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Rated: E · Documentary · Cultural · #2097696
Presidential Candidate
“I am determined and I am persistent,

and I will call for white people, like myself,

to put ourselves in the shoes of those African American families

who fear every time their children go somewhere.

Who have to have the talk about,

you know,

how to really protect themselves when they’re the ones who

should be expecting protection from encounters with the police.

I’m going to be talking to white people.

I think we’re the ones that have to

start listening to the legitimate cries that are coming from

our African American fellow citizens.

And we have so much more to be done

and we got to get about the business of doing it.

We can’t be engaging in hateful rhetoric or incitement of violence.

We need to bring people together

and said on the campaign trail repeatedly,

we need more love and kindness.

And I know that’s not usually what presidential candidates say

but I believe it

and I’m going to be speaking about it from now,

all the way into the White House,

and beyond.”

- Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton, July 08, 2016,
Interviewed in Philadelphia
by CNN Correspondent Wolf Blitzer


Awareness Is Power So Please Continue To Follow

Luis Ángel Pérez
Degrees in Psychology & Education
Mental Health & Social Services Counselor
Public School Science & Mathematics
Middle School- Seventh & Eighth Grades
Elementary School- First & Fourth Grades
Educator & Advocate

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