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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2098242
A group of magical misfits on a quest to rescue the villain
Chapter One

Elwood cottage was once a beautiful place, many years ago before it was hidden by ivy and swallowed by the surrounding forest. The shutters had been painted a vivid purple that matched the tiny front door, the paint was chipped on both. The cottage hadn't known a visitor in three years, not until the day a woman came up the washed out pathway pulling the hood of her raincoat tighter around her face to keep dry.

Inside the cottage, Clover stood alone at her kitchen window watching her vegetables drown in the downpour. Where are my rain boots? She asked internally, searching under the table. I left them by the rabbits again. The realization that her boots would be filled with water was an unpleasant one. She took as long as she could on her way to the front door, dreading the thought of leaving her toasty cottage to make the loop around to the back garden. She paused in the process of grabbing her poncho. It must be the rain, no one ever knocks on my door. The knocking continued, getting louder. It's an animal, Clover told herself trying to ignore the pounding that was shaking the door in it's frame. The door handle jiggled. Okay so not an animal, who would come out in this weather? She could think of no one who would be that desperate to see her, she had no family, no friends and no clients scheduled. With a twist of the handle the door creaked open. Clover stood frozen as the woman in the raincoat entered the cottage.

There is no need to panic, Clover told herself as she tightened her already painful grip on the bathroom sink. She knew that hiding from the woman in the raincoat was silly yet she had still ran to the closest room and locked the door. She looked up to scrutinize her appearance, she had to tiptoe in order to get a good view as she was much shorter than Aunt Patricia had been. Clover hadn't looked in the mirror in months, she brushed her teeth with her head down and didn't even use it when she prepared for work. Her normally flushed skin had been drained of it's color and her brown eyes appeared hollow. She was disappointed that her braided white blond hair did not look as finished as she had pictured it for the past few weeks. It's okay to be plain though, it's better than drawing attention to myself. Even her mediocre clothing that day didn't change her mind, her simple white button-down shirt and corduroys were professional and that was the goal. She reached for the purple scarf she had discarded on the towel rail a few days before. The scarf was delicate and cheerful she decided as she wrapped it around her neck. Feeling more confident in her appearance she unlocked the bathroom door and peered into the living room.

Where did she go? Clover wondered moving cautiously into the seemingly empty room. Just when she was beginning to think she had imagined the woman she spotted her standing in the far corner of the room, staring intently at a picture on the wall in between bookcases. The picture was the only photograph Clover had of herself with her parents Steven and Laura O'Neal, it had faded over the past twenty one years but the smile on her face and the warmth in her brown eyes remained. For the first time Clover spoke to the woman, "Pardon me miss, I must apologize for running out of the room before. I wasn't expecting company," she paused expecting the woman to turn around, when she didn't Clover continued, "were you needing to make an appointment with me or…" she trailed off watching the woman. Alright then just ignore me, how rude, Clover's agitation grew as the woman remained in front of the photograph. "I'm sorry but I don't see clients on Saturdays without a scheduled appointment, we can make one for another day if you'd like but I must insist we act in a professional manner." Clover held out a hand to guide the woman away but was startled by a humorless laugh. Without turning around the woman lowered the hood of her raincoat.
"Oh sweetheart, you poor thing. You don't remember me at all, do you Clover?" The woman said softly.

Clover could restrain herself no more, without answering she walked towards the front door and opened it. What a horrible person, barging into someone's home and not bothering to introduce herself. What nerve she has using that condescending tone. Clover's internal voice couldn't keep up with the onslaught of emotions threatening to overwhelm her. "I am asking you to leave. Please." she managed with great effort to keep her tone calm and almost polite. The woman grudgingly turned to face Clover, before she walked purposefully to one of the upholstered chairs, pulled off her raincoat and sat down with her legs crossed.
"I'm going to take that as a request that I leave and not that you are going to call the police if I don't." The woman stated curtly with a slight smile, "On the topic of requests could you hang this up for me, I don't want to drip on your carpet." She held her raincoat out towards Clover and without thinking she took it from the woman. Clover folded the coat over a nearby empty chair and sat hesitantly on the worn, paisley loveseat. "That's not quite what I meant, but if you don't care if you ruin your chair then why should I?" The woman said with a chuckle.
"Who are you?" Clover asked. The woman sat silently while the minutes passed by, she scanned the room curiously never making eye contact even when she spoke.
"You should be asking why I'm here, you already know the answer to the other question and it would save time." She said.
"I think I'll ask whatever questions I like as you are in my home." Clover retorted trying to subdue the acid that seeped into her voice. If she doesn't leave in five minutes I will call the police, it's not like I haven't had difficult clients before. Something about the woman made Clover certain that she wasn't a client, it was an unsettling feeling.

