Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2099000-Moseley-Cavendish-profile
Rated: 13+ · Assignment · Steampunk · #2099000
Minor character #2 for NaNo 2016
Role in Story: Moseley is Phin’s son. He is disabled by a disease he has had since birth. He is often cast aside at school as someone who will never be anyone in the world. Due to his medical issues, he was not given a job, or a position within the state, at the age of 7, as all of the other, healthy children were. The State heads told his parents he should be sent off to the state hospital for life and they should try again, for a son that may contribute to society someday. His parents would never hear of this, and that gave him a sense of strength in knowing his parents were on his side, no matter what might happen.

Occupation: Moseley will never, truly, be employed. Due to his medical condition, he was never assigned a job - and jobs in Capercairn were always appointed. One had a trade and plied that trade for life. In reality, Moseley is a genius.

Physical Description: Mose is short for his age, with one leg shorter than the other. He wears mechanical braces, fashioned by his father to help him walk. His skin is pale, paler than most, and he has a bit of a sickly look about him. His dark eyes would resemble is uncle Zenith’s if they were not so hollow and set so far back in his skull from the sickness.

Personality: Moseley has an undying curiosity. He has a keen mind for science and tinkering. By the age of 9, he has built mothers’ helpers from scratch and has an entire miniature set of army men who can act out battles in play.

Habits/Mannerisms: Moseley chews his bottom lip when deep in thought - which he often is.

Background: Mose is only 10 years old, so he has little background. He goes to school and has a small, core group of friends he has built up over the years. He has often been picked on for being different, but his friends have fought in his stead to deter any further bullying.

Internal Conflicts: Moseley wants to be a good boy. He wants everyone to look at him as a model citizen. At the same time, he knows he will never fit in, and needs to do what he needs to do. He thinks The Alliance may be a good place for him. But he could never leave his parents and his three best friends.

External Conflicts: The biggest external conflict for Mose is the fact that The State views him as inferior. He has even made attempts to secure audience with Carby Gorse, the head of The State, to show how valuable his services could be to Capercairn. At every request he was laughed off and told the infirm would never have audience with Gorse.

Motivations: Moseley is motivated by his wish to help his parents. He does not want to be a burden on them. When he learns his father is attempting to cut a deal with The Alliance, he is determined to help with the research his father is conducting on the Weather Controller.

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