Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2097654-The-Homophobic-Perverts
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Crime/Gangster · #2097654
A story about bullying, and homophobia.
The Homophobic Perverts by Rory Smith
Chapter One - The background to a warped mind

I feel like I’m running in the rain.
And it’s driving me insane.
I feel like I’ve broken my heart,
Straight from the start.
And I never believed in what I said.
Until I ended up dead.
What I believed was only for thrill.
That sends me to the hunters kill.

Brenin Five was 21 years old and had just left the University of Trivenco. He had hated university socially so much he had started gnawing at the inside of his own mouth, in sheer frustration, and unhappiness. He was proud to have got a degree, but his life had so far been one of social disaster. He was hated at school, and hated at university, for being shy. It would be lying to say he was beaten up every day. The bullying consisted of people hating him calling him gay, weirdo, creep, mong. and poof. Of the 5 or 6 times people were physically violent to him at school, though, it was humiliating. The ultimate humiliation was the way crowds gathered around the bully and him, during the fights, and chanted out the name of the bully in support, even though the violence was started by the bully. It seemed everyone hated him, and no one wanted him to win. And all he had done was be quiet, shy and good. It seemed people hated him for being good. They thought goodness was gay, weak, weird, and that evil was strength, normal, admirable and power.
Brenin could never make his mind up of who hated him more men or women, boys or girls. Brenin had massive social anxiety, shyness, and lack of friends. And all he knew of was that no one wanted to employ a weirdo, as he had been told on a course for the unemployed when he left university. And if you are shy and quiet then the bullies label you a weirdo.
A life short of social victories and rich in little humiliations.
At school he had brought a football to school to have friends to play with, but all he found was social outcasts, who hated him as much as everyone else did. Brenin always thought the fact they were social outcasts would build up loyalty, but it did not. They craved to be loved by the evil ones, as much as he hated the evil ones. They would boast of how they hated him, and used him, to play football with.
They would fight him and then laugh at him, and they would crave the love of evil ones who hated them.
Brenin was an only child to his mother Ferro, and father Soer.
Brenin always felt that his life would pick up, after being good and working hard. Some years he had never missed a day of school. He never bullied anyone or shouted racial or homophobic abuse at people. So he thought that he would eventually get his reward. But all his good work at school and university counted for nothing as society put up a barrier saying no weirdoes allowed to work here. And society felt anyone who was shy and good was a weirdo, and in such warped logic were the real scary ones, because they were different.
He had met sinister people who would sneer at him saying oh you’re a quiet one, you’re weird. They would fantasise about how strange and depraved all shy people were. And those bullies with such views would get to the top in society, and would beat down on their victims.
Brenin was also a virgin who had never had a girlfriend. And the utter humiliation was that the bullies decided that as he had never had a girlfriend he must be gay. Brenin would complain to himself that that was an unfair judgement, after all he did not have a boyfriend. And he fantasised about sex with women. He wrote a poem.

‘There are women who I’ve never met who I often think of.
They lift my dreams, and give me sweet fantasy.
I will never meet these women of my dreams.
They are all but high hopes.’

Brenin would fantasise about sex with women up to three times a day, which was too much.
Brenin did not hate gay people, but it made him feel humiliated for people to regard him as gay, when he was not. Of course he did not think there was anything wrong in being gay. But victims of homophobic bullying feel it deeply offensive to call people gay when they are not. The bullies would claim he was the homophobic one for being offended by them calling him gay. Brenin knew in reality they knew he was not gay. It was just a horrific bullying insult, to give him issues.
And it is deeply offensive for people to regard you as gay or lesbian when you are not.
Many non gay and non lesbian people get homophobic abuse to them and it is just as distressing for victims as when the victims really are gay or lesbian. In some ways it is more distressing because it is a slanderous lie. Brenin would complain that homophobic bullying does happen to non gay and non lesbian people.
Another thing that annoyed Brenin was the theory that bullies had was that if you were against homophobia you must be gay, even though biological evidence showed that homophobic people were often just angry at their own sexuality.