The pause in conversation allowed Clover time to assess the woman's appearance. She was dressed oddly Clover decided, based upon the weather if nothing else. The woman wore a knee length black dress adorned with ruffles and bows, it reminded Clover of doll's clothing. Her tights were pinstriped and where Clover expected there to be dainty shoes the woman wore oversized combat boots. Clover had avoided looking at the woman's face closely but when she did she couldn't suppress her gasp, the woman paid her no notice. The rounded face was overlaid with scars that, if it hadn't been for the harsh lighting, would have been practically invisible against her snow-white skin. The woman was bewitching despite the mutilation. With deep set eyes, full lips, and pitch black hair, she had all the features Clover envied. There is no way I wouldn't remember her. At the moment that this thought crossed Clover's mind the woman met her gaze. A pair of cold gray eyes pierced her and Clover knew without a shadow of a doubt who the woman was.

"How long have you been out Peyton?" Clover asked soberly, berating herself for not recognizing her childhood friend. How did I not see it before she looks exactly the same as when we were fifteen, except for the scars, those are new.
"Six years, but I'm not here to talk about Stillwater with you so don't worry about me looking for retribution." Peyton said, getting to her feet again and returning back to the photograph of the O'Neal family. "So when did Patricia die?" She asked casually.
"The eighteenth of June, three years ago." Clover responded in the same cool tone. This startled Peyton sufficiently that she turned around.
"She died on your birthday, I'm sorry to hear that. She was your father's cousin wasn't she?" Clover nodded and joined Peyton next to the photograph.
"I appreciate that. I was sorry to hear that Joy passed away as well, she was a wonderful woman." Peyton flinched at the sound of her mother's name.
"Yeah well," She said casually, "at least I didn't have to plan her funeral. Stillwater had some upsides at least." Clover felt uncomfortable and changed the subject.
"I'm glad to see you Peyton, but I have to ask, why are you here?"
"I told you that should have been your first question." She said smirking.

It was a long time before Peyton spoke again, "I've come to invite you on an adventure, for old times sake." she said smiling kindly.
"I have clients to see tomorrow. I'm sorry but I can't go anywhere with you." said Clover scrambling for excuses.
"Clients, yeah I was wondering about that, what exactly is it you do? Last I heard you were planning to become a pediatric cardiologist, not exactly an at home job."
"I can't believe you remember that." Said Clover mostly to herself, not even Patricia had been able to remember the name of her desired specialty. "I left university when Patricia passed away and I opened my own practice. I'm an acupuncturist." And I am only slightly disappointed in myself.
"So you're telling me that people actually pay to let you stick needles in them?" asked Peyton disguising a laugh as a cough.
"It's a key component of traditional Chinese medicine." She responded defensively.
"Don't get your knickers in a twist I'm sure all of those children with cancer are better off without you. I remember when you got a ninety-eight on a science quiz-"
"I was thirteen!" shouted Clover cutting her off.
"Even I got full marks and I hardly ever showed up for class." Peyton didn't try to conceal her laughter anymore. I must resist the urge to strangle her Clover told herself. "When did you become so scared of everything?" asked Peyton when she had finished laughing.
"I am not scared of everything."
"Sure you aren't, so there's no reason for you not to risk leaving your practice for a little while." Peyton extended her hand, "Come on Clo, be spontaneous." Hearing her high school nickname and the familiar challenge sent courage coursing through her. She grabbed Peyton's hand and held it as tightly as she could. Why am I holding her hand, I've clearly joined her in crazy town.
"Where are we going?" Clover asked, knowing that it wouldn't change her mind. This is the dumbest thing I have ever done, she knew that and somehow it didn't matter.
"You aren't scared?" Peyton responded skeptically ignoring her.
"Petrified actually." The smirk spread further on Peyton's face as she gripped Clover's hand tighter.
"You might want to close your eyes." Peyton pulled a glass ball from the folds of her skirt, it was filled with blue sparks that danced around the crystal. As she held it the ball grew until it was bigger than her hand. Clover didn't speak, she couldn't remember how to form words. "A little suspension of disbelief is going to be quite helpful over the next few minutes. I know you're not good with that but let's just give it a go." Without another word Peyton dropped the ball, it exploded into nothing but a dazzling white light that obscured their vision.

The sound of rushing water filled Clover's ears and her braid was thrown back over her shoulder. She could feel Peyton pulling her to where the ball had fallen, they fell through the carpet and into nothingness. "What's happening! I've changed my mind! I don't want to do this!" She tried to shout over the noise but it was pointless. She followed Peyton's instructions and closed her eyes. Clover was falling, the water got louder until she was sure her eardrums would burst. Slowly it became quiet and the light was no longer shining through Clover's eyelids, but she didn't dare open them. "Peyton?" She whispered into the darkness, there was no response. She could still feel Peyton's hand in hers, she squeezed it. Without warning the noise ripped through the air once more and their falling gained momentum. Clover dug the nails on her free hand into Peyton's arm and screamed.

