Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2094654-The-O-Koopa-Gain
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Other · #2094654
Something I wrote for /trash/, have a good one.
Every day, it's the same for Wendy O' Koopa. Her constant boredom felt like a deep sickness, a non-perishable item that ran through her cold blood. It was the same situation with every koopa and Goomba unfortunate enough to zoom across her vision. She was called "Her Ruthlessness", or, "Her Brattiness" behind closed doors for a reason, her nearly constant tinkering with her father's underlings. She'd kick Koopa shells like soccer balls, only to see goombas get torn down like dominos. The brat spooked the boos with vacuum cleaners, just to get pleasure from seeing them dash into pantries. Wendy even went as far as to delete Jr's save file on Pokon, only to torture her brother with the displeasure of having a full team of Bidoofs. And yet...it wasn't enough for her.

Her curiosity sought out more laughs and thrills, as the ones she had at that moment were only temporary. Watching Shy Guys run in fear of fire balls and seeing her own faction of the Koopa Army were grim reminders of how bad the army really was. If the lands they lived on didn't generate money as is, the possibility of having the army disband could have been quite real. With a calm mind, at least, as calm as the koopaling could have, she began to descend into the Mushroom Kingdom's main market place. As to be expected from the Mushroom Kingdom's populous, Wendy was met with cawing, screaming Toads, who darted as soon as they caught glimpse of her pink lips, or her pink shell, decorated with well placed, well-polished spikes.

"Ha!" Wendy gloated, pushing her abdomen outwards, so she could feel her dominance wash over. "I guess I'm as big and mean as they say if they're running away like little WIMPS!"
The psychotic koopaling kept peering into shops that were lined up along the downtown, as Toads run and bump around, causing a ruckus. Wendy could only groan, she grew tired of finding odd antique shops, sub-par bakeries, and dollar store shops. Her interest was deteriorating, until she found an odd tent, pitched up near the small park. Resurged with intrigue, Wendy stepped into the tent, her eyes darted across the thick, blue fabric, before she glanced down to the boxes, a musty smell wafted from the slips in the boxes. And that was when Wendy encountered a young girl, who was unpacking the belongings she kept in these boxes at the time. Potions, of all variances and varieties, colors ranged from a ruby red, to a metallic blue, to even the deepest of purples. Wendy was caught slightly off guard by the girl's glare, her red, soul piercing eyes locked right into Wendy's yellow orbs, as the young girl steps up from her position.

"We're closed right now." The young girl growled, as she placed her foot onto a box, showing off her red shoe, held by an odd orange strap, "If you want my potions early, it'll cost extra."

Wendy could only laugh, as one of her claws reached for the inside of her shell, a bag rattled and jingled with coins as it was pulled out. The koopaling shook it, with a sly grin on her face. "What, and you think I can't pay for it?" Wendy remarked, "C'mon short stack, wha'cha got for me?"

The potion keeper had her fill of Wendy's impatient behavior. The young girl opened a box, her black, oversized pigtails bobbed with each little movement she made, as she slid a yellow potion out from the box. For such a greedy person, for such a spoiled girl, she would have to begin her slow descent into looking the part of a spoiled brat.

"This..." The young girl cooed, "This is a power potion. Only the best spell casters can truly get any use out of it."

The greedy Wendy swipes the potion from the witch's hands, rattling the liquid around in its container, before making the exchange. The potion, for her bag. "Done and done!" Wendy cheered on, "I'm one of the best spell casters of my line, so this is just for me!"

And with that, Wendy turned her tail and left, a hearty laugh escaped her lips, as she rubbed the bottle of her new potion, thinking she got away with a deal that could never be topped. However, the young girl could only snicker, sitting her rump down on one of the boxes she had. Her red eyes glared at her koopa hind end, knowing what would be the end result.

"Favor that mobility for now..." The merchant spoke, as she opened a box, "Because you will never be able to have it, for the rest of your spoiled life..."

Wendy busted into her room, one high heel filled foot clapped from the cobblestone ground, and onto the hard, sturdy floor, while the other followed suit. Wendy's eyes were fixated on the warning labels placed on the back, only illuminated by the glimmering, setting sun barely peering in her arched window. She read on her large, body sinking bed, her mouth curled to a devious smirk. She couldn't find any single side effect put on the potion's label, at least, nothing that didn't sound too bad. Just the usual, drowsiness, dizziness, odd thoughts, etcetera. It was like a dream come true! The spoiled Koopaling ripped out the cork the potion was sealed in, its sickeningly sweet aroma twirled and twisted around Wendy's head.

