Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2094247-Dorm-tickle-horror-2
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Comedy · #2094247
The next boys learns a laughter filled lesson
Austin, Senghoon, and Mike fled from the common room where Joe was being tortured. They ran to the end of the hall and Austin, who was in the lead, flung open the door that lead to the emergency stairs that connected all three floors of the dorm. They rushed all the way up to the second floor and into the bathroom, all the way hearing Joe’s tormented laughter. “What is that thing and what the hell does it want from us?!” Austin’s voice was panicked. “Joe pissed him off so now he wants some kind of revenge” Mike responded looking panicked, his toes curled in his socks. “What do we do now?” Senghoon looked panicked as he glanced at the door. Mike frowned and thought about it before replying “Let’s try to fight him, maybe if we beat him we can get out of here.” “No way”, Austin responded immediately, “he has eight arms and he’s huge!” “Well what do you think we should do?” “We need to hide, if he can’t find us than he can’t tickle us.” Austin’s face turned red with shame as he said the last part. Senghoon nodded “Austin is right Mike, we can’t fight that thing; we should just hide and hope for the best. Mike frowned, “What about Joe?” “Screw him; he got that thing mad at us he can deal with it while we hide.” Austin’s voice was higher pitched than usual. Mike frowned, “I’m going back to see if I can help him.” He looked at Senghoon, “Are you coming?” “Senghoon shook his head, “Sorry Mike I’m too ticklish, I won’t last.”
Mike shook his head and declared, “I’m going back to help him, alone or not.” Mike turned around and headed back the way they came, only this time, it felt much longer. When he got to the stairs, he could hear Joe’s laughter, but looking back on the whole thing, he should have been able to hear his friend’s laughter the whole time because of how the dorms where built. It felt it took him even longer to get down the stairs, all the while he could hear Joe’s tortured laughter. He was worried about Joe but he had to admit that he was super ticklish. He needed to get Joe and run fast.
By the time he got to the bottom of the stairs he didn’t hear anything, and when he burst into the common room Joe had been in, he saw the monster but not his friend. The monster turned around to face him and smiled, “Did you come for you friend? That was brave of you, but foolish.” “Where’s Joe?” Mike’s demand sounded more like a question even to him but he still tried to keep a brave face. The monster started advancing towards him and replied lazily “He was punished for his rudeness but now the rest of you must be punished for allowing it.” He paused in front of Mike who had tensed up in preparation to fight. All of the monster’s arms returned to his side as he stared at Mike’s face thoughtfully. He then commented “You don’t look like a bad kid, and you did come to save your friend even though you’re afraid. I guess I can’t punish that immediately.”
He seemed lost in thought for a moment and then said “I’ll let you in on a secret, this distortion world we’re in bends to my will, but if you are able to satisfy my will without me bending the world, than you are allowed to go free.” The monsters arms reach out and squeezed his sides earning a giggle from Mike. “I want to tickle you now,” the monster confessed “but I’ll wait and go after your friends. This world may take the form of your dorm building, but it is not separate from other distortions I have used on others before you.” With that comment the monster pushed past the startled college student and stalked off, presumably to look for Austin and Senghoon.
Austin hid in a closet. It was stupid, but it was slightly better than hiding under a bed, which was his other idea. He and Senghoon had decided to split up in hopes that the monster would take longer to find them individually. So he stayed on the second floor while Senghoon went up to the third.
Austin had tried the door that was farthest from the stairs and it had opened immediately. He wasn’t left with many options for hiding places but after checking several rooms and finding nothing better, he had settled for the room he tried first. He couldn’t hear anything other than the sound of his own heart pounding in his chest and the closet was dark so all he could see was a thin line of the room from where the closet doors didn’t full meet. He had kept his sneakers on despite how warm it was hiding in hopes that they would offer some protection. He had learned at a young age that he was incredibly ticklish everywhere but his feet were particularly bad. He never went barefoot because even carpets made him giggle.
Austin was busy reminiscing when he heard the door open; he was on full alert as he saw a figure pass his line of view, a figure that unfortunately was not human. He held his breath and hoped desperately it would not find him. The monster searched around the room, looking behind the door and under the beds before he opened the closet next to Austin. The college boy felt his panic rising as a large shadow blocked his line of vision. Hands reached out and flung the doors open and upon seeing Austin smiled wickedly. The arms reached out and easily grabbed him even though he made an effort to run.
“Please don’t.” Austin was sure it was no use but he felt that he needed to try. The monster didn’t reply as it picked him up with his rear hands. The other arms proceeded to grab extension cords, towels and other things that he used to bind Austin to a bed in the room. He was tied eagle spread totally immobile and terrified. He struggled trying to get away as the monster’s hands descended unto his ribs, belly, and sides. “Hehahehahehehaahahehea” The monster proceeded to continue the agonizing torture while Austin thrashed around on the bed. Just as he was being to think there was no end, the monster stopped. Through the sweat and tears Austin was able to see the hands reaching towards the hem of his shirt.