One day, 3 months after he had finished university, he was on the bus and heard some young guys he had been at school with talking.
They were talking about a buddy of their gang called Keiercey. A guy who had pettily bullied Brenin at school, never violently but just inverted snobbery.
The gang discussed how Keiercey had been charged with rape of a young girl. The gang discussed Keiercey and said he must be innocent. As in their view, he wasn’t the type to rape anyone.
Brenin thought to himself in fury, Keiercey was a nasty bully, he was a horrible guy. What type of person did they think would rape people? Then he thought to himself, I bet they think my type of person is a rapist, but their type of snobby bullying thug is not a rapist. He thought to himself, why is it the bully in this town of village idiots is always seen as the voice of common sense. So in their view a suspected rapist is the normal guy, but the victim of bullying is the weirdo. This drove him into fury. As he walked back from the bus to his parents house he saw two people who had been in the year below him at school. One was a blonde girl called Claire, and a dark haired guy called Steve. He did not know them well, and expected them to ignore him. But as he walked Claire looked at him, and said, ‘Everyone hated him at school.’ Then she laughed sneeringly.
Brenin could not believe it even years later his bullies still hated him, why couldn’t they ignore him instead of bully him?
He was intensely angry in powerless fury and went back to his parents house with angry thoughts. Finally it struck him. He would not kill himself he would gain revenge on the bullies. That would be the purpose of his life sweet revenge against evil people.
But this was before he had access to the internet and he did not know some of his bullies names. He could not find out where they lived via the net. So he decided that he would remember what streets his bullies lived down and then look up their surname in a phone book, and decide to send offensive letters to them and spam their names rudely on spam mail lists.
The only bully he could remember where he lived was Razz Haerip.
Brenin considered the litany of trivial petty bullyings that Razz
had done to him.
Razz was in the year below, and Brenin was friends with his pal Saul.
Brenin had found an old radio walkie talkie set in his Dad’s shed. Saul and Razz were interested in radio sets and borrowed it off Brenin. Unfortunately Razz broke it, so decided to give Brenin his own radio set. Brenin kept it for two weeks then decided to give it back to Razz for free, after all he was interested in radio sets and Brenin was not.
Brenin did not accept any favours of this, But instead he got hatred as the reward. Brenin was walking down the street once, and Razz shouted at him in contempt, ‘Bought any new friends lately.’
Another time when Brenin decided to visit Saul, Razz started shouting abuse at him, to go away.
Brenin felt humiliated by this, and decided that Razz was a hate filled bully.
Brenin planned his revenge, and decided that all his failure, and hatred in life would be taken out on Razz.
He knew what street Razz lived in, then he looked up the phone book.
First Brenin planned his line of attack, to write to junk mail companies with Razz Haerip’s name changed to things like Razz Gay Haerip, and Razz Bottom Haerip, with Razz‘s address. Then these companies would write to him under those names.
Brenin thought he was a hilarious comedy genius, superhero for doing this. He thought he was funny and getting revenge on evil.
Brenin realised sending people death threats was illegal. Brenin decided to send an offensive letter to Razz instead.
Brenin remembered back to reading some disgusting graffiti on a toilet door at university. It said, ‘I am going to have sex with your mother, father, daughter, sister, brother and you.’
Brenin decided to write this in the anonymous offensive letter to Razz to get back at him. Oh the fun and games thought Brenin to himself.
He had for years heard the saying, you always hurt those you love the most. Well now he was hurting those he hated the most which was an improvement.
Brenin’s favourite football team St Gwaledoto were top of the league which made him happy, but the all encompassing emotion was that of humiliation in his own life. At least he had sport to take his mind off the bullying and humiliation.

Chapter Two The Backwash
Brenin though did not count on the revenge Razz would have on him. Razz immediately contacted the police about the junk letters and the obscene letter. What made it worse was Razz was told by the police who was sending the letters. And Razz decided to get revenge on Brenin. Razz told everyone that Brenin was gay and had sent him a love letter. Then Razz told everyone that Brenin was a pervert.
The police just gave Brenin a caution.
The mainstream decided Brenin was a despicable creep, a pervert, and a weirdo as they thought all along. Society decided Brenin was gay.
This deeply upset Brenin. As usual his plans had ended in social humiliation and disaster he could not even possibly fathom.
Society always seemed to hate the bullied. Radio and TV programmes were filled with horrible people who would blame everything on the people who were bullied at school. So in their view someone who bullied was a just a normal bloke, but the bullied guy was dangerous and terrifying. So the person doing the violence, or snobbery or inverted snobbery was the good safe one, and the victim was the bad one in society’s sick view. Bullies and supporters of bullies often felt in a cruel viscous ruthless logic that someone who was a victim was more dangerous than any abuser. They would forgive, or support the abuser, but hate the victim. Then they would call it victim culture if you complained.

