Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2096284-Aging----Baby-Boomers
Rated: E · Editorial · Emotional · #2096284
No matter the year you were born, you are aging. Life is moving on.Take time and enjoy it.
I am praying that God's will be done!

This is a morning of trials and tribulations. Death, illness, pain, and suffering are daily companions for many of us. Most of us know and believe that they are a part of life and can accept this fact and move on.

Today, I am stuck in self-pity, sadness, tears, prayers, and supplication. My friends, many of whom are "baby boomers" are aging out. They have many of the diseases that we talked about when we were younger. Their bodies are failing them. Life is no longer rosy and sweet.

There is some coming to grip with where we are, where we are going, and how quickly we are moving toward our last days. Years ago, I would have been scared to death to think this deeply about this subject. Today, it is a reality.

With ALL that we have learned and experienced over our 60+ years, we are still clinging to life with desperation. We are spending a fortune to look like our daughters and granddaughters. We are holding onto that one invention that will rebuild us and allow us to live forever. I am reminded today of the saying that "Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die."

As I sit and wait my turn at the door, I am reminded of my own personal philosophy. Work hard, and play as hard as you work for life requires a balance. All of one and none of the other will leave you feeling cheated when the day is done.

Too often we put off for tomorrow those things that ought to be done today. That much-wanted vacation; that week of doing absolutely nothing; that visit to the old home town; that cruise and yes, even that moment of complete selfishness that you know you cannot afford, but have wanted all of your life. Regardless of your age, it is not too late to rethink your priorities.

STOP allowing you, yourself, and others dictate what is right for you! The Joneses are not the standard for a real quality of life for you. You do not need two incomes to compete and be happy. No, your car does not have to be a Mercedes, Lamborghini or other high priced vehicle that will only take you and bring you to whatever place you are going.

Yes, everybody is pushed to be in the fast lane, to make all the money they can for themselves. They are also told that is the only way they can be happy. NOT TRUE, NOT TRUE. Happiness comes from within you. You and only you are in control of your emotions including your happiness. When you depend on others for your happiness and other emotional perks, you are bound to be unhappy and emotionally drained.

Bottom feeders are probably happier than most other people in the world. They are individuals with a purpose in life that accepts where they are with an idea of where they want to be and work toward that goal while being happy and thankful for what they currently have.

In closing, aging is! That is what we all have in common. Being thankful for what you have allows you to be happy in place and in the end will help you to have even more. Be supportive of those that are going through for one day you will need support. We each have a ticket that only we can cash Remember that as you travel to your destination in life.

Simply put, the people you meet going up the ladder will most definitely be the ones you meet on your way down the ladder. -- no matter what situation you find yourself!

Peace and blessings always!
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