Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2098333-Addicted-10
by G7
Rated: GC · Short Story · Adult · #2098333
Continuing story

It had been agreed upon that Chelle would get permission to spend the night at Mary's place. Mary received the obligatory call from her Mom and it was arranged. Chelle showed up at 5pm and looked incredibly nervous. I ushered her in and tried to calm her down. "Relax Chelle...it won't hurt a bit!" I said soothingly. "That's not what I'm afraid of..." she responded. "Are you afraid of having a big penis with a mind of it's own?" I asked, teasing her. "No, she said, punching me in the arm "I'm afraid I'll get addicted like you did!" I attempted to calm her fears. "Chill...that's why she's only doing it one day. After a few days seems to be when the addictions kick in". With that, Mary walked in. "Hi Michelle...are you ready? Stand up so I can take a look at you." she said . Michelle complied, turning 6 shades of crimson. "OK... I've got an idea on how to change you. Is it ok if Rich watches? I recommend you take off your clothes so they aren't ruined when you...grow." Chelle nodded yes quietly. Mare handed her a huge t shirt and mens boxers. "Put this on please. You can use the bathroom down the hall." Michelle departed to the bathroom and returned in the men's underwear and I giggled , amused at how huge it looked on her thin frame. "Ok...I'm going to do this slowly so you don't freak out..here we go!" she said and pointed to a spot 6" above Michelle's head. She slowly started growing and her eyes flew open wide and she held out her arms like a tightrope walker to steady herself. I chuckled aloud knowing the feeling..When she stopped ten seconds later the top of my head was below her chin level. She still looked like Chelle... only ...bigger. "How'd it feel? How's the weather up there stretch? " I asked. " It tingled! Look at you...you're so ...littlel!" she giggled. "No, look at YOU... how tall did you make her Mare?" I asked. "Well, she's a tall girl, so I wanted her to be a tall guy. She's 6'4". Michelle grinned and asked excitedly "I'm going to like being tall! What's next!?" "I think you should fill out those boxers..." Mary said with a grin. I saw 'Chelle's eyes open wide and she squirmed in shock. I watched in amazement as the front of her boxers "filled out". It squirmed and swelled. She reached down and touched it tentatively thru the thin cotton and pulled her hand away like she'd been burned. "Well, what do you think?" Mary asked her. "I...I.. " she stammered as she open the waistband to peek inside. "Oh...my...God" she stuttered. I watched as Michelle looked at her impressive member thru the waistband. I leaned over and took a peek myself. "Wow Mare, you gave her quite the package!" I said. "No more than I gave you little Miss Tits.." she teased and poked me in the left boob. I blushed and crossed my arms over my chest self conciously. We all watched her look at herself in awe.

Mary broke the silence " Shall we continue Ladies...err Lady and gentleman?" Chelle nodded and Mary continued with the spell. I watched as her female curves disappeared and her body became that of a well muscled man and her face become masculine and handsome. I reached up and squeezed her manly bicep. It was like iron. "Wow, Michelle" I gasped. She looked down at me and smiled, "I think you should call me Michael now...or Mike" she said in a deep voice which startled her. "Hearing your own voice sounding different will take some getting used to" I said, adding "Wait until you see yourself in a mirror unexpectedly!" It was so odd, her being over a foot taller than me, the top of my head was just above "his" chest.
"Yeah" 'Chelle said "I feel so friggin' big and strong. I feel like I want to lift things or play sports!" Mary just grinned. "Easy there Tiger! I think I'll leave you two alone for awhile!" she said, grabbing her purse and keys. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" she said with a grin and whispered into my ear "Your welcome!" as she left.

"C'mon "Mike", don't you want to see what you look like?" I asked and grabbed her now huge hand and dragged her into the bedroom. I closed the door , revealing a full length mirror mounted on the back. I giggled as she had to stoop a bit to see her face in the mirror! I saw "his" dark brown eyes widen in shock and she ran her fingers across her strong jaw, feeling the stubble of a beard. "You need a shave there, big guy!" I giggled. "Wow...I'm ...hot! " she said surprised. "Yeah you are! " I said a bit too enthusiastically. "Mary don't screw around!" "You kinda looked like the dark haired dude from Twilight!" I said, feeling my stomach and crotch twitch with arrousal. "Yeah, you're right, I look like Jacob! " she said, making a muscle in the mirror. I cleared my throat, uncomfortable by how attracted I was to "him".

"Rich, tell me the truth... Is my... thingy... really big?" she asked and dropped her boxers revealing her semi erect penis. I felt my face flush in embarassment. I tried not to look at it. " 'Chelle...I uh...why are you showing me?" I said, feeling my nipples stiffen in my top. "Well...you're a guy...well you USED to be one and it's nothing you've never seen before, so.... " she asked. "Ok...Yup...you are hung! You're a lucky guy!" I said blushing. She smiled and moved her hips side to side, making it swing and bob. "It feels weird how it moves around like that! How do you guys deal with these things?" she said with a laugh. "

Yeah, it moves, Kinda like boobs do, you get used to it" I added, cupping my left breast and giving it a gently bounce. "The bigger they are... the more they...well...move., and you are BIG." I saw her penis start the stiffen and throb when I cupped my breast.

