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by BBP
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fanfiction · #2095690
Season Premiere!
Julie: Hello. I'm Julie Chen, and right now I'm inside the Big Brother house. In just moments, the battle for half a million dollars will begin. 13 new house guests will move into this house for the next few months and they will be completely cut off from the outside world, while these microphones and cameras capture their every move. Get ready for a new season of Big Brother full of surprises.

*Julie walks out the door onto the stage with the audience applauding her*

Julie: Welcome to the newest Big Brother, where our budget has gotten so low, we’re stuck with doing our shows on online forums. In this two-night special event, 13 complete strangers are about to move into the Big Brother house with an all new twist that will change the game like never before, but we’ll get to that a little later. Now, it's time to introduce the new house guests.

*Rhydian, Tara, Stella and Jayden* become ecstatic when they see their Big Brother keys

Rhydian: My name’s Rhydian and I'm a professional WWE wrestler. Well, I would say professional, but I kinda lose a lot. Get ready house guests, because I'm about to bring the pain!
Tara: My name’s Tara Dikov and I'm a supermodel, but you probably remember me from America’s Next Top Model. I'm going to win this game with my looks, talents and persuasiveness.
Stella: I'm Stella Madoxx and I'm a fashion designer. I'm always up to date about the latest trends and can't wait to give the house guests the makeovers they need.
Jayden: I'm Jaden Cameron Hillman III and I'm currently a medical student. As a Big Brother super fan, these people won't know what hit them.

*Claudia, Zach, Chad, and Dean all get their Big Brother keys*

Claudia: I'm Claudia Willfer and I'm a business woman and a mother of 2. I'm going to beat all the men and get this show the female winner it deserves!
Zach: I'm Zach and I'm a police officer. I'm prepared to control this house and make sure nobody gets away with their evil schemes in the name of justice.
Chad: I'm Chad and I'm a professional poker player. Gambling saved my life and I'm not afraid to test my luck in the Big Brother house. Can't wait to see the cards I'm dealt.
Dean: I'm Dean Hawthorne and I'm a student getting a double degree in law and journalism. Big Brother Australia didn't work out for me, but I'm here and am going to win no matter the cost.

*Jason, Vana, Anonymous and Courtney get the last few keys*

Jason: I'm Jason and I'm a chef at Outback. If these house guests aren't able to take the heat, it's time for them to get out of the kitchen.
Vana: I'm Vana Koutsomiz and I'm a digital marketing consultant. I'm not afraid to get a little blood on my hands and do whatever it takes to bring that half million dollars home.
Anonymous: I'm, well…, Anonymous and I'm double majoring in civil engineering and architecture. I've got the skills and critical thinking it takes to win this game.
Courtney: Ny name is Courtney and I'm a columnist. I can't wait to meet the other house guests. You can choose whether I'm being sarcastic or not.

Julie: You may be wondering why we only showed you 12 house guests. That's because one of the house guests has an identical twin who will be joining them in the house but that's not just it for them. Harbor Madoxx, the singer/song writer and the brother of Stella Madoxx, will soon be joining the game. But for now, here's the 12 house guests.

*The house guests come out one by one and stand next to each other on stage*

Julie: Hello, house guests. Take a moment to look around at the people next to you, because whether you like it or not, they will be your new family. Once you enter those doors, you will not come out unless you had either been evicted or won the Big Brother game. Once inside, there is absolutely no contact with the outside world and the only people you will see are one another. In a moment, you will all be entering the house in 3 groups selected by random. The first four house guests to enter the Big Brother house are: Jason, Chad, Tara and Rydian. You may now enter the house.

*The four house guests enter the house and immediately get excited (Just imagine it looks like the first Big Brother Canada house)*

Jason: No way! I'm actually in the Big Brother house! Yes!
Chad: I'm not going to have a hard time getting used to this house. I can tell you that.
Tara: This house is so fucking perfect! There's the kitchen, my natural habitat. Oh, I gotta go find the best room before another bitch gets it first.