Quickly, Wendy put the bottle's tip to her lips, the liquid poured down into her mouth. The young Koopa was shocked to find the potion was laced with the same sort of flavor, that would fit easily with the smell. She couldn't pinpoint the flavor, it tasted like some sort of candy, icing combination. It was a candy shop and a bakery flowing past Wendy's taste buds, an intoxicating feeling that took over Wendy's mind, which told her she needed more. And then, the worst thing had happened, the potion she guzzled had ran out of fluid. Her gluttony was not satisfied.

"UGH!" Wendy grunted, she tossed the empty bottle across the room, watching it shatter and spread. The spoiled Koopaling hops from her position, her steps would shake and wobble the cobble castle, as her rage began to build up. "HEY MORONS! GET YOUR PRINCESS SOMETHING TO EAT! I'M FREAKING STARVING!" Her outbursts echoed along the castle corridors, as underlings were quick to begin their cooking.

Wendy stormed down into the kitchen, where she didn't even bother to wait on her servants. She stole a bucket of freshly made frosting and began to scoop the treat into her mouth. Her moans were something to cause concern about, each little slurp of her hands. The rational thinking Koopas had rapidly realized Wendy, the Koopaling who attributed herself to tropical landscapes, the finest of the fine, and the epitome of wealth, was more greedy than usual. She was not one for making a complete glutton of herself, but there she was, in all her glory.

Her greediness licked frosting from her cartoonishly plump lips, while her hands, well, they were the back hoes to the frosting soil. Each chef could hear her stomach gurgle and glorsh, it was starting to push on her shell from the inside, gently stretching the hard exterior. Wendy couldn't react to her stomach bloating; all she could react to was the constant flow of icing from her hands to her mouth. An empty icing bucket soon rested in Wendy's hands. She chucks it aside, letting out a distasteful burp, crudely wiping the frosting from her face, and wiping it on a Koopa's shell.

"I want my food done faster, or I'll eat every one of you!" Wendy threatened, the Koopas knew she would be unable to cram every single underling into her mouth, there was hammer space, but then there was the suspension of disbelief. However, each cowardly minion continued on, at a more rapid pace. Shy Guys bustled around, baking brownies of the sorts. Goombas hopped and stomped on dough, trying to flatten it out perfectly. Boos, which were always cowardly in the face of their biggest fear, were inside ovens, adding decorations to the cake as it baked. While Wendy? Her job was to eat whatever was finished, or finished enough.

Like a disgusting piece of Monthly Koopa Hotties she found lurking under Roy's bed, she wrapped her lips around a popsicle, slurping the flavor from it before she let the treat fall into her throat. Wendy would rip apart the flesh of a cooked beast slathered with sauce and grease, and then lick any remnants off of her teeth. She would even go as raunchy as to rest on all fours, while digging her head in a Koopa Fortress cake, an ironic design Koopa chefs adopted along the years of being near Bowser. All of this food pushed the limits of her stomach some more, causing her shell to crumble around her gut. But would this brat of a girl care? Unlikely. Wendy's main focus was to curb her inner desires, which had always been somewhat of her goal to begin with. Her hunger melded her mind, her infatuation with food grew quickly with each second. Her shell started to shatter, it was only a matter of time until the plump Koopaling would experience her wardrobe malfunction.

As the inevitable bell for the destruction of the spiked shell tolled, Wendy would stumble from her position, her stuffed gut peeked out of the holes caused by how much she had eaten, the protective layer stained with icing and sauce, which resembled the mess on her cheeks, and placed around her lips. The young girl stretched her arms up, she released a groan that seemed to echo throughout her eardrums. The whole castle spun in front of Wendy, she was on the brink of a food coma. The chefs all gathered around, picking Wendy up from her arms, as they carried her back to her abode. Wendy lets out another belch, her groans only got worse as her stomach jiggled and wobbled. Her eyes began to flutter, as her head drooped down. The spoiled koopa could barely keep herself awake, and could only mutter out a simple, "The koopa...belly...is not...for touch...ing..." before she slipped into her dream world.

A gentle breeze flew through the room, the morning sunlight peered through the window, it barely illuminated Wendy's bed. The spoiled Koopa started to slide up, she felt her gut press against her upper thighs, the cold breeze swung around the Koopa. Wendy shivered, she rubbed her shoulders as she got out of bed. With each little step, her thick rump shook and wobbled, both of her claws split open her wardrobe. The koopa tried to slide a shell onto her body, only to find her shell wasn't...fitting her, anymore. Wendy began to growl, she attempted to furiously push the shell down, only to cause her plump rump to jiggle even more. The koopaling just screamed, tossing her shell off. She kicked it into the hall, only to hear her stomach growl like her father. The spoiled brat began to stomp down the steps, her slightly busty bosom bounced on top of her beach ball of a belly, while her thickness just trembled with delight.

