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Every One Thousand Years a Prince or Princess is chosen to fight a Great Evil In & Out |
New Story! In the Magical Land of Ool, a Great Evil, one that was scheduled to return after one thousand years banishment was coming back and the Prophecy said that only a Prince or Princess could destroy it...The Wizard Grymmy summoned every Prince and. Princess he could think of to a meeting at his home, a dank old castle made of black stones with tall towers inhabited by screeching bats. Because he was a great Wizard, Gymmy was able to make his home appear to his visitors as a white marble palace Every Prince and Princess and Princess in the Land of Ool of every race and species, There were Princes and Princesses who had fur, feathers, scales, slimy skin and even exoskeletons! Grymmy himself was a Human who was 500 years old and still looked 22. "I suppose you wonder why I called you here," he said slowly, his deep baritone voice rumbling, shaking dust off the rafters. "Very well, I will tell you. We are fast approaching a very important anniversary. The commemoration must be dignified." Grymmy had counted the number of Princes and Princesses Nine Hundred and ninety nine! How was he ever going to choose the Chosen One! One Princess a Human Girl from The Enchanted City asked "What is this anniversary for?" "Well Princess Fyora...You see.. "A Great Evil returns every thousand years and a prince or princess must be chosen to battle it." Princess Fyora was amazed. "But surely you cannot expect someone like me to battle a Great Evil?" "Why not?" answered Grymmy. "Let me tell you a story. A thousand years ago, the last time The Great Evil returned, my grandfather, Rednow Eivets, called a meeting just like this one. At that time, there were 1,481 princes and princesses, of all ages." "And who was the 'Lucky' Prince or Princess who got to battle it?" Asked Prince Iliad The Red Haired and Green Eyed Elf Prince from Silver Hollow. "It was Prince Silver Scales." Said Grymmy "A Prince of Dragons from Dragon Hollow...He survived the fight.. "But unfortunately, so did the Great Evil. And now, a thousand years later, it has returned." Prince Iliad looked thoughtful. "Is there no way to permanently defeat this Great Evil so we don't have to keep fighting it again and again?" Just then,in teleported an ugly creature and looked like a Man covered in green fur crowned with green horns. The creature drooled lustfully seeing all the lovely Youths and Maidens. "Garble!" Grymmy scolded snapping his fingers to banish his servant away "Who was that?" asked Prince Iliad. Grymmy shrugged. "That was just Garble, one of my servants. he has the bad habit of dropping in at the most inappropriate times. If there were no ladies present I could tell you a funny story about that." "Can we please get to choosing who will be the Chosen One?" Princess Fyora asked "I want to get this over with as quickly as possible." "All Right." Said Grymmy "We will let Lady Fate choose." A Beam of Light began circle over all the Royal Kids faster... and faster. "That hurts my eyes!" complained Princess Debarry and immediately she was whisked out of the room by armed guards. "Was she chosen?" asked Fyora. "Just the opposite," said Grymmy. "She's out of the contest." Fyora was whisked from the room by the armed guards. "I'm the only one allowed to talk while the music is playing," Grymmy said. "What music?" asked Prince Gaur. The guards quickly removed him from the room. "Damn!" said Prince Antee. He was gone, too Finally as the Finger of Light began to slow down everyone held their breath wondering if they would be chosen and secretly terrified it would. Then the Finger of Light stopped and shone down upon...Princess Opal...Of the Unicorn Tribes of The Meadow Then Grymmy smiled. "The gods have chosen, Princess Opal. You are honored. You are the chosen one." Opal blushed. "Where do I find The Great Evil? And, if they are so evil, was The Great Evil the best name they could come up with? Not very original." "The Great Evil is a Demon from the time before time." Said Wizard, "The Demon is the Great Devourer...The one who prompted the Gods to create the universe in the first place as a barrier between them and the Great Evil!" The Wizard sighed "Since then the rise of stuffed mushrooms and, in particular, the influence of prunes have changed the attitude of the Great Devourer. He now devours much less and is eating a great deal more grits than has previously been the case." "Um..." Opal twitched her equine ears "I'm unsure what that means." Meanwhile Princess Fyora and the other three ousted Royal Kids had been taken to Grymmy's Kitchen Fyora was eating chocolate bon bons. With Deberry a Dwarf from Limestone Land. "Candy.." is dandy but liquor is quicker" sniggered Deberry. But nobody took much notice of him as he was only a dwarf. Had he been a giant, he would have commanded much more attention. Even so, Deberry had a secret which would have revolutionised Limestone Land. Why Deberry was a called a Princess when he was clearly a boy? Deberry had a thing for cross dressing, He wanted to be a Princess instead of a Prince. Meanwhile Grymmy took Princess Opal aside "You must begin training to battle the Great Evil." Said the.. crow perched on the mantel: CAW! Princess Opal jumped at the sudden sound. "Oh no!" said Grymmy. "That won't do, Princess! You can't be a nervous Nellie who jumps at every strange sound she hears." Princess Opal said, "Should I stuff cotton in my ears? will have to pay close attention to what he says because he mumbles. Do you have good hearing?" ... "What?" said Princess Opal. ... "I said DO YOU HAVE GOOD HEARING?" ... "Yes," said Princess Opal. "I can hear a pin drop." ... "Drop what?" asked Grymmy. So Princess Opal was sent to Dragon Hollow. When she reached the castle she rang the Doorbell,and Elderly Dragon Butler opened the door. He wasn't expecting to see a White Unicorn at the doorstep. "Yes..." Said the Butler "What can I do