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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Relationship · #2096530
Chapter 10
Chapter 10

Charlotte was dead beat as she gathered her purse at the end of her shift. Last night she had had a restless sleep with the disjointed images of Haley’s accident playing out over and over. During the night, Brad kept shaking her awake to assure her she was just having nightmares; they both woke up totally exhausted. As she dug in her purse for the bottle of migraine medicine, Charlotte wondered if the hellish nightmares would ever stop. More disturbing, was that she knew she had been talking in her sleep and was terrified at what she might let slip. Returning the bottle back to her purse, she headed to her car. Sliding in, she checked her messages before turning the key.
“Oh God, not another message from Colin.” She snapped her phone shut as she closed her eyes and leaned back. The intensity of her migraine felt like hot streaks of light, shooting beneath her eye lids.

Darren was very pleased with himself as he pocketed yet another $20 tip into the inside pocket of his suit vest. His cancelled afternoon of caddying left him free to pick up a short shift in baggage/valet. With his shift completed, he made his way down the elevator to the main lobby. As he exited the hotel, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and scrolled through his messages. A smile broke across his face as he honed in on Nomi’s message: “Looking forward to the party tomorrow. The girls and I were talking and hope it’s okay…we figured Charlotte and Brad could probably use a night out. If you could let Ian know. Anyways, every one is totally jazzed. Thanks J.”
Darren scrolled down to the text from Ian: “YO MAN!! Heading down the Pub about 8:00 for a wee pint. Come down if you’re into it…” He let Ian know he was in for the pub and texted Nomi back: “I’m hooking up with Ian later. No worries about Charlotte and Brad. Reserve a friendly smile across a crowded room for me tomorrow.”

Ian was just starting into his second Guinness when Darren slid into the booth across from him. The waiter took his order and he settled in.
“So how went your day,” asked Darren.
“I’ve been keeping meself busy with the plans for our little shindig. Kelly, the events coordinator, set me up with eats and I decided to get us a bartender and server. Absolutely brill. Gotta love this place.” said Ian, as he took another draw on his ale. The waiter returned, setting down Darren’s pint, and furnishing them with a basket of warm pretzels and several bowls of mustard and dipping sauces. Darren and Ian were tossing about light banter when Darren confirmed the roster for the next evening.
“Yeah, dude. I was just talking to Nomi and she said the girls are totally stoked. I hope you don’t mind but there is another couple in our group that may show up, and my man Tyson, who is an RCMP officer will be there around nine.”
The reference to Tyson and the RCMP was picked up by Ian, which was Darren’s intent. While nothing more was said, it was understood that Ian would be passing the fact along to the lads, to avoid any potential embarrassments. Ian wasn’t into drugs or smoking, but the lads were known to have the occasional toke. Nothing heavy, but it was best to be forewarned. Besides, he had gone to some lengths to ensure something a fair bit more upscale than their usual beer & wenches.
“I was thinking anytime after 7:30pm should be good.” said Ian.
Ian and Darren were deep into a debate over the chances of their rival soccer teams meeting for the coveted World Cup when Darren caught sight of Kyle scanning the pub. With a lazy nod, he hailed Kyle over.
“Hey Kyle, how goes?”
“Great man,” said Kyle. Introductions were made and the trio settled in for a few more rounds and way too much discussion about soccer. It was apparent early on that because they were major hockey fans, Kyle and Darren were way out of their league when it came to any real knowledge on the game. By that time, Ian was well into the Guinness and seemed to enjoy the pointless banter.
“Totally not what I expected, man,” Kyle said, as they staggered their way back to Res.
“Seems like a pretty regular dude,” Kyle commented. The boys found their beds soon after and Kyle was happy for the buzz from the ale. He could do with a good night’s sleep. He hit his pillow with renewed optimism and a hopeful heart that Shannon had seen clearly. Even if she could not forgive him, she could at least cut him some slack.

Connie was busy all morning with the first wave of the incoming fall fashion lines she had purchased during Rio’s fashion week. They had to be moved up to the second floor where they were to be sorted, catalogued, and stored. In the retail fashion industry, you were always at least one season ahead of the game. Together with the summer stock that had been moved down to the smaller stock room on the main floor and the task at hand, Connie and her stock man Roy had accomplished a great deal the past couple of days.
Roy was in his late forties, and although he was a man of few words, he had been with Connie since the last stages of the renovation. Roy was invaluable and he dealt with the movement of stock within the facility, did pickup and deliveries and all the general maintenance. In addition to Roy, Connie had an Assistant Manager, Jacquie, five full-time sales clerks and four part-timers. Connie spent her fair share of time on the sales floor, but having Jacquie managing the staff and day to day retail left Connie with more free time to manage the business end.
“Wow!” said Jen, as she poked her head around a stack of boxes. She found Connie in dress slacks and a printed smock top, muscling a final box into place. “I don’t know why, but seeing you working up a sweat always makes me smile.” Connie dusted off the front of her slacks and ran the back off her hand across her brow.
“Let’s go up stairs while I freshen up,” Connie said. She gave a fast thanks to Roy, and they made their way through a connecting door to Connie’s private stairway. Upon entering the apartment, she kicked off her flats and casually asked Jen to pour them some iced tea as she headed off to the washroom. A few minutes later she joined Jen, feeling much fresher. Taking her place in her wing back chair, Connie sighed.
“So what are your plans after lunch?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe a little window shopping. I still haven’t decided on what to wear tonight,” answered Jen, as she looked out the window at the light drizzle that was still falling. The forecast was for the rain to ease up later that afternoon, but for now it was still a grey day.
“Well, I’ve been working up a sweat all morning so we can drop by Jamison’s Shoes after lunch and check out a few pairs I have my eye on. I’m thinking something in a rich red or perhaps Aqua. Let’s head back down stairs before we go, and I’ll show you an outfit I have in mind,” said Connie.
© Copyright 2016 Gail Lindsay (the_rhinehart at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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