Chapter Two

It was uncommonly warm for a September morning, the sun shone over Walter Helmfirth Secondary School. Clover tried to conceal herself behind a nearby tree as she heard a girl's screaming coming closer. "Let go of me!" were the only words Clover could hear. Peering out from her hiding place Clover saw a pale raven haired girl struggling loudly as two large men in white suits carried her from the building. Clover knew she had leaned out too far when she met the gray eyes of the screaming girl. "Clover! Tell them I'm not crazy!" she yelled at Clover who tried to blink away the tears flooding her eyes. Rain started to pour from the sunny sky and she was drenched within seconds.
"I can't do that Peyton. I'm sorry but you need help, they're only trying to help you. I promise they will make you better." Clover called back to her through the rain, pleading with her to understand. The men didn't break their stride as Peyton stopped struggling. Her face filled with shock and betrayal, nearly hidden by her wet hair that had plastered to her cheeks.
"You were the one. The tip about my erratic behavior came from my best friend? Are you serious? Tell me it's not true, Clover tell me it isn't!" howled Peyton, her voice filled with pain. Clover lowered her head but did not speak. She wouldn't lie and she knew it wouldn't matter that she had Peyton's best interest in mind, not to Peyton anyway. As the men forced Peyton into the back seat of a town car, Clover took a few steps towards the fence separating her from the road. "I will never forgive you for this!" was the last thing Peyton directed to Clover before yelling at the men, "Someone find my mother, where is my mother?" As the door slammed, Clover fell to her knees in the mud. There was no doubt in her mind that she had made the right decision, but she couldn't suppress the nagging feeling that there was something happening that she didn't fully understand.

Clover opened her eyes and blinked. Where am I? She wondered trying to make sense of her surroundings. The floor was cold marble and all she could see were pearly white clouds high above her. Through the mist that cloaked the walls Clover could make out dozens of stone columns. She was on the verge of becoming hysterical when a familiar voice spoke from behind the nearest column, "Finally. I thought you were never going to wake up. You hit your head when we fell and you've been unconscious for a while." explained Peyton offering a hand to help her off the floor.
"Where are we?" asked Clover. Without warning Peyton's eyes tightened and she clasped a hand over Clover's mouth, pulling her behind a column.
"I will explain everything, but not yet. I need you to listen to me for a minute, do you think you can handle that." Whispered Peyton, looking back over her shoulder. Clover opened her mouth to respond but closed it at once and nodded. "Good. I need you to put this on," She handed Clover a violently purple cloak and waited for her to put it on before continuing, "and keep the hood up. You're going to go through the door to our left. There you'll find a hallway, follow it to the golden door and wait for me inside. Head straight for that door Clover, do you understand?" asked Peyton fervently. Clover didn't dare speak so she nodded again. "If anything happens just drop this in front of you and run." She handed Clover a tiny ball, nearly identical to the one she had dropped earlier only instead of blue sparks inside they were white. A few moments passed before she added gravely, "Don't let anyone see you." Clover nodded again, took the crystal ball and forced herself to speak,
"Where are you going?" her fear was building, as clueless as she was to everything that was going on, the tension had put her on edge.
"I have to follow someone." replied Peyton her eyes flashing like steel. Looking over Peyton's shoulder, Clover could see the faint shadow of a person who looked to be struggling with something and then disappeared. "I'll be fine." said Peyton trying to reassure her.
"When I go through the door, do I go left or right?" Clover tried to sound confident, the smirk on Peyton's face told her that she had failed.
"When in doubt remember that you can't go wrong if you go right." The smirk grew as Peyton said this. Without another word Peyton turned away and Clover noticed that she was also wearing a cloak, instead of purple hers was midnight blue. Clover placed the crystal ball carefully into the pocket of the cloak and groped her way blindly towards the door.

Clover inched cautiously into the corridor. A plaque hung on the opposite wall that read 'Hall of Forever'. Well that's a comforting thought, I'm going to get lost, Clover looked up and down the hall as her uneasiness grew. So close to the floor that she had missed it on first glance there was a hazy green blur. When her eyes focused Clover was able to distinguish small creatures barely three inches tall moving so quickly it hurt to look at them. Peyton said not to be seen. How on earth does she expect me to manage that? There was a straight line against the wall where Clover could see the floor, the only problem was that although these creatures seemed to be in a hurry, at any moment one of them could spot her. Before giving herself a chance to reconsider she took off running to her right and crashed into the first door she came to. She read the sign aloud, "Chamber eight-thousand, six-hundred and fifty-nine." before pushing the door open. She ignored the barely visible scrawl on the frame that read 'Beware to those who enter here without a chime, for death with come from the beast within eight-thousand, six-hundred and fifty-nine.'