Chapter Three - The Hotel Job
Brenin then went on the dole and claimed money for being unemployed, no one would give him a job in the current circumstances, he thought. Then too his shock he got a job working in a hotel. The Kensington Hotel, in the seaside town of Pudno.
Brenin would travel on the bus to the hotel, and once again in this town he was not known about, but as usual, he was still shy and kept himself to himself. But to his horror an even worse nightmare was awaiting him. He was treated well by most of the staff. But was bullied by a guy called Orc Dunnoone. Orc Dunnoone was the type of bully that really irritated Brenin. Because the bully was hated by everyone else and then took that out on Brenin. Orc would call him a twat, and a weirdo, in a gruff creepy voice that only the scariest of creeps had. Orc Dunnoone was creepy looked well over 6 ft tall, and had a shaved head. No one liked him in the hotel, but Orc thought that by hating Brenin, that would make him popular.
Brenin and Orc Dunnoone were both kitchen porters.
One morning Brenin came out of the kitchen carrying some rubbish and put it in a bin. Orc Dunnoone was furious with Brenin carrying such little rubbish to the bin, so said, ‘You’re an asshole.’
Brenin shyly commented back, ‘What did you say?’
Orc Dunnoone said, ‘I said you’re an asshole.’
Brenin was furious so commented back, ‘You are a thug!’
Orc Dunnoone ran at Brenin and shoved him against a wall, then head butted him in his face, then smashed Brenin against the wall, smashing the side of his head several times against the wall.
Suddenly two other porters came out and pulled Orc Dunnoone away from Brenin.
The hotel owners came out and asked for an explanation. Suddenly in fury Brenin was able to shout he started shouting psycho at Orc and shouted questioning why did he beat him up?
Orc Dunnoone replied it was because, he thought he had called him a fag.
Brenin shouted back, ‘I called you a thug. And you called me an asshole for no reason. You psycho.’

Brenin was treated in hospital, while Orc Dunnoone was fired.
Brenin though was more broken by this act of violence, and started to suffer post traumatic stress disorder. A shock of not understanding why someone would be so violent. Brenin over the next few weeks suffered massive obsessive compulsive disorder. He started to think, that the souls of his family would be replaced by his enemies. His obsessive compulsive disorder order meant the letter O and word Orc took on massive neurotic pressure on him. He felt that if a word started with o, it meant his mother would be sent to hell, and be forced to have sex with the soul of Orc Dunnoone. He felt that the soul of his father would be replaced by that of Orc, and his father’s soul would go to hell. He decided he had to speak out loud that his father’s soul would not go to hell, that his mother’s soul would not be forced to have sex with the soul of Orc Dunnoone. He had to say Orc’s soul would got to hell instead, and suffer pain, and that Brenin would have sex with Orc‘s mother as punishment.
The mind of Brenin would play tricks on Brenin, and would say that every person, or even animals would swap souls with his parents, that the sun, and churches, and religious iconography would take over massive power over him. His brain was out of control, and would say horrible things would happen to him and people he cared about. His mind would speak out comments to him saying that his parents would die, or that Orc Dunnoone would rape his mother. And these thoughts would paralyse him. He had to speak out loud to over ride the comments in his head.
The job carried on for a few more weeks until the holiday season was over. But Brenin grew in insanity, and was broken.
He found it difficult in his home, and outside, and would have to repeat actions until his brain had not said something bad would happen, the last time he did each action.
His OCD took over in mammoth affect. He felt that his brain could speak to objects. And if his brain said, his parents souls would go to hell or would be raped by Orc Dunnoone, or another of his bullies then that object would remember that as fact. So he had to go back and touch the object and say out loud it would not happen. This feeling took over all aspects of his life. He could not switch on and off lights, without the hellish comments being said in his mind. So he would have to turn the lights on or off several times. He would get the feelings with rooms. So he would have to go into the room back and forth and say out loud comments that would override his hellish OCD. Then the biggest problem came that he had to overcome. The lower half of the house was connected, to the top, by outdoor stairs. And Brenin would have to walk up and down the stairs several times.

