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by DJ
Rated: E · Fiction · Drama · #2094089
A girl wakes up to find she's lost all her memories.
I smell blood. It was weird to wake up and find yourself bathed in blood. I freaked. I forced myself to calm down. I look in my hand. I was holding a knife covered in a red sticky liquid. I dreaded looking down. When I did, I saw a girl with blood seeping out where her heart was supposed to be. There was a gaping hole and her heart was gone. I felt nauseous. I was going to puke. Something hit my head from behind. I couldn’t think anymore. I passed out. This is just a dream. I would sleep and wake up in my room. Later I would come to realize waking up in my room wasn’t my biggest worry.
“Hey, she’s waking up.” All the noise had woken me up from a bad dream. More like a nightmare.
“What’s going on”? I rubbed my eyes. I always hated the feeling you had when you had just woken up. I felt so weak and groggy.
I looked around. I was in a white room. It smelled like how hospitals smell, too clean and artificial. A man in a white coat lighted a small torch in my eyes. He was a white chubby guy and balding. Was this my room? I didn’t know. A short woman next to Mr.Baldy was eyeing me suspiciously. She seemed like a busy lady with the way she dressed: a black coat and skirt. She had her chestnut hair in a tight knob.
“What’s your name, girl?” She sounded impatient.
“My name… is…” what was my name? How come I didn’t know my own name? “I... I … don’t… know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know?” she looked like she wanted to slap some sense into me. But, how did she expect me to know something I didn’t know?
“Now, now getting angry isn’t going to solve anything, Louise”. Huh? Where did that voice come from? A guy in the back who I hadn’t noticed stepped forward. He was beautiful. His hair was silver and seemed to have a light of its own. He had a perfect face, angular and without blemish. He was definitely a guy who stood out in a crowd.
“What do you propose we do, Ross!!!?” Louise was practically spitting fire. “She killed a person, for goodness sake!!”
“She’s only a suspect. Nothing has been proven.” Mr. Baldy looked uncomfortable, I didn’t blame him though. I wouldn’t want to get in the middle of a fight. I decide I didn’t like Louise.
The door suddenly open. A large build man walked in. “What in the world is all the commotion about?” Everyone froze. His voice was icy and commanding. He was wearing a black coat and boots. He had long black hair, tied behind his head in a knot. When our gazes met a cold shiver run down my spine. I know him. My brain suddenly ached. I tried to remember but nothing came. “So, you finally woke up?!?” It was a question but at the same time a statement.
My skin began tingling. I knew I couldn’t stay here a moment longer. Why? I didn’t know the reason. I just knew I had to run. I started pulling out all the tubes inserted in my skin. Before I could do any real damage, sharp pain crawled up my skin. All the energy I had built since waking up drained from my body completely. My eyes became blurry and darkness closed in.
“What are we going to do with her?” I was awoken by soft whispering. It sounded like a woman’s voice.
“What can be done with her having lost most of her memories? “ A man I didn’t recognize replied. By this time I assumed they thought I was still asleep. Should I reveal myself or will I have an advantage knowing what's going on here? Since I’m considering this it means I have no form of curiosity. How would you expect me to be curious about things I don’t know? I decided to open my eyes.
I almost screamed at the sight in front of me. There was a man sticking his tongue out with bloody lips. There was another man standing directly in front of him with a sword in hand. It looked like the second man had cut off the first man’s head with the tip of the sword. The image almost sent me over the edge, but it was not the picture itself that made me afraid. It was the man holding the sword. The same man I had recognized early as someone I had once upon a time known. In the picture he was looking at the sword and the rolling head with such pity and amusement. His icy blue eyes held no regret for what he had done. The whole image was sickening. I blinked my eyes a couple times to make sure I was still in the world of the living.
I realized, after my eyes focused, that the image I had thought to be directly in front of me was on the wall opposite where I was sleeping. The man on there didn’t even look like the man I had seen in the hospital, though there was some similarities. His eyes were a sky blue warm color as opposed to the cold icy blue almost grey the man at the hospital had. Tears were rolling down his cheeks. There was profound pain in his face.