The only light in the room came from a single hanging bulb, and the drop in temperature gave Clover goose bumps under her cloak. Her eye's were drawn to the corner of the stone chamber by an alarming crunch. An enormous beast, with leathery green skin and horns, was squatting over the meager orange body of another creature it appeared to be eating. A small squeal escaped Clover's lips as the eyes of the skeletal victim darted towards her. The horned monster jumped backwards, startled by her appearance. A wail echoed off the walls as the horned one tore off the other's arm. Clover instinctively moved towards the wounded creature, looking into it's tortured gaze. An eerie smile spread across the bony face. With a high pitched cackle the orange creature flew into the air and dove, extending it's shriveled fingers towards Clover's throat. As she stood frozen in shock, the creature was yanked from the air by it's legs and thrown to the ground. The horned monster began tearing off more of the orange limbs and swallowing them with a sound like a bone going through a garbage disposal. The beast turned towards her and she knew she should be terrified, but she wasn't. "Thank you." she whispered, her throat dry. It saved me, I have no idea what it is but it's eyes… Clover stared into them. They were a deep brown like melted chocolate and she felt their warmth wash over her.

A chime reverberated off the stone walls and the beast's eyes became alert. "What's happening?" asked Clover feeling her panic return. She watched with wide eyed horror as the beast began to shake, it was gargling in pain. The horns were retracting and the skin was shedding away to reveal dark human skin beneath. As the beast stood it's body elongated until it towered over her. The face morphed into sharp edges. Silver hair sprouted quickly from his head and flowed like water down past his wide shoulders. The only trace of the beast were his eyes, still warm chocolate. Without a word he pulled a stone from the wall and removed a pair of green trousers from within. After donning the clothing he reached for Clover's hand. "What are you?" asked Clover backing away from him. He shook his head and grabbed her elbow with an inescapable grip. "Let go of me!" she snapped at him.
"Come with me please miss." said the man, his voice as warm as his eyes. Clover softened and looked down at her elbow raising her eyebrows. "Forgive me." He released his hold on her arm and took her hand. She didn't fight and allowed him to guide her as he opened the door and led her into the corridor.

The corridor was still flooded with the buzzing creatures in the green robes. "We need to get to the golden door." said Clover uncertainly. He looked at her tilting his head, a smile pulled up the corner of his mouth.
"Can you not just wave your hand and make us fly to the golden door?" seeing the look on her face he said, "I suppose your power does not involve flying, what are you able to do then may I ask?" his face grew impatient as Clover batted her eyes at him. My power? What does that even mean, I can't do anything… Her thoughts lingered a little too long and he sighed closing his eyes. "I apologize if I am being rude, however, I must insist we leave now, miss. There are only a few minutes between that bell sounding and someone entering the chamber. As you chose that room as a place to hide I am making the assumption that you too would rather not be caught in this corridor." There was no harshness in his voice but his sincerity was plain. Clover gasped.
"I have this." she said, remembering the crystal ball in her pocket.
"You have an orb? That is a rather strange thing to walk around with."
"An orb? Well, it was given to me and I forgot about it because my mind was a little preoccupied with trying not to be seen," Clover paused and looked up at him defiantly, "I don’t have to explain this to you." He laughed throatily.
"You are right, you do not have to explain. Would it be terribly impolite of me to request that you allow me to accompany you to the golden door?" he asked, his smile dazzling her.
"Oh, uh, yes that's alright." said Clover in barely more than a whisper. She handed him the small orb and it grew in his hand, he dropped it to the ground and nothing happened. "She told me just to run." He laughed again and they broke into a run over where the orb had fallen. Cold washed over her but Clover forced herself not to react and tried to keep up with the man's long stride. Finally the golden door was within their view. They had just reached the halfway point when a blaring screech exploded around them and the bustling green robed creatures paused ominously.

Tiny papers flew up around them as the creatures started whizzing around again, only this time without purpose or direction. Clover tried to ignore the confusion and sprinted as fast as she could. "The Olaggais has escaped! Olaggais from Chamber eight-six-five-nine has escaped! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" This was all Clover understood before the shrieking became deafening. Chamber eight-thousand, six-hundred and fifty-nine, the number meant something to Clover, during the second repetition in her head, it clicked. She looked at the man, he refused to meet her worried gaze but she noticed his mouth tighten. "You, it's you they're looking for. You're the ol-uh-guys. Are you a prisoner here?" Panting was making it difficult to speak but Clover was able to force out the question. He nodded and his expression became curious, whatever was going through his mind Clover didn't find out because they had reached the golden door.