A usual day for the King Koopa would come to an abrupt halt. He had spent most of his morning with his dairy, his pink pencil, and his noodle of a noodle, whatever crazy thought he came up with, he would jot it down. How would he kidnap the Princess this time, he wondered? Would it be through a giant hot air balloon attack? Or could he possibly be so crazy as to slide his castle underneath Peach's? Could he possibly use a giant cake to trap the fancy child-at-heart? All of his thoughts were interrupted when he noticed someone unknown, placed in his path. The king shut his dairy and glanced down at the girl, unimpressed by this midget. He waited patiently, Bowser was willing to give this girl a chance, since he considered that the time was unusually early. But, once he realized she wouldn't cough up, he cleared his throat.

"Alright missy," Bowser began to warn, "I don't know what you're doin' in my castle, but I think you've got the wrong idea. You're small, I'm massive. One step on your head and you'll be back at 1-1. So, either tell me what's up, or skedaddle. I'm feelin' unusually nice today." Bowser placed his claws on his hips, both balled up into fists, as his eyes fixated on the young girl. An eyebrow of his slowly perked up, as the girl didn't respond with a nervous mumble, or a battle cry, but with a giggle. A giggle that only escalated into laughter. Laughter that died down once the girl could no longer intake oxygen through her mouth.

"Oh, I'm so sorry your tallness..." The girl began to teasingly remark, "Your brutalness, your muscularness, your royal koopaness...but I'm afraid I came to check on a little prize turkey that you call a daughter." The koopa king crossed his arms, as he watched the young girl walk passed him. That could have been a moment where Bowser gave chase for the girl, but the Koopa King couldn't fight on an empty stomach. He shrugged the girl off and headed for one of the mess halls, without the knowledge that his daughter was doing the exact same.

Wendy tore open fridge doors, she saw no meal in sight as she locked onto pantry doors. Two whole kitchens had been cleared out since last night, the utter shock that Wendy had officially eaten more than her seven brothers and her father didn't faze her one bit. Her stomach was the object that needed satisfaction, sustenance, pleasure, it just needed food. Wendy stormed out to the third mess hall, in the fourth part of the castle. There were so many halls to go through, it was a shock that Mario would always end up in the most treacherous rooms the castle stored. Wendy would kick down the door, her right leg endlessly wobbled as she thudded in, only to lock eyes with the potions dealer, who had a smug grin on her face.
"You!" Wendy exclaimed, as she charged towards the potion's dealer, "I'll have your neck! You ripped me off! Now you're gonna face the wrath of an O' Ko-" Wendy was surprised to find a pantry in her way, her face completely smashed through the door. Wendy could feel a soft, smooth hand quickly thrust itself onto the brat of a princess' ass, gently having its feel. "Hey!" Wendy barked, as she kicked around, "Hands off the royal toosh!" Wendy whimpered, as she tried to wiggle her butt out from her groper's hand, only to have another hand plant itself on the other cheek.

"Well, then I claim this royal toosh." The potion keeper gave the pillow of a butt another squish, before leaning forward, her black pigtails bounced on the sides of Wendy, as a psychotic grin grew on her face, "In the name of the great witch Ashley, I claim this Koopa Booty as my own!"

Wendy could feel an odd shiver run up her spine, as the potion's master pulled her trapped koopaling out. Before Wendy could say anything, Ashley shoved a cupcake past her plump limps, putting a finger to them, and then shushing Wendy. One of Ashley's hands began to fiddle about with Wendy's hind end, as the witch began to move Wendy to a chair. She sat the Koopaling down, she wanted Wendy to relax before she went back to her distraction. So far, the distraction worked, Wendy's mind was back onto food, as she consumed whatever spec Ashley brought over to her. Her lips were quickly coated in a thick syrup, along with her claws, as she attempted to eat drowned pancakes, in the shape of her own face. Her other claw darted for strips of bacon, which were unfortunate enough to meet their untimely demise in the shredders known as Wendy's canines. Wendy chugged a whole gallon of milk sat in front of her, lines of the dairy treat ran down her chin, and slid onto her gut.

Her meal wasn't even half over when Ashley heard thuds from behind the door, it seemed as though Bowser was coming. Ashley placed more food in front of Wendy, expecting Bowser to enter the only door that wasn't broken down that lead to this kitchen. And in the Koopa King came, his eyes widened as he watched his one and only daughter glut herself, as she filled her stomach to the brim. Ashley would only walk over, placing one hand on Bowser's side, tsking to herself.

