Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2094219-World-War-III
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #2094219
My submission for the 23 Aug edition of the daily prompt contest at The Writer's Cramp.
Peter looked down at Jessica’s face as they sat on the couch with her in his arms. He used his thumb to wipe away one of the tears silently tumbling down her cheek. He then continued with his wife to look in disbelief at the television mounted on the opposite wall.

The Russian military, under the direction of Russian President Petrov, had just completed a devastating bombing campaign at Flesland Air Station in Norway. A formerly inoperable military facility that the United States had recently manned with over 1200 ill-fated troops.

US President Alexander - continuing to serve out the term of the late President Lopez - threatened a nuclear response if Russia moved on Flesland. As he was not a man prone to idle threats most of the world was not hopeful for cooler heads prevailing.

“We’ve only been married a couple of years.” Jessica said softly. “I wanted to have children.”

“We don’t know what’s going to happen.” Peter said as he stroked Jessica’s hair, trying to convince himself as much as his bride.

“Once the first nuke is launched all bets are off.” Jessica said. “You know President Alexander. He won’t hesitate. You were right. A broken coffee maker is going to start World War III.”

Peter sat frozen and silent. He knew his wife was right. Everyone knew. It was no longer a matter of if the world would ever see another nuclear attack. It had become a matter of when.


Three months prior...

“Did he say nuclear deterrent?” Peter said as he poured himself a glass of orange juice.

Jessica, who was already sitting in the kitchen, was glued to the television. “Yeah.”

Peter joined his wife as they continued to watch the news. “To prevent their unprovoked aggression, there must be a powerful disincentive for belligerent nations and their provocateur leaders. The escalated US military presence in Norway should alert Russian President Petrov that the democracies of the world will NOT allow Russia to intimidate countries with harsh rhetoric and military bullying. And if Mr. Petrov decides to in any way move against the sovereignty of the Norwegian people or the American troops being deployed to defend Norway...well we aren’t afraid to use EVERY weapon in our arsenal to beat them back across the border!’”

“Why did President Alexander send those troops in the first place?” Peter said.

“I don’t know.” Jessica said. “But I’m glad President Alexander has been returning US troops to a lot of the bases President Lopez had pulled them from. I feel safer with our troops keeping an eye on things.”

Peter looked at his wife and shook his head. “We aren’t the world’s police.”

“Who else is going to be?” Jessica said.

Peter looked back at the TV. “This is going to escalate. President Alexander is a hot head. It’s why President Lopez beat him so badly in the Primaries.” Peter then took a deep breath. “A broken coffee maker is going to end up causing World War III.”


Six months prior...

“President Lopez was laid to rest this morning...” the news reporter said as Peter and Jessica watched the television hanging over Andy’s Pub.

Jessica took a sip of his draft beer before saying, “I can’t believe a broken coffee maker killed the President. It seems like such a trite way to die.”

Peter nodded toward the TV. “I’m more concerned with the tension between Alexander and Petrov. They are already going at it.”

“Alexander is just making sure Petrov knows he can’t bully the United States anymore like he did with President Lopez.” Jessica said. “No disrespect to him but Lopez let Petrov walk all over us.”

“President Lopez worked with Petrov.” Peter said. “How is that walking all over our country.”

“Closing most of our overseas bases?” Jessica said. “Who’s going to keep their eyes on people like Petrov and Russia?”

“First,” Peter said, “...we still have plenty of overseas bases. Second Alexander is too much of a war monger. He wants a fight. It is exactly why President Lopez beat him for the nomination.”

“He is a retired four-star general.” Jessica said. “He kept our country safe and he is going to continue to keep us safe.”

Russian President Petrov then said in a televised address, “President Alexander will not intimidate the Russian people with his words. Our countries have been friends - most recently under the great leadership of the late President Lopez - and our countries have been enemies. It is now up to President Alexander to chose. The people of the United States should pray he chooses wisely.”

Peter, staring at the TV, said, “Safe, huh? We’ll see.”


One week prior...

“WHAT!” Jessica yelled out from the bed prompting Peter to join her from the bathroom where he had just finished brushing his teeth.

“What’s wrong?” Peter said.

“President Lopez is dead.” Jessica said, pointing at the TV.

“What?” Peter said, snapping his head around and seeing the BREAKING NEWS banner on the television. Peter sat at the edge of their bed as Jessica joined him.

“According to reports..." the newscaster said, "...water from a faulty automatic coffee maker leaked a significant amount of water onto the kitchen floor that was not seen. President Lopez slipped as he walked into the kitchen and his head hit the corner of the kitchen counter with enough force to cause a large crack in his skull and immediately knock him unconscious. He succumbed at 7:05 this morning.”

“Oh my god.” Peter said.

“A faulty coffee maker?” Jessica said.

“President Alexander?” Peter said.

Jessica looked at Peter accusatorily.

“I’m sorry.” Peter said. “And I feel really bad for President Lopez’s family. But Alexander is a nutcase. I know you like him but he is going to look for the first opportunity to throw us into a war.”

“He is going to be a great president.” Jessica said.

Peter shook his head. “That little coffee maker may have just turned the world upside down.”

(993 words)
© Copyright 2016 EJ Sinclair (ejsinclair at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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