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Rated: 13+ · Letter/Memo · LGBTQ+ · #2097456
A Love Letter to our Str8 family members from one Non-Gender Normative Queer brother
Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer  Str8  Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer  Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer Queer

Wow, so many Queers are coming out these days. Wait, who’s that Str8 brother in the midst? Hey fella. Yeah, you, the White guy with the cross pinned to your collar. Why looking so anxious? No Queer person is going to hurt you. You just need a realistic viewpoint. A small shift in perception. You won’t drown in a sea of difference. You don’t need to be a fish to swim. No one wants to change you.

What’s that? What about the ominous Gay Agenda some false leaders are decrying? Guy, the only agenda we have is likely the same as yours. We want and deserve Respect, Acceptance, Equal Rights, certainly the ability to decide who we love and marry.

Also the freedom to choose where to pee and the legal (re: civil) right to be served and treated as fairly and respectfully as any other retail customer.

In all recorded history we have never posed a threat to your Spiritual beliefs. Please feel free to practice any Religion you choose; at home and without any requirement on others to make special accommodations for you.

We have no desire to indoctrinate either you or your offspring into anything at all. We wouldn’t and don’t sexually abuse children (according to arrest and conviction reports that’s most often perpetrated by White, Male Politicians and would-be Ministers).

We couldn’t possibly have any effect on your marriage since we are in no way a partner to it (the 55+ percentage of Heterosexual divorces have never been attributed to Queer persons. Though divorces are often anecdotally attributed to the Husband acting out his own secret Gay proclivities).

Other ideas which are likely to be listed on any adult’s agenda would be things like voting rights, freedom to congregate in public or private, harmless PDAs like holding hands and kissing, freedom from discrimination, aggression, and bullying, marriage and adoption rights, employment security, and far too many others to list. I’m confident that you and I share the same hopes and dreams for family, health, and safety. Fill in the blanks, man.

People are people. We all want someone to love and we all want to be loved. There are no reasons we can’t co-exist peacefully except the ones we adamantly and selfishly cling to. Not getting your way is not persecution. Instead of always getting what we want we can learn to want what we get.

Don’t be afraid of us. Most all of us are very loving. I have always been (since 11 years-old) very much Bisexual, which I hid for 53 years in an effort to protect my long-time partner, avoid drama, and not be rejected or discriminated against by others (there’s more, Guy, there’s always more). Now I think of myself more as Bi-Gender fluctuating between traditionally 'Male' and 'Female' gender-based behaviors and identifying equally with both Women and Men. I can love anyone and everyone. I consider it a Blessing. I was born a male, never wanted to transition, yet always felt equally akin to the binary genders. At fifteen I was made an Honorary Girl Scout in my Girlfriend’s Troop for providing Art Work. Live and learn. Be ready, fellow, there are many more genders and non-genders coming into their own. It’s evolution. It’s our Future.

We need to have and are striving for visibility. We’re not going to hide anymore. From anything or anyone. Especially not from our true selves and innate natures. There is no such thing as a Lifestyle choice in being Queer; the concept is a fallacy. None of us were ever given a choice. We are what we are by virtue of birth. I for one would never change stripes even if it were possible. Out and Proud is not a hollow maxim.

I don’t presume to be the voice for anyone but me. But I and so many others believe that together we’ll evolve quicker and safer than by living in fear and opposition. Given the chance I would love you all. Hell, I do love you all. I don’t have time or room for fear or hate. The choice of inclusion is yours. Whether consciously or not we always make a choice. As Rush sang:

You can choose from Phantom fears or some Celestial Voice,
If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice.

Listen. Anything but a yes is a no.
Make a Loving Choice.
One that you and the rest of our family can live with.
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