"My...MY DAUGHTER!" Bowser screamed, furious that Wendy would let herself go to such extremes. "She was a rail two whole days ago! She looked like an O' Koopa! Why does my daughter look like an O' Fatty?!" Bowser thrusted his foot down to the floor some more, which caused the table in front of Wendy to dance about, empty glasses and dirty plates slammed down to the floor, their crafted parts spilled upon the floor. Ashley patted the side of the angered beast, ready to soothe his angers.

"She's mighty massive, your furiousness." Ashley went on, "In fact, I dare even say she's the thickest Koopa to exist. But there is something that even you have to see in her massive weight. The strategies one could pull with her. At this point, there's no stopping her, she's gone completely mad with gluttony. I did my best to assist her, but she just couldn't let me fix her. I'll tell you what though...you know how Mario does that ground pound? Imagine Wendy doing that, plus...say...a thousand, two thousand pounds. Imagine the ripple in the ground...imagine Toads screaming in terror, imagine the Princess under your thumb...now imagine your rival Mario, flattened like a pancake under Queen O' Koopa, royal ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom."
Bowser's gears begun their rotation. The old dusty cobwebs that once held brilliant plans ran at full blast, as he let Ashley's plan sink in. Sure, there was that one-time Bowser had dealt with a gain of his own, he nearly fell through the floor of his own castle. And that's when it hit him. Maybe Wendy's size was more of a blessing than a curse. Bowser glanced down at the clever witch, the both of them exchanged smug grins, as they both shared the same plans, separate from their own intentions. "I suppose you gotta point there, girly..." The king praised Ashley, as he rubbed his chin in thought. Just how large could he get his daughter?

Time slipped from the hands of the two plotters. Ashley made sure not to get herself too involved in Bowser's dirty work, the last thing she wanted was to be public enemy number one to the Mushroom Kingdom. Bowser would go on to carry out his plans of turning Wendy into a massive blob, months seemingly passed, as did the numbers on Wendy's body. She went through her old, cramped room, and into a much larger space. Her cheeks ballooned out to accompany the mass amounts of food she slorped up each day, her chin multiplied, sustaining fat within her face. Her legs, how they grew, thick columns of fat hid her feet away from sight, not like her stomach wasn't already doing the job for her. The blob that held up her perky, cannon-ball sized breasts, at least pushed out to the astronomical size of one of the billions of tiny planets Mario would leap across on his spectral journey. And there waited the nearly thickest part about Wendy, her rear end. Being held up by her juicy, tender thighs, Wendy's money maker would put most backyard pools to shame. The amount of flesh that was held within each cheek was ludicrous, nearly ridiculous, in fact. Even at this size, Wendy's hunger was not satisfied. How could it ever be now? Wendy just agreed to whoever was willing to give her food at this rate, and so far, Wendy had put all of her poker chips towards Ashley. It was all according to plan; the young witch had thought.

Bowser would later begin his invasion on the Mushroom Kingdom, a separate ship was charged with the task of carrying the massive Wendy inside. As four fleets made their way to the castle, Peach could see them inch closer with each second. The princess could only muster a groan, as she began to dial Mario. Bowser stepped out from his quarters, holding a megaphone up to his maw. "Alright, Peach!" Bowser's voice boomed all over the castle town, his firey eyes locked with the stained glass window, "You can come out peacefully now, or we send out our special weapon!"

Peach would leave Mario a message on her phone, as Bowser began to inch closer. It seemed she didn't comply to Bowser's demands, as Bowser had expected. With eagerness and gusto, he pointed his digit towards the castle, a trademark grunt escaping his throat. The ship marked with Wendy's logo began to propel towards the tip of the castle, preparing itself in the perfect center. Bowser thrusted his fist towards the sky, the signal to drop the bombshell had been given. The ropes were thrown out of the claws of koopas, the ship whirled upwards, and a perfect, Wendy sized trap door was forced open. There was only one problem, though. Wendy was nowhere in sight. Bowser looked around, confused and annoyed. "What'd you numbskulls do with my daughter?!" Bowser roared, as he looked for which koopa to blame. Other minions could only sigh, as they knew their inevitable fate with Mario was quickly coming to bite them in the ass.

But what had happened to the massive Wendy? Why, where else would she be but home? Ashley slid another slice of cake into Wendy's mouth, the massive koopa grumbled as she chewed, smacking her lips as the cake slice became no more. Ashley took her stand on top of Wendy's belly, before she coo'd to her Wendy's favorite line; "Wait right here, Wend. There's definitely more where that came from."

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