Her shoulder led the chorus of pain but every part of her joined voices in the song, and yet collapsed on the floor she still wanted to drag herself onto the bed and offer her blood to him again. He scooped down and lifted her onto the bed. As she turned to ask if he was going to join her, her open mouth widened into a stretching yawn and she gave in to the exhaustion falling into a deep sleep.
© Copyright 2016 MidnightStalker (midnightstalka at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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