The Olaggais man slammed into the golden door and it flew open with a bang. Someone yelped from the other side. The brilliant gold paneling of the walls and the floor tiles was nearly blinding. They were in a courtroom of solid gold, with golden benches, tables and a podium that was the focal point. Clover's eyes met with Peyton's as the she leapt off the table nearest the podium. Her eyes moved over to the man beside Clover and widened in shock. Shuffling uncomfortably, Clover realized that his hand was resting on the small of her back. She felt heat flood her cheeks for the first time in years. "Get your filthy hands off her." snapped Peyton, breaking the silence. She was snarling at the man but didn’t make a move towards him. Either her words or the still more terrifying look in her eyes made him remove his hand and Clover felt cold again. "What is It doing here?" asked Peyton with a look of disgust. Clover stepped in front of the man, preparing to defend him when movement caught her eye and for the first time she realized they weren't alone in the room.
"That is quite enough Peyton." said the woman stepping out from behind the door. She was easily as tall as the man, with fiery red hair, blue eyes and sun kissed skin. Her voice was soft, but her face was set like stone. She wore a cloak the exact same shade of gold as the room, she could blend into the floor if it wasn't for her hair. "It would seem you've caused quite a stir," she said, her face softening to match her voice. Turning to Peyton she added, "would you mind going to alert the Scurries that Yammic here," she gestured at the man, "is with us and to stop screaming?"
"Not a chance." snarled Peyton. The woman chuckled but had obviously been expecting this answer.
"Never mind then. We owe you a few explanations Clover, would you care to sit?" the woman motioned towards a chair, Peyton got there first and blocked her movement.
"You've got to be joking. Joss think about it, what we're going to have to tell her, in front of That." muttered Peyton under her breath, still loud enough for Clover to hear.
"He has a name, stop talking about him as though he's something on the bottom of your shoe." said Clover indignantly.
"He does? Well that's news to me," Peyton responded with such heavy sarcasm that Clover felt uneasy, "you've known him for five minutes so I should have known you'd trust him with your life." Her laughter was piercing.
"I do trust him with my life," said Clover defiantly, "he saved it five minutes ago so why shouldn't I?"
"I'm hoping that's a rhetorical question." said Peyton, snarling again.
"Enough." Interrupted the woman called Joss, who had closed her eyes and was massaging her temples. "We don't have time for this. Clover, Yammic, both of you take a seat. Peyton go speak with the Scurries and when you return please try to keep your head on." This time Peyton didn't argue and swept out of the room, Clover pictured steam coming out of her ears. Yammic pulled out a chair for her and Clover sat, grinning at him.
"I was promised an explanation." said Clover awkwardly, and Joss smiled kindly at her.
"An explanation is certainly due. First, an introduction; I am Jocelyn Lockett, and I am very pleased to meet you Clover O'Neal. I have a few questions of my own I'm afraid."

Yammic had placed one hand on Clover's under the table, the warmth spread all the way up her arm and into her chest. "Before I begin what I'm sure will be a very lengthy story, I am brimming with curiosity," Jocelyn waved a hand towards the pair opposite her, "how did you two end up on such friendly terms?" Clover flushed scarlet and was unable to find words. Yammic glanced in Clover's direction and beamed at her.
"By wonderful mistake she found herself in my chamber." said Yammic simply.
"And you saved her life? Surely you weren't-" Jocelyn stared wide eyed at Clover, "but how is she alive?" she finished.
"It was the cloak." said Yammic, Jocelyn nodded in understanding.
"What about my cloak?" asked Clover feeling stupid, it's not my fault these people talk in code, she told herself.
"Olaggais, such as myself, differentiate between species by color. Do you recall the color of the Lipine that I disposed of?"
"That creepy orange thing that tried to strangle me." said Clover bitterly.
"Precisely. You miss, are wearing heliotrope, the color of young Olaggais skin. It takes a few years for it to turn green, I think this is designed to stop us from attacking our own young. It's instinctive to protect anything of that color." Clover's hand had habitually found her mouth and she had been chewing on her thumb nail as he spoke.
"So that's why you protected me?" she tried to keep her voice casual and hide the disappointment in her eyes.
"Perhaps," said Yammic gripping her hand, "at first." he added with a shy smile.
"This is fascinating, Peyton will be so excited to hear it. She's been saying for years how half-humans deserve more credit than they've been given." said Jocelyn laughing and bouncing in her seat.
"Peyton said that?" asked Clover incredulously.
"Only for the past three years at every opportunity she's had," Jocelyn rolled her eyes, "petitioning for nonhuman rights has become a pet obsession of hers." She clarified.
"But, the way she spoke to you?" asked Clover looking with eyebrows raised at Yammic.
"That is not about being half-human, that is about her despising me personally."
"You know her? Personally?" Clover was shocked, she preferred her assumption that Peyton was biased towards nonhumans in general. Jocelyn coughed loudly distracting her.
"We all have our unforgivable moments." said Jocelyn, her tone bringing the conversation to an unexpected close. Perhaps she's talking about the way Peyton was behaving, not about something he did. Clover doubted the thought the moment it presented itself.
"Would I be able to get that explanation now?" asked Clover, hoping that Jocelyn would finally explain the insanity she had been sucked into.
"Yes, yes of course." said Jocelyn seemingly flustered. "Where to start though, I suppose starting with Adora and Idmonar would be the best place." With a somber look upon her face, she added, "To preface this conversation, you need to understand that we live in a world filled with magic. Since arriving here you have only seen the very cusp of what people are capable of." With that said, Jocelyn began the tale of Adora and Idmonar.