Chapter Four - The Cancer Revenge
Unfortunately for Brenin the town he had grown up in had no sympathy for him. And things would only get worse. A young lad called Pariec Ivor - Nobborts, was 18 years old, and lived within view of the outdoor stairs of the house Brenin lived in. Pariec’s father had died of cancer, two years ago, and he saw the now unemployed broken down Brenin, and decided to take out all his anger on the obviously broken Brenin. For the next 18 months, Pariec would shout out every form of abuse he could at the ill broken victim. Pariec shouted out disgusting abuse at Brenin, saying to Brenin, that Pariec had raped Brenin’s mother, that everyone in the town hated him. Pariec would drive at Brenin in the street. He would run outside the house bedroom of Brenin, at night, and shout things like everyone hates you and wants you to kill yourself. Pariec shouted out every homophobic term of abuse he could gaytard, pooftard, mong, poof creep, bum licker, shirt lifter, fag, faggot, shit stabber, uphill gardener, homo. And then Pariec did the thing all the bullies of Brenin’s hometown did. A special trick that was particularly common in this town. Pariec got all his pals involved in the bullying too. So when Brenin went out of the house he would see people he had never met before calling him the most horrific abuse.
And this was something particularly common in Brenin’s hometown. Once one bully told another of the bully’s pals to hate someone they would all join in, with an intense passion, and hatred. All Pariec’s pals decided to hate Brenin, even if they had never met him in their life. It was a cruel sickening hatred that Brenin could not compete with. Brenin had no pals, so had no way of fighting back, this way. Pariec would use all his pals to destroy Brenin. Pariec and Razz Haerip decided to team up and get all their pals to hate Brenin. They would laugh their heads off mercilessly at the broken down mess their victim had become.
Brenin was so destroyed that his brain cracked and from now on he started hearing things. From now on every sound, sounded like someone was calling him poof, creep, mong, weirdo, gaytard. And a lot of the time they were, but now his madness had taken over, he heard people insulting him who had not. He would swear and shout from his bedroom at everyone who went past.
And Brenin felt broken, but then he started to respond he started to scream and shout abuse at Pariec. He would shout abuse such as psycho and scumbag from his house when ever he heard someone insult him. But the problem was that he was hearing people insult him all the time. So he started shouting psycho and scumbag at everyone, going past his house.
Now a lot of people would see this broken figure, and feel sorry for him. You would think his bullies would feel guilty and sorry for how badly they had broken their victim. To break a shy bullied man down to this level. But no, they were relentless, remorseless, and ruthless bullies, who would be prepared to bully their victims to suicide, gloat about it, boast about it to everyone they met. And then complain that their victim had not suffered enough.
That was another thing that Brenin could not understand that bullies in this part of the world would boast about being bullies. From all the hundreds of bullies in Brenin’s life, none felt guilty about being a bully, they were totally and completely proud of it. And once again that thought broke Brenin more and more. It made him angrier and in his madness he would shout abuse at people for revenge. He was filled with anger, and insane frustration. He would shout at the Gods that made him mad. He would complain to the society that caused him to be insane. The bullies that broke him down. The human resources departments of corrupt pro bullying snobby snide sneering evil people that stopped him getting a job. It all seemed to be set up to hold the good down, and to help the bullies to the top. And to top it all off in their psychopathic nature, they would find him the terrifying one, when they would take pleasure in breaking their victims down to death and complete humiliation and then gloat about it. They were murderers who felt pride at their bullying, and psychopathic contempt filled disgust for their victims.
It is like a man who tortures a dog to wild insanity, then crows that it is a wild dog who must be out down, to protect people.
Brenin even believed the police were insulting him because now from every car that went past he would hear offensive insults. So as he heard insults coming from each police car, he believed there was a conspiracy against him from the police.
Brenin would wander outside the small hometown, into the farm fields and forests of the surrounding countryside for exercise. Then he would hear everyone who walked past him, be they tough men, children, old aged pensioners, beautiful women, ugly women, gangs, He would hear them all insulting him calling him gay, mong creep, poof, faggot, gaytard over and over again and it drove him furious.
He heard Pariec’s older sister Eoc gloating about how mad Brenin had gone. One time standing in the porch he heard her crowing about the mad man who called everyone names. Then she laughed. Brenin felt angry and then he hit upon a final plan of revenge.
Brenin heard of the news that the USA was about to elect it’s first woman president. It seemed good news for politically correct people, which was good.
Brenin would go on the internet and campaign against bullying, talking of how evil bullying was. He would meet sick people on the net who would bully him calling for him to kill himself gloating at his life of being bullied. They would sneer at him, and claim bullying was trivial. He realised that for a bully, if you call it bullying then it is automatically trivial even if it is beating people up, bullying someone to mental illness or causing someone to kill themselves.
Brenin met sickoes online who would say freedom of speech entitled people to bully people to suicide and to spread out racial homophobic or sexual harassment online. In the view of the bullies, it is some wonderful freedom speech right to call people gay, or spread offensive rumours about them, or to harass them to suicide. Brenin felt this was rubbish. Bullying was everyday tyranny that was as serious as a dictator abusing you. And there needed to be laws against evil bullies harassing people to mental illness. The bullies would say well, just turn the computer off. But Brenin knew that was rubbish, that is like saying if someone broke your privacy rights or slandered you, or bullied you in the newspaper or a book, all you have to do is not read the book or newspaper.
Brenin knew everyone was calling him gay, but he also realised that in a small town like this, gays and child sex perverts, were seen as the same thing. So he had this terror that his bullies were really saying he was a child sex abuser when they were calling him gay. This made him furious about how much his bullies were defeating him.

