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Rated: E · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2097651
A sickness is spreading across Japan fast, one who is never trusted is the only hope left.
The night was still, total silence gripped the forest and fear hung in the air then the stillness was broken by the sound of someone running full speed along the beaten path, they were being followed by soldiers of Oshu who had been tasked with tracking down someone known only as The Pale Blade or Silver Lily, it wasn't easy seeing as that was almost nothing to go on but they were sure they had found her this time "Where did she go Soji-san?" one of them men asked as they stopped "Only place she could go" he replied quietly "You there in the tree come down here nice and easy" from a tree near the edge of the road a young woman dropped landing on her feet with little sound "I must ask you something, are you or are you not The Pale Blade?" he noted the girls unease and the twitching of her sword-arm but hoped she realized she had no chance of fighting them off and running "I am, what is it you want of me?" the girl seemed to think she had an idea of why they had been tracking her "We've been sent by our lord to ask for your aid" the girl looked them over noting their armor and a small measure of surprise came into her expression "Forgive my tension, most try to kill me after I confirm who I am, nature of my work and all" she relaxed slightly "Though never thought the one-eyed dragon would seek my help".

The One-eyed dragon, Date Masamune fervently denied magic and refused to trust those that used it as he viewed such things as heathen practice "He's put side his great pride because many of his men and people have succumbed to this illness that has the land in such firm grip, he cares deeply for us and his temper is short so it would be best if we make a hasty return, you may ride behind me" Soji made room on the saddle for the girl to climb on, he realized he hadn't asked her name "What is your name?" she replied as she climbed onto the horse "Kazuki and we best hurry like you said, lest this all gets beyond even me before we have a chance to stop it".

Kazuki loved Oshu deeply and did not wish to see it fall to ruin so what ever help she could provide she would do it though there was a limit to her abilities so she hoped it wasn't already beyond her. Ideas of what could be causing this already turning in her head but without any information she could not make a call on what it was. Soji nodded then coaxed his horse into a run again, hearing the pounding of hooves as the men followed behind him. He just hoped the rumors of her were correct, if they weren't and they were unable to find a cure for it then the land would surely fall in darkness and there would be no hope for anyone.

"How did it start in Oshu? it would help to have any sort of idea on what this is for your lord when we get there" Kazuki thought to herself {If it started with children getting sick then it could be a influenza or vitae eater, if it was soldiers then almost any disease known could be causing it, a ghoul of some sort or even someone like me casting a curse that spreads from person to person of it's own will...though it is terrible to say I hope its a disease so that I don't have to deal with skeptics and quickly be done with this} she was young but had already met with terrible and cruel occurrences more often than most people older than her would've seen.

"The soldiers" he replied "Young ones, old ones...there was no pattern other than that they were soldiers in good health. Then it started moving to the villagers, the women and children. One day they're fine then the next they are gone and our healers have not been able to find a cause nor a cure. The other warlords have reported the same things" This needed to be stopped, whatever it was. Soji had originally believed it to be an illness but now was beginning to wonder if it was not something mystical instead.

For a few moments the girl said nothing "It spreads extremely rapidly...there's still a good chance it's a severe plague, some illnesses can do damage to the inside of the body without evidence appearing on the out. I'll need to see the afflicted and recently deceased before I can make an assessment on what the cause is" she silently noted the doubt in the mans voice "{So you're not a total skeptic...good this will make it easier to convince others if the issue is something mystical...the more of this I hear the more I am sure it's not an illness} "We'll be able to provide both if big boss decides to ask for your aid himself, he hates mystics as anyone well knows so do not be surprised if he's difficult to deal with or convince" he knew she was getting a feel for where he stood in terms of his belief in mysticism. To be honest Soji didn't know himself but at this point it was strange to think that anything might be plausible.

She nodded "I figured as much, take me to him as soon as we arrive the more time we waste the less I have to figure out what is going on before the dragon loses it completely, we can't even see the city yet and already I can feel his anger".

He nodded "Of course, boss would not have sent us to find you if Katakura-sama had not been the one to suggest it" a cold feeling of dread washed over Kazuki {Katakura Kojuro...gods I hoped to never run into that man again} she knew well the man he was talking about, she had run into him a few times while taking care of ghouls and spirits. The only reason he ever let her go was because she had never harmed the innocent, they arrived at the castle after a few hours hard riding, they had gone right past the healers hut but Kazuki saw how bad things were. Soji helped her off his horse and took her into the castle "Be very careful of your words Pale Blade, our lord has been near breaking point for hours now, please keep your cool" she nodded, prepared to face the hot-headed daimyo.

Kojuro watched his lord train, working out his frustrations {Not only have we had to set aside our pride but to have to call on that woman for help..} he was a patient man but even his wits were wearing thin at this point {I hope they return soon or he may do something drastic and possibly stupid} "Masamune-sama while I understand how you're feeling right now, I am the same way but training til you drop from exhaustion isn't going to do anyone any good" Masamune stopped knowing he was right but he wasn't going to say it. He heard approaching footsteps and put his sword away turning around as he did so, frowning at the girl with his retainer "You sure this is her?" Kojuro was immediately uncomfortable getting that familar feeling he always had when around her "It hasn't been long enough since our last meeting" Kojuro said glaring slightly at the girl "Agreed but let's put the past aside for now" she said coldly.

