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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Relationship · #2096535
Chapter 9.
Chapter 9

Shannon had a long day after a poor night’s sleep. Now with Rec night fast approaching, she marinated the chicken for the skewers, and prepared the Greek salad before heading off for a nap. On Mondays, Jen usually had the girls over for dinner before their Rec night. Since Jen was working, Shannon had offered to throw something together.
As she lay there waiting for the Tylenol to take hold and at least take a bit of the edge off her headache, Shannon was thinking just how mentally exhausted she was. She kept ruminating over the same questions: was there honestly a time when she had any clue what was really going on? It was a sickening feeling and now she was almost nauseous. She tried to will herself to stop thinking about it. But the harder she tried, the more past memories flooded her. She just couldn’t shake the onslaught of bad memories.
Her phone jangled. Reaching over she retrieved it from her night stand. She checked the caller ID and groaned. It was Kyle again. The text was the same theme as the previous one: “Shannon please…don’t shut me out. We need to talk. Please.” Shannon texted back: “Not now.” She replaced her phone and hit the tub. A long hot soak before she the girls arrived was about all she could manage. The water had cooled and she realized she must have drifted off. She just barely had time to change and put the finishing touches on dinner before the girls arrived.
Darren had been totally stoked when he received the text from Ian MacCallum, to see if he was free to join in with “The Lads” for a round of golf. Ian was one of the members of the hugely popular Gaelic Pop Group Dorback Burn. Initially, Darren had assumed that Ian had wanted him as his Caddy. “Yeah Man! My treat. Come join the lads and me, and we’ll all catch up. I’m sure we can manage our own bags and Sean could do with a bit of carry about.”
As it turned out, Sean wasn’t interested in hauling his own bag, and showed up with the third member of the group, Hamish, in a power cart. They met at 4:00pm and had just finished up, with Sean and Hamish taking care of the cart and continuing on their evening with a little action downtown. Darren and Ian were just coming off the walkway; it led off the back end of the golf course around the club house and skirted the outdoor activities and games area. This is where they spied the girls on the tennis court. The landscaping had been done in such a way that most of the outdoor activities were as much for spectators as participants. This factor was a big draw, especially for past enthusiasts whose advancing years have somewhat slowed them down. Ian was quick to grab Darren’s shoulder, and slow him down.
“Àuch Man! We have to check this out,” he said.
They found a bench a reasonable distance away, and making their selves comfortable settled in to watch the action.. The girls definitely supplied the eye candy. With the NIKE tennis and sports apparel shop providing all staff with a generous 40% discount on personal apparel, they were all dressed in the most up to date looks. Connie, as usual, seemed to steal the show in her Smash Hardcourt tennis dress in dark grey and hot pink, while the rest of the girls looked equally smart in their combinations of tanks and skirts.
When asked if she was into tennis, Shannon had replied that indeed she was, although now it was apparent that the girls were far more advanced players than she could ever aspire to be. Connie was extremely forceful with her serves, and the power of her backhands had Shannon almost dodging the balls. But the big surprise was Jen. Her amount of energy and how quick she was left everyone impressed. At barely 5’1”, she was able, on more than one occasion, to move into the net and drop the ball gently over or smash into the far corner. This tactic forced Connie and Nomi to move away from the ball instead of into it. Nomi could hold her own, too. While not as polished as Jen and Connie, her natural athleticism took her far. All in all the other girls were extremely generous with their encouragement for Shannon.
Nomi caught a glimpse of Darren and his friend on the bench. From then on, she found her concentration slightly bent from the effort of the game and trying not to acknowledge Darren’s presence. The set continued for another few minutes, ending with Jen checking her watch and announcing that that was probably it for tonight. As they left the court, the girls caught Darren’s wave hailing them over.
“Good job, man,” said Ian as the girls made their way over. His smile spoke of how pleased he was with the situation as he carefully eyed Connie as the girls approached the bench. He was even more surprised when it became apparent that Darren was good friends with them.
“Hey, Darren,” said Connie, “How was your Game?” Her eyes never left his face as she half heard his reply. She could almost physically feel Ian’s eyes scanning her as she held steady. The rest of the girls fanned out on either side of her.
“Well, that’s the way it is with golf. Your score is never as low as you want it to be, but then it was as much about hanging with the guys as it was the game,” said Darren.
“I think he’s only saying that to cover up the shellacking he took at the hands of the lads and myself,” said Ian, pleased that he was quickly able to enter the conversation. As Connie shifted her attention to him, he was now completely mesmerized.
“This is my friend, Ian,” said Darren. “His band is here for a few days before they start the Western Canada leg of their tour.” Connie held out her hand and with a firm grip gave his hand a strong shake.
“I’m Connie,” she said. She released his hand as she turned and introduced the girls.
“And you all work here with Darren?” asked Ian.
“All of us but Connie,” answered Jen. “She’s a townie, but if she behaves herself she’s welcome to hang with us.” They all caught Jen’s wink at Connie, and her smirk and wink back. Not wanting to lose the flow and have the girls break off, Ian quickly fumbled for something to say.
“If you girls don’t have any further plans for tonight, Darren and I were just going for a pint at the pub, and would love for you all to join us.” Connie checked her watch. 8:45pm.
“You know, I’d love to, but I have an early day tomorrow and really need to shower off,” she said.
Ian was a little dumb struck. He wasn’t so vain as to think that she had to know who he was, but was shocked by the fact that she seemed unmoved by his obvious interest. Jen was quick to pick up the situation. She had been in similar scenarios throughout the course of their friendship, and while never feeling like she was playing second fiddle to Connie, it was second nature to know precisely where Connie was at. Most advances towards Connie were often shallow, and occasionally hard to shake. Jen knew all the signs on the rare occasions when Connie was indeed interested. This was not one of them.
“I think I’m with Connie. Maybe another time,” Jen said.
“We’re here ‘til Saturday. Perhaps another night before we head out. If Wednesday works for you lasses, I have a ridiculously huge suite and I can order in some food and beverages.” Surprisingly, Nomi was the first to answer.
“Wednesday is usually our girls night out. We can do your place instead of Brady’s! How about it girls?” she urged. There was a chorus of yeses from the ladies.
“There was mention of beverages,” Connie said, “I’m rather partial to white wine if it’s is not too much of a bother. Something along the lines of a Pinot Gris or Chardonnay.”
“Absolutely!” Ian said, happy to be of any service to Connie. “Any other requests?” As they all voiced their preferences, Ian couldn’t get over his good fortune.