Chapter Five Devil Talk
In the pub, four bullies of Brenin discussed their hatred of him.
Claire sneered, ‘He is gay definitely. I don’t know him, but I can tell. I hate him. I think he is a poof.’
Anthony a fat man joined in, ‘Yes, he’s a poof. A bum boy. I hate his guts. I hope he kills himself. We need to kill him, make him face the ultimate defeat.’
Barry Farrar, a tall blonde haired runner joined in. ‘And what is the difference between a poof, queer and a child abuser anyway. They’re the same thing. He is a creep. I say we kill him.’
Claire joined in, ‘Yeah you two should beat him up. Someone should show the creep who the boss is. Everyone hates him. I don’t know him but I hate him.’
Keiercey joined in, ‘Yeah he was shy, and everyone hated him at school. I always knew there was something strange about him. I hate his guts. I bet he does loads of depraved sick stuff. You can tell.’
Then the bullies changed their subject.
One of the bullies Keiercey said, ‘What came first the chicken or the egg?’
Barry Farrar stated, ‘None of them, surely the male chicken came first, or second, if he was good in bed.’
The others laughed at his disgusting dirty joke.
Barry told another more sexist joke, ‘My friend had a sex change operation the other day, to become a woman. It was tough when they chopped his privates off, but the most painful bit was when they stuck that pipe up his nose, to suck half his brains out.’
The sexist bullies laughed at this sexist joke.
Barry told another sexist joke. ‘My wife works down the drug testing agency, where they test people’s urine samples. She got fired for drinking on the job.’
The sexist people laughed at the joke.
Barry then said, ‘The thing about Brenin the gaytard, is he is so narcissistic. Why does he care what people think about him? He is so narcissistic. Why doesn’t he realise only people like us deserve to care what people think of them. We’re not narcissistic though. We are allowed to care what people think of us. Only normal people like us should be allowed to care what people think of us. Not inferior sub human weirdoes, who we bully to suicide.’

Chapter Six Brenin
Brenin was so mentally ill he could not sleep in his bedroom anymore because he kept hearing people walk past, and insult him, So he slept in the living room. Occasionally he would still hear insults in the back streets. And the final straw hit him when one time he heard someone say that at the local football club Brenin was a total joke, and that everyone called him a gay teen activist.
Brenin decided to use the new invention of the internet to get back at his bullies, not realising what he was going to do was illegal.
He decided to use a internet social networking site, to find pictures of all the people who had bullied him at school, and adult life.
Brenin opened an account on the social networking site, then copied pictures of over 50 people who had bullied him at school, and adult life.
He then put his plan into several stages.
Stage One - Create gay porn pictures of the men who bullied him at school, by downloading gay porn pictures off the internet and labelling the pictures that looked vaguely like his bullies, then uploading those modified pictures onto the internet saying they were pictures of his bullies engaging in gay sex with each other.
Stage Two - Use the gay pictures and pictures of his bullies from social networking sites, to make long gay porn videos that he thought were hilarious where he would have a story up where his bullies especially at the local football team players would visit castles with gay Draculas and have gay sex with a gay Dracula. He did not realise this was homophobic and illegal to say this.
Stage Three - Set up blogs in the name of the bullies claiming that others of Brenin’s bullies were gay.
Stage Four - Set up many different profiles on gay dating websites in the name of his bullies where he would list their details as date partners, and send deeply depraved messages to gay men on the dating websites, inviting them round for dinner at the house of each bully.
He particularly liked setting up the fake gay dating profiles of Pariec Ivor - Nobborts, Orc Dunnoone and Razz Haerip.
Stage Five - Brenin wrote graffiti on public toilet doors in the names of his bullies asking for people to ring them up for gay sex. He wrote that Orc Dunnoone loved to go after older men, for gay sex.

