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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Relationship · #2096522
Chapter 16
Chapter 16

It was Friday morning, and the sun was just peeking over the eastern ridges, throwing a tangerine glow over the northeast face of Tunnel Mountain. The scent of the fir trees on the mountains drifted into the bedroom through the slightly opened window. Connie could feel the cool, gentle breeze on the back of her neck as she lay in Ian’s arms. Slowly, she moved on to her other side to get a better view of him as he lay sleeping. There was no doubt he was dead tired from the many rounds of lovemaking that had carried them through the early hours of the morning.
Connie could honestly say she was in bliss. There was little to be said in words that hadn’t been expressed in their lovemaking. At times it had been wild and intense and at others slow, tender, and passionate. But whatever style struck their fancy at the time, it was always loving, considerate and completely fulfilling. Suddenly, Ian opened one eye to find Connie looking at him with what he hoped was a very satisfied smile.
“Good morning, lass,” he said as her smile broadened.
“Mmmm, good morning back,” replied Connie. She reached over and ran her fingers through the soft hair on his chest. She had to admit that there was something magical in the feel of the soft hair as she followed the trail down to his firm belly.
He moaned slightly as she grazed closer to his beltline. He slowly maneuvered himself on top of her, kissing her neck, and once again they were lost in blissful pleasure.

Ian was enjoying mouthful after mouthful of fresh fruit salad topped with yogurt and a sprinkle of granola. He looked up from his breakfast to meet Connie’s gaze.
“I’m still in the same place I was last night, lass…now even more so,” said Ian.
“How so?” asked Connie.
“I know I have to leave you soon, but don’t quite know how to do it,” replied Ian.
“I’m not going anywhere,” said Connie. “When does your tour end?” she asked.
“From Victoria we go over to Vancouver, then hit a few cities in the interior. We make a stop in Calgary and finish up mid-June in Edmonton,” answered Ian. “These are the consequences I was speaking of, lass.”
Connie got up and moved around the table. She came up behind Ian’s chair to rest her head on his shoulder as she ran her hands down the front of his chest. He grabbed hold of one of her wrists and swung her around to draw her into his lap.
“Seriously, lass, I don’t think I can go three weeks without seeing you,” he said with a longing and sadness to his voice.
“I know this is short notice, but is there any way you could meet up with me Sunday in Victoria? I have a few days before our show on Tuesday,” he asked. Connie knew what he was feeling. Although things seemed to be moving at breakneck speed she also knew that three weeks apart was way more than she could fathom.
“Sorry, me laddie, but May Long is one of the busiest weekends of the year.” She met his sad look with one of her own. Pulling her self together she tried to stay optimistic. “Tell you what,” she said giving him a reassuring smile, “send me your itinerary, and I’ll catch up with you for a few days later next week.” Ian kissed the nape of Connie’s neck and trailed down to her ample cleavage. He rested his head there and gently rocked her, knowing he had to leave, but unable to make the first move.

Charlotte had been thankful for the few days reprieve from Colin and his texting. His latest was boiling with anger, letting her know that he would be in town on Monday and would be seeking her out to have a talk. She flipped her cell shut and continued into the hotel to take her post at the concierge’s kiosk. Her life was in more turmoil than she could have imagined a month ago. Brad was leaving Sunday on one of his regular week-long buying trips up to Yellowknife and she was looking forward to the break. Since Haley’s accident, his concern for her well being had become almost suffocating. She couldn’t sigh without him questioning if she was okay. When she begged to just be left alone, she could feel his eyes constantly watching her. Her movements had become forced and mechanical. She just needed quiet time and personal space to reflect on everything that had happened.
She had been with Colin for almost two years before his lying and cheating had forced their relationship to crumble. Even though she loved Brad dearly, she couldn’t shake the craving for the raw sex with Colin, and the intense satisfaction she always felt at his hands. But she didn’t love him. He was slick and masterful and very sure of himself and Charlotte knew that he couldn’t resist her, anymore than she could him. But it was devoid of love. It was animal lust and it satisfied both of their needs in a way no one else could.


The May long weekend was the long weekend of the summer. It kicked off the busy season, and the influx of tourists, campers and outdoor enthusiasts was mind boggling. Any free time for staff was precious and there were extra shifts to be picked up in all departments. Kyle was no exception. He pulled a twelve hour shift yesterday and had back to back banquets on both Sunday and Monday. With so much work, it was hard to get away, so tonight was a special night for him and Shannon.
Kyle was surprised at how easily he moved from friendship to intimacy with Shannon. They had been close friends for so long and he yearned for so much more for such a long time that actually being able to touch her and hold her was like all of his fantasies coming true. He loved her so much and was truly feeling lucky that he hadn’t messed things up with her. He was excited because tonight they would be enjoying a new twist on their movie night. The thought of actually being able to cuddle with her kept him smiling all morning.

Jen met up with Nomi for lunch, as was their usual practice when their shifts coincided. They sat down and got settled by the pool and each of them laid out their bagged lunches.
Nomi waited for Jen to finish laying out her salad and chicken sandwich.
“So, have you heard from Connie lately?” asked Nomi.
“Actually, that’s why I was a few minutes late. I went through the back way past the gardens, and ran into her. She wants to have me over for drinks tonight. What do you have planned?” asked Jen as she took a large bite of her sandwich.
“Things are getting a bit tense with Takai. He said he understands that I have a life, but at the same time, I have to give him something to work with. I know he’s my brother, and he’s entrusted to look out for me but lately my Dad’s been leaning on him quite a bit about my comings and goings.” Nomi stirred her rice dish without really taking a bite.
“Oh Nomi. You know Takai’s in a tough spot. He’d probably prefer to know less about your personal life than he does. Your Dad really rides him hard sometimes,” said Jen, realizing that she really didn’t need to point out the obvious. At the same time, she was always sympathetic to both Nomi and Takai’s situation. It couldn’t be an easy task for Takai, knowing that he had been entrusted to uphold Nomi’s virtue. Old Japanese traditions were often hard for Nomi’s Dad to let go of.
“Thanks Jen. I really do appreciate how Takai handles my Dad, but I would give anything for him to just let up sometimes. Anyways, it looks like Darren and I are invited to join in on a movie with Shannon and Kyle tonight at the boys’. Downtown is going to be crazy with the weekend crowd so Kyle’s going to whip up one of his special movie night pizzas and we’re just going to settle in,” said Nomi, finally tackling her lunch with new found enthusiasm.
By the time they made their way back through to the lobby, the increase in activity and guests were noticeably heightened. They both smiled at each other as they parted to commence their respective duties. Let the weekend onslaught begin.
© Copyright 2016 Gail Lindsay (the_rhinehart at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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