Diary Room (Rhydian): So I'm finally in the Big Brother house and I can't wait to get to know everyone. The guys seem pretty cool and Tara seems… Well…

Tara: *Throws her suitcase on a bed in one of the three rooms* Yes! This room is so flawless. It's too bad I'm going to have to share it with some other bitches.
Chad: How about us guys find a room to stay in?
Jason: Good idea! Us guys should stick together.
Rhydian: Let's hurry up so we can get to see the other house guests.
Tara: Pushes everyone out of the way Move it! I got to get the drinks ready.

Julie: The next five house guests to enter the house are: Stella, Dean, Anonymous, Vana and Zach. You may now all enter.

*The five pick up their bags and rush into the Big Brother house*

Stella: Oh my gosh! This place is so gorgeous! Best. House. Ever!
Vana: I know. Too bad this house is only for the game because I'd kill for a house like this.
Dean: Come on. Let's calm down for now. Don't want to trip down the stairs from excitement.

Diary Room (Anonymous): After coming in here, I can assure you this house is definitely well designed. If I'm going to be stuck here for a while, at least I'll be living in luxury.

Tara: *Sees Stella and Vana* Hey, cuties! C’mon! Let's be roommates.
Vana: Okay! I'm right behind you.
Stella: Give me a second. I think I packed too much clothes.
Tara: Oh please. When you're with me, there's never too much clothes.
Zach: *Walks over to the room with the first three guys* Hey, guys. Can I crash here?
Jason: Sure. And with that, we got ourselves a guy’s room! Woot woot!
Chad: Let's go to the living room for now. There's still more houseguests coming.
Dean: *Looks at Anonymous* So… Want to find a room to share?
Anonymous: Since the other room is taken, I guess so. But make sure you let me see the room first so I can make sure it's the better one.
Dean: Okay. If you say so…

Julie: The final three houseguests to enter the Big Brother house are: Claudia, Jayden and Courtney. You may now enter the house.

*The three grab their bags and enter the house*

Jayden: I know being last isn't the greatest, but I can't believe I made it!
Courtney: Wow… It's incredible… I hope I don't get a heart attack from all the excitement.
Claudia: Hey everyone! Claudia is in the building! Haha!
Stella: Hey, you two! *Points at Claudia and Courtney* There's two spots left in our girl’s room. Why don't you come join us?
Claudia: Oh good. I thought I'd have to sleep with the guys all season.
Courtney: You being able to sleep with a man would be very unlikely anyways.

Diary Room (Courtney): Don't think I came to the Big Brother house to make friends and actually compete. If I really wanted to watch people being plucked off one by one, I would've just read “Five Little Monkeys Jumping on a Bed.” But I was going to lock myself in my room and read anyways so I might as well do it for half a million dollars.

Jayden: *Walks into the room with Dean and Anonymous* I guess that means I'm hanging out with you guys, huh? You two seem pretty chill.
Dean: I guess so. Nice to meet you!
Jayden: Nice to meet you too! I hope you can keep me entertained because we are going to have a lot of time to get to know each other. Right…
Anonymous: *Stares at a bed* Oh yeah… Sure…
Jayden: Whispers to Dean Is he always like this?

Diary Room (Anonymous): I was trying to socialize with the other houseguests, but I couldn't help but notice the extra bed in our room. I wonder why…

*All the houseguests gather around the living room as Tara pops open a bottle of wine. Everyone gets poured a glass and everyone sits down to introduce themselves.*

(I don't think you guys, the readers, want to read everyone introduce themselves all over again, so I'll just put the confessionals of what they think of each other.)

Diary Room (Stella): So I'm hearing Tara saying she is a model and I was like “Hey!” I'm a fashion designer, so I work with models all the time. I can't wait to see what she has to offer.

Diary Room (Chad): The fact that Rhydian loses most of his wrestling tournaments is a little sad, but there can't be winner without losers right? I'm sure he's a nice guy though.

Diary Room (Anonymous): It's so painfully obvious that Claudia is a feminist. I just hope she doesn't only target guys because of that.

Diary Room (Tara): Oh my lord! Zach is such a hottie! Like forget my dumbass boyfriend, Thomas. I want a piece of that ass.