I decided to tease HER a bit. I lifted the bottom of my blouse and pulled it up and moved my torso to make my breasts jiggle. "Hey, why did you do that?" she asked. " It's nothing you've never seen before..." I said , trying to mimic her deep voice, but falling a half an octave short. I looked at her penis and it was rock hard. "Good going...now what do I do?" she asked, looking down at her erection, which twitched in synch with her pulse.

I smiled and said "Well...I suggest you rub one out". "WHAT!? " she bellowed "You want me to...ahem....masterbate?" I grinned wider "Yeah, whack off...jerk the gherkin...flog the dummy..." I said slyly. "I don't know how... will you...help me?" she asked shyly. "Just wrap your hand around it and do what feels good. What... are you scared? Don't worry...you won't break it." I said, taking her hand and positioning it on the shaft. "Ok...now...you could get a playboy mag OR you could look at these...your choice." I said pointing to my breasts. "and it looks to me that you liked my boobs" I added playfully. "Do you like my breasts, Mike?" I purred seductively and pulled the cardigan top over my head, standing there in my push up bra. I watched her stroke slowly, exploring where to put her fingers and experiment what speed to use.

I leaned over slightly giving her full view of my cleavage. She stared and started to groan softly, I noticed she had sped up her stroke speed as well. I reached up, cupping my breasts in both hands and gently pushed them together. I was suprised by what happened next. I was standing about 8' away from "Mike" and was suprised when I saw him flinch and arch his hips. I heard him grunt and did not think for a second that his seed would travel that far. Well... I was mistaken...I saw it arc towards me and before I could move , it landed with a wet plop on my neck and hair! I flinched and tried to move , but the second spurt caught me in face and the third sailed over my head and landed on the carpet. She looked down at me amazed, cock still in her hand. I just stood there in shock, cum running down my cheek and dripping in my cleavage. " I...I..I can't believe you just came on me!" I stammered. She smiled saying " No, I gave you...what do guys call it... A pearl necklace. That's what you get for teasing me".

I couldn't help but laugh. "Feel better now , big fella?" I asked as I cleaned myself up. She sighed and replied "Yeah, now I need a nap!" "No way, Pal...we have stuff to do. Let's go have some fun...you're only a dude once y'know! "

I searched thru Mare's closet and found some of Pervo Jim's clothes for "Mike". I came back into the bedroom with some khaki shorts, a black muscle shirt and some sandals. "Put this on, it'll show off those big biceps you have, Mike" I cooed, teasing her. I watched her dress and damned if I wasn't feeling more and more attracted to her.

"So, what would you like to do first , Mike?" I asked him as he finished pulling on the khaki shorts. I chuckled as I watched him adjust his package in the shorts. "Let it kinda lie naturally off to one side, Dude". He tugged at it uncomfortably and finally found a comfortable position. "How do you guys get used to these things? " he asked. I just shrugged and said " Same way you chicks do and pointed at my breasts".

I took him by the enormous hand and dragged him out of the room. He smiled and said "Pizza.... I want Pizza". I just giggled. "So you shall my good man...so you shall! Let me just check my make up and grab my purse." I hurried into the bathroom, touched up my lip gloss and my hair. I grabbed my purse from the bed and walked back out into the living room only to see "Mike" flexing his muscles in the mirror. "Nice guns, stud" I said as I walked past him and gave his arm a squeeze. It felt about as big around as my waist! It made my insides flutter. She blushed profusely. "C'mon. Lets go. " I moved towards the door and waited for "him" to open it for me. "tsk tsk... some gentleman YOU are" he got the hint and I chuckled... well I giggled actually.

Once outside, I followed "him" to the sidewalk . "Slow down" I said, scurrying to keep up with his long legged strides. "Sorry" she said in a deep voice. We walked down the sidewalk about a quarter mile to the local pizza joint, strangely named "Bob's Pizza". After a short walk and a bit of scurrying to keep up with "his" now long legs we went in and sat at a booth. A waitress came over and took our orders and I actually felt jealous that "Mike" seemed to flirt with her. I found myself VERY attracted to "him". "So, 'Bec ... are you looking forward to the first day of school? " he asked. "Yeah" I said after some thought, "But I AM afraid I won't fit in". He smiled, "Oh... you'll fit in. I'll make sure of that.." he said. I saw his gaze drift from my eyes to my breasts and I grinned. "My eyes are up here, sport!" I said giggling, pointing to my eyes and saw him immediately blush. I felt my nipples stiffen slightly. We ate and made more small talk, school, cheerleading etc and then after a pause, "he" asked me what a blowjob felt like as a guy. "Well" I said trying to think of the best way to describe it. "It's warm and wet and wonderful and... well..amazing. It's hard to describe. You'd have to experience it". He looked like he wanted to ask me something and I thought I knew what it was. "Go on, chelle. Out with it! ", I said, crossing my arms under my boobs. He stammered a bit "So...uhh...do you think you could... help me out? " he said, looking down sheepishly. "What with, "Mike"? I asked him demurely. He squirmed a bit and I couldn't get over how cute he was. "With, y'know...a blowjob." he whispered softly blushing with embarrassment. I wouldn't let "Mike" know this in a million years, but I would have crawled under the table and blown him right there! He was so hot and cute... "Let's see what happens, shall we?" I whispered back, trying to maintain my composure.

