Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2097690-Muv-Luv-GTS-Meiya
by VI
Rated: GC · Fiction · Erotica · #2097690
Part 2 of my collection of stories featuring the girls of Muv Luv as giantesses.
How did it come to this ? A very well known high school just disappearing in the middle of the day was unheard of. Unless a very powerful conglomerate had a hand in its disappearance, but even for them, the method used was inconsiderable. The locals gathered around the hill where the school was situated in, the local news started their broadcasts live on location. However, all this buzzing and hustling didn't reach a part of town that only housed three buildings, surrounded by a whole lot of nothing. A large mansion, about the size of a stadium, dwarfed the two two-story tall houses that were situated next to it.

Meiya Mitsurugi, the young aspiring heir to the Mitsurugi Zaibatsu was sleeping in a bed, whose owner always made the funniest reactions when he woke up and saw the young woman's round cleavage thanks to the sleep robe that was purposely chosen by the head maid in order to seduce the one who had captured the young mistress' heart. Unfortunately for the blue haired lover, she was sleeping alone, even though in the night she most certainly saw Takeru sleeping there.

It was quite the coincidence that the sheets were moved away just enough to reveal the top of the sleeping person. And on the vacant side of the bed, there was a small gray patch, on which there was a miniature building, that was none other than the missing high school itself.

The sleeping girl, who was a giantess to the tiny students that occupied the shrunken school made sleepy noises that brought everyone's attention to her and her exposed chest. Needless to say, the round mountains of the Mitsurugi and the Grand Canyon between them got a lot of the male students excited, awakening their primal appreciation of the female body, but with Meiya's current size, it was multiplied. The boys' screams were heard from the entire school, but to the blue haired sleepyhead, it was pretty much inaudible. Inside the school, the students began organizing themselves into simple roles. One group will head towards Meiya to get her attention and help them somehow. The other group will head off and explore to see if anything else got transported on to the bed the same way they did. As for the rest, those who didn't really fit in with the others or were too scared to go out, they decided to stay on the rooftop to see the groups' progress.

The first group consisted of thirty students and one teacher who went to school too early. The male gym teacher was leading the group of three dozens, who were made up mostly by guys who were brave/stupid enough to venture out towards the biggest human they have ever encountered. Of course, a lot of them had perverse thoughts, having always dreamed about daydreamed about "the most gorgeous girl ever" as most called her that. They might have only saw glimpses of Within this crowd was a single girl, from the younger classes, who had developed a crush towards Meiya, but never approached her about it in fear of the difference between them. Separated by class, age and even the school they went to. The young girl saw this as a last and only chance to ever approach Meiya'-senpai'.

As they got closer to the well rounded and sized breasts, some students lost it and started climbing the sleep robe, then going for the cleavage where they could pretty much get lost and stuck there. Those kinds of thoughts didn't cross the horny students' minds as they continued to climb the white fabric, hoping the be embraced by the soft skin of heaven. Down below, the girl couldn't force herself to climb out of fear of heights and general shyness.

The boys screamed with joy as they jumped onto Meiya's breasts, having completely forgotten about asking her to help them. Those who were jumping around and hugging the left boob were overjoyed, but some weren't so satisfied, as they wanted to climb further and try to get inbetween the huge knockers, while the rest were feeling more lewd, wanting to see and interact with one of the nipples. Even the teacher was there, having lost any sense of responsibility.

As two students crawled underneath the robe towards the nipple, Meiya was feeling something on her body, but her brain decided to ignore such small interactions to her skin for now. The duo of guys started touching the nipple, hugging and humping it, having completely lost any hint of self control. While they were pleasuring themselves against the huge pillar of sensitive pink flesh, they were pleasing Meiya, arousing her. Her nipples got stiff just as the two students climbed on to see in what ways they could indulge themselves, Meiya slightly moaned and moved her arms around slightly, pulling on the robe, tensing it up around her left boob. Combined with the erect nipple, the tensed up fabric, as well as the position and weakness of their bodies, the two horny students got flattened and crushed between a hard and a soft place.

The small feeling of something crunching and spilling on her nipple made the not yet awake Meiya moved her left arm underneath her left boob while moving her right hand on top of her right boob, then proceeding to press them towards each other. The students and teachers inside the cleavage were quickly running out of space, until the so called round mountains of Mitsurugi came down on them and pressed them together. It didn't take long for their bodies to give up between the immense pressure caused by those two humongous objects. They soon burst into small red messes that were almost impossible to see to most people.

Not content with her current position, she was started to have bad thoughts that made her sleep even more uncomfortable. All that was needed to make her sleep more positive was a single thought about her love: Takeru. Immediately thinking about them, she rolled towards him, then got on her fours at the same time, thinking she was right above him. Slowly, she was lowering herself, wanting to kiss him and have her chest rest upon his. However...

In reality, as she put her right palm onto the bed, she was setting it down on the second group of students, crushing them quickly and painlessly. In the center of her palm was a small red dot, that in reality was comprised of a group of thirty people. As Meiya lowered herself, the boys and girls in the school were screaming, trying to get away, but it was too late. The building started to crumble just as it came in contact. The students on the roof were quickly pinned down and suffered a slower death than their schoolmates, suffering through falling into the third floor while being pinned down by the huge breasts. It didn't take long for the huge boobs to completely grind the school, getting most of its ruins and rubble stuck inside of Meiya's cleavage.

After that, Meiya slowly opened her eyes and grunted. "H-huh ? Takeru... ?" A silent Meiya spoke up, noticing the lack of her future husband. "Where did he go..." Meiya sadly spoke to herself, rolling over on her back to see the ceiling, where she saw a note stuck there. It read: "Yuuko-sensei called for my help and threatened to give me a zero on my test if I didn't agree. I'll be back in the evening. Takeru. PS: Meiya, please stop getting into my bed."

The blue haired girl just sighed and looked at the note sadly. "How can he keep getting involved with that dangerous teacher...And why doesn't he ask me to do something about him being blackmailed...I require a shower." With that said, her body complied and threw the sheet away from herself, unaware that the last surviving student, the girl with the crush on her was holding tight on it and got somehow managed to get down without a hitch.

Meiya walked around the bed, barely missing the female student who was awestruck by what she saw and in the immense scale that it was. She soon entered her own room and went inside of her luxurious bathroom, that had all manners of baths, showers and even a small hot spring. Once she got into one of the shower booths, she took of her sleep robe and threw it away before closing the booth and turning on the water. Meiya quickly got cleaned of her accumulated sweat, as well as the blood and the rubble that got attached to her.

In the end, Meiya, blissfully unaware, crushed and destroyed a rival high school to her own and did it with ease. She will never know who did it or why and how they shrunk a school with students inside.


The last remaining student was still stunned by what she saw. While being not in complete control of her body, she continued to walk away from the bed sheet and on the floor. She was unaware of what had happened to her school or the rest of her fellow students, nor did she spare any thought about them, as only one thing was on her mind. Meiya Mitsurugi, her crush, her idol, was...sleeping with.."No panties...." This reveal was shocking to her, even though it was only a one time occurrence for the richest girl in the world.

Unfortunately for the last survivor, her life was quickly ended by a descending tobi sock clad foot, that belonged to the head maid responsible for taking care of Meiya. "Oh my~ Meiya-sama seems to be mad." Mana Tsukuyomi said to herself as she picked up the sheet and tidying up the room, oblivious that she just crushed a female student.
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