Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2095117-Dorm-tickle-horror-4
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Comedy · #2095117
The last boy makes peace
The monster burst through the dorm room door to find Mike sitting on the bed dangling his legs and staring at his feet, “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but go ahead and tickle me.” Mike was still dressed the same as he had been at the start, tight shirt, shorts and a pair of black ankle socks. The monster smiled obviously happy with Mike’s statement, “What’s with the change of heart, I didn’t think you wanted to be tickled.” “I don’t really want to, but you want to tickle me so I guess I might as well try to like it. Maybe it won’t be that bad.” Mike tried to look optimistic while the monster smiled and approached the willing teen. Mike slid over to give the monster room to sit on the bed, “So how does this work exactly?” The monster chuckled and sat down next to the teen, “Well, I’m going to tickle you of course. I can go slowly for you if you want.”

Mike blushed and nodded, “I’d appreciate that.” The monster laughed, “Don’t worry boy I won’t hurt you, and who knows by the time this over, you may like being tickled. Now let’s see… well you’re not wearing any shoes on your feet which is nice, but I’ll save those for later… what about sides? Those should make a decent place to start… or maybe your stomach…no too generic I need something special for you… Okay, I’ve got it. Stretch your legs out.” Mike looked nervous but he did so anyway. The monster slowly began to tickle the backs of Mike’s knees and his thighs. The boy responded with a smile and some squirms shifting nervously, and in response to the tickling, as the monster’s fingers caress his legs. The monster chucked and pushed the boy’s legs off his lap. “You’re Mike, right? Where do you think you’re ticklish?”

Mike felt his face heat up at the question but stammered out a response anyway, “My feet, underarms, stomach, pretty much everywhere.” The monster smiled encouragingly trying to get the student to relax. “Sounds like you’re pretty certain about that, I’m just going to poke around your upper body and test your reaction, see what I’m up against.” True to his word, the monster reached out and poked Mike’s sides and ribs eliciting a stream of giggles. “hehehehehehehehehehahahahehahehahehahehaeha” “Well you certainly are pretty ticklish, let’s try here.” The monster ran a finger over the boy’s stomach earning a yelp. The monster smiled and Mike’s blush darkened. “We seem to have found a sweet spot, Mike.” The boy nodded but still looked uncomfortable.

The monster frowned slightly at the student’s reaction. “Mike, you need to relax and enjoy yourself.” The monster’s voice was serious but not threatening and Mike found himself trying to heed the advice. He took a deep breath and nodded, “Alright, I’ll try.” The monster smiled encouragingly and replied, “That’s all I ask. Now let’s have some real fun, take you shirt off and we can step this up.” Mike stood up from the bed and did as the monster had asked, stripping off his shirt and then turned to face the monster who seemed delighted at the boy’s compliance. He reached out and lightly ticked the bare skin of the boy’s stomach and was rewarded with a squeal and a genuine grin from Mike. The monster now used a few more of his hands, tickling along Mike’s sides, ribs and stomach. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.” The monster was shocked at not only the volume of laughter but also at how soft the skin was. His fingers glided across the flesh without any resistance and Mike’s laughter continued to get louder.

The monster paused to give Mike a break and let the boy catch his breath, “So how is it?” In between his pants Mike managed to say, “Intense.” Did you enjoy it?” Mike flushed again and nodded. “Alright,” the monster began smiling, “let’s try something new; put your arms behind your head and try to hold them there.” The monster reached out and light began tickling Mike’s armpits. The boy managed to keep his arms behind his head despite his laughter, “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.” The monster’s fingers swirled around in the student’s armpits.

The sensation tickled so much. That was the first thing on Mike’s mind but as the tickling continued, he found himself enjoying it. He was able to just laugh. It had been a long time since he was able to let go and laugh without reservation. He found himself enjoying the fingers sending ticklish shocks through his body. He was almost sorry when he felt the fingers leave his skin.
The monster observed the grinning boy below him. Mike’s face was lit up with a pure, childish glee. “So what do you say now Mike?” The boy smiled at his shyly and replied, “I think I’m ready for you to really step it up.” The monster chucked at the newfound enthusiasm and resolved to ask after its source later, but for now he would oblige his prize. “What do you have in mind?” To his delight the boy swung his feet onto the monster’s lap and wiggled his socked toes in a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. The monster looked him in the eye, “Are you sure about this?” Mike nodded bravely.

The monster needed no more encouragement, his fingers eagerly descended on the offered feet. He skillfully scratched the socked soles and gently tickled the side of Mike’s feet. His efforts were rewarded by gales of laughter emanating from the student, “HAHEHAHAHEHEHAHEHAHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.” The monster was enjoying himself; Mike’s feet were soft, even through the socks, and they reacted wonderfully to the tickling, squirming around on his lap but not actually pulling away. The monster wanted to rip the socks off and get at the beauties underneath, but he had promised to go slow and so he did. The boy’s laughter was musical to him and he continued to tickle the students feet until in between the stream of laughter he heard, “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHASTHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAOPHAHAAHHA.” The monster stopped immediately and Mike’s feet stayed on the monster’s lap spasming with the tingling sensation for a few moments and then he pulled them back.

The monster was disappointed for a moment thinking his play time was over, but once again Mike surprised him. The college student stripped off his socks and placed his now bare feet back on the monster’s lap. The monster stared right at the boy, “Are you sure about this Mike?” Mike’s face was still red and the monster was not sure if it was from embarrassment or just from the tickling over the past twenty minutes. The boy nodded determinedly, “I want to try it without my socks on.” To the monster it was Christmas came early, the boy’s feet were perfect, soft and smooth, slightly damp from being in socks and the tickling they had previously received.

The monster gladly went about filling the request. The now bared soles continued to offer little in the way of resistance so the monster’s expert fingers glided along them. He slowly ticked the soles and heel with quick flicks of his finger up and down. All he heard from Mike was a steady stream of laugher, “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHEHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAH!” It was almost defining but it was wonderful to the monster and, he suspected, to Mike. The student seemed to be enjoying it, which was what the monster had always wanted. The continued with his tickling, playing with the skin underneath and the toes and with the pads of toes themselves, eliciting a higher pitched laughter from Mike as he found more sensitive areas on the teen’s feet.

It had been several hours since the monster had started tickling Mike. They had had fun with the tickling and Mike had revealed to the monster, during one of the many breaks, that he felt like a kid again and he wasn’t able to just laugh these days. The tickling gave hima reason to let go and be happy without needing a reason. Although they had both enjoyed themselves the fun had ended a while ago. Mike had gone to his dorm room and found Senghoon. His friend had been overjoyed to see him but both where so tired from their tickling that they had gone to bed immediately, resolving to figure out everything in the morning. When they woke up, it was like nothing had happened, at all. The building they were in was the right one, the doors led out to the campus, and the people were all where they were supposed to be, including Joe and Austin. The other boys had remembered the events of the previous night, but only through a tickle induced haze. They decided to keep it between themselves and continue on with their lives, which they did. Or they did until final’s season was over and they found themselves in much the same state they had found themselves in a few months ago. The group was relaxing until they heard a pounding on the door. Senhoon answered it and the monster stepped in to the dorm. Mike smiled, “Welcome back,” around him the others were pulling off socks and shirts, “we’re ready to start when you are.” The monster smiled with glee and said, “Then let’s relieve some stress.”
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