Diary Room (Dean): So Courtney introduces herself and she talks in this drowsy and dull tone. She doesn't really seem like the life of the party nor will she be very fun to hang out with.

*Julie appears on the monitor*

Julie: Hello, houseguests.
Houseguests: Hey, Julie!
Julie: I hope you all got settled in and got to know your fellow houseguests, because it's time for the moment you Big Brother fans have probably been expecting. Do you remember the famous Big Brother saying?
Houseguests: Expect the Unexpected!
Julie: Exactly, and this season is no different. We have one new twist that is guaranteed to shake the house. But first…

*The doorbell rings*

Stella: Oh my gosh!
Anonymous: This must be the final houseguest, correct?
Jayden: I wonder who it’ll be!
Claudia: Hopefully they will be a girl to make it a bit even around here.

Harbor Madoxx enters the house and everyone screams with excitement

Harbor: Harbor has arrived, folks!
Tara: Holy hell! Another hot male! This house is so perfect!
Jason: Whoa! And he kind of looks like Stella too!
Chad: No way! Are you guys twins?
Stella: Well, you got me. We're twins. *Walks up to Harbor and gives him a hug* I didn't expect you to be here as well.
Harbor: I mean, c’mon. Why wouldn't they pick me to be a part of the season. So are you happy or mad that I'm here with you?
Stella: Hm… Both?
Tara: *Whispers* Stella, would you care if I fucked your brother?
*Stella laughs hysterically*

Diary Room (Claudia): So I see Stella’s twin brother walk into the house and I instantly knew this would lead to trouble. They will obviously form an alliance together because of their bond and I will not let that happen.

Julie: Okay, houseguests. Settle down. As excited as most of you are about the last minute addition, that wasn't the main twist of the season. Are you all ready to find out this seasons twist?
Houseguests: Yes!
Julie: Well, I'll tell you. This twist is called “BB Assassin.” Starting after the first Head of Household competition, you will all be called into the diary room and be given a name of another houseguest. This houseguest will be your target. It is your job to try to get them evicted from the house as soon as possible. With the Head of Household, this should be a very easy task, but they could be taken off with the Power of Veto or the house could vote to save your target because someone convinced them to eliminate someone else so be careful. In addition to this, the Head of Household will be nominating a total of three houseguests for eviction, making it more difficult to eliminate their target. Be careful who you're aligned with, because they may be out to get you. Once four houseguests have been evicted, also known as the pre-jury members, the four houseguests who successfully got their targets evicted will have a chance at winning the Round Trip Ticket. With this ticket, you will be able to re-enter the game instantly after you're eliminated. However, I'll explain that once we get to that point. As for now, it is time for the first Head of Household competition. Change into your gear and go to the backyard.

*Everyone is still shocked by the twist, but they get up and go to the storage room to pick up their outfits*

Diary Room (Jayden): So I hear this new Assassin twist and I'm like “What the hell?” So basically I can't trust anyone and nobody can trust me? But that Round Trip Ticket would be so nice to have under my belt and I can't let this opportunity get away.

Diary Room (Courtney): Oh, man. And for a second I thought we'd have to kill each other. That would've been much more exciting. Oh well, that just means everyone is going to be as fake as ever to hide the fact their all plotting to backstab each other for something we don't even know if someone will get it.

*The houseguests walk into the backyard to see a jungle theme with a big lake and vines over it. The houseguests each climb onto a vine.*

Julie: Houseguests, the Head of Household is up for grabs. They will earn the responsibility to nominate three houseguests for eviction and get the chance to eliminate their target. This competition is called “Monkeying Around” and here's how it works. Be the last one to stay on your vine and you win. The first three to fall will be the Have-Nots for the week. Get ready because the competition starts now!

*The vines begin to rotate as the houseguests try to hold on*

Julie: The competition had officially begun. Who will win the first Head of Household? How will the twist affect their decision? And what else do we have in store for the houseguests? Find out next time on Big Brother Posted. For now, I leave you with the houseguests.

*Rain begins to pour in the houseguests as they try not to slip*
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