"Over four-hundred years ago there was a woman named Adora, we don't know much about her life before she became infamous, not even her last name. She had one brother that we know of named Eternos, other than that we know nothing about her family." As Jocelyn spoke Clover was unknowingly inching closer to her, "we know much more about her life once she discovered the world of magic. It is believed she discovered it by accident, she caught her brother messing around with time."
"Messing around with time?" asked Clover.
"Please try not to interrupt, I promise I will explain it all," said Jocelyn, her face still kind as she continued, "Eternos had control over time, as far as we are aware he never applied it for nefarious purposes. As a young man we only have evidence that he used it to appear omniscient. It wasn't long after, that Adora discovered she had powerful magic. Unlike her brother, Adora was cold and cruel." Clover shifted uncomfortably in her seat and saw her expression mirrored on Yammic's face, Jocelyn ignored them, "She quickly flaunted her talent for inflicting pain and within a year she had a following of equally vindictive followers. Adora wasn't like most villains, she had no interest in followers or power, only in causing as much pain as possible. She left a trail of bodies not only in England but around the world, as a woman at the time she was hardly considered a threat which no doubt worked to her advantage. Creatures surrounded her, those that enjoyed torture as much as she did. In Adora's name they built an empire, her only interest in it was the string of new victims it allotted her." Clover suppressed a shudder and Jocelyn smiled favorably at her, "Your response is warranted." Clover couldn't hold back any longer and interrupted the story once more,
"Didn't anyone try to stop her? Others with magic I mean."
"The outwardly magical families of the time were terrified, a few tried I am sure, unsuccessfully. One man appealed to her brother Eternos and he was found dead soon after, we believe Adora may have killed him in person." Jocelyn paused as Clover gasped.
"Adora was stopped." Yammic said in a soothing voice, it occurred to Clover that she was the only one hearing this story for the first time.
"Quite right. She was stopped by a brilliant man, Idmonar Goremark." said Jocelyn proudly. Yammic scoffed and his expression turned dark, it didn't escape Jocelyn's notice, "Ah, yes, I am truly sorry. You can't deny that he was brilliant despite his faults. Idmonar was a little intolerant of nonhumans." explained Jocelyn for Clover's benefit.
"A little." Yammic's eyes had lost their warmth. "He imposed the laws that led to creatures being kept here against their will."
"An indisputable flaw of his, yet magical skill of his magnitude has not been seen since." said Jocelyn. Yammic looked away, clearly unable to disagree.
"How did he stop her?" asked Clover eager to get the story moving again. Jocelyn nodded and continued,
"All we know is that he managed to take over her mind and erase most of what it contained. It put her into a deep sleep and her body was hidden. Unfortunately we can't find out exactly how he did it as his body gave out when he was inside of Adora's mind."
"He died?" asked Clover in surprise, unable to restrain herself.
"Yes, he died." said Jocelyn with grief for a man she had never met. The door behind them opened with a bang. Clover jumped out of her chair, dislodging Yammic's hand. Peyton had returned not looking any less enraged.

"Excellent timing, I was just catching Clover up on Idmonar Goremark. Perhaps you would be better suited to that task." said Jocelyn with a sly glint in her eyes, Peyton glared at her.
"Not in the mood." Peyton retorted, nursing a cut on her finger. Seeing Jocelyn eyeing it she said, "a Scurry bit me." Jocelyn laughed and Peyton swore under her breath as sat down on a table, "Alright just get on with it."
"Where were we? After Idmonar died, right, so Adora's body was hidden. No one knew whether she would awaken or what would happen if she did-"
"Does she really need the whole back story? You could just tell her crazy people do crazy things and it would cover all of it." said Peyton impatiently. Jocelyn waved her off.
"We both told her we would explain and that is what I am doing."
"Who hid her though?" asked Clover cautiously, sneaking a glimpse of Peyton's face, which was almost bored.
"The magical council, this temple was built upon Idmonar's death and the council was formed by the remaining magical families. It acts as headquarters for those with extra gifts that would prefer not to mingle in the non magical world. It is also used for the disposal of incompliant magical creatures, such as the one you encountered with Yammic." As Peyton opened her mouth to interrup,t Jocelyn shot a look at her and she shut it instantly. "We protect the magical world as best we can."