for you?" Opal "I come to consult with King Silver Scales the dragon," said Princess Opal. ... "Do you have an appointment?" ... "No. Do I need one?" ... "I don't suppose so since he is at his desk twiddling his thumbs, bored to death. He will be happy to see you." King Silver Scales wasn't an Elderly Dragon, he looked to be in the prime of his life. "I was barely out of my shell when I fought the Great Evil." He explained "Fortunately I was born with Great Magical Powers...I banished the Demon with a Burst of Chi" "Chi?" said Princess Opal. "What's that?" ... "That's dragon energy force," said Silver Scales. "Very effective when used wisely. But if you try to misuse it, your soul becomes corrupted and you rot from the inside out." Princess Opal winched that sounded painful "I'm need to become stronger to fight the great evil." "I can help you become stronger." Said Silver Scales "But it will require much off screen training you're not Rocky Balboa you know." And thus Opal began.. wearing sports bras and tight tennis shorts. The princes of the realm took to hanging out at the gym whenever she was training before Grymmy had them escorted from the premises. "She hasn't time for he-ing and she-ing while The Great Evil lurks!" Princess Fyora for some reason hadn't left Grymmy's castle for two weeks! One night when Grymmy was frying up some liver and onions,Fyora complained about the smell "Don't you have a Kingdom to return to?" Asked the Wizard Then Garble grabbed Fyora and he snarled the unspeakable request, Fyora's knee flew up and connected with his body at the least desirable spot. "Get away from me, you disgusting gnome!" "I'm a dwarf Kittle," Garble squeaked. Meanwhile, in the gym, Princess Opal's strenuous workouts... ...Were rewarded later with some cold Lemonade. As Princess Opal and Silver Scales sat and drank and watched the sunset together.Silver Scales said "I feel it is time to tell you." "Tell me what?" Asked Opal "There are many universes beside our's You see "I know that," said Princess Opal. "I read fairy tales as a child. I knew they were about other worlds." Silver Sales was silent for awhile. "Do you think you can let me finish speaking a thought before you interrupt me?" ... "Sorry," said Princess Opal. "Anyway..." Said Silver Scales "...Our Universe is the Oldest therefore it is above all the others. When Fighting the Great Evil you will be sent to a lower universe before it comes I here, I was sent to a world of Eternal Night I couldn't see a thing!!!" "What did you do?" asked Opal. Silver Scales touched his nose "I breathed fire! I sent out great breaths of flame to illuminate my path. The creatures in that world of night howled in discomfort. It was the first time that light had entered their world." "The Great Evil appeared to me as a giant blob of black slime." Said Silver Scales, "But it changes form every one thousand years." The Next Day Grymmy opened the portal Opal ran through it and she found fell in a dumpster! She was in Los Angles! Opal say Whaaat?! but it was definitely Los Angeles, although apparently in the 1940's since everything was in black&white. She heard screams of terror and looked in that direction. A crowd of people were running from a giant rolling blob of black slime. She quickly assessed the situation and came to the only logical conclusion. She screamed like the little girl that she is and ran like hell! She quickly outran Oliver Hardy and Lou Costello, covering two miles in less than 10 minutes. Suddenly, she... Tripped and fell down an open manhole! Before she cracked her head open though she was caught! She looked up and saw her rescuer. A Large and Friendly Pig-Man. "You're an Animal Person like me!" He exclaimed "Yes." Said Opal "I am Spam." Said the Pig-Man. "I live down here so no one will eat me." ... "Oh, you poor pig," said Princess Opal. "I am lucky that unicorn meat is tough and stringy and unloved by humans. Pork, on the other hand, is delicious." ... "Hey!" said the pig. "How would you know that? "I come from a world where there are Animals who talk and Animals who don't." Opal said Just then another a Mutant a Hairless Rat Woman stepped forward "So YOU are the one the Prophecy spoke of!" Said the Rat "My name is Dangerous Beans I'm the Prophet." "Glad to meet you," Opal said. "Yes, everyone keeps telling me I am the Great Hero that will satisfy The Prophecy, but to tell you the truth, I don't feel like a hero. I just feel like me. " "When I saw The Great Evil I ran away." Said Opal "he Great Evil?" The Rat Woman cocked her head "The Giant Blob of Black Slime." Said Opal "Oh." Said the Rat "They're just filming up there The Blob from Outer Space The Real Great Evil is a horrible, horrible... gasp... I can't even say it. To see it is to go blind. To speak of it is to lose the power of speech. You have to approach it like you would Medusa. Hold up a mirror and look at it in the mirror. Opal trembled how could she even fight the Great Evil if she couldn't even approach it? "Never mind that." Said Dangerous Beans with a wave of her paw "The real reason you're here is to lead us Mutants to a Paradise we can live free of man." Opal's ears normally upright, flopped over. "I see by your ears," said Dangerous Beans, "that you don't think you can do it. Let me assure you that you can, The prophecy says you can and you will!" Opal assumed Dangerous Beans meant for Opal to take them to her own world. "I'll see what I can do." On the Other Side of the Portal Grymmy was reading a magazine, when he saw Opal's head poke through"Did you defeat the Great Evil?" Asked the Wizard with an strange, knowing grin on his face. "Did he want to be the red checkers, or the black?" Opal looked at him, confused. "What the hell are you talking about?" "Oh!" Grymmy said, slightly abashed. "When you do, let him choose which color checkers he wants. He always chooses wrong." Opal scrunched her nose. "What the hell are you talking about?" Grymmy looked surprised. "Wait a minute. Exactly what happened over there?" |