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This is a history essay about Tutankhamun. Year 7 copy. Final Draft (May be errors). |
There is absolutely no doubt that pharaohs in Ancient Egypt were extremely powerful. The pharaoh was believed that he or she was half-human and half-god. They ruled and owned all of Egypt. The pharaohs decided what was right or wrong and their word was the law. The responsibilities of the pharaohs was to protect the Egyptians from foreign invaders. It has been estimated that Tutankhamun was about eight or nine old when this throne exchange took place. Tutankhamun lived between 1332-1323 BCE and he was only King for about ten years before dying in his late teens. Some of King Tutankhamun's major accomplishments during his reign over Egypt involved reversing most of the policies that his father, King Akhenaten, had set. Most noticeably, Tutankhamun's regents reversed the decree of worshipping only Aten in favor of returning to the traditional polytheistic belief in multiple Egyptian gods. The Egyptian pharaohs were extremely powerful and has complete control over Egypt. What was the pharaoh's role in society? In ancient Egypt the pharaoh ruled and owned all of Egypt and looked after the citizens of ancient Egypt. The most powerful thing in ancient Egypt was the pharaoh. This source by The British Museum is a secondary source because it was created in 2013 and not during the time Egyptian Pharaohs lived. The source explicitly states that, "The most powerful person in ancient Egypt was the Pharaoh. The pharaoh was the political and religious leader of the Egyptian people." This explicitly outlines that the pharaoh was the most powerful person of ancient Egypt. Furthermore, a "pharaoh was the 'political and religious leader of the Egyptian people and that "He owned all of the land, made laws, collected taxes, and defended Egypt against foreigners." This implies that the pharaoh owned Egypt and made war or defended the country against aggression. This means that the pharaoh had to protect the people of Egypt. Secondly, the pharaoh had a higher status in society than anyone else in Egypt. The source by 'Tour Egypt' is a primary source because it was created in 1323 BCE and it is a painted carving into a tomb wall. The source explicitly shows a pharaoh holding a whip and a crook. It also shows the pharaoh wearing a collar and beard. This implies that the pharaoh has a higher status in society. The whip implies that he has complete control over society. The crook implies that the pharaoh guided people in society. Finally, the pharaoh created the law and the ruler of citizen of ancient Egypt. The source by Project History is a secondary source because it was not created at the time of ancient Egypt (2015). The source explicitly states that, "The pharaoh was the symbolic father of all of the citizens of Egypt." This implies that he was the ruler of all citizens of ancient Egypt. Also, the pharaoh decided what was right or wrong - their word was the law! This is evident because the text explicitly outlines that, 'What the pharaoh said was the law of the land in Egypt'. The pharaohs were the head of the government and religious organisations. The pharaoh has important roles in society to protect and look after ancient Egypt. What was the early life of Tutankhamun? Tutankhamun was born around 1341 B.C.E and given the name Tutankhamun meaning "the living image of Aten." Tutankhamun became a pharaoh at the age of eight or nine. This source by 'Word press' is a primary source because the head of Tutankhamun was created during the reign of Tutankhamun. This explicitly shows that Tutankhamun has a small undeveloped head. This implies that, Tutankhamun died at a young age. Tutankhamun was buried with games, gold and toys. This implies that he was a wealthy, young boy, when he died. The mummification process was used because he was an important pharaoh to the society. It has been estimated that Tutankhamun was about eight or nine old when this throne exchange took place. Tutankhamun lived between 1332-1323 BCE and he was only King for about ten years before dying in his late teens. This source by 'History' is a secondary source because it was not created at the time (2015). This source explicitly mentions "After Akhenaten's death, two intervening pharaohs briefly reigned before the 9-year-old prince, then called Tutankhaten, took the throne." This implies that Tutankhamun was too young to take the throne straight away. He was the son of Akhenaton, who was not liked with society of Egypt. Also it outlines that, "Akhenaten upended a centuries-old religious system to favor worship of a single deity." This implies that Akhenaten made an old religious system that everyone hated. Tutankhamun wore lots of gold and jewellery, which means he's rich and wealthy. This source by 'Wikipedia' is a primary source because it is a statue created during the reign of Tutankhamun. Tutankhamun was the son of Akhenaten. This source explicitly shows a statue of a pharaoh wearing lots of gold jewellery. This implies that Tutankhamun wanted to be remembered within society. Only the wealthy could afford gold, silver or precious stones. This is evident because the pharaoh is wearing a golden headdress and collar. This shows that Tutankhamun wanted to be seen as a great leader. The early life of Tutankhamun was interesting and important to society. What were the achievements of Tutankhamun? Tutankhamun changed the old religious system that his father made to a new religious system. Tutankhamun has a connection between the gods. This source by 'Smithsonian Journeys' is a primary source because it's a painted carving in Tutankhamen's Tomb. This source explicitly shows Anubus and Tutankhamun joining hands. This implies that it is a connection between Tutankhamun and the gods. This shows his achievement as he established the old religion which meant that he worshipped other gods like Anubus. Tutankhamun had foreign powers to society and was a commander-in-chief.This source by 'Smith, B' is a secondary source because it was created in 2011, which is not the time ancient Egypt was around. This source explicitly outlines "be it 'civil' or 'religious'." This implies that Tutankhamun had a contribution to religion. Furthermore, " the representative of the country toward foreign powers, and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces." This implies that Tutankhamun had foreign powers. Ties corroborates with Smith, B (2011), as they all show that Tutankhamun achieved during his nine years in power.Tutankhamun made a trade system and other relationships to other countries. This source by 'Bio' is a secondary source because it was created in 2015, which is not the time ancient Egypt was around. This source mentions that "Foreign policy had also been neglected during Akhenaten's reign, and Tutankhamun sought to restore better relations with ancient Egypt's neighbours." This implies that Tutankhamun sought to restore better relationships to the other countries around Egypt. This shows his achievement as he opened trade and other relationships to other countries. The achievements of Tutankhamun was important to the society of ancient Egypt. The most extremely powerful person in ancient Egypt is the pharaoh. The pharaoh was the symbolic father of all of the citizens of Egypt. It was believed that the pharaoh was a direct relative of the sun god Ra (basically the father of the other gods), so it makes sense that one of the pharaoh's main duties was to care for his people as a father cares for his children. Probably one of the best known pharaohs of ancient Egypt, Tutankhamun was a minor figure in ancient Egyptian history. The boy king of the 18th Egyptian dynasty was the son of the powerful Akhenaten (also known as Amenhotep IV) and most likely one of Akhenaten's sisters. His short reign of eight to nine years accomplished little, but the discovery of his nearly intact tomb in 1922 has led many to attempt to unravel the mysteries of his life and death. King Tut's most important achievement was that he changed the religion back to believing in the almighty god, Ra (or Re). The pharaohs role is intense because they have to take care of Egyptian citizens and the pharaohs have many roles in society. |