“My God, man! What a stable of lasses you have,” Ian said as the girls drifted out of view on their way back to Res.
“Actually, Shannon’s my roommate’s squeeze, and the rest of our crew definitely have our sights set.” With a very poor attempt at a Scottish brogue he added, “So don’t you be gitt’n yourself any queer ideas on the fair Miss Nomi. I’ve my eye on that Lassie, me Laddie,” he laughed as he dropped the accent in flavor of his own tongue. “And her cousin Jen and my man Tyson, are looking pretty good.”
“Oh my bleeding luck! And that lovely Connie. What a rare lass she be. Don’t tell me she’s off the radar too?” asked Ian.
“There I couldn’t say. I have to admit, I’ve never seen her with any special guy. I do know she travels a fair bit.” said Darren.
“You do think she made the band connection don’t you?” Ian asked, more in a bewildered daze, than actually realizing he was speaking out loud. “I mean, she really didn’t seem to care one way or the other.”
“From what I hear, Connie comes from money and is pretty successful herself. She also hangs with the Fashion crowd, and some very glamorous people. So without your fame and fortune going for you, you’re pretty much running on your good looks. Tough break, you scruffy bugger,” said Darren, laughing.
“Well I guess I’ll be tidying myself up a wee bit. You know, make myself a little more presentable to the ladies. Invite your crew, too. Looks like the parties on!” Ian said.

“Oh my God! Oh my God!” Shannon said as she danced on her tippy toes. She then covered her mouth to suppress a squeal as they rounded the corner on they way back to Res. They were now completely out of the boys’ sights.
Jen, Nomi and Shannon put their arms around each other and tried hard to control their giddy laughter. Meanwhile, Connie just stood there, hands on hips with the biggest smile and glowing eyes. Jen had never seen her so flush with excitement. Celebrities and the rich and famous were common occurrences at The Rhinehart. Even so, Shannon couldn’t help herself as she let go and shook her hands.
“He is so amazingly gorgeous!” she said, referring to the nearly two inches Ian had on Darren’s 6’1” frame and the wild shock of black curly hair, black eyes and husky build. “And that accent!” she continued, sighing and fanning herself in jest.
“I thought I was going to pee my pants. Oh! I think I may still pee my pants” said Nomi, laughing.
“And you, Jen? How do you think it went?” asked Connie. If it was possible, Jen thought Connie’s smile was getting even bigger.
“You’re a little minx, that’s what you are. Poor Ian won’t know what hit him. But holy crap… he’s delicious in person. And you Connie,” said Jen.
“Yes…?” answered Connie. By now she was smirking, because she knew that Jen knew she was interested.
“Go gentle on the lad,” said Jen. “We don’t know if he’s sampled fine Canadian fare before.”
It was apparent to all of the ladies that Ian had been struck by cupid’s arrow. Connie was also smitten. Jen thrilled at the prospect. It had been a long time since Connie had this kind of glow. Jen had to admit that it had been a really long time since Connie seemed excited over any man, not just curious.
“And then you checked your watch, and told him tonight’s not going to work. So sorry, Joe,” laughed Nomi.
They all started laughing and Shannon had to ask how long it took for her to recognize him.
“Oh, about as long as it took them to find a bench,” said Connie. Nomi reached over and gave Connie a light swat on the butt with her tennis racket. The excitement carried along, as they made their way down the path.