“Are you awake, my dear?” the same woman I had heard before asked me. I now turned to look at her. She had the warmest smile on her face. It wasn’t even fake. I took all of her in: she had the same dirty blond hair like mine though hers was graying and chin length, whereas mine was wild and reached my waist. I guess nobody had bothered cutting it since I had ‘slept.’
“Where am I?”
“How rude of me! My name is Mary Wisconsin. This is my husband Tom Wisconsin.” I didn’t miss her tugging him forward. He was avoiding me like a disease.
The Wisconsins had left after coming to a conclusion about what was to become of me. Not that I had any say. I now knew 3 things about myself. Fake or not, it didn’t matter either way I had no memory of what was supposed to be real.
1. My name was now Clark Wisconsin
2. My new home was in Willow’s Creek
3. I was going to school tomorrow, whatever that was.
I slowly drifted to sleep, looking forward to discovering what went on in school.
My dreams were filled with horrid images; two people were caught in a fire and couldn’t get out. Their silhouette told me it was a woman and a man. I also dreamt about a girl who had her heart ripped out by the man who I’d seen at the hospital.
I was awoken by a screeching siren, breathing heavily and trembling. The girl who’d I watched being killed in my dreams had left me shaking in fear. I think I know her.
I got out of bed and walked over to the window, when I tried to open it it didn’t budge. It seemed to have been sealed from the outside. I removed the blinds. The first trickle of sunlight was becoming visible. I assumed it was almost morning.
Before I knew what was happening my mouth was covered by someone hands. I tried to struggle out of it, but I was too weak against their firm body. “Calm down.” His voice was smooth and patient, as though he were talking to a baby. “Now, I’m going to let go. Don’t scream. Do you understand?” I nodded my head to indicate my understanding, but the moment he let go I turned around and jammed my hand in his abdomen.
While he was clutching his stomach I ran out of my room in search of Mr. or Mrs. Wisconsin. I first checked their bedroom. “Mrs. Wisconsin, Mr. Wisconsin.” I repeated their names several times but no response came. I started to worry. What if he had hurt them? What was I going to do? I quickly walked downstairs and searched the rooms. It seemed like a fight had taken place. Broken plates were scattered everywhere and the couch looked like it had been a host to some angry Old English Mastiffs. I checked the living room last. The horror of what I saw unnerved me. There beside the couch were Mr. and Mrs. Wisconsin; two motionless corpses. I half walked and half limped towards the couch. Gone was Mrs. Wisconsin sweet smile, now replaced with a frozen shocked look.
I have to get out of here! I kept repeating this over and over in my head but I was paralyzed with fear to even move one step. The tears were spilling and wouldn’t stop. That’s when I remembered that the murder was still here in my room. When I looked up the stairs I saw him coming towards me. Still, I did not move. I now could see him better, since the light was on. He had dark brown hair and grey eyes. He looked annoyed. Still, I did not move. When he finally reached me and tried to grab I pulled away.
“Listen to me, we need to get out of here!” His tone was commanding.
“I’m not going anywhere with you. YOU KILLED THEM!!” I was now full out screaming at him. He looked conflicted, but I didn't care. "Why?” I found myself asking.
"I had no choice. They're working for the guy who wants to capture you. It was them or me."
"You’re saying...”, but before I can finish he cuts me off.
"Look, I don't have the time to go into detail with everything. Right now we need to get moving. Don't you hear the sirens?" He looks at the door as though to emphasize his point. With everything that’s going on I had forgotten about what had woken me up. He starts heading to the door and opens it, but before he heads out he realizes I’m not following. "Are you coming or not, coz I aren’t waiting around to find out what happens" He steps out and is out of view before I can say anything.
He's giving me a choice: I can either follow him or stick around to find out what happens. I decide to follow him not because I trust him but because I really don't want to be alone. Plus, he hasn't shown any sign that he's going to hurt me.
I walked to the door and open it. It’s brighter now and you can see the sun on the horizon. It seems like the house is surrounded by nothing, but trees and grass. I hear a rustling sound to my left. When I turn I catch a glimpse of the boy's long coat. I start running in his direction. I enter a part that has tall grass from where I am I can't see him. I'm too short to see anything far. What if he left me? My worries are quickly subsiding when I hear his voice from behind me, "Miss me?" He's smirking, knowing that I stopped being stubborn and followed him, but I’m relieved to see him.
