Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2097207-The-Littlest-Angel
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #2097207
A short horror story written for a prompt. . .
The Christmas Pageant was a huge success. Every parent in the church agreed. Lisa, the girl chosen to play Mary was blossoming into a lovely young woman. Moreover, David, the boy who played Joseph was becoming quite handsome. The shepherds and wise men were all good too, even if the former did bang their sticks too much. But the true show stealer was a little girl in the Angel chorus. Even though, she didn't have a line, there was something so sweet about her freckled face that stood out from the other kids. One couldn't help noticing it and falling in love.

The strange part was that later when the parents discussed the pageant none of them seemed to know exactly who that little girl was. She wasn't the child of anyone in anyone else's social circle.

* * *

After Lisa had changed back into her regular clothes, she couldn't resist looking at herself in the mirror and feeling a bit unhappy. Boys will never want to date me, she thought. I'm too ugly and my mother won't even let me buy nice clothes.

"Hello," said a voice.

Lisa was startled, but she smiled when she saw that it was the little angel.

"Hi," she said, "I didn't realize you were still here."

"You're very pretty," said the angel.

Lisa tried not to scoff at that. "It doesn't matter."


"Because boys only want to date girls in cool clothes. I tried to convince my Mom to let me buy a new dress, but she said it was too expensive and anyway she thought it was slutty. Can you believe that?"

"Why can't you buy the dress without your mother?"

Lisa thought that was a stupid question, but she tried to be patient. "Because I don't have money."

"Oh," said the little girl, "I know where there's money."

In the back of the room, there was a drawer. The girl opened the drawer and pulled out an envelope. "See?" she said. "Lots of money."

Lisa was shocked. "That must be the money from the bake sale. Somebody must have left it here. We can't take it."


"Because," said Lisa taking the envelope from the girl. "It's not ours." She opened the envelope and saw that there was quite a bit of cash inside. More than enough for her dress.

And that made her think. If she just took the money for her dress and left the rest of it, there would still probably be enough. Nobody would miss it. She pulled out three twenty dollar bills. It felt so good to have them in her hand. After a moment of indecision, she put them in her pocket. She looked back at the girl. "You won't tell?"

The girl laughed.

* * *

David had just stepped out of the church and was about to walk home when he heard a voice say, "Hello." He turned to see the little girl who had played the angel.

"Oh hi," he said. "What's up?"

The girl smiled. "Do you think Lisa's pretty?"

That made David smile shyly, "Well. . .yeah," he admitted.

"Then why don't you have sex with her?"


"She's coming this way now. You could stop her and do it right now."

"You can't just stop a girl on the street and have sex with her."

The angel shrugged, "Why?"

"Because. . .well. . ." David couldn't think of a good reason. In fact, the more he thought about it, the more it seemed like a good idea.

"Hey David," said Lisa as she walked by.

Gathering his courage, David stepped forward and kissed Lisa on the lips.

"What are you doing?"

Instead of replying David began to tear off Lisa's clothes.

* * *

Pastor Richardson was getting ready to go home for the night when he heard a voice say, "Why aren't you married?" It was the little angel girl.

"What are you doing here?"

The girl angel ignored his question. "Don't you like having sex with women?" She smiled brightly. "You must. You think I look pretty naked."

"What? Where did you get an idea like that? I'll have you know that when I looked in your dressing room before, I was just making sure you were safe."

"You had to stare for ten minutes before you realized I was safe?" The girl smiled again and began to pull off her white angel costume. "See how pretty I am?"

Indeed, her skin was a beautiful creamy color with a few more freckles then were on her face. When Richardson saw how that skin covered her adorable bare chest and her even more adorable white buttocks, he knew that he would have to take her in his arms and begin kissing every part of her body that he could.

The girl laughed much louder this time. It was almost too loud to come from such a small body, but Richardson did not pay attention.

Nor did he pay attention to the small mark on the girl's buttocks.

It was almost shaped like a number.

A three digit number. . .

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