Clover looked at her feet trying to control her thoughts, it might have been a bigger help if they did that before Idmonar died. Peyton snickered and Clover realized she was looking at her. Did I say that out loud, Clover wondered. Neither Yammic nor Jocelyn were looking at her, they both stared at Peyton. "Would you like to finish the story?" asked Jocelyn frowning.
"Sure, I'll tell her the rest. You told her about Eternos?" said Peyton jumping off the table, Jocelyn gave a short incline of her head. Clover returned to her seat and took hold of Yammic's hand. Peyton glowered at them, "good. He's my favorite part. The council in all their wisdom imprisoned him in Ironcrow, a prison built specifically for him." Jocelyn's frown hadn't left her face but she didn't interrupt. "They say it was for the people's safety, to make sure he didn't rewind time and save his sister. A pack of lies if you ask me, they couldn't have stopped him from doing it if he had wanted to. My guess is he went with them willingly."
"Why would he do that?" asked Clover skeptically.
"Why wouldn't he? His family was gone, his sister killed all of his friends, and they were going to build him his own place where people couldn't bother him. Obviously if he didn't want to go he could just reverse time to when they caught him and get away," she paused for breath and continued with mounting excitement, "there was some reason he didn't like to use his power though. Think about it, he never used it to undo what his sister did, yet he never used it to help her either." at this Jocelyn's frown faded and she smiled.
"Peyton believes it was a moral reason he stopped altering time." She interjected.
"Makes about as much sense as anything else." said Peyton shrugging.
"I think you should get back to Adora." prompted Jocelyn.
"If I have to," said Peyton, disappointed, "so she stayed in her little coma hideout for a few hundred years, and then the day I was taken to Stillwater, she woke up-" Clover made a gurgling noise of surprise.
"Woke up? After a few hundred years, how was she not dead?"
"Magic. The same way her brother lived for so long, and Idmonar was rumored to be over a hundred when he died." explained Peyton, her voice unusually patient.
"So you don’t have to get old?" asked Clover trying to grasp the concept.
"Exactly." Peyton was smiling broadly now. "Most people get tired of it after a while and do let themselves die though. Eternity seems better in the abstract I think."
"We would have been fifteen when she woke up then, when you went to…" Clover let her sentence die.

Shame drained the warmth from Clover's body. They took Peyton away, I told them she was crazy. She was talking about magic and I didn't believe her. They locked her up for a year. She missed her mother's funeral, and it was entirely my fault. Clover had to concentrate on her breathing so she wouldn't hyperventilate.
"Yeah, when we were fifteen," said Peyton awkwardly, staring at the ceiling, "for years a guy named Thorne Gallagher was having visions of the future showing that she would return. He's on the council." It was blatant that Peyton disliked the man. "The thing that no one saw coming, was that the magic Idmonar used ended up reverting her body to when she was last innocent," her voice was barely a whisper, "she woke up as a nine year old girl, with no memory of who she was, what she had done or of magic at all."
"She didn't remember killing all of those people?" asked Clover intrigued. Peyton shook her head, enjoying Clover's interest.
"Didn't remember any of it. She woke up knowing her name and that was it. Luckily she was found by the right people and was sent to a non magical orphanage. Meanwhile the council tried to figure out what to do with her-" Clover opened her mouth to interrupt and Peyton nodded encouragingly to her.
"Why didn't they imprison her at that Iron place?"
"Ironcrow." said Yammic helpfully.
"Right Ironcrow. Or is there someone who could do the same thing Idmonar did?" asked Clover. Jocelyn stifled a laugh which Peyton ignored.
"There are others with powers over the mind," said Peyton slowly, seeing the curious look on Clover's face she added, "but as strong as Idmonar was he still died in the attempt. Anyone with that power now wouldn't be nearly as strong."
"That is not the only issue though is it." said Yammic coldly, they all turned to look at him. "There is also the issue that she was a nine year old girl who had no memory of the atrocities that had been committed over four-hundred years prior. Some believed it would be inhumane to punish the girl." As he said this Peyton's eyes turned black.
"We could have avoided the problem we have now if people hadn't decided being noble took priority." She snarled at him. It seemed to Clover that this was the only kind of communication between the two of them; hostile.
"What is the problem? I'm assuming that is why I'm here." asked Clover, relieved that they were getting to the question she had been burning to ask. Jocelyn was the one to answer her.
"I'm afraid the problem is that Adora was kidnapped by her former supporters."

Whatever Clover had been expecting, it was not a rescue mission for a villain. "Why would they want to kidnap her?" she asked, fearful of the answer.
"Isn't it obvious, they want to bring her back. They've been trying for years to find a way to do it. Until now none of them went near her, but they've grabbed her. It's confirmed our worst fears. They've either found a way, or they are close enough that they want her nearby." said Peyton gravely.
"But why am I here?" Clover asked louder than she had intended. Jocelyn and Yammic were startled by her outburst, Peyton on the other hand was laughing.
"Took you long enough to ask." she said through bursts of laughter, Clover glowered at her. "You are the one thing that no one will see coming, because you aren't supposed to exist."
"What is that supposed to mean?" asked Clover angrily.
"That was a rude way to phrase that Peyton," Jocelyn scolded her, she looked unabashed as Jocelyn continued, "what she meant to say, is that Adora's followers don't know that you exist. Before she surfaced they were searching for the descendants of her brother's ten children. They had hoped that his power would have been passed down his bloodline."
"What did they want with his descendants?" asked Clover through gritted teeth.
"They believed they would be able to force whomever had his power to rewind time and somehow prevent Adora from having her mind erased." said Jocelyn.
"It didn't work though, because none of them had it. They murdered every descendant they found to spite Eternos for not saving his sister." added Peyton. Jocelyn held up a hand to silence her.
"It wasn't long before the magical community knew what they were doing and who was in danger. The remaining descendants went into hiding, however, they were found and killed." said Jocelyn sadly. Clover was exasperated, she could no longer hold it in.
"What does that have to do with me?"
"Don't you get it Clover, you're the only living descendant of Eternos." said Peyton flatly.