Tuesday morning, after her tea with Charlotte, Jen found herself staring at the request book, deep in amazement at how her conversation with Charlotte had ended in an invite to Ian’s’ party…an invite that was not hers to offer. She had been explaining to Charlotte that the girls were not able to make this Wednesday. When Charlotte admitted that it must be something pretty special to be passing up on Girl’s Night at Brady’s, Jen discussed the nature of the invite to a party that night, explaining the chance meeting with a friend of Darren’s named Ian.
“I’ll run it by Brad,” said Charlotte. Jen’s automatic invitation to Charlotte left her almost sick, worrying how to gracefully explain an addition to the party. Worse yet, Jen was fully aware that the fact that Connie barely tolerating Charlotte could make for an awkward evening.

Nearing 1:00pm, Jen poked her head into Nomi’s office.
“Hey, you. Do you have any plans for lunch?” asked Jen. Nomi had piles of folders on her desk, and had been busy entering the never-ending flood into her data base. Checking her watch she answered quickly.
“Give me about ten more minutes,” she said. Nomi had been more than a little dreamy all morning, and could use a break.
The day had started out bleak and rainy, and hadn’t improved much by the time the girls met up. They had both packed a bagged lunch and found themselves relaxing in the covered food court area at the far end of the indoor pool. Work gossip was an area the girls seldom went. It was enough to work in the same environment all day long without flogging details, or getting caught up in the day to day drama of the employee’s comings and goings.
“I must admit, I’m pretty excited about tomorrow’s party. I’ve changed my mind at least half a dozen times on what to wear. The weather seems to be socked in for the next couple of days.” said Nomi.
“I know,” said Jen. “Who would have thought we would be in on a private party. And the boys too!”
“I know. Of course Darren is an amazing guy, but who would have thought he is good pals with someone like Ian MacCallum. I mean really?” Nomi said as she carefully popped the lid on her salad container. “Any ideas on what your going to wear?”
“Nothing definite yet. Since I have tomorrow off I might head downtown and do some window shopping, maybe join up with Connie for lunch. We’ll see!” said Jen as she began to pick at the sprouts at the top of the wrap she had brought for lunch. She could tell Nomi was picking up on her vibes.
“Something really weird happened this morning and we have to figure out how to fix it,” Jen said, preparing herself to explain the Charlotte situation to Nomi.
Nomi leaned back, pulling her salad bowl into her lap as she thought for a few moments. Between mouthfuls she said, “You know, I can talk to Darren and let him know that since Charlotte is part of our group she could use a night out too. But, you know I’ve always found the whole Connie/Charlotte thing a bit tense. And I know I don’t have all the details, but it seems to work you up.”
“You have no idea,” Jen answered. “I can remember back when it all happened. It was all about the bidding war over the old Trenton Building that Connie bought the three end units in. I guess Brad thought for sure he was going to secure the middle unit, leaving the two end units open for bidding. When Connie revealed she would be bidding on all three units, that’s when the shit hit the fan. According to Connie, Brad had been trying to convince her that if they put their offers together, they could wear the seller down. He was totally blown away when Connie announced that she had already put in a bid on all three units herself. Later that same day Charlotte confronted Connie and called her a ‘rich bitch’. Connie laughed and said that at least she had an excuse. A few harsh comments flew back and forth, when Connie said something about being surprised that Brad would send his girlfriend to fight his battles. That’s when Charlotte flung out a “C” word at her,” said Jen.
“Oh my God! Not the ‘C’ word!” said Nomi, totally shocked.
“That’s exactly what I said. When Charlotte called Connie a cow, the classic Connie smile crept across her face as she said, ‘Interesting comeback”. Then she did her infamous watch check and said to Charlotte, ‘I know you think you’re probably on some sort of a roll, but I really have to get going. Legal papers and contracts to sign, you know how it is. I’ve got to run, so I’ll catch you guys later.’ Well, that’s where it ended, and they have given each other a wide berth ever since.”
“Not a very smart place for Charlotte to go,” said Nomi. “Connie doesn’t mess around when it comes to business.”
“Exactly,” said Jen as she finished up the last of her wrap. “So, now you can see that even though its been a couple of years and Brad was able to find a larger venue for his shop, you know that a royal blow up is bound to happen at some point.”
“Well, not to worry about the invite,” Nomi assured Jen as they finished clearing up the remains of their lunch and headed back to the main lobby. “I’ll let Darren know that Charlotte and Brad will probably be joining in, and he can pass the info along to Ian.” Jen gave a long sigh, then a grateful smile.
“Thanks Nomi. Maybe I’m just being paranoid.” Jen finished off the rest of her shift in a slightly lighter mood, all the while finding herself watching Charlotte when she wasn’t looking. She was uneasy because you could almost feel something brewing just below the surface.
© Copyright 2016 Gail Lindsay (the_rhinehart at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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