Brenin once again regarded himself a comedy genius, a superhero, and master criminal rolled into one. He did not realise what he was doing was wrong, stupid and not funny to anyone.
He considered how the bullies believed in freedom of speech because they thought only they were ruthless enough to destroy people’s reputations and that it was an act of freedom to lie and insult and bully people. Well he thought to himself see how they liked it. Would they just accept it and say well it is freedom of speech to say what you want, or would they complain?

Chapter Seven - The Karma
It all ended when the police came to Brenin’s house. It seemed the bullies did not believe in freedom of speech when they were the targets.
Brenin was arrested for a second time on the charge of slander, homophobia, and obscenities.
Brenin was arrested and surprisingly the police treated him well.
But within days Brenin fell into a deep depression. He realised he was not a comedy genius, superhero, and criminal mastermind, he was just a mentally ill basket case who had shouted abuse at often innocent people, and he would look at the TV and consider others as better than him. Every person on the TV seemed better than him, from soldiers to football players, from the tramps to millionaires.
He fell into a suicidal deep low. Brenin wanted to die, feeling his life was worthless that everyone was better than him. That he was a pointless waste of life and resources.
Brenin was kept on bail, but was given a psychiatric order. It seemed the court realised he was mentally ill.
The court case was months later and Brenin was ordered to delete the stuff he had put on the net. Brenin managed to avoid prison and mental hospital, and was given 20 hours community service working on railway lines.
But Brenin could not help but read what the internet said about him.
People and the newspapers called him evil, a weirdo, strange, a creep, that he deserved to be hanged, that the trial was karma.
That was deeply distressing to Brenin too, that some idiots thought he had finally got karma. He had suffered for years and then these idiots thought he was suffering for the first time, as if his mental illness problems were made up.
Brenin read that the Kensington Hotel even gave Orc Dunnoone his old job back as a sort of punishment for Brenin. That was distressing.
Brenin never did recover, and the bullies still carried on hating him calling homo, gay, and poof, and weirdo, but now they felt they had moral superiority and got all the younger generations to bully Brenin too. All the people who hated him at school and adult life felt they were justified to hate him all along.
The bullies buckled down and continued calling him gay and weirdo and creep to his face and behind his back. Their mission as always was to make him kill himself, and gloat about it.
The cycle would continue more bullies to bully him. Even old people, would call him homo, poof, and gaytard. The bullying never did end. And Brenin was never able to get revenge. Horrible people would continue to bully him, calling him all the homophobic insults as before. And they would insult him as gay and even when they knew he was not gay would continue to make it sound like they thought he was gay.

Brenin walked the tightrope forever always worrying he would go to prison and break the law again.
Shortly after his trial, a law was passed that would mean people like him would be locked up for 5 years, or more, if they did the sort of crimes he did. So he knew he must not do the crimes again. He thought he would never survive prison.
He felt it unfair that his bullies could call him gay, when he was not, but he could not call them gay in retaliation. But he knew psychopathic bullies were arrogant in their view that his type should be suppressed and never be able to fight back.
He did not hate gays, but he hated being called gay when he was not.

Oh by the way this story was not about Homo sapiens, it was about Neanderthals. Everyone in this story was a Neanderthal. You see 150,000 years ago Neanderthals conquered the planet and took over society. The Homo sapiens, your species, died off. That was the twist you did not expect.
Brenin decided that distracting his thoughts was the best way to deal with bullying. Keep interested in politics, writing stories, professional sports teams, and other issues. Distract yourself from the bullying and bigots. Find other stuff to be happy about. Keep yourself happy.
Brenin came up with a little song to cheer himself up.

Everybody go 1, 2, 3.
Everybody goes ooh, ah, e.
Everybody goes oooo.
Everybody goes oooo.

Everybody goes 1, 2, 3.
Everybody goes ooh, ah, e.
Don’t worry about me, e, e.
Don’t worry about me, e, e.

Everybody go 1, 2, 3.
Everybody goes ooh, ah, e.
Everybody goes oooo.
Everybody goes oooo.

Everybody loves you, and me.
Everybody loves you, and me.

Everybody go 1, 2, 3.
Everybody goes ooh, ah, e.
Everybody go oooo.
Everybody goes oooo.

And I give my love for free.
And I give my love for free.

Don’t worry about me, e, e.

Oh can’t you see?
Oh can’t you see, see, see?
Baby this ain’t no fantasy.
It’s the way things meant to be.
Everybody loves you and me.

© Copyright 2016 Mr Rory Smith (mrroryfsmith at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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