Clover shook her head, looking at each of their faces. Peyton excited, Jocelyn somber and Yammic somewhere between awed and concerned. "That's impossible. If I were his descendant I would have died with the rest."
"Your parents went into hiding when they were targeted. They were safe for a long time, long before you were born. When you were a year old they were found. Your father's cousin Patricia escaped with you, and your parents were killed along with the rest." Pity was rooted deep in Jocelyn's voice. "I am so sorry." She added taking Clover's free hand. "They don't know you are alive Clover, and although I am certain you do not have the same power as Eternos, you have magic and with a bloodline like yours there's no doubt that it is powerful."
"Aunt Patricia would have told me-" Clover started to say. That's not true, she knew me too well, knew I would react the way I did when Peyton tried to tell me. She looked up ashen faced.
"You weren't very receptive to the unknown when you were younger. I'm shocked you're taking it this well actually. I half expected you to run screaming from the room, or to tell me you're dreaming." said Peyton looking at Clover like she had never seen her clearly before.
"I still haven't ruled either of those out. It doesn't feel like a dream though." Clover stood up and walked towards the podium. Yammic followed her,
"I am sorry to hear about your parents. This must be a lot for you to take in so I understand if you wish to be alone miss, you need only say the word and I shall leave." despite his words he placed a hand on her shoulder.

Peyton snarled again. "Don’t you dare touch her." she closed the distance between her and Yammic so quickly that Clover didn't have a chance to react. Peyton shoved Yammic with such force that he slammed into the podium.
"STOP!" Jocelyn's yell rang out louder than Clover would have thought possible. "You will not touch him. We do not have time to fight amongst ourselves."
"I wasn't aware It was considered one of us." spat Peyton.
"Leave him alone!" Clover shouted. Jocelyn's fiery hair billowed around her and her eyes turned cold.
"There is no time for this. Sit down." she ordered them.

All three returned to their seats, Clover scrambling into her chair. "You asked what this has to do with you," said Jocelyn, addressing Clover, "nothing." she finished anticlimactically.
"And by that she means she'd be okay with it if you wanted to walk away." said Peyton icily, "she might be okay with that, but I'm not. We need help and every other known magical descendant of the original families has already refused. You were my first choice, but the temple didn't want to disrupt your life." she cast a scornful look at Jocelyn.
"What do you want me to do?" asked Clover timidly.
"We would like you to join Peyton in finding Thorne Gallagher. He's been out in the magical world for weeks searching for clues about where Adora is being kept. We have been unable to reach him, which leads me to believe that he is within the limits of Grenawynne City. No magic can penetrate the barrier around the island, including communication or transportation orbs. Thorne is invaluable to us, his visions have given us every form of protection we have. Without him here we don't know what will or won't keep out Adora's followers." explained Jocelyn. Clover saw Peyton's face turn menacing and she was reminded of the mystery person Peyton had followed. One thing in particular bothered Clover,
"Why would you send the one person who can see the future to get information?"
"The idiot insisted." said Peyton with a roll of her eyes.
"I wouldn't have put it quite that way, but yes he did insist and he had every right to leave." said Jocelyn. Clover saw Yammic bristle, his expression stayed blank as he stared at the far wall.
"What happens when we find him?" asked Clover suspiciously.
"If we find him." Muttered Peyton under her breath, then added for the others to hear, "Either he knows where we'll find Raebershire Fortress, or we will just have to find out ourselves."
"Raebershire Fortress is the castle Adora's followers built for her when she was still in power, it is where we believe they are holding her." interjected Jocelyn.
"Is the place hard to find?" asked Clover.
"The entrance moves and the castle is invisible. It's nearly impossible to find." said Peyton with a cold laugh.
"Nearly impossible. If anyone has a chance of finding it though, it would be Peyton. I will not send her alone," said Jocelyn, pausing to lower her head, "not when we aren't sure what happened to Thorne." Clover realized that this meant Jocelyn hadn't argued when he insisted on going by himself. "We need help." She finished.
© Copyright 2016 AmberKDee (amberkdee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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