After "Mike" polished of 5 slices of pizza we paid the bill and left. "Ok, what next big guy?" I asked him, looking up. He grabbed my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I'm having fun 'Becca, thanks". I just smiled. "Maybe we could catch a movie?" I suggested. "That sounds great, I think The notebook 3 is playing. You chicks love those movies" he said teasing me. We walked together holding hands and talked. He told me how he was going to take me shopping, and we could get mani-pedi's before school started and how he was going to "fix me up" with his friend Justin. It sounded so odd coming from a 6'4" manly man. It was hard to remember he was really a 17 year old girl INSIDE.

We bought tickets to the 8:15 showing of "the notebook 3" since he admitted she really wanted to see it. I guided him to the back row of the theatre, off to the corner. "Don't you want to sit closer?" he asked. I just smiled. We took our seats as the previews started playing. I was happy to notice only a dozen people had come into the theatre. I leaned into him, placing my face against his muscular arm. He felt so big and firm. I felt...safe. I let my breasts press against his arm. I could see in the half light, that he was getting aroused. I looked around and noticed everyone focused intently on the start of the movie. I reached down and unzipped his fly, my hand shaking nervously. I wasn't sure why. It wasn't the first time I'd given head. His eyes flew open, he looked like he was going to say something. I put my finger to his lips to shush him. I reached inside his pants to find his rock hard cock. I pulled it out carefully to avoid the zipper. I remembered how much that hurt...back when I had a cock...a million years ago. I began stroking it gently, tickling under the shaft with my nails. He threw his head back, closed his eyes and gripped the armrests for dear life! I chuckled inside. I wasn't able to position myself well, by leaning over the armrest, so I carefully removed his hand and folded the armrest up. His hand went instinctively to my hair. I leaned over and slowly took his cock into my mouth. It had a bit of pre cum already on the tip and I smelled it as I took it in. It was making me crazy. His penis was the biggest one I'd ever had and I fought the gag reflex immediately. I started to slowly bob up and down as he softly groaned, his hand on my head trying to control me. I took his member as deeply as I could and continued. I felt his body stiffen and knew it wouldn't be long. I had no sooner thought that...and he groaned loudly and climaxed. I was thankful that he had just "jerked off" a few hours ago and hadn't built up a lot of cum yet, but there was enough for me to have issues swallowing the thick ropy semen. I always felt so feminine when I did that. I made sure I cleaned up every drop. After nonchalantly tucking his softening penis back in his pants, I zipped them up. I leaned into his ear and whispered "That was how a blowjob feels. You're welcome. You owe me." I turned and watched the movie like nothing had happened.

The movie finished and we both agreed that it wasn't as good as the original. We got up and left, emerging onto the street. It had gotten cooler and I shivered a bit in the chill air. "So what now "Mike"? He just shrugged and smiled. "Maybe we should head back home and get some rest. You've got 18 hours left with a penis. We should do something manly for you tomorrow.", I suggested. He looked at me quizzically and said "Getting a blowjob from a hot chick in a movie theatre isn't "Manly"? I laughed and it came out as "Becca's cute little giggle. "You think I'm...hot?" I replied, blushing. "Well...duh." he said rolling his eyes. "When we start school, ALL the guys will be after you. Just promise me you won't date Cade Benson. I've had a crush on him for years... this is the year he notices me" he said quietly. I held out my pinky .."pinky swear". We nodded and sealed the promise.

We walked back to the development, Mike taking the huge steps of a 6' 4" guy and me nearly scurrying as fast as my 5' tall legs could carry me... in heels. I had actually gotten quite good at walking in heels. I thought back to the lessons Mare had patiently given me. It took me forever to get used to little 2" heels. Now I could pull off 6" stilettos with ease. "Slow down "Mike"... I said with a laugh and scurried to catch up, my breasts bouncing as I hurried. I put my arm above my boobs to minimize the bounce. Being a double d cup was great...until you had to run. He stopped and crossed his arms pretending to wait. "Hey, you asked to be 5' tall AND have big boobs I might add" he said, grinning down at me. I smiled back "yup, wouldn't have it any other way! You haven't told me what you want to do with the rest of your "male" time.."
He smiled and after a minute said "the beach. I want to go to the beach!". "Sounds like a plan... I can't wait to see all the girls checking out those pecs!"
© Copyright 2016 G7 (richg7 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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