Mike hurried down the halls thinking over what he had been told. The monster would leave them alone if he could be satisfied without using the distortion. In all of his running he happened to pass by the RA’s office on the floor. Through the window he was able to see that it was not the office he remembered. Instead of being relatively plain, it was decorated with a number of pictures, some photographs and others hand drawn. He opened the door and entered the office. The images were pinned to the office notice board. The photographs showed various boys being tickled and when he looked at the crayon drawings they portrayed the same thing, some with spectators. To Mike’s surprise all of the images included what appeared to be the same monster that had just tortured Joe, but in all of the images, both monster and victim looked like they were enjoying themselves. Even in the hand drawn ones, all people portrayed in it seemed happy. Mike frowned and turned around to leave.
To Austin’s horror, the monster ripped his shirt off. The T-shirt hadn’t provided much protection, but it had been a source of comfort to Austin. Now that it was gone, the monster had better access to his body and he felt humiliated. Before he had time to properly contemplate how embarrassed he was, the hands were back to their work. He felt fingers swirling around in his armpits squeezing his sides, and drumming on his ribs. The tickling was horrible and Austin was going nuts. “Plehehehehehese sthahahahahap!” The monster seemed to be pleased with his reaction and instead of stopping, increased the intensity. Austin had tears leaking from his eyes and his face had gone red from laughing long age, leaving no room for his embarrassed blush to make itself known.
The monster actually did stop after a few more minutes. Austin was able to regain enough breath to plead more tears sliding down his face, “Please stop, I hate this so much.” The monster actually perked up after hearing this, “Why?” The tone of the monster’s voice held no malice at all. Austin felt his face heating up, “It’s embarrassing, okay? I’m 19 and a squeal like a girl when someone touches me.” The monster chuckled and replied, “Being ticklish is a gift boy; you should enjoy it.” Austin’s embarrassment turned to anger and he snapped, “What the hell do you know you freak?!” The monster looked hurt for a moment and then it was replaced by rage. “Well if I’m a freak than I will have no problem doing this,” He resumed the tickling with most of his hands but one moved to grab a hair brush off the desk and with the arms on his back, began reaching for Austin’s sneakers. Austin panicked, “Dohohahahan’t tohahahahauch my fehehehehehet!” “Should have thought about that before your comment the monster replied coldly.” The monster pulled the sneakers off and immediately began tickling the socked feet.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHANOOOOOOOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.” The monster sneered, “What’s wrong, poor widdle boy can’t handle this? You’re in trouble when I actually get started.” The monster was amazed at how soft the feet in front of him were. They were also quite sweaty from being trapped in the sneakers throughout the first part of the tickling and before that. The socks clung to them outlining the pair of vulnerable feet that were all his. He continued to attack the socked feet as well as Austin’s lightly haired armpits, and smooth stomach. After a few minutes of the torment the monster realized that as much as he was enjoying the college boy’s whole body, his feet were particularly sensitive and even though he usually enjoyed his job, he still had another boy to break before he could move onto his prize.
“Well boy, I think it’s about time we went into high gear, what do you think?” “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHEHEAHEHEHAHAHAHAHEHAHEHAHEHA” “Glad you agree”, the monster pulled both socks off and for a moment savored the sight of the soft, ticklish feet, soles already red form torture, at his disposal. All of the hands were diverted from the upper body to the pair of feet. Austin was pretty sure this is what hell felt like. So many fingers playing with his sensitive soles and all he could do was keep laughing and laughing and laughing. At some point he stopped believed it would stop, when the hands pried back his toes and started tickling the flesh underneath he stopped thinking of anything but the torture.
And then all of a sudden it did stop. Austin’s mind was able to process the momentary relief until he saw the monster bringing a hair brush towards his foot. He attempted to get his foot away but his mind was already hazy so he gave up as soon as it connected with his tender sole. “HAHAHEHAHEHAHEHAEHAHHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHHAHEHEHEHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHAHAHA!” Nothing could have prepared Austin for this level of tickling. The hair brush was rubbed up and down his soles which were lubricated by his sweat into offering no resistance; the monster alternated which foot was the target. Austin was not even sure if the other hands were tickling the rest of him all his mind could process was the never ending sensations. All he could do was keep laughing.
The monster was enjoying the sound of the college student’s laughter and was savoring the sound of it. He continued doing it until the laughter went quite, and then silent. Austin’s mouth was still moving but no laughter was coming out, a moment later the college student passed out.
The monster smiled, delighted that he could move to his next target and eventually to the prize.
© Copyright 2016 boytickler (boytickler35 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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