Seeing his warm get up; a black coat, pants, and makes me realize how chilly it is, even though the sun is out. I'm really cold in my nightgown. “We need to get moving", he grabs my hand to lead me and this time I let him. We start walking but he suddenly stops and let’s go of my hand, “You’re freezing." He takes off his coat to reveal a thick sweater and starts helping put it on but I protest.
"I’m fine"
"You need it more than I do and the less time we spend arguing the better"
"Do you always get things your way?" I ask half-jokingly.
"Yes, but you're the exception." He grabs my hand and starts walking again.
"What is that supposed to mean?" I wait for an answer but none comes. We walk through more long grass, some scratch me but I say nothing.
We come to barren land. Here there is nothing, just earth, black and tan. He lets go of my hand and goes to get a bag that is hidden behind a big tree with a lot of branches. It’s almost unbelievable that what’s in front of me and what’s behind me can be in the same place. He comes up to me with something white and rectangular and a jag I assume has water in it. "Here, eat this and drink", he hands me the jag and white thing, whatever it is.
I hold it in my hand it feels soft. “What is it?"
"Its bread, just eat it, you're going to need a lot of energy for what’s to come"
"Okay", I take a bite of the bread and it tastes sweet and fluffy, can't say the same for the drink. It tastes bitter like medicine, but I just gulp it down since my throat is dry.
"I'm sorry, this was the only way". I'm confused.
"Why are you apologizing? You helped me didn't you?" I'm starting to feel dizzy and am now hallucinating because I see the man who I’d thought was the chief police at the hospital. I hold on tightly to his arm afraid of what we'll happen if I let go.
"You did good Jonnah." He's clapping his hand. I assume Jonnah is the boy whose arm I'm clutching. The implication of what he's saying makes me drop Jonnah's hand.
"Director,” Jonnah's voice is steady and measured.
"Now hand the girl over."
"First, tell me where my sister is"
"I'll tell you but first the girl", the Director snaps his fingers and two guys in black who I hadn't noticed appear. One of them moves to apprehend Jonnah and the other captures me. Jonnah tries to fight back but he’s no match for this guys. Me? I have no energy and I just use the guy who holding me as a support.
"You promised, HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME?" Jonnah is flailing and yelling.
I can do anything I want". His laugh is devoid of any humor. By this point I’m losing conscious, it must be something that was in the drink, no wonder it tasted so bitter. The last thing I hear is the director ordering his men to move us.
I awoke with a tingling sensation throughout my whole body. It was like someone was shocking my heart. When I opened my eyes I found myself in a dim lit room. My whole body was exposed and I was being studied by a woman wearing a white coat, the same woman who had been so impatient with me at the hospital. The woman who was bent definitely resembled her, but this one looked younger and stronger. She looked up when she felt me staring at her. At the same time a silver door at the corner opened and the man who walked in was none other than the man who had come at the hospital. The one I had assumed was the chief police and the one I had seen in the painting at the house. The man Jonnah had called director.
“Lucy, I assume we’re ready to proceed with the mind wiping.” He has the same dry voice devoid of humor only coldness.
“Sir, must we do this? We don’t have enough data to know the results of such an experiment.” She was pleading with him. This came as a shock to me.
“You are only a researcher, you will do as I ask or be replaced! It is your choice.” She walked towards me, looking uncomfortable, with a needle in her hands. She reached out and touched my forearm and gave me the shot.
“I’m sorry”, she whispered to me before I passed out once again.
I opened my eyes when the nurses left. I'd been pretending to be asleep for a day now. Since I didn't know much of where I was and what was happening I thought it'd be smarter to gather information before making any move.
So far I knew 3 things...
The director’s name was Dr.Demento (somehow the name is quite fitting.)
He's doing some kind of illegal experiments
I'm his guinea pig
"You're finally awake?" I was so preoccupied thinking about what I knew I hadn't noticed the one and only Dr.Demento had entered. I just stare at him. He comes close to my bed and reaches out his hand as though to touch my hair but before he can I sit up.
"Where am I?" I ask, though I doubt he would tell me.
