Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2093769-Dorm-tickle-horror-1
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Comedy · #2093769
Four part story about four boys taught a lesson in politeness
It started as a normal night; Mike, Austin, and Senghoon were playing video games in their common room with Joe lazily mocking them. The college boys were taking a well-deserved break after midterms to enjoy themselves and unwind. Mike sat at his laptop dressed in shorts, a tight fitting T-shirt and black ankle socks. Austin had set up his TV and was sitting on one of the couches, his sneakered feet propped up on the table in front of him. He had on a baseball cap, jeans, and a T-shirt. Senghoon, who was competing against him, wore a sweatshirt, sweatpants, moccasins, and socks. Joe sat off to the side dressed in a T-shirt, pants and socks.

They were disturbed by pounding on the door followed by fits of laughter. Joe rolled his eyes annoyed but went to open the door. A large man stumbled inside with a massive grin on his face. He looked around the room smiling widely at the boys. He was dressed in a large overcoat and dark pants. “Hello.” His voice was happy, but strange, not quite human somehow. Joe still looked annoyed and without even trying to be polite asked “What do you want.” The man looked a little taken aback by the rudeness but a smile quickly reappeared, even though this one seemed more malicious and less jovial. “Well I was here to relieve you all of your stress, but now I feel there is punishment in order now.”

The man advanced menacingly towards Joe who continued to glare at him. As he got close, he reached out and grabbed at Joe. The college student stepped back and growled “Don’t touch me.” The man’s face contorted and from his back and sides emerged another three pairs of arms. The boys in the room screamed and Joe’s face lost its color. The monster reached out and grabbed at Joe again, this time securing him. The arms that emerged from the monster’s back were long enough to teach over his shoulders and grab Joe’s wrists, holding them in the air above his head. The remaining sets of arms set to work kneading and poking the suspended boy’s sides and ribs. The result was Joe glaring at him more and saying “I’m not ticklish you weirdo, let me go and get lost. The monster’s cold smile never changed as his arms moved back to lie at his sides. “Well I guess I just have to fix that. This dimension isn’t suitable to punish you all anyway, too much of a chance for interruption.”

The building shook and the boys not being held were thrown to the ground. Senghoon recovered the fastest and rushed to the door leading outside. He threw it open only to find that everything outside of the building was gone, and was instead replaced with a black void. He slammed the door shut and turned back around when Joe’s voice got his attention. “I don’t know what you are but put me down and get lost!” The monster had said nothing for a few moments but now he spoke up not particularly addressing Joe but giving a warning to all of them, “This is my play pen; in here, everything is how I want it, and I want my new plaything to be ticklish,” he reached out and poked Joe’s side with one finger and got a giggle. Joe looked surprised while the monster the chucked unpleasantly. “I told you, this dimension makes whatever I want reality.” With that, the monster’s arms assaulted Joe’s sides with pokes and squeezes turning the glaring college student into a laughing wreak. Austin and Mike both grabbed Joe and tried to pull him away but found the monster much stronger than they were.

The monster looked at the remaining three boys while still torturing Joe, “I suggest you boys start running, when I’m done with him, it’s your turn.” Mike, although obviously scared managed to say, “We won’t leave without Joe.” The declaration sounded almost bold but as the monster’s eyes locked with his, any bravery vanished, “Your welcome to try to get him back, your tickling will only come sooner.” With that comment the three boys fled the room. The monster turned his turned his attention back to Joe. “Don’t think too badly of them, I don’t want them here right now, so they won’t stay. Now to deal with your punishment properly, I can’t stand rudeness.”

A pair of hands pulled Joe’s shirt off while the other’s backed off to give a short break. “Fuck you.” Joe’s voice was cold even though his face was red with embarrassment. “That was the wrong thing to say little man.” With Joe’s shirt off, the monster had access to the bare flesh underneath. The hands returned with a vengeance, all six on his sides abusing the ticklish skin there.
“hahehahehaheha” Joe’s laughter was immediate. He squirmed trying to get away from the hands but being held the way he was, there was no escape. He continued to twist and pull, getting nowhere while the monster taunted him, “What’s wrong tough guy, you had a lot of nerve when all I wanted to do was help. Now you and your friends are in big trouble.”
“Plehehehehase stahahahahap.” Joe’s face had quickly turned red and tears had started leaking from his eyes. “Oh now you’ve learned some manners, too bad it’s too late.”

The monster’s fingers continued to torment his ribs until one pair moved up more and started tickling his underarms. Joe’s laughter increased and his face only got redder. “Stahahahap.” The soft skin, not well protected by the light hair, was sensitive in ways Joe had never felt and the sensation was driving him crazy. His body had never been sensitive like this before but now, ever nerve ending was alive and ticklish. “The best part was that this was all avoidable if you had just been more polite, but now all of you are doomed to a ticklish nightmare beyond what you could imagine. Well, not doomed, there is a way out of course.”
Joe’s mind was beginning to feel foggy but it did seize on that comment. “Whahahat dohohaha yohahohaho mehehehen?” “Again with the issue with manners, maybe this will help.” The monster raised Joe so that his belly was in front of the monster’s face. The creature’s lower pair of arms went to torment Joe’s thighs and knees and the creature’s mouth started blowing raspberries into the boy’s belly button. Joe produced a squeal he had not known he was able to make. In between the raspberries the monster taunted him, “Poor little ticklish boy, if only you had shown some manners.” Fuhahahack yohohohohu!”

The tickling suddenly stopped and Joe opened his eyes for a moment only to see the full rage on the monster’s face. “That was the worst mistake you could have made.” His voice was low and dangerous and Joe was terrified. The monster threw him up in the air and grabbed him by his ankles. His socked feet were now up by the monsters face and the rest of his body hung down.
“I was actually planning on letting you and your friends off easy but not you’re not getting any mercy.” With that menacing comment, Joe felt fingers dancing across his feet. None of the previous tickling could prepare him this sensation. The fingers felt like rods of lightning shooting up his spine. His struggling returned in force but the monster’s arms held him
tightly. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.” “Oh you think this is bad? This is just the beginning.” And for several excruciating minutes all Joe could do was laugh and trying plead for mercy that was not coming. Then he felt something that terrified him more, the tickling stopped. From his position hanging upside down, he had to bend to neck to look up and when he did, he saw a pair of hands moving towards his socks. He felt the hands tug at them and the thin fabric that was his only protection, begin to slide off. Horrified as he was at this he was too drained to put up a great fight, he clenched his toes and hoped that something would divert the monster’s attention away from his feet. The monster succeeded in getting his socks off despite his hopes and all ten fingers began to torment his bare feet in earnest.

“NOHOHOHAHEHAHEHAHEHAHEHAHEHA.” He was beginning to think the sensation could not get any worse until all of the other hands started to tickle the rest of his body. Joe was overwhelmed by the sensation; the edges of his vision had started to turn black while his mind was no longer able to focus on anything other than the tickling. He vaguely heard the monster saying “So quickly? I thought for someone as rude as you, it would take a little longer to break you. All well, maybe your friends will provide a suitable outlet for my revenge.” Joe’s mind went blank after that, he was lost to the tickling.

© Copyright 2016 boytickler (boytickler35 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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