Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2097598-David-The-Giant-Challenge
Rated: E · Poetry · History · #2097598
David, the shepherd became David, the king. Victory is often more humility than greatness.
The giant faced the little boy,
though strapping youth he was
For no one else would seek employ
to fight as giant does.

We often find ourselves the same,
as face we Giant Despair,
Some problem comes to point the blame
at heart of us in there.

"You come at me with armor on,
You wish to end my days,
"But when the light of day be gone,
Christ's Vict'ry He displays!"

"A little dog would nip my heels,
is this the best you have?
"The army of the Jews reveals
no one to lift my staff."

But David lifts his hands to GOD
to show Help's truest Source,
The army would that day applaud
GOD's Victory, of course!

When David's small he's at his best,
each victory is won,
Though GOD may put him through the test,
there's Hope when all is done.

When David's great, he often falls
for Pride doth go before
To cloud the sight of GOD, Who calls
through His great open door.

The days of life have many choice
decisions to be made,
Will we in our own selves rejoice,
then humbled lowly laid?

Will humbled self give all to serve
The One upon the Throne,
Who lifts the ones by Grace deserve,
to all the world be known?

The little sheepcote birthed the king,
put David on display,
And same will be for ones, who sing
to Christ, The LORD obey!

Line count: 40

By Jay O'Toole
on September 26, 2016

© Copyright 2016 Jay O'Toole (777stan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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