{Kojuro knows her?...I'll have to question that later} Masamune thought to himself, still looking at the girl, honestly she didn't seem like much at all and he doubted she was the real thing even though his right eye was sure that this girl was The Pale Blade {How the hell are so many afraid of her?} "Lets get one thing straight here I do not for a second believe that you have any kind of power and as such I require proof that you can do what you claim before I even think of letting you near my people" with both Soji and Kojuro there it would be impossible for her to try anything against them "Very well then" carefully she pulled her sleeves back to prove she wasn't hiding anything in them then with a single word and a click of her fingers a small flame appeared in her hand, with a quick flex of her hand the flame grew larger, she tossed it between her hands like a peach then with a click of her fingers it was gone and she had no marks on her hands at all, still he did not believe her abilities were real "You're good at faking it, I'll give you that at least but i still do not believe you"

Kojuro could tell that the girl was starting to lose patience so he stepped in "Masamune-sama when others are around the pale blade they feel as if they are underwater but not drowning...I've felt it many times, there is no mistake that this girl is her" Masamune looked at him and he did seem indeed very uneasy around this girl "I will go with her myself if that eases your mind" it did a bit actually there was no way she could get away from Kojuro if she tried to harm his people "Go then and do not take too long" he nodded and motioned for Kazuki to follow him. when they were far enough away Kojuro spoke "If I even suspect you of trying anything your head rolls" she smiled slightly "I expected nothing less from you, you really haven't changed" he didn't like her but he had seen many things he could not explain when he had previously run into her.

Masamune looked at Soji who was quite disturbed by what he had just seen "Tell no one what you saw, I don't want it causing a panic" he nodded "I won't say a word boss" he sighed "Good...how is your wife doing?" Masamune asked carefully out of all of his retainers Soji was having the hardest time dealing with things, not only was his wife Niji sick but she was pregnant as well "Her condition hasn't changed much boss..." he replied "Whatever you need just ask for it, go be with her tonight" he nodded again "Thanks boss, I hope that girl can do what she claims" he turned and left, once he was alone he started training again he needed to keep his hands occupied. He was not pleased about this situation in the slightest and he felt like he needed to come up with some kind of plan, just to make himself feel better. Normally he would just charge right in and fight the enemy, but when the enemy was something like this, an illness, there was absolutely nothing that he could do about it and it only made him more furious.

When they reached the healers hut Kojuro stood at the door and watched carefully as Kazuki wandered among the sick studying each face in passing before finally kneeling next to a man that had been recently brought in. She looked down at him a thoughtful look coming into her eyes, the man looked up and seemed to recognize her "Never thought I would see you again..." she smiled "I thought that as well Joshiro, I'm here to put a stop to this. tell me what are you feeling right now?" it took him a few moments to answer "I feel like...I'm on fire but I'm shivering, pain comes in waves coming in and going out...my will to fight back is slowly being drained..." she frowned slightly liking this less and less as the seconds went by "How did you get sick?" he shook his head "I don't know, I was fine one moment then the next..." he coughed covering his mouth

"Joshiro...you know what I have to do..." he seemed apprehensive which prompted Kojuro to walk over "What are you going to do to him?" he asked in a low yet dangerous whisper "Look into his memories to see exactly how he got sick, it will hurt like hell but this might be the only way to find out how it starts, in case examining the dead turns up nothing" Kojuro looked down at Joshiro, he did not want to put this man through more pain than he was in "Katakura-sama I know you do not trust her...but I do, if she says she must do it then it's the truth" it took a few moments but he nodded "Alright do it but if it ends up killing him..." she nodded "I know but no matter what happens once I begin do not stop me or he will die" she replied putting her hands together and closing her eyes she then placed one hand on his forehead and the other on his stomach, a few seconds later he started to writhe in agony but was unable to scream, it was difficult for Kojuro to watch but he forced himself to do nothing but that.

Inside her minds eye she saw the events of his life going in reverse from now slowly to the very moment he became ill, she looked for anything that could tell her what was causing this but all she saw was his life...until a shadow that was not shadow lurked behind him as he stood watch at night. Kazuki lifted her hands from the man and breathed deeply a few times {Damn it to hell!...calm yourself they'll feel it if you get too hot} she looked down at him "I'm sorry I had to do that...but now I have a clue to this mess" {There's no way I can say anything about that shadow yet....it could've been anything or I just imagined it} she thought to herself as Kojuro looked away she slipped a talisman into Joshiros hand he hid it under his arm "I'll need to examine the dead now it seems to only be a virus that mutates quickly and strangely but i must be sure" Kojuro nodded knowing she was keeping something from him but they had precious little time so pressing her about it would not be wise. The healer took them into the next room, again Kojuro stayed at the door as he couldn't stand the smell.

Kazuki seemed unfazed though as if she was used to it and that made him even more uneasy around her "The oldest bodies we have that have not been burnt or buried are down the end" The healer said before going back to the sick.

Kazuki walked down to the end and carefully pulled back the sheet that covered the body the smell was almost overwhelming but she had a job to do. She carefully examined the body and when she turned it over, she found a large strange mark taking up most of the back but because of the bodies decay it was distorted, she put the sheet back over the body and checked the more recent victims and sure enough they all had the exact same mark, it was like a burn or bruise in the shape of a large three pronged claw slowly she stood up and Kojuro did not like the grim look on her face "Lord Date is not going to like what I have to tell him...it's definitely not a disease..."
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