"Right now I would imagine you are very confused." he stops as though contemplating how much to tell me. "You were in an accident and seem to have hit your head, how is your memory? Do you know who I am? For some reason he is lying to me.
“I don't know. Are you perhaps my doctor?" I decide to play stupid.
“I am sad that you can't even remember your old man." he now reaches down and touches my hair. Patting me as though I was a dog. I felt so disgusted being touched by this man that I had to get out or I would suffocate.
“May I use the bathroom?” I politely ask. Of course I have no need to use the bathroom I just want to get out.
“Wait here.” He gets up and walks to the door. “Louise, come assist Sylvia.” Sylvia? Who’s that I wonder?
Louis walks in looking overly nervous. I get up and walk to the door. “This way.” Louise starts walking and I follow her. “Go in.” I had been so focused on what Dr.Demento had called me I hadn’t noticed where I was.
I walk into the bathroom. I notice it has a lot of stalls and 3 sinks. I look myself in the mirror and silently say my name. “Sylvia”. It feels so foreign on my lips. I bend down and wash my face and just for good measure go to one of the stalls and flash it with my feet.
I walk to the door and open it but Louise is no longer there. I start walking out but am suddenly grabbed by someone from behind and pulled back inside. "What the..." Just as I’m about to scream I am released. When I turn around I see none other than Jonnah, the boy who'd betrayed me without even blinking an eyelash.
"Quite" once again I’m being told to be quite but this time I’m not going to listen.
“What do you want?"
"I’m glad you're okay." He looks me up and down. "Since you're mad it means my plan worked." He's smiling clearly proud of himself.
"What plan? If you're talking about using me to get back your sister that plan obviously failed." I laughed humorlessly. He winces and I know my words have deeply stung him. I wait for the satisfaction of having hurt him half as bad as he did but none comes.
"I’m sorry, but it was necessary in order to protect you and me." He really does look apologetic but I’m not going to be cut in his lies so easily again.
"You expect me to believe you?" I cross my hands in front of me.
“Just listen to what I have to say then you can decide whether to believe me or not." He sighs. “The earth is dying. The director's father started the AMNESIA Corporation to do research and find solutions on how to sustain life on earth with the government backing." He suddenly seems sad.
“What does that have to do with me?" I ask. It couldn't be my fault that the earth was dying.
"Will you just listen?” He continues to talk. “The director’s father suddenly disappeared without a trace so his son took over, but he had a different mission. He thought it was hopeless to try and revive the earth. He set out to experiment on how to program humans to sleep and wake up when you desired."
“I still don't see what this has to do with me." I interrupt because I just can't help it.
“I’m getting there." He's starting to show signs of frustrations with me. "Out of the many people he's experimented on, you are the only survivor so far, Sylvia."
"How do you know my name?" I say so softly I doubt he hears me, but he does.
"I really didn't want to hand you to the director." He's ignoring my question. "I realized that if we had run he would eventually find us. I decided to give you a drug that would counteract the mind wiping experiment he's been doing on you."
"You’re saying that you lied to me to protect me?" I am feeling very overwhelmed and right now I don't know what to believe. "Why go so far for me?"
"Get back your memories and you'll know why." He's now smiling. "You have to go back now or it'll seem suspicious."
"Just two more questions: why does the director think I’m his daughter? Do you work here?" I'm honestly more curious about the latter.
"I either work for him or be imprisoned." He shakes his head as though chasing away a bad memory. I'm guessing being a prisoner isn't so great. "As for you being his daughter I’m guessing he thinks you don't remember anything and if he makes you think you're his daughter it’s easier to control you." He stops and looks at me long and hard. "Whatever you do you can't reveal that the experiment didn't work. You hear me?"
"Okay." He's so serious I'm prompted to agree.
"Meet me here tomorrow at the same time if you have any more questions, which I assume you do." He turns to walk away and opens the door but right when he's about to walk out he turns right back and walks back to me. He gets close to my face and kisses my left cheek. "If you remember something about me by tomorrow, I'll give you a reward," He whispers in my ear whilst tracing my bottom lip. He then walks away, nonchalantly, as though nothing has just happened.
© Copyright 2016